Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Let's face it, every thread here is an open thread.  I'll be away for a few days.  In the manner of Lee "Hacksaw" Hamilton, here are some topics on the table to get you started:

(1) Sunday AM.  Following up on the last comment thread, what would you like to see on Sunday morning, or elsewhere on the weekends?

(2) Bass to MaSS?  I have been startled by a couple of anti-Sean Bass confessions in the comments to the previous post, complaining of know-it-all-ism and breathing patterns.  I have to disagree.  When I tune in and hear a Sean-based program, whether with Ty or Newbury, I'm in.  Always like those shows.  Would have no problem with a Sunday morning show featuring him, Ty, or David.  (Or other guys, either, but they seem to team up with more regularity.)

(3) Matt M.  Also started by the vitriol directed at the departing Matt McClearin.  Yes, Matt has "boundary" issues, although I would classify them more as "governor" or "editor" issues, and I understand the sentiment that one makes one own bed in radio, as one does in whatever freely-chosen profession in which one is engaged (not to mention the personal choices that require, um, cash money).  But they by no means dominate his performance, and on balance I think it's undeniable that Scot and Matt have earned the shot they're getting and that Matt is an equal partner in their success.  I didn't take down random P1's post, because, bitter though it seemed (and the "whore"comment did almost get it booted), it at least had some thinking behind it.

(4) Ax.  And I am hoping, really really hoping, that übercritical posts like those relating to Sean and Matt, are not folks with, shall we say, an ax to grind about these guys.  If you know what I mean.  I am extremely reluctant to question the motives of people who take the time to write comments, but when those comments tend toward the angry and personal (and oddly detailed), I am moved at least to wonder.  If I thought this site were being used to advance anyone's personal agenda to the detriment of both this site and The Ticket, it would be vamanos in zero time.  Maybe I need to get the machete out more often. 

There's a topic:  I don't moderate comments (do not have the time and want comments to reflect breaking items), but should I be more aggressive about weeding out posts that have a legitimate take but are gratuitously mean or nasty?

(5) IJB.  I really regret I do not have time to listen to podcasts.  I barely have time to knock this thing out.  But a lot of P1's really like what Jake and T.C. are slinging, and I wouldn't be offended if the CTO gave them at least a tryout on Sunday mornings.

(6) New Orleans.  What did we all think about Super Bowl Week in New Orleans? Here:  mixed.

Outta time.  Keep it cool, Confessors, with my thanks.

Twitter:  @Plainsman1310


  1. David Newbury to me is a lot like Mike Basik and very listenable. I would take his sports insight and Sean or Ty to throw in that spot. I really enjoy Sean Bass. I don't get that know it all attitude from him either. If I hear him on a Saturday show I keep the dial to the ticket. I would be surprised if they don't give any three you mentioned a shot. As far as the super bowl programming goes, is it really any different then previous years? Getting kind of stale in my opinion. The webcam is the only cool thing I like about it. They don't seem to push the envelope like they used to.

  2. (1) I'd like to see IJB take over for The Orphanage. The latter needs to be put to bed. Give some kids a chance. Regarding Sunday: Newbury and Sea Bass. The station needs another solid sports-first show. The weekend is already saturated with comedy-first programming.

    (2) I have no idea where the Sea Bass invective is coming from. I understand that every personality will have his detractors, some more, some less than others. I also understand that certain guys have little traits that are picked up on and found to be annoying. For me it's Donnie's half laugh and Norm's lip smacking. I get that. But I don't get the venom towards a fairly middle of the road, non-controversial person like Sean Bass. Ditto Ty Walker.

    (3) I agree with those who say Matt has boundary or governor issues. I've said as much. And I've also heard Matt and Scot say as much. I think, to a point, it's a fair criticism and thus fair game to discuss. However, the whore as a compliment comments and the "shouldn't have had a baby with your young hot wife that you're trying to impress and work at the stingy Ticket, etc..." sort of stuff is in my opinion, way out of line. And I must say, I agree with Plainsman that sometimes it sounds as if personal axes are being ground.

    (4) My suggestion is for you to delete comments that are obvious trolling, antagonizing, appear to be far too personal (in a negative way) where a Ticket employee's life is concerned. If there is a comment like the above that contains a kernel within it, I'd paraphrase or copy and paste it with an e-signature attached to it saying something to the effect of "Comment moderated" or the likes.

    (5) I've listened to a few of IJB's podcasts, and it's not my bag. I enjoy Jake's work as THL producer; for the most part he let's the game come to him, and even when I shake my head at something he has said, his words/thoughts never make me cringe, I just disagree. TC is, well, TC. He seems like a nice young man. I'm not sure how compelling he would be to listen to every week on the radio. I have to agree with a poster from the previous thread who said that there is a world of difference between having a podcast at your apartment and hosting a live radio show on the biggest sports station in the 5th largest market in the US, even if for one show a week. Furthermore, good for them that they can get their co workers to come on their podcast, but that has no real bearing upon either merit or ability. I know I'll take grief for saying this, but that's OK.

