Thursday, May 9, 2019

Campound Talk

Sorry, Confessors, I'm buried for the next week.  Give us your observations on this year's Campound.

According to this morning's Musers it got off to a rousing start last night.

Hoping to catch Coast-to-Coast and some of George's overnight trucker show, followed by his sleepless broadcasting on the formal Muser showgram tomorrow morning.

But what I really want are your reports.  And please, let's not turn this into a referendum on Corby's mic-hogging.  He's a mic-hog.  We know that.  Some like his broadcasting, some don't.  I general, I do, while recognizing his excesses.   Others, don't.

Actually .  .  .  go ahead.  If his mic-hogging is a Campound-destroying element for you, tell us why.  If you like Corby, ditto.

Just keep it civil and no intra-Confessor ad hominem remarks, please.


  1. Danny's farewell to the snake song was pretty great. It pulled back the curtain on some of the lower points in Corble's marriage and personal conduct. Other than that, same old, same old. Tonight's usually when things get rolling. I do wish Sirois was with them.

  2. Katman, I beg you, change the ad on the stream. I've heard the TXU Energy ad literally a million times. I don't know anything about the company, other than that I now hate it and everything it may stand for.

  3. Junior mispronouncing "Thesaurus" shook me to my core.

  4. Came here to see which c and d benchwarmers would post in support of corby's latest penis-head move on tony. seems like one of the middle-aged board ops was in on it. for those who are scratching their heads, the board op and corby told tony that corby's training camp bunk mate (station mgr) was paying them visit at the campound about tony's on-air menopause obsession. they let tony think he was going to get fired. guess it's a little early so far.

  5. I have the same complaint about these “bit” shows every year. Why leave out some of our favorite ticket personalities. I want to hear a slightly drunk Jake get defensive when Dan starts making country music jokes. I want to hear metal bats Sirois. Sign me up for late night Danny with a guitar. Junes kicking (figuratively) some tier 4 guys in the nuts. I wanna hear Norm complain that Julie has a way nicer set up than him and he wants to bunk with her.

    Most of the host are getting old and are not really interested in the physical comedy that they could peer pressure some of the younger guys into.

    I still love these shows I just wish, especially with all the extra airtime hours the camppound provides, that they got more people involved.

  6. Corby's boring! Nobody cares you know tennis players.

  7. Did anyone else hear Corby say he wanted to sleep with Sam Gannon last night? Sounds like Corbles needs to take the harrassment training again.

  8. What was with the “lemon wedge” comments?? I must have missed what it was referring to? Thx

  9. I think the idea is that the lemon counteracts the effects of cannabis. I don't imbibe myself, that's what I've heard.

  10. The lemon wedge is a reference to auto-erotic asphyxiation. The idea is that as you knock yourself out to achieve that elusive euphoria, your unconscious body bites down into the lemon wedge to regain consciousness, like smelling salts.

    All that said, anyone else feel like the guys go a bit too hard on Tony as the village idiot? And that Mike R. brought out years of resentment from Mike Sirois and Jake Z. by saying they should continue to be excluded from the Campound so that they “know their place”?

  11. This is nothing new. The Tier 1 guys have bullied the underlings since day one. See the treatment of Expo and Psycho Dave and Johnny "Showtime" Barnes and various interns. It's funny to a point until it's not. As we all know it's hard to know where that line is.

  12. I didn't hear the part about Mike dissing Jake Z and Mike Sirois, but those guys should consider themselves lucky. The parts of Campound I heard, I thought was very dull. I caught some of the Corby prank, and as usual, it wasn't the least bit funny. And like all of his so called pranks, just more aggravating and frustrating to the victim. Sounds like Tony almost punched him?! Now that would have been awesome!

  13. Eh, people, Mike was joking. He and the Sirois brothers are thick as thieves. Hell, Mike's become something of a father figure for them. I know what I speak of. Believe me, Mike was effin' around.

  14. Corby still doesnt get it with regard to how serious of a near-miss his stupid prank was with Tony by the fact that he showcased it Friday afternoon on the show. Funny thing is nobody was more inscensed with a prank than Corby was when TC called him in the middle of the night with some fake station emergency and rolled on it. He was pissed and acted like that was off limits because it effected his family. I am officially out on Corby afer this stupid incosiderate prank.

  15. The whole prank concept started about 15-20 years ago when the crew was on the road, and used to be fairly enjoyable. They don't do just a lot of pranks today, but mostly seemed to be conjured up by Corby, and he's basically the only one enjoying them. Add the fact that it usually takes three segs to explain it, and then not much payoff.

  16. How much pay-o-la does the Hardline get for talking about HBO shows? Do you think that it is a side deal that they have under the table or does the station get a taste of the action?

    Let's be honest nobody really think that another doc on Mohamada Ali is worth 2 plus segments.

  17. I have never had HBO or other pay movie channels. I can't relate to the discussion when they spend time talking about GOT or True Detective or the others.

  18. I think that they are doing two more segments today on it as the second part was last night.

    I am with James as I have never had HBO. It does seem curious as they never seem to say that one of HBO's shows sucks.

  19. I have heard... has the Hardline talked about their good friend Ian Kinsler.

    What an ass of a guy.... Let's hear from you corby.

  20. Three words - John From Cincinnati

  21. They did not like vinyl either. And not all of them got into the deuce.
