Friday, April 15, 2016

A Brief Plains-itorial

Confessor Boo! writes:

I think it's amazing how deep The Little Ticket's talent well is these days. The Shake Joint fills in for the Musers -- no problem. One of the funniest guys at the ticket is a producer 10-Noon. Need someone to fill in for Gordo for the week? No problem, Donnie and Jake can do that. The weekend is full of talent too:  M+M, Shake Joint (again), The Sirois[es].

Honestly, you may not like certain people on The Little Ticket but it's hard to deny how talented the whole station is. And that doesn't even go into how they can broadcast a 3 hole golf tourney of first time players and make it one of the most entertaining events on the station in a long time.

I think the ratings reflect all this. 

I agree with Mr. Boo!, and I would like to add:

Jeff Catlin deserves a lot of credit for the things Mr. Boo! is talking about.  Talent selection, talent pairing, programming, creating (or perhaps only approving) bits like the golf tournament, getting shows out to the Masters (providing several days of unique and fresh broadcasting), knowing when to pull the plug on stuff that doesn't work as well. 

Yes, it's the front-line talent that brings in the listeners in, but it takes organization, leadership, and judgment -- and, in these days of uncertain ratings technologies and reawakened competition -- patience, to keep quality high and ears tuned.

No, I'm not kissing Catman ass so he'll do another AMA someday.  I don't know the man and have no relationship with him.  But I do have some familiarity with the challenges of managing a group of accomplished, temperamental, ambitious and sometimes high-strung professionals and answering to a larger organization for their performance.  It ain't easy but when it works, it can accomplish great things.   Cliches can be true:  Michael Jordan didn't win a thing as a pro until Phil Jackson showed up with his lunchpail and Zen texts.

"Oh, Jeff, Jeff, Jeff  .  .  .  I love John Fahey, I really do, I mean, he sounds so  .  .  .  so  .  .  .  tasty, and I truly do look forward to replays of BaD interviews with hockey guys -- but please, please, please, bring back weekend-show crosstalk."


  1. The caption below the hot broad is Creep City, USA. Really weirding me out.

    The golf deal, whose ever idea it was, was brilliant.

    Sorry folks, but if TSJ ever becomes a daily show, I'm out. That was painful in more places than not this morning.

    Please, for the love of all that's beautiful, sacred, and holy in this world.....STOP WITH THE TERRIBLY EXECUTED FAUX BROOKLYNESE ACCENT. YOU ARE FROM THE 817, AS IS YOUR FAMILY. "I like to talk footBUWALL." Give it a rest, son. Seriously.

  2. ATTENTION, not SYTENTION. Stupid iPad.

  3. I didn't think anyone ever read those captions.

    I hope I have been clear that it's the Hot Broad doing the talking in those captions.

    Sorry it creeped you out.

  4. Isn't Cat also in charge of programming at 103.3 now? Have you listened to their Dallas-based shows?

    You sure he deserves that much credit?

  5. The only one I listen to with any regularity is Cowlishaw & Mosley, which routinely tanks in the ratings but which I strongly prefer to Ben & Skin. It's where I head when The Hardline gets too soft.

  6. is it a good decision that weekend mixes are gone?

  7. I like the way P-man changed M&M from Boo's original post to M+M. Right on.
    Another note - greatness when a confessor mistypes a word and follows it up with "stupid fingers" or "stupid I-pad". Comic genius, I say.

  8. On the 1:30 news on Bad Radio yesterday, Bob claimed he tipped cows many times as a youth.

    Did no one call him out on cow tipping being an urban legend?

  9. I thought TSJ did a damn decent job Friday am. Them's some big shoes to fill and they did not embarrass themselves. Will concur on the Jake I'm From The Northeast thingy. Noticed that myself a long time ago. I have an acquaintance that does that too. He's from Plano. It doesn't bother me but it's sure puzzling. He even forgets to use it sometimes with the words that he usually does. I've heard Jake do that as well. Like I said, not bothersome but puzzling. Will say this. If Jake ever gets a job in that part of the country and he says 'footbawwwll', he'll get slammed hard and good. Sniffed out in two seconds. 'Cuz yes, it is a bad imitation of the real thing.

  10. I've talked to Jake in person many times a week and he sounds the same in person as he does on air. No fake accent. Not everyone from Texas has a thick southern accent. I was born and raised here and I'm told I have a Chicago accent. It happens man

  11. Yeah I've never understood these people (this guy?) that says he has some weird/fake accent. The ONLY thing I notice is that he has a weird way of pronouncing "family". (Sorry Jake).