    (6) Agreed, Plainsman, mixed here too. Mike's wasting two plus segments on his Bourbon Street Musical Adventure was downright awful. I'm sorry, but I, like many others, are thoroughly beaten down by Mike, Danny, and the "this is the music of our lives" segments. And for me, this is especially the case where Mike is concerned. The wireless bits were mostly a snooze; the athlete guests with their, at times, ridiculous "causes" (Thurman Thomas's crusade to make Super Bowl game day "another" Valentine's Day while hawking Pro Flowers...come on, man!) and painful self-absorption were a soul-sucker; and the Breaking Bad segment on BaD was, ahem, bad--as in terrible. I hate the fawning over these actors. The whole "much respect" and whatnot for real 1%er bikers made me ill. We're talking about real life, vicious, pitiless criminals here. But such is the society we live in. On the positive side of the ledger, I appreciated Norm's little New Orleans fun facts being played upon return from commercial. I also enjoyed his walk around the Quarter segment. I guess I'm getting older and slowing down, but all of the getting wasted, drinking talk no longer interests me like it once did. All in all, it was a mixed bag. I'd have to say more bad than good.

  3. Oops. Let me be clear about IJB and Sunday. My (5) pertains to them taking the Sunday slot. I think they'd be a fitting switch for The Orphanage. Why? Because that time of Saturday morning has always been (since The Rant) the edgy, pushing the envelope, if we get to sports we will, slot. I think they could make that work; but not Sunday morning (and for the reasons I state in (5)). Sorry for the confusion.

  4. As for the broadcasts from Super Bowl media row getting old, I would suggest that they are victims of their own success. Some people run and hide when they see Gordon or Corby coming; nobody can even look at Nasty Nestor without the NFL coming to protect him; they will never get to ask another question at the press conference for the halftime entertainment.

    But it was fun while it lasted.

  5. @Anon Ron
    Great points, brutha.

  6. Let me say this...I'm a big fan of both Matt and Scot and and am very proud to see them get the opportunity to fly away...they are all grows up and all grows up and all grows up!

    They are headed to a great station where their listeners care so much about the content it boarders on religion...and shouldn't that be the kind of work environment any of us aspire to? To be somewhere that what you do, and how you do it, matters so much to those you do it for?

    I wish them nothing but the best and expect just that...

    Secondly, I just wanted to say that Sean Bass is a great dude...much like any medium which must be consumed to exist...radio is dependent upon the listener...and while some of you might hear arrogance or some kind of attitude coming out of Sean...I'll tell ya...that's in the ear of the beholder....because he's an all around good dude...

    As are all of you freaks that take time to care so much about the station that you blast off opinions here and elsewhere...

    Reading the tea leaves is an inexact science and I, for one, love to read what you guys/girls think you see....

    because...isn't that the point of all of this anyway...whether it be what we say on air...or what you guys post here...we are all just saying what we think...

    Now....I'm gonna go call Ricky Rudd...

  7. New fan PD already copying The Little One, with hosts teasing their next show. Think he is going to find it hard not to borrow from The Ticket.

  8. Nice to hear from you, Mr. Cash Sirloin. All of your points are well taken. If you know, and if you're able to, can you tell us who is going to come in Sunday mornings? Perhaps CdS?

    If you're going to snark, 6:58, at least be clever. Speaking of The FAIL, I popped by around 6-ish tonight. RaGE was doing New Music Tunesday. Good gravy. They have zero shame. Then again, look who you're dealing with: Cokey McPillsburg and The Village Atheist Meets Middle Age Crisis.

  9. This Sunday 8-11am: Sean Bass, Jake Kemp, David Newbury.

  10. Gypo! Welcome back. Give my best to Victor McLaglen.

    I'm fine with that lineup, more than fine. Gypo has not favored us with the role of each -- I assume Jake is a full participant and not producer/yuck monkey. (Really liked his Cowboys pre-pre-game with Newbury this year.) So maybe the desk's a little crowded, like the CBS Niffle Pre-Game Show, but I like all those voices.

    Only suggestion: Don't name the show until it sticks.

    Well worth our early attention.

    PS: Finally read the Observer piece on Sean. Very moving, nice.

  11. Let me clarify the word I used. Being an attention whore is not necessarily a bad thing. His need for attention will get him far in the business because he is a risk taker. Not many people have that attribute, that's the compliment. If you want to use "whore" in its regular definition, there's basis. Go search him on theunticket and listen for yourself the lengths he has gone for action. It's his business not mine but if the guy is gonna bring to the air on multiple occasions how he drove to Pitt for a lay I think I can use that word. Plus he said he made trips like that multiple times from various chat room hookups, only the Pitt trip was his longest. Matt was in for the Musers on dry dock when they did a whole segment on this, and he was embarrassed his parents were listening. If a female did that the word would be in play so let's be fair. I put it on Matt and I'm surprised some people are upset. "Do some of the research on the internet" many will get where I'm coming from. Regardless, I was a Matt P1. He's the reason I looked forward to MaSS. Funny dude and you never know what he'll say next. The Ticket should've found a way to keep him because he's a perfect fit. Those times he talked to the HL were hilarious. But yeah, a bit of a whore. Sorry if that made people uncomfortable but that's my opinion.

