Thursday, January 9, 2025

A Little More News



  1. Pretty darned good source, combined with some common-sense thoughts about how business works:

    (1) The Musers have already re-upped with new contracts. I do not know the term, but my bet is that it is for not less than three years.

    (2) There was no pay cut. This is from the source, and a pay cut would not be typical for stars of the Musers' magnitude and continued jaw-dropping success. I believe they got an increase.

    Neither of these items is earth-shaking, but they do correct a misconception or two being floated out there. As far as "the long farewell" is concerned, I think that speculation is premature. Of course older performers are going to shuffle off the stage sooner or later, but if they can continue to command top money while reducing workload, I don't see any reason based on their ages or tenure to think this is the last contract Craig and George will sign. And reduced workload and more money is not the only inducement stars receive to continue doing what they're doing. In particular, while Craig might have dreamed of pedaling off to the Rockies someday, one's priorities change with fatherhood, and he seems to be settling into it beautifully.

    So I'm just going to continue to enjoy them and the other shows, keep an eye on JV advancement (I thought the suggestion in the previous thread that Justin Montemayor, Gordon, and Dave Lane would be a good trio was genius), and keep my ear to the ground for items I can subject to Responsible Ticket Journalism.

  2. I'm a Work in ProgressJanuary 9, 2025 at 1:26 PM

    At the risk of sounding morbid, they should get a much talent as they can as quick as they can out of Justin. I have concerns about his shelf life.

    1. Morbid? I’m thinking you’re a big fantasy sports player. They begin to view all of existence in terms of value. Which is another way of saying, transactional. Gross.

  3. Understood. I'm sure we're all hopeful and keeping the best thoughts for him. Got a feeling he'll prevail.

  4. Joonz twice said Monday morning that the new hours would keep them around a little bit longer. Maybe he really meant himself. Maybe he wasn't being precise with his language. Maybe he was. Dunno. But he said it more than once. To me 'a little bit longer' doesn't mean at least 3 years, contract or no. I do agree with you on the genius suggestion of a Gordo, Davey, Monty pairing. Talk about minimal drop off. Cat, if you still stop by this place, note well this suggestion.

  5. One thing is for certain, the Ticket will still be airing ads for high commission annuity "products" offering 30 percent bonuses long after the Musers retire. Can't believe how many people must fall for this to make all the high priced radio advertising on multiple radio stations worth the ad dollars.

    1. HIgh Finance, High AFJanuary 9, 2025 at 3:49 PM

      Trajan's always done right by my portfolio. Not sure why your bag is to disparage them.

  6. To a guy that has spent 31 years in the same job, 29 of them in the same time slot, “a little bit longer” could mean less than 3, but could also mean 3 or even more than 3. My ticket sales sources tell me they were told “a new long term deal”, as I said on a previous thread, Corby’s was also called a long term deal and it was for 5. Unless someone is willing to put their real name to their post, I’m not buying anybody’s predictions because all of us are simply guessing.
    But I’ll remind everyone of this. Angelo Cataldi of WIP, the long time AM drive host in Philly went to a 3 day workweek as they transitioned into a new morning show as he retired. For everyone so sure the Musers are done in a year, why couldn’t the Musers do something similar? A la Hansens Monday and Friday noon hour show way back when. I just think that people are viewing this as a hard retirement date, and I’m not so sure. Musers are late 50s, at a minimum I think they work till they’re 62ish and can collect the Sosh security. Why give up a good paying job if they’ll keep you, to have to dig into your savings?

  7. I agree with C about the 1 year predictions. I dont know why so many people heard about the shortened snake and thought “ok well that’s it! One year countdown starts now!” We don’t really know. 1 year, 3, or 5. My guess is also it’s longer than a year.

  8. The funniest part of Sean wanting to bust the balls of Detty is that they are actually One and the Same.
    Pot. Kettle.

    1. Damn, Karate Karl! You treated poor Sean like one of those bricks you CHOP through like buttah! Hate to get on this dude's S-List!

