Saturday, December 29, 2018

Not Such a Dry Dock

Without exception, I have enjoyed all of the Drydock combinations I've been able to hear -- Jake and Sean, Danny and Davey, the Siroisie wherever they would pop up.  Probably forgetting some, and I didn't hear all of the Drydock shows.  (See repeated comment below for an uncomplimentary review of one particular combo.) 

There is a temptation to think -- whatever will we do when (pick one or more)

     --  One or more Musers retires from the show?

     --  Norm retires (OK, not so many thinking what they will do if)?

     --  Bob goes off to hockey/full-time Troy servicing/TV/another station?

     --  Dan does something?

     --  Mike retires?

     --  Corby does something?

     --  Danny disappears into the world of local music promotion, hospitality industry, better-paying broadcast job elsewhere?

But based on what I heard over the past week or so, I think there will be plenty of talent, plenty of laughs, plenty of bits, plenty of scheduled segments, to keep The Ticket on top in any of these events.

I've had occasion to listen to sports radio in a couple of different cities over the past couple of months.  Is it bad?  Maybe not, if it's the only thing you're used to, and the local guys
are engaging enough that you develop a kind of radio romance over time.  But if you're a casual tune-in for a few days -- yeah, it's bad.

But The Ticket -- it's a different bird.  It's a different sound entirely, warm and intimate, informal and fun.  It's a hackneyed sentiment at this point, but it bears repeating -- there's nothing like it.  Three Marconis should be evidence enough.

Let's enjoy it while we can.  Then we can enjoy it some more.

A very, very safe and happy New Year to all Confessors.

And a special New Year's holler to mo money, mo problems:


  1. Plainsman here: Cutting and pasting a comment from the last thread on this subject from Anonymous:


    Dry dock! My god the crew filling in from noon to 3 yesterday was painfully unprepared. Bruce was ok but the other young guy whom I forget who it was didnt have even the slightest bit of prep regarding playoff scenarios and the fact that Dallas is LOCKED into the 4 spot seed wise with absolutely no chance to move from that spot whether they win lose or draw and regardless what anyone else does. The host commenced to explain why the Cowboys need to try to win this week because if Vikings win..... Dallas may have to go on road in first playoff game!! Bruce finally jumped in and said NO Dallas cant go on road in first game because they are division champs. The kids said "oh ya"

    My god I was banging my head of dashboard. Thank god Bruce salvaged the gross misinformation that was being spewed from a "sports" radio station.

    The other dry dock shows have been entertaining. My beef is throwing someone on that doesnt have even a shred of knowledge on NFL playoff structure.

  2. Don't forget about Big Bob Wilonsky. I heard some of him on the podcast and he always does a great job. I didn't get to listen to his holiday special, but I'm sure he picked some great stuff.

  3. Just heard my one millionth Genostim ad on the stream. Now I get a free bottle!

  4. All ears now turn to BaD Radio's next Tyler Seguin show.

  5. I LOVED the show the other day where Danny and [I think Davy, and some local music guest]were discussing all the local scenes, like Bill Records. I only got to listen sporadically, so never heard who their guest was, maybe the singer from old 97's [can't think of his name]
    Well, if Corby retired or got fired, I'd return listening to 3-11 again.

  6. mo money, mo problemsDecember 30, 2018 at 2:07 PM

    ATTN: All Myrna Loy fans....Myrna Loy marathon on TCM beginning tonight/tomorrow morning at 4:30am CST running until 7:30pm CST. A few rare gems and the entire Thin Man franchise. Looking right at you, Pstuff.

  7. Yes, I should have mentioned Big Bob Wilonsky. I do enjoy him on The Ticket whenever he appears.

  8. Mo, I will add a Myrna snap to this column in your honor.

  9. Now that it's almost over, it occurs to me that "Drydock" is a misnomer for what happens at the Ticket in December. Drydock is a time used to repair what's broken, make modifications, and install new gear. Hardly describes this period in the Ticket year. If they wanted to remain true to Mike's nautical phraseology, maybe they should just call it "Holiday Routine."

  10. Guests were local music treasure and huge Internet P-1 Rhett Miller (Old 97s frontman) and one Gen X Davey Lane; show topics were centered on music - now-pushing-up-daisies record stores, (locally) iconic 90s Dallas bands and scene, first album owned by each....I know it was the opposite of sports intensive, and not necessarily sustainable over time, but for one day at least, it was radio gold. Gold, Jerry!

  11. mo money, mo problemsDecember 31, 2018 at 3:39 PM

    That's the tits, Pslam! 'Preciate ya pal!

  12. Dig yer reference there, Ed. Why do they call it Ovaltine? Bania magic.

  13. Well put Ed. Show was great for a one time, or maybe once a year touch down. Wasn't sure if it was Davey or Bob W. Loved the show tho.