    I have nothing personal against Sean Bass either. We all know the guy's been through alot. I have no doubt in my mind he's a great dude. It's just that the moment he says something it grinds me. I guess it's a 50/50 thing. Some people don't notice it, others do. I wish I didn't feel that way because I consume all things Ticket. I'm not speaking generally either. I hear everything in its entirety including DiGianni and the Teebox. I listen to MaSS and I listened to the Soul Patch before it. I give all an equal shot, but for the same reason as everyone else when I hear Sean Bass on TSS I bail. If he lands a show great for him, he's worthy. I just wont listen. He's probably not aware he comes off as a know it all and even if he did I doubt it's something he can change. It's just the way he is.

    I listen to IJB, but I'm sure a majority of people don't. I'd recommend the ep they did with Danny Balis if you only have time for 1 and want a laugh. If you want the exact opposite check out their ep with Wilonsky, it's fun yet interesting. If you just want straight sports there are numerous eps about just the Rangers or just the Cowboys. Much like MaSS they cover both sports and nonsense. One comment here suggests they take over for a Saturday show because their humor would fit in better. I believe MaSS' Sunday Bulletin segments were just as raunchy as what you'd normally hear on the Orphanage. It all just depends on what you're looking for in a new show. Talk or sports talk? I can go without sports talk on the weekend. By then I've already had 5 days of Norm, Bob, ranch reports, Jason Whitten, Tom Grieve, etc. The last thing I want is the same old Cowboys take stealing a segment from an already short 2 hour show. MaSS was good because their show was longer and they could to do both.

    For that reason I nominate IJB. Sure there are plenty of guys at the Ticket on deck that can talk sports, but can they be funny? People can dis IJB for being just a podcast, but I don't care what the forum is be it radio, tv or podcast, being funny ain't easy. IJB has made me laugh. I also laughed when they hosted the Teebox and I laughed when they got that late night show. They're funny in an unforced way and I appreciate that. The Ticket has had great success for their sports/humor blend and the other candidates haven't put themselves out there enough to show me they can can do both.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Gypo Nolan has never steered us wrong. If that's the new show, I for one welcome it. And appreciate management for making it happen.

  14. Gypo has it right and there will be a surprise fill in for the orphanage this weekend too

  15. @random
    I understand where you're coming from regarding Matt, but there are better ways to express it other than the term "whore."

    Yes, MaSS's Sunday Bulletin segment could, at times, get raunchy. Agreed. However, it was only a segment and didn't represent the Zeitgeist, if you will, of the program (and I'm also including many of Matt's less than savory detours throughout their run). My point is that the overarching mien of IJB is comedy first. Of course it doesn't mean they can't do sports. Jake is great when he discusses the x's and o's of football; and even though I disagree with his assessment of the Mavs moves, he articulates his position well. I've only heard T.C. talk sports a very few times, so I can't really comment on him in that regard. The same can be said of The Orphanage. They've given some of the best Cowboy HSOs I've ever heard on the station. But, like IJB, they are comedy/lifestyle (that second part needs to be included) first, sports second--if even addressed. Hence my thinking that they'd make a good replacement for the way past its due date Orphanage.

    "[D]rugged up downsy." Wow. This is the exact sort of comment you ought to delete, Plainsman.

  16. Just saw 9:43's comment, and it reminded me of something I keep neglecting to bring up about Danny's new business endeavor: While there's legitimate debate as to whether he'll be able to remain producer of THL while running a fledgling bar, I can't imagine he'll be able to do both AND do a Saturday morning show. It's one thing to work a day job, go out for some adult soda pops and a few shots, and get up at 9:30 and do two hours of goof around talk radio with your old buddy. It's another to not get home until 4:00-ish am (after having had said soda pops, and probably more as your closing up, after hours, etc.) and do the same. Thus I have a feeling the end of The Orphanage is nigh. At least Danny's role. Maybe the fill in guest that anon speaks of pertains to my hypothesis (if anon knows what he's talking about; which of late, these informative anons have been on the money so why doubt what s/he says).

  17. LOt of good topics here, let me just comment on the comment moderation.

    First of all, it is your blog so you can, in theory, do with it whatever you feel, just like a business. But, just like a business, if you do enough things that your readers/customers don't like, the will go elsewhere. While I would personally like to do away with the ability to post anonymously, I also realize that might not be best for your readership and getting more people involved. But, if it would help get of Captcha, I am for it!