  9. I'm with C on this. All 3 Musers have become more attune to the quality of life over the years. Junior and Gordon especially seem to gravitate toward a more European work-lifestyle model. This move makes total sense and I'm not sure how it points towards a winding down. Yes, they have considerably fewer work years ahead of them than behind, but I can easily see them going at for 5 more years. Gordon, another 10. I will say that the idea of Gordon, Davey, and Monty as the successors is an absolute no-brainer banger.

  10. The problem with the GDM line up is a lack of serious sports credibility. Monty is the most sports credible if the trio, and would be the 3rd wheel in what is basically a rant reunion.
    As an aside, in 1994 the only people with sports credibility on the line up were Bayless and Coop. The sports credibility at that time was held by Galloway, Hansen, Sham, Hitzges, Blackie Sherrod, Verne lundquist, etc. the old school newspaper folks, the cowboys broadcasters, the TV stars, etc. Rhyner had done sports on the Zoo and KZPS, but certainly wasn’t a household name. It took years of broadcasting (and ratings dominance) before all those guys became the sports experts they’re viewed as now. And I’m sorry (said in norm voice) but Gordo and Davey aren’t credible sports experts. They’re not thought leaders or opinion makers. It’s why Bob was put on the HL when Mike left. They split 2 guys who had sports credibility, left Dan to carry middays and moved Bob to bolster the HLs sports credibility. As funny as I think a GDM show would be, I don’t see them anchoring a sports talk line up.
    Because the key to the tickets success isn’t pure sports knowledge, the x and o guys. It’s the ones that are interesting personalities, who can balance being sports experts AND carry segments when the sports cabinet is pretty barren.

    1. Your memory is solid but missing a few beats. Skp wasn't the only Ticket OG sports cred host. Curt Menafee and Chuck Cooperstein too were a part of the D1/Year 1 crew. They with Skip comprised the sports cred triumvirate. Fairly soon thereafter, Rhyner and Greggo established themselves as baseball gurus and leaders of the anti-Cowboy (Jerry) but pro-Jimmy Johnson faction. As well, Dunham and Miller quickly showed their sports bona fides. I take your point, to a point, about a GDM pairing and sports cred. I take your point in that the days of Guy-Sports talk have jumped the proverbial shark and aren't coming back. It's now a Sports-Guy talk world. TT reflects this. Gone are the frequent politically charged segments that took hold across the board just a couple of years ago. Gone too are the days where there are more bits/non-sports related segments than sports-centric segments. So yeah, the sports chops have to be there. While a small but extremely vocal minority want all bits all the time, that group in no way represents the overwhelming majority of listeners. 8:40 bit, 100%. CQH, yes. ENews, gotcha down. Et alia. But bits over and above substantive sports talk on the reg, nope. Here's where we part ways. Per my comment, I think The Musers will be around another 5 years. Let's say it's 3. Fine. Between now and then, I'd lay a lot of money on Monty's already sharp sports brain making much further inroads in the cred department. As for Davey. First, his sports talk (when he meaningfully engages in it) is pretty damn good. He actually knows his stuff. Like Monty, in 3 years, it'll only get better (and he'll be 3 years older and probably a bit less inclined to go full on Rant mode). All of which results in one helluva follow up to one of the most successful runs in radio history.

  11. I know I am in the vast minority on this but I would hate any grouping that put Gordo and Davey or Corby on the same show for an extended period of time. I think they all bring out the worst instincts of each other. The Rant as a one day a week, early morning show was fine for the most part. The Rant as an every morning weekday, 3 hour show would beat me to high holy. I'm out of the demo though, and I know I'm in the minority so they don't care what I think.

  12. Zach Barnett as a radio host is a good writer.

  13. The Hardline had nobody that could talk sports seriously for 10 years

    1. That makes no sense. Other than a couple of Gordo Microphone Johnson appearances every month or so and a Disgruntled Bikini Girl segment a handful of times per year, all they talked about was baseball and football. The latter mostly consisted of Cowboy bashing. Specially once Jimmy was gone. Also, you do realize the lineup hadn't changed from '94 to '04, yes? At what point, and why, do you think at least one of them could talk sports seriously? In fact, it was in '04 that Petty Theft was formed and Rhyner became caught up in looking at photos of himself gigging during HL shifts, and that (coincidentally or not) Greggo began his descent. Again, you make no sense. Poor attempt at trolling. I think you typed in the wrong URL.