  14. I've been working out. Went from a size 40 to a 42. I'm huge!

  15. Soup is not a meal!? WTH Ed? I had a big ole bowl of stuff that sure resembled soup over off Abrams and it got me full and I busted ass the rest of the day
    throw me some egg rolls and I am tight as a tick on a fat dog in the shade
    you just set up a fight now

    just don't

    That talk of Big Bob and the music lovers should get some dissection
    25 years he left off going to Bill's because he got shamed?
    That is some kind of trip. I got shamed too.
    Come back when you have more dollars kid.

    you take your lumps and you get back
    as if he was the only one ever
    serves him right to get multiple copies of the same thing
    that part about him being a d towards bands

    hmm. I can use this to poke him with a stick
    i foresee more stories

  16. Anon 1:50
    Going into "Drydock" isnt necessarily a misnomer if you take it from the perspective of the actual Tier 1 hosts. They are going in for maintenance, recovery, fixing a few things, rest etc. From Mike Rhyner's perspective when he coined it, I think he would say he was in "drydock" and is now ready for another year of broadcasting excellence. I invite you to retract your statement or go somewhere else for your Ticket-talk.

  17. Oh my god...had to pull off the road from laughing so hard! Just got in my car at 6pm, and have missed the GREATNESS of Rotten Radio all day?!! F!! The Jerry Jones draft day calls has tears in my eyes from laughing!

  18. It's the time of year that commercial spots are slim. Musers-Norm crosstalk started >5 minutes before 10!

  19. I like the "25 or 6 to 4" theme song more than I have liked any ticket events theme song in a long while.

  20. Is it just me or have the commercial breaks been a lot shorter the last few days?

  21. "Is it just me or have the commercial breaks been a lot shorter the last few days?"

    First quarter and all that as far as advertisers go. The ads for ED have reached early Ticket levels as far as frequency goes. Are the strip club ads far behind?

  22. Scattershooting while wondering what ever happened to Rocco Pendola? Looks like the radio wunderkind has gone from radio to finance (CNBC appearances, at that), to Ph.D student cum biking enthusiast cum environmentalist to now bartending at some joint in Santa Monica. Wild and crazy trip it's been for Mr. Pendola. Really hope the dude shows up to Ticketstock. One of the more interesting parts of Ticket history.

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  24. Speaking of former K-Ticket personalities: I learned during Drydock that Gen X Davey Lane is the estimable co-host of his own podcast, and in fact has been for the better part of 18 months. So I added it to my menu of pods (which I increasingly find myself resorting to when current crop of woke 1310 personalities start belittling the listeners). One of the very cool things about it is that while it is ostensibly centered around Davey's (and his partners') affinity for new wave music, the vast majority of the pod is occupied by longer-form Dave Lane wheels-off stories. And at an average running time of nearly two hours (most recent was a whopping 2:53), there's no lack of stories. And his co-host Toby is quite fluent in Ticket as well.

    One of the reasons I like it is that I can cheat on 1310 without feeling like I am doing so - spent 10+ years tuning in to the Rant and the Orphanage, so it's a familiar Ticket voice and vibe. If GXD is in your wheelhouse (and I readily admit he's not in everyone's), strongly recommend giving it a spin....podcast name is High T With Old Waver, or HTWOW....

  25. A lot of people liked T.C. Fleming's and Jake Kemp's "It's Just Banter." I listened to it once or twice but didn't stick with it. Is it still being produced?

    Are there any other Ticket- or Dallas-centric podcasts we should be monitoring?

  26. Yes. It's Just Banter is currently on Episode 543. They generally release two episodes a week, one free and one as part of their $5/month Patreon subscription podcast

  27. Maybe I'll give it another try. Is it sportsy? Guy talk? Pop culture?

  28. Mostly pop culture/guy talk. If/when they talk politics it's usually in the Premium version

  29. I guess I would modify that to "current events"/topical. I'm not a huge fan of "guy talk", as I'm not really sure what that is.

  30. Farting, nose-picking, women and sex, drinking, recreational activities, unemployment.

  31. IJB is great, although I only listen to the free version. It's normally half an hour or so of the two of them talking about whatever they feel like, recently that's included a couple TC rideshare stories since he's driving now. Then they'll tackle a main topic or two, which is just a random news story that they discuss, while also going down whatever rabbit holes they feel like along the way.

    IJB and High T Old Waver are part of the Blowout Podcast network that's comprised of probably close to 10 or so different podcasts, half of which seemed to be led by some manner of Ticket JV. I used to listen to DragonBrag regularly but they've been few and far between since Machine left (hopefully they return for the final season of Thrones). I just recently started Texas history themed podcast and so far it's pretty good.

    I listen almost exclusively to podcasts now expect when I'm in the car. Too bad the Ticket doesn't put them out anymore.

  32. If I can continue this discussion while going slightly off-track, I'd recommend, to anyone here who is looking for interesting podcasts, one named Cocaine and Rhinestones the topic of each episode goes is a story or topic from the world of classic country music. The Judds episode is fascinating, as is the one about the song "Ode to Billy Joe", but all of them are very good.

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