    As far as moderation, everyone who comes to this site either knowingly or unknowingly agree to your site's headline:

    A home for those who love almost everything about The Ticket (1310 AM, 104.1 FM, KPLX 99.5-2 [HD], Dallas-Fort Worth), and who would like to discuss -- respectfully and fondly -- their thoughts on how (and whether) to eliminate the "almost."

    By posting on this site, and not another, they agree to discuss issues respectfully and fondly. If not, there are other places to do so, or they can start their own. So, as moderator of this site, you should probably moderate those comments that fall in that category. Of course, by doing so, you may open up a whole can of worms that you don't want to mess with.

  18. I'll chime in on three topics:

    #1- I really do not care what they do. I do not listen often enough on Sundays mornings outside of the occasional Cowboys pre-game for a noon kickoff. Since I now live in California, I am at the gym listening to podcasts and not listening via IHeartRadio.

    #5- (5) IJB is very hot/cold on sport outside of the Cowboys and Mavericks. Their content is more of the items they want to talk about. That is fine, since they are passionate about them, but it may not resonate. Even with that, TC comes off as ill-prepared for a recorded broadcast with all the pregnant pauses as Anon@9:36 stated.

    Fact is radio/podcasting is the “theater of the mind”, we all know what TC looks like and impressions are set from that alone. Many of us came to gain a negative impression of him as an intern, being non-committal to BaD Radio payoffs and the like. He bores me with Chicagoland talk as much as Radighan bores me with Metro Detroit talk. (I have lived in both areas, so I know what they are bragging about isn't that great). I am glad that he has overcome his demons as a youth, but I cannot endorse him as a viable option.

    #6- Super Bowl Week is the same it typically is: trip stories consisting of dining, drinking, mocking local homeless, flight/lodging issues, and concerts followed by ungratefulness of the media party. Mike's Media Day performance was new and it did make me laugh. The fact that Corby called out the NFL Media Relations guy yesterday (Tuesday) was a clear indication that he still wanted to do his question to the halftime performer.

    As for daily content, the 15 shows of Musers/BaD Radio/HL will manage to interview the same women (usually a volunteer) multiple times during the week, the webcam will start out great on Monday, but as more people work in Radio Row during the week, it just becomes a blurry mess.


    The same thing occurs at both Spring Training and at Cowboys Camp. As a listener, we know what we are getting into.

  19. Kevin Turner
    2 hours ago near Dallas

    KT and The Machine Saturday 10-Noon on Sports Radio 1310 The Ticket. Filling in for The Orphanage. I'm sorry.

  20. I'll give it chance, KT. Looking forward to it. Is it merely a fill in, or is it a try out of sorts for that slot? LIke ausgang said, it seems like The Orphanage's days are numbered.

  21. I would hope Big Dumb Danny wouldn't be dumb enough to drink at the establishment that he runs.

  22. I just know that the Orphanage is off this week and Mike Marshall and I are filling in for them. I haven't been told anything else.

  23. Shaggs, then you (i) have never been around Mr. Pizza F Pants Ltd., and (ii) have never been in the bar biz. Very drinksy my friend. Very drinksy.

  24. Since we're discussing the motto of this blog, may I suggest a slight update based on the past year or so of posts and comments:

    A home for those who love almost nothing about The Ticket (1310 AM, 104.1 FM, KPLX 99.5-2 [HD], Dallas-Fort Worth), and who would like to discuss -- respectfully and fondly -- their thoughts on how (and whether) to eliminate the "almost."

  25. @6:43 You are a grade-a idiot. Go away. Start your own blog. And please do let us know when you do and its URL so we can come troll it, like you do this one. Now go wither away in some corner quietly, okay.

  26. Corby is making me ill today. His "we owe the owners and GMs this and that" line of thinking is so misguided, I don't know where to begin. He does the same thing Gordon does: everyone's opinion is an either/or proposition. If someone disagrees with him, there's no nuance, it's (of course said in some heavy Texas accent) "Everything is black or white, I say it's black so you're an idiot" sort of straw man presentation of what's being said. Guess what, Corby?, we fans owe NOTHING to the owners. We fund the stadiums, we put money in your pockets, pay your players' salaries (because if you're not making money you'll plead poor and not pay for quality players, and even then you still might not), buy your merchandise, pay for parking on land that our tax dollars have paid for, and the list goes on and on. There is nothing wrong with wanting excellence out of your home team. I'm so tired of this new "pragmatism" we see in sports media today. This metrics-reliant, "if you do this, then they'll do that, and if they do that, then you can't to the other," total bulsh faux "thinking man's" view of sports; that "can't you see, it's nothing but a business?" so if you don't look at it that way, you're a bad or stupid fan mentality. ATTN: CORBY: NO ONE FORCED AN OWNER TO PURCHASE A TEAM.

  27. 6:47 - Likewise, one could say to many people on this site to go away. If you don't like The Ticket, find something else to listen to.