    But really I think everyone has a few words that they pronounce in an odd way. Of course Bob has his "Tacos" and also his inability to pronounce "wives" and "lives" etc correctly. (Sorry Bob)

  12. Only one abbreviated word from M+M today - sitch. That's lame, gotta get your standards back, boys. And Machine said anybody that tells him to his face that he needs to to change the name of the show would "see these hands". Slow down with the bad-assery. That being said, great show. Good Mavs talk and the seg (yeah, that's right) with the guy from naked and afraid was great. These young guys have something.

  13. Shaggy is completely right bout Bob. He just hasn't done much to try to rid himself of that TERRIBLE northern accent and I can't figure out why. He sounds like he just arrived off the dairy farm in rural WI. He cannot say the word CAN. He says KEN.

  14. I got in my car on Saturday morning at 11:15. Turned on the little ticket and listened to Matt Mosley giving a spot for the Diamond Doctor. Thought this was very odd; a ESPN personality on 1310 / 96.7.

  15. Cirque De Danny Balis was a really good radio show this weekend, and I can't be the only Confessor that things that right?

  16. It's so funny why we don't talk anymore. But I ain't losing sleep and I ain't counting sheepApril 18, 2016 at 5:38 PM

    They're the same station vis-a-vis ownership, ETP1. That's why you hear things like that--e.g., hearing Coop, Mosley, and Nate Newton spots. Recall that Gribble was moved from BaD to Cowlishaw and Mosley a couple of years ago.

    Re Jake's accent: I do hear it, but I could care less. So what, he has some sort of vocal quirk. Maybe it's an affectation. Again, so what?

    I have an idea: let's nitpick these guys to death; it somehow makes our lives fuller. Geez Louise, already.

  17. Where did Jake grow up?

    I have noticed several speech patterns for people from Plano, Richardson, and parts of Garland that is not totally Texas or is it northern. It is a rather distinct sound that is a mixture of all regional dialects due to the population mix of the area. Wondering if this might also be true of parts of the 817?

  18. @ Anon 3:58

    I didn't get to hear the whole show but Dan Paul did good. He's much better when he's not trying to compete with Corby.

  19. Let's all ease up on people's pronunciation quirks as after all I have never heard a Texan pronounce Nevada correctly no matter how much they are alerted to their misfortunate slaughtering of the correct the afore mentioned state.


  20. Let's all ease up on people's pronunciation quirks as after all I have never heard a Texan pronounce Nevada correctly no matter how much they are alerted to their misfortunate slaughtering of the correct way to pronounce the afore mentioned state.

  21. Thanks @nono

    I didn't know how people would receive an interview with a guy from Naked and Afraid but people seemed to dig it.

  22. Jake grew up in the burbs of Ft. Worth. Neither he nor his family is in any way connected with THE NORTHEAST (my weak printed attempt at a drop). Personally I am in both camps, if you will. It is rather obvious that Jake cops an affected, what he believes to be, a NYC accent, consistently, when he says certain words. I believe I know where it stems from, but quite frankly, I'm not going to go down that road (white suburbanites in love with rap/hip hop culture and the East Coast ESPN/sports media bias influence). Regardless, exactly what does it have to do with either the accuracy of the data that Jake offers or his opinions based upon or despite that, data? I would have to think, "none." So who gives a care? Why give a care? Either his opinions are good and as such should be taken into consideration, or they are not and should not be taken into consideration. What does it matter if either has or has not some psychological attachment to X, Y, or Z and it manifests itself in his speech? I'm interested in knowledgeable opinion and analysis, not vocal timbre or regional authenticity.

  23. Strongly agree with those who request an end to accent-criticizing. Come on.

  24. So was the previous entry the first with a non-redheaded feature photo? Why did nobody else mention this?

  25. I agree with the commenter in the post, sounds like he's a pretty smart guy ;)

    Remember commenters The Little Ticket is a unicorn in the modern radio industry. Shows come and go, stations switch formats, but there are very few radio stations (I'll argue if any) that can pull off the kinds of things our dearly beloved Ticket pulls off...Correct me if I'm wrong but are other stations able to pull off a Ticketstock or Summer Bash? Not to mention all the support they get at guys/girls night out...and they have the thing that all of media envy, a rabid fanbase that will meet them anywhere and listen to everything they do.

    all of that is to say, just remember what a super special thing you get to nitpick

  26. @boo! Yes... Thank you. Amen.

  27. @Boo, can't add anything to that. Thank you for your courage!
