What are we to make of this fracas over The Fan ripping off The Ticket? I confess (of course), I'm amused and puzzled by the whole thing.
I personally have not heard any of this thievery, but the accounts I've read from Confessors' comments is pretty persuasive that the Fan is nakedly copying more than a couple of Ticket bits.
Now, let's acknowledge that The Ticket itself may have been, um, inspired, in some cases, by historical bits from gag-based radio. I personally don't know of any, but it would be surprising if some of those items don't have broadcast antecedents. I don't think that's very important. Clearly, The Ticket has owned the bits in question in this market for a long, long time, and their sound and structure must be counted as The Ticket's Own.
This has several aspects.
First, there's the copying itself.
My first thought was anticipated by a commenter to the previous thread, which is that this avalanche of plagiarism may be a deliberately provocative "mass bit" to get some attention, get The Ticket's goat. If so, it must be considered a success. Guy's Night Out, today's BaD Radio. The Fan hasn't had that kind of publicity since RaGE and Greg Williams's perambulations kept us all fascinated by the slow, but inevitable, train wreck.
Second, there's The Ticket's reaction.
Is it wise to let anything about a station as seldom visited as The Fan get under the hosts' collective skin? I suppose a little well-placed outrage isn't going to improve The Fan's fortune very much. I'll confess (again), though, when Mike's Mind today was going to be about a current event, instead of checking out Cowlishaw and Mosely (or whoever was subbing for Matt today), I tuned in The Fan. (It was a segment on Ben's, I think, trip with his family to a drive-in in Ennis. Of some interest.)
On balance, though, I think I'd let it go. It can't be a smart competitive move to rip off a rival with bits which, by all accounts, are hugely inferior to the original.
Third, and only tangentially related, there's the suspected invasion of this site by Fan operatives.
We have welcomed Kevin Turner here for a long time, and I personally continue to do so. I find his contributions credible, and they're always restrained and within the spirit of the site. As to various other non-named interlopers, I have no evidence other than anonymous accusations that The Two Gavins (Spittle and Dawson) are posting.
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Gavin Spittle preparing to open his laptop to compose a comment for My Ticket Confession |
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Gavin Dawson fortifies himself for the burst of creativity required for the drafting of a standout comment for My Ticket Confession |
(Side note: I've noted in the past that the fact that I so seldom hear from Ticket insiders via email -- really, pretty much never, maybe once every few months -- tends to suggest that whatever the intensity of the politics at the Ticket workplace, it's a tight-knit, loyal, satisfied group.)
Come to think of it, though: Other than the occasional radio message board and Reddit, this site remains maybe the only regulated swap-meet for views on DFW sports radio. Guess I should speculate more responsibly.
Self-interest aside, I've said it before: If Fan enthusiasts want to be heard, I don't have any strong objections to that and won't unless they threaten to take over the comments, which they are far from doing. As far as who the commenters might be . . . I will say that I haven't heard privately from anyone denying that Fan luminaries are posting here. If I were one of The Two Gavins, though, I think I would let the speculation and accusations fly even if I weren't commenting. As Oscar Wilde famously observed, "There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about."
I oughta know.
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The inventor of Gay/Not Gay |
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