  28. Gonna miss Matt Mclearin on the Stars broadcast. Good luck in Birmingham (Scot, too).


  29. There's a difference between criticism and not liking something. Often we criticize that which we care about most. I'm not sure what's so difficult about that state of affairs to understand. It's called constructive criticism. This site is about praise, criticism, speculation, and any and all things Ticket.

  30. I don't know if anyone is up at this time listening to the Stars post game show. But as Matt signed off for the final time, Bruce Levine made the not so aside of "I know I'm going to see you back here at The Ticket one day dominating the ratings." Matt was audibly uncomfortable when he said it. Makes you wonder if the original speculation by duck and Plainsman has more merit than not. Makes one wonder...

    I've said it before, but I'll say it again since with the end of the Stars post this is the last good bye: Good luck Matt and Scot. I hope we see you guys back at The Ticket sooner rather than later.

  31. Gotta love Jet Boat Michael Irvin this morning on the Muser's fake characters.

  32. T4, you beat me to the punch. Jet Boat Michael Irvin was pure genius! I replayed it about three times (thank you, TuneIn.)

    This is why I listen to the Musers so religiously.

  33. Jet Boat Michael Irvin was greatness! I also love Jub's deep voice with many different character names. Specially so when Big Strong plays the smallest of snippets of Tone Loc's "Wild Thang." Love me some Morning Musers. I used to love The Hardline. Not so much anymore. Here's my synopsis of every Hardline show from the last 4 years: I like this band, I like this documentary about that band, Let's read the headlines off the TMZ site, Obligatory sports segment executed with zero thought/prep, Let's read the headlines off of the Observer and DMN sites, End of show. Whatever the etymological root of the word "lazy" is, that is what The Hardline ought to change its name to. Greatness to worthlessness. Too bad.

  34. Saying "I know you'll be back" is a common broadcast goodbye. 99% of the people it is said to have no interest in ever returning.

  35. Yeah. I'd rather be doing middays in Birmingham rather than the top station in the #5 market in the country. Pretty insightful, guy.

  36. Looks like our ex-pats are going to keep the Matt and Scot Spectacular name. Though I have a feeling it will never be referred to as MaSS while in old Bammy. Also, by the looks of Scot's Twitter timeline, whoa, I wish the boys all the success in the world out there, but dammit I don't know how anyone could talk all Bama and SEC ball, and make fun of Auburn all day long.....or get shot out of a canon by the listeners if you don't. Which from the looks of things (I also listened to WJOX a bit yesterday) is the only thing that's talked about on their new station and the only thing the audience wants to hear and talk about. Maybe they can change that. Maybe that's what management is banking on. Good luck boys, and I for one hope to see you two back on The Ticket one day, hosting your own daytime show (wouldn't mind if THL was put out to pasture, quite frankly......or Norm for that matter).

  37. govaGagree with the Musers love. They always come prepared and deliver the goods. Top notch talent combined with dedication and respect for their craft. Hands down the best show on The Ticket. We don't talk about them on this site as much as we should because they quietly go about putting up consistently solid radio.

    But since rumors are more interesting, did anyone else catch Gordo this morning saying that Craig is always trying to retire? Honestly, I think he is the only one of the three that could leave and the show could continue.

  38. @11:59

    Yesterday was National Signing Day, and in a southern state with no professional teams, talking college football is par for the course. Alabama and Auburn are there professional teams but the connection with the small towns within the transmitter it is personal. Their focus is on college football just like the large amount of Cowboys coverage on all three sports stations in the Metroplex.

    MaSS will have to talk it because that is that the market wants to listen to and what their competition will talk about. In the spring, they will not really have to talk Atlanta Braves (they will lose listeners), but they may have to follow them if a call comes in.

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. Punching out in 3 2 1.........

    Who gives a holy crap about the Rolling Stones.

    Peace out brothers

  41. @Drugged up Downsy TC
    You ought to be ashamed of yourself. And I can't believe Plainsman has now twice allowed you to get away with such language. Shame on you, too, Plainsman.

    This site is becoming poisonous. There are some great commenters. I think they know who they are, so there's no need to mention names. But there have been far too many troll like, ax grinding, and downright venomous comments to justify my stopping by. Not that anyone cares, but I'm taking a break from MTC. Hopefully when I do return, the site itself will have returned to its good mannered, thoughtful self. This is not aimed at you regular, insightful commenters.

  42. @4:26 I understand where you're coming from. I don't get the "drugged up downsy TC" invective, either. It's easy to be crude, cruel, and toss rotten fruit from the internet peanut gallery. Unfortunately there will always be those types out there. What's worse, is that some of these commenters actually make some decent points. I say worse because it leaves you wondering why they have to ruin an otherwise legit thought with something childish and intentionally hurtful. I just don't see the point of it. Fortunately these incidents are few in number--though they seem to be on an uptick of late. And let's face facts, the one particular troll who keeps reappearing will never go away; so you might as well think of h/she as a part of the cost of doing business here at MTC. I for one long ago stopped paying attention to the troll. The short of it is: Do what you have to do, but I think the good outweighs the bad on this blog. I must add, though, that I have scratched my head in puzzlement that Plainsman has allowed some of the more cruel and even scurrilous tidbits to remain posted. But that's his business, not mine. I, like any regular reader knows, am in the prediction game.