    2. Probably the same douche that popped off about TT charging for admission to Ticket Stock. Out and out lie.

    3. From 2009-2019, nobody on THL was capable of serious sports talk.

    4. Read a thread before commenting, idiot. Early years. Not post Greggo. But you know this. You just can’t stand looking like a fool. But there you go and double down. Now twice the fool. Wrong URL, chump. We don’t play that here.

    5. Nothing funkier than a random dude who thinks it’s their job to police the comments.


  14. I have heard about Jerry having a gig on the series Landman. Man, this got me in the feels. I don't think Jerry was acting; I think he was speaking from the heart.

    ET P1

    1. As a human and a father, I loved Jerry's speech. As someone who wants a competent and competitive Dallas Cowboys Football Team, it frustrated me. To me, that speech was the most revealing thing he's ever said about how he views the team. It's a venture that allows him to spend time with his kids, and/but because it is virtually impossible to lose money as an NFL owner, regardless of the on the field results, it is basically a risk-free way to have fun with his kids. That's why Jerry the Owner is never going to yada yada yada...

  15. i've got nothing to say


  17. I have to admire the optimism of discussing five year deals and succession plans when the station is playing their own promos on a loop to fill ad time.

  18. 1. New hours will soon dictate new segment timeslots.
    2. TDZ - "Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight."
    3. The bigger grift - collectable card breaks in 2025 ( let me double check that year.....yes, 20.25.) or Black Hills hoa AB&B. Answer: Both. those guys really know how to max things out.
    4. The current 1-3 Ticket show will not be the same 1-3 Ticket show by Cowboys Training Camp.
    5. Collect underpants.

    1. Schlong Dong SliversJanuary 13, 2025 at 11:42 PM

      1. Correctomundo
      2. Spot on, again. Gonna be a run on tissues for a miniscule and weirdly invested subset.
      3. Never have truer words been spoken. The thirst those two possess is unlike anything round these parts since Mike Rhyner (who is no longer deemed Granpa Bestie).
      4. Rumblings are already being felt.
      5. I know a guy.

  19. The 2 Picks with Friends segments yesterday were such frustrating listens. Utter chaos and not in a good way. One would think they could figure out that sort of stuff before they take it on air. Corby is the worst commissioner ever!

  20. I hope all of you are getting vaccinated against RSV

  21. The typical Reddit whine fest is amusing like normal. Saw a commenter say the Musers just need to go ahead and retire if this is the show they are gonna do. My gosh the hyperbole. Am I happy the musers show is shorter now? No. Would I take Musers a little longer if it means having a shorter show? Yes. I just saw someone complain about the 5:35 segment being gone. I have not once heard of another AM drive show starting at 5:30 AM besides the musers.

    1. People hate change, especially to something that's been the same since the late 90s. My only issue is the 6:40 replay instead of a fresh Gordo segment or some other new content. Replay the bit during the 5:30-6 penalty kill.

  22. 10 minute ad breaks with no ads to fill them are fun

    1. Stream or terrestrial? That is the case on terrestrial. Listened to stream for a half hour and nothing like that occurred. This is your second time to leave this comment. Agenda much?

    2. I have not commented about ad sales being down before now

    3. This is on stream. They keep playing different Conrad promos over and over during breaks

    4. it's an error with the feed and the SDT app.
      it's nothing more than that.

    5. Well, it’s a little bit more than that. Many segments which are usually sponsored have no sponsor.

  23. Guys, the Dumb Zone is totally breaking up. And also there’s a big steel-toed boot that’s about to drop in this Cumulus lawsuit.

  24. Has anyone discussed the explosion of ad/promos in the morning and how we're now hearing promos for a station in Chicago with some hyper political idiot? I might give KTCK one more morning and I'm out. Smaller than a pebble in the ocean, yes, I know, but it sucks. I feel like Cumulus is giving me the double bird now.

    1. Um, yeah. Directly above your comment. People think it’s totally normal and no big deal

    2. Man! All you good people are really making me rethink my listening habits. Really provoking and poking from the bear's perspective.

