Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Belated Congratulations to The Ticket, AM-FM-Stream, on Its Marconi Award from the National Association of Broadcasters for Major Market Station of the Year



  1. I appreciate the offers to assist me in creating a site where I can manage comments more effectively, probably by requiring registration. That would certainly do the trick, but although the trolls and post-modern stylists and non-readers are annoying, I think I'll keep MTC as is for the time being.

    Two reasons:

    First, I'm lazy. I know Blogger is a primitive platform that has actually gotten worse over the years, but I scarcely have time these days to fit in a hobby like MTC. I try to swing by once a day to check comments, and despite my good intentions, I myself don't get much new content up any more (or hadn't you noticed?).

    I took a swing at WordPress, but found the process so annoying that I quickly abandoned it.

    Second, I really do not want to make it difficult to comment, even anonymously, even stupidly or inappropriately. Yeah, it's annoying to read troll-droppings and even more annoying for me to have to go through and delete them. But even a more restrictive comment environment is unlikely to stop incomprehensible and hyperbolic commentary.

    But thanks for the offers. If I change my mind, I'll know where to go.

  2. In the last thread, one or two Confessors expressed the thought that this site was read by Ticket people. My own view has been that maybe one or two primary hosts might swing by for a glance now and then, but generally, they don't. I do think the JV check it out, or used to, but since I haven't written much about them lately – truth to tell, I have kind of lost track of them and don't hear enough of them to tell them one from the other, which is on me and not them – I wonder whether they still tune in.

    And, of course, I don't hear reference to the site on the station. (Once long ago Dan made reference to making a confession – "my Ticket confession," he called it.)

    But someone is reading because one area in which I know MTC has had a (very tiny) effect is with commercials. I'm certain at least the following sponsors either changed or pulled ads after one or another characteristic was lampooned here:
    Kelly McClure ("the Bulldog")
    All-Pro Foundation Repair
    Mullen & Mullen
    The guys with the ten-year guarantee on removal of load-bearing walls
    There are others, but these are the ones that come to mind
    Despite what some of you may think, I'm not pals with anyone at The Ticket. I've met precisely one of them, just shook Junior's hand in passing once at a remote long ago. (Wait – I met Mike Sirois at the "The Meg" showing.) If I have a question, I'll drop a line to one or more of someone there. Sometimes they write back, sometimes they don't. Most frequently, if they do write back, they disclaim knowledge. In general, Ticket people are very discrete about information, which is to say, they don't part with it easily. I do not have a mole at The Ticket.

    Another thing that strikes me is that the readership of this site – which, I concede, other than the recent Dan/Jake kerfluffle is not as exciting as it used to be – seems to be expanding, if the number of comments is any guide. (I used to check sites that keep track of hits, but I don't do that any longer.) I refresh the thread, and in two or three days I'll have a hundred comments. It was nothing like this in the first years of its existence. On the other hand . . . comments may not reflect actual hits.

    The last few months have been jammed for me, but I'm listening more (trying to pick up on the latest JV lineup). I'm hopeful of getting more and better content up in the coming months.

    As always, thank you for shopping at My Ticket Confession.

  3. Excellent choice of Red, Plainsman. Elly Clutch. Quality porn star.

  4. Q for Plainsman:

    How many current non-weekday hosts can you name?

    Give us tickerpeople, producers, weekend hosts

  5. Oh, weekday and weekend board ops too