    Speaking of.

    I will repeat for the umpteenth time (along with several other Confessors) that it's my firm belief that this blog and its commenters are a daily read for every single Ticket employee sans Norm. My contention is that they listen and even take heed of things that are said here; more so things that are said for a sustained period of time and by different voices. Thus I think they heard us loud and clear about a Newbury, Bass, Kemp pairing (in some form or another) where replacing MaSS was concerned. Vain, idiotic on my part for thinking as such? Perhaps. Probably. But I do think that's the case. Far too much employee traffic, Anon insiders with the actual goods, and whatnot cruise by and leave their mark for there not to be at least something to what I say. Okay, what does this have to do with predictions?

    I believe they've not only heard our (mostly) collective "THL ain't what she used to be" opinion, but are also beginning to heed it. Meaning, I think we're going to see some changes on THL. No. Not host-wise (sans Danny leaving in the Fall, which, mark my words, will happen), but rather content-wise. I think Cat, and the hosts are going to soon have a sit down (if this hasn't already occurred) and implement some changes to this once fantastic, now utterly stale and lazy, show. I predict we will see these changes implemented after Easter.

  43. Hi. I'm Mike Rhyner. But you can call me Rhyner. No. Don't call me that, because Rhner is dead. I spent the last several days thinking about the status of all the members, current and former, of the Rolling Stones in order to present you with my ranking of each. No. I am not a freshman in college smoking pot in my dorm room with fellow budding music lovers. No. Not that. I am 62 years old. I mean years young. Thank you for stopping by and contributing to my ratings. And remember, we/I don't owe you anything. So suck it.

  44. atlanta rhythm sectionFebruary 7, 2013 at 8:45 PM

    Getting crazy all up in dis thang, yo. MaSS is gonzo and they ain't coming back soon, if ever, so let's let it go y'all. If they come back, then it's time to pick it back up. Till then, how 'bout we move it on down the road. Also, can we calm down with pot shots at hosts and with the calls for censorship? I have friends with Downs children. Man, that isn't cool to say those things about TC or anyone. It's an insult to all people, Downs or not. So chill out. Censorship ain't cool either. Let's all bring it down a few notches and get back to talking Ticket and all that it implies like adults. Out.

  45. As I said, I've been away and just getting back to comments. The two "downsy" comments have been deleted. (Besides -- I'm liking T.C. on The Top Ten. The guy really makes an effort to keep the banter fresh and original, and the delivery is good.)

    Wondering if Mike R took a shot at us today. Heard the Rolling Stones ranking and thought, at the outset, that he said "I don't give a rat's ass" about something, and I think it was directed at people who don't like Rolling Stones talk. Whether that was directed at Confessors or the ton of email he probably gets, or both, or the CTO telling them to knock off the disproportionate RS coverage, I dunno.

    duck, you are a perspicacious observer of The Ticket scene, but I am doubtful this site has any influence at The Ticket, even if Ticket guys may check it out from time to time. As I've suggested in the past, I'll bet the Pan-American Catman and the hosts get more email every day than I get readers (averaging about 200-250 visitors per weekeday), and the HL ratings remain through the roof. I doubt Mike R would pay much attention to a respectful request (or even a direct order) by management to enforce greater show prep on his team, or ease up on the pop culture scene from some decades back.

    I will say this -- trolls aside, the commentary here is of high quality, so I suppose there's some chance that it is weighted a little more than an email from "Babyarm in Wylie."

    In any event, I wonder who is really tuning out. A number of Confessors claim to have given up on The 'Line. Really? Despite the criticisms, is RaGE really preferable? GAC? Nothing? Cheesy overproduced modern pop? Nope, I'm still tuning in and more often than not I get a chortle out of the thing.

    So duck, much as I would like to think that out merry little band here has some influence, I remain skeptical.

    Which, of course, does not stop me, or any of us, from offering our primo counsel.

    Still away. Now behave.

  46. duck, I'm surprised that you didn't realize that the only reason the "downsy" crap was still around was due to Plainsman's absence (I think he mentioned it in the opener to this thread, but to verify means to back out of this comment).

    Wait, no it doesn't - that's what browser tabs are for. One sec...