      Oh the attention seeking subgenre-ist. Great job, fellas. Really showed everyone. Well, everyone except the ones you so desperately wish to show. They don't give a fuck now, do they.

      As to boots and such. Well, let's just say Cumulus got rid of three disgruntled employees who were actively fomenting dissention among coworkers and customers. Two of whom carried with them the baggage of hefty salaries, insurance, and benefits. They also avoided being the poster child for a landmark labor law case. And on top of it, their ratings during the aforementioned disgruntled employees' time slot track right along with their own. Sorry, Chumley, unlike you, the historical data doesn't lie. Chef's kiss: Their endeavor is in no way an actual competitor.

      Try harder. Be smarter. Back to the drawingboard, Skippy.

    3. i'll try again. it is a technical issue tied to the digital ad insertion software that works with the feed used by the Sports Day Talk app. You may not know this, but (when working correctly, and based on your location) not everyone gets the same ads. The effort to correct these errors is fraught with different stake holders (none of which are in Dallas) across 2-3 different companies. I know conspriacy is fun, but really, this is basic left hand/right hand stuff.

  25. Nobody remembers Rhyner referring to the January blues? When there were lots of unsponsored segments & ad buys were light?

    This isn’t new.

    1. Agreed, this isn’t new. And it isn’t just January - it’s the first 3 months of each quarter that are lighter on advertisers like this.

      What’s interesting to me is that I used to enjoy those times because commercial breaks were shorter and segments were longer. It appears that’s changed now…

  26. I said that wrong above. It’s the beginning of each 3 month quarter - so March will be lighter on advertising again. Apparently cumulus has found a way to fill the time now, without just increasing content.

  27. Fake Jerry Fake Mike had me rolling this morning. Especially Mike's comment about no outside podcast as part of his departure terms.

  28. Couple of things- the self confidence of the “see radio is dead, they can’t even sell commercials, all they’re playing is promos” is astounding. 2 minutes of listening to the on air signal shows all the usual obnoxious commercials were playing. See Peter’s comment above, it was some kind of glitch that only affected the stream.
    2ndly - there’s going to be an obvious correlation between ratings and revenue. For all the “radio is a dying medium” folks, have you considered who’s going to die first? A station like KSKY and Mark Davis where the station lives on satellite programming and Mark struggles to get a 1 share, or the Musers, who had a 20 share in their daypart. The Ticket is consistently one of, if not THE, top billing stations in the market. I expect other stations to die long before the Ticket.

    1. People talk about the shrinking radio audience and that may be true industry-wide. However, DFW has hundreds of new people moving in every day. There will be advertisers for a long, long time.

  29. Look at last months numbers you will see KRLD and WBAP not too far ahead of KSKY. Both of these are suffering from political burnout right now. KRLD got away from news and into talkers at the wrong time. WBAP also just cut Chris Krok loose over the weekend. If WBAP does go down, KTCK may get that big stick they have wanted for so long.

  30. Do you think it’s time we get a new program director in here?

  31. To replace Catlin? Why would they replace the guy that is arguably one of the best sports PDs in the country? His station just won the Marconi for best station in the country, and they’ve win 3 or 4 other Marconis as best sports station. They dominate in the ratings, regularly doubling their direct competitors ratings. And they’re regularly one of if not the highest billing station in the market.
    What reason would you have for getting rid of him?
    I know it’s the hip Reddit thing to trash him, but most of the decisions people trash him for are not his decisions . Or at least not his alone.
    Dan And Jake was a corporate decision.
    Hiring Matt , Mino and Sean Bass? Probably a big chunk of that is his decision, but their ratings are as good or better than Norm/THZ/BAD, so common to me how maintaining high ratings despite staff turnover is a knock on the dude.
    Letting Sirois, Danny etc walk? Those are the guys who got out of radio because they wanted to work with his brother(Mike) and focus on his bar(Danny).
    I don’t know what norms contract status was like, but running off a senior citizen with 50 years radio career for a dude (MS) who had never hosted a weekday show of his own in any market probably didn’t fly with Big Dan Benet or the suits in Atlanta.
    Like I said, I