Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The True Meaning of Ticketstock

A distaff Confessor kindly gives me permission to post this snap of her and a tres natty George "The Broadcaster Formerly Known as The Commander" Dunham from Ticketstock.

Sorry, Martha, for some reason notification of your email didn't pop up on my phone, so I'm a few days late with this.

Anyone have anything else, please feel free to pass it along to:


Thanks again.  Sounds like it was an epic gathering.


  1. Very nice of Georgio to be so fan-friendly. Also, any pics of him wearing this suit should (and will) be a source of embarrassment to him and his children and his children's children for many years. :)

  2. Just wait til the Mohawk....

  3. Is it just me or did Superlative Corby start making a greater appearance after the Super Bowl trip? Tim McCarver "would literally rip his head off" if they were the same age is one example. (Corby, that's murder. And then you followed with "he was doing his job and did not want to start anything in the clubhouse.) Several others recently but the details are not on the forefront this evening.

    Maybe noted earlier but his description of his trip to the "Civil and Human Rights" museum was both laced with superlatives and showed zero or little preparation. He knew it was "Civil rights and, and, and,... something else".

    Am I wrong here guys. Sorry I had to miss TicketStock this year.

    ET P1

  4. Plainsman, I don't know the platform, but is there not a better commenting process available? One where we could respond directly to others' comments, at least?

  5. To continue my thought, "...cuz it feels like you're missing out on a lot of good conversation, cross-talk, and mixes among the talent."

  6. ET P1 -

    Seems about the same to me. Not saying that's a good thing. I suppose you could argue that as Mike sinks further and further into the background Corby is just following his instincts to fill the void. I do think that Danny's presence is becoming more pronounced. For the same reason.

  7. Sitting here in traffic listening to Corby completely overhype the Brandy chick.

  8. Brandi is a badass so...you're wrong.

  9. Did anyone else laugh this morning when the Musers were talking about the Jim Gray interview (about 6:00 am today) and Junior commented that the radio host doing the interviewing must have been the worst prepared radio host in ever.......

    Junior must not listen to his station after 3:00 pm.

  10. I had the same thought, 726.

    But I will say that I think Corby is actually a pretty good interviewer, one of the better ones on the station.

  11. I knew Corby was going to spare us to death with that farce that was the Grammies. Mike is the only one that makes any sense on that show. Regretta Van Fleet is going to be the fidget spinner of music, totally forgotten in a year. Elvis never won a Grammy, yet Turdi B gets one? Corby has always been a joke, but starting to lose respect for Danny .

  12. Corby simply overrates his knowledge of music. Just because you know all there is to know about the Rolling Stones doesn't mean you know all there is to know.

  13. Milli Vanilli won a Grammy. I mark the Grammies under who gives...

    I enjoy music talk on The Ticket, most of the time.

  14. I am so glad that Homer Call is finally over. I wish they would kill it like they seem to have done with the GBL. I am a huge BaD Radio P1 but the weekly Homer Call segment has become an automatic punch out for me (as was the GBL draft). I know it's Dan's baby and all, and an easy time kill for them that is put together for them by interns, but for me the entertainment value is close to nil.

  15. I agree, kill Homer Call and tell Dan that he only need about 1/2 the audio that he plays on other things.

    I don't want audio !

  16. My god, will you freaking get over it!! First it was the statues, then it was the #metoo bull$hit! Now he's on this blackface runaway train! Hey idiot Corby, not everyone was as perfect as your precious little self! Quit spewing your paranoid BS!! Give us what you're actually good at, bumper sticker talk!

  17. Tell us more about how you want monuments to racism still standing and how sexual assault isn't really that big of a deal.

  18. I agree on the homer call, but I wish the GBL was still around. I enjoyed it. Draft day was so-so, but I enjoyed the rest of it.

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  21. ...soooo Barry or Emmitt, Jordan or Lebron. Let us hear from ya. 1 888 787 1310.

  22. There were no Gordo Valentine's Day cards read by ladies today

  23. Oh man! Plains..you gave ol slinky the hook?! Look, sorry if I got a little heavy handed, but I get pretty passionate in my ever-so-fleetingly attempt to recapture the common sense we once took for granted . Anyway, back to my original point....guys, without homer call, we'd have missed the GREATNESS of "And just to let you know, President Bush passed away", "Oh darn it!". These guys are on BaD right now. Love it!

  24. Just heard Jake say that ballparks have banned Cracker Jacks! Maybe that will be Corby's new "politically correct run amok" subject!

  25. Is it just me or are slinky's posts looking more and more like DJT's tweets every day

  26. ....I wouldn't even know how to operate a Twitter account.

  27. Hey Anonymous 107, I think Gordon's Valentine's Day cards have gone the way of political correctness. It's really sad, that segment was a definite listen for me every year. I have also noticed that he is no longer doing Carlton Maxwell.

    Pretty soon we will only be left with Fake Jerry and Koko.

  28. Dr. Carlton Maxwell still makes regular appearances. He and Koko appeared together last month.

  29. Sorry for no new posts recently. Mulling over a meaty one, hope to have something for you soon. Exigent circumstances, you know. Spending too much time with my Sam the Sham tribute band.

  30. Funny how liberal Corby is leaving out how the Empire actor claimed the guys were calling him derogatory anti gay names, and they were wearing MAGA caps, oh and put a rope around his neck! Funny how lib-ass Corby left that out.

  31. One more episode left in Season 3 of "True Detective." Anyone still defending it? Performances and dialogue remain strong, but plot and direction -- oh, those endless suffering Ali takes -- weak, slow, repetitive. The excessive time-jumping felt like a bit after only an episode or two.

    (Funny reference to Harrelson and McConnaughey in Episode 7, though.)

    Give me Vince Vaughn in sun-baked LA.

  32. I see from recaps of Episode 7 that the Harrelson/McConnaughey reference was likely not a gag, but a circle-back to Season 1.

  33. P-Man,
    Clearly a reference to the case in season one. I think Pizzolatto was just indulging himself with a wink to the dedicated viewer. I'm sticking with it, but I'm also a little tired of the constant time travel.

    I thought the "go ahead and use the word" scene was pretty tense.

  34. There are some nice moments in the show. The acting is top-notch, but it's all one-note. I'm ready for it to be over, unlike Season 1 and, for me (if not others) Season 2.

    You only have to stick with it for one more show. Me too.