    Yep. Second sentence: "I'll be away for a few days". The anon who's leaving in a huff (read: taking a break from MTC) doesn't really move me, but you along with a few others seem to pay much closer attention to the goings-on here. You shoulda known, chief! :)

  47. I have definitely reduced my Hardline listening. I'm a guy that in the past has set my TuneIn app to start recording at 5:33, and pretty much listen to every bit of non-commercial, non-ticker content from Monday through Friday. I sometimes will also record The Tee Box because I'm a golf fan and I like the show. I started to find myself fast forwarding through large portions of Norm's show, and eventually I stopped recording or listening at all. Now I just use 10-12 to catch up on the Musers stuff that I didn't listen to live. I am now starting to find myself fast forwarding through large chunks of The Hardline. I still record it every day, but that may change soon too.

    I still listen to all of the Musers and BaD Radio. I also listen to every IJB podcast.

  48. deezy, even when Plainsman says he'll be away for x amount of time, he nearly always checks in with a brief comment or two. And I would think especially after just having issued a warning of sorts on certain types of language and comments. Besides who is to say that he doesn't view the comments on a daily basis? Also, if memory serves, many months back a flame war of sorts transpired between our regular troll and another commenter. Though Plainsman had just issued one of his "I'll be out for the next week" statements, he found the time to delete comments on both sides of the war. Hence my head scratching. But our Plainsman has indeed now done the right thing, like I knew he eventually would.

  49. there is some serious narcissism up in here

  50. There is a seriously disturbed individual that keeps commenting up in here.

  51. @duckandcover
    so The Ticket is going to implement changes to a show that's dominating in ratings and sales b/c 10 armchair qb's have issues with it? You, like most Ticket listeners,are arrogant in your misunderstanding of radio. Over 150,000 ppl listen to THL everyday. They're not making changes for the few of you.

  52. Alright, 11:05, let's play.

    First off, I kindly direct you to my own statement: "Vain, idiotic on my part for thinking as such? Perhaps. Probably."

    Now doesn't that qualifier imply at least a modicum amount of realistic thought on my end? Does it not also imply that there's a bit of self-deprecation at play? Perhaps you're a literal reader and did not infer as such. Fine. Which means, what followed was, by your comment aimed directly at me, interpreted to mean that the CTO actually makes decisions solely based upon a small (but excellent) blog. That's certainly not the case. And it's not what I meant. What I did mean was that I believe our opinions are read and, at times, give the powers that be/hosts/etc. food for thought. Moreover, these bits and orts from the MTC snack tray might (again, at times) give them cause to pause or even an idea or two. Thus in our small way we sometimes can make a difference; that our voice is heard. I base this upon the comments from legitimate Ticket employees of all stripes. It's my belief that because, on the whole, this site is thoughtful, respectful, and has the best interest of the station in mind (because most of us are true P1s), they (again with the qualifier for you because you seem to be a literalist) at times take our opinions and ideas not only seriously, but also throw them against the most likely hundreds of e-mails they receive each day. In short, we're a type of sounding board. Agree or disagree, that's my stance.

    Look, I'm a big boy. And I make predictions; sometimes rather out there ones, I know. After all, I'm the one who makes them. So criticize away. I can take it. However, I'd like to ask you a few questions, Anon: You make disparaging comments about commenters' radio bona fides. What are yours? What is your expertise and if you give it to us why should we believe you? How is it that you equate narcissism with radio (or lack thereof) knowledge? How exactly (and without looking it up) do you define "narcissism"? I'm not sure if you actually know the meaning of the term; you certainly don't seem to be able to employ it properly.

    As I said, disagree with me and tell me why you do; do it all day long. But please (i) try to read a little closer if you are going to comment about my thoughts, and (ii) try to avoid the old ad hominem--it's poor form and only serves to lessen your argument. And I say (i) and (ii) regarding your addressing of anyone's comments, not only mine. Because, you do address a lot of things on these comboxes. Damn near as often as I do, which is saying something.

  53. Anonymous said...
    there is some serious narcissism up in here

  54. I didn't use the word narcissim. But you DID say that you think THL will make content changes and it will be because of the noise in the MTC commentary. I'm just saying that's never going to happen, work some logic. Calling yourself out doesn't free you from the windfalls of making an asinine claim/prediction.

  55. Dude, you are the same douche troll. You are 9:56, 11:05, 12:35, and 2:45. We all know you're the same troll. You're not half as clever as you think you are. So I think d&c got it right by nailing you on the narcissism and he obviously nailed you on the ad hominem. It's also obvious that you can dish it out but you can't take it. Come back when you grow up, moron.

  56. This site can never stay on track due to the immaturity of a few.

  57. Anon 5:35, I appreciate your intention, however it's unnecessary. You are correct, though; I did think it was one Anon posting. Hence addressing "narcissism" when it should have been "arrogant." (I pose the same question to that Anon about his usage of "narcissism, as well.)

    I take you at your word, 11:05/2:45, and so I apologize for the mistake.

    Yet, my post stands. If I substitute "arrogant" for "narcissism" my questions (and recommendations) are still valid. But since you seem so interested in my thoughts, I'll reiterate, for the last time, the gist of my words which you find so illogical (which, by the by, you need to look up the term "logic"; that's another one you don't seem to quite grasp the meaning and usage of). So away we go:

    By your last comment you obviously aren't capable of grasping what I was trying to convey. OK. I wasn't literal enough for you. Even though I addressed your predilection towards literalism (just wondering, are you a early earth creationist? If you are, good for you) by spelling out exactly what I meant, your hermeneutic blinders wouldn't allow for you to comprehend what was laid before you. No biggie. Since you seem to have a narrow, myopic, one hammer fits all issues view on things, I also am not surprised you didn't follow my recommendations regarding that old (now get this!) logical fallacy the ad hominem (the close reading goes without saying, but then again, it is you, so it must be said). But what I wasn't expecting (and really, friend, I must admit that you took my breath away with this one) was for you somehow to miss a point I stated not once, but twice--viz., I welcome criticism. To claim that I shouldn't be surprised when others criticize me when I make predictions which they find faulty, after having stated twice my embracing of criticism, is, well, interesting. (Especially when considering that I also acknowledged that some of my prognostications can be a bit out there.) And I'll leave it at that. Okay, on with the reiteration: I believe Ticket employees use this site for a feeler of sorts. I think they throw what they read here against the feedback they receive daily from listener calls and e-mails and see what's what. I make this claim because of the amount of Ticket employee traffic (from a CTO to hosts to board-ops to Tickermen to bona fide insiders who obviously work at the station). Though I was not explicit in saying that I don't think they make decisions solely based on what goes on at MTC, I meant it implicitly. Because that's where you and I agree. I too think that particular claim is silly. My overarching thought was/is that The Ticket (the whole Ticket excepting Norm) makes MTC a part of their daily read. And I think it's neat to have an actual voice that's taken seriously. Oh, yes, I used the new Sunday show as an example.

    Now that that is over, I'm still waiting for you to answer my queries. I know you won't. And that's just fine. But please do understand that my part of the conversation with you is over. That is, unless you want to engage civilly.

  58. Oops, I meant "young earth" not "early earth."

  59. Is anyone else sick and tired of the "how do you feed bit?" I feel like they are running it into the ground. I was over it about a month ago, but they keep on bringing it out.

  60. Was just listening to a BaDD radio podcast (Sports Sphinx) and they mentioned that Mitchell Korasik flies in to Dallas from New York to do his weekend tickers, basically for his 3 hours of work. It's been mentioned before, but you gotta think being a Top 5 market has some advantages.

  61. Hey, some of us are literalist and yet can convey people's thought on a subject, knowing when to be literal or not :)

  62. T4....I heard that too. I wonder if it was a joke. If true he's either some rich kid with dumb parents or a total idiot. I can't believe he's still employed, seeing how poor of a job he does.

    Really liking the KT and The Machine Show. Great sports talk. Though they really showed their age/immaturity during the marriage segment. Oh well. Take the good with the bad, right. One thing is that I have yet to hear them say they're filling in for The Orphanage. Maybe I missed them saying it, but I haven't heard it. I wonder if this is permanent? Hope so.

  63. Damn. Too bad. I was hoping it was permanent. Thanks for the info, Shaggy.

  64. atlanta rhythm sectionFebruary 9, 2013 at 2:14 PM

    I just realized that we only have one more week of having our brains beat in by the Ticketstock song. Brutha, it can't come too soon!

  65. Shaggy:

    I am right there with you. I start recording the musers every morning at 5:33 and record everything but Norm until 7:00. Probably not many stations around the country with such loyal listenership. That's one of the great things about the Ticket - we all feel like we are part of a crazy little secret treehouse club.

    As far as comments affecting radio management...I used to know a fairly well-known radio personality in this state, and he told me depending on the market, a listener phone call to management or post somewhere like this equals 1,000 listeners (or more).
    So I truly think if management reads 10 well-articulated comments, they may view it as representative of 10,000 opinions.

  66. Shaggy:

    I am right there with you. I start recording the musers every morning at 5:33 and record everything but Norm until 7:00. Probably not many stations around the country with such loyal listenership. That's one of the great things about the Ticket - we all feel like we are part of a crazy little secret treehouse club.

    As far as comments affecting radio management...I used to know a fairly well-known radio personality in this state, and he told me depending on the market, a listener phone call to management or post somewhere like this equals 1,000 listeners (or more).
    So I truly think if management reads 10 well-articulated comments, they may view it as representative of 10,000 opinions.

  67. Looking forward to the new Jake, Newbury, and Sea Bass show tomorrow morning. Like ars, I'm also looking forward to moving on from this year's Ticketstock theme song. The only one I've ever enjoyed was the year where they did it to Cold Play's "When I Ruled the World."

    "...we got the Time Wasters, and Kareem Abdul Jabber." That was greatness.

    Speaking of: Anyone out there planning on going this year? I'm on the fence.

  68. @MikeSirois just tweeted this link to Matt and Scot's debut in Birmingham, if you are interested during the hours it is on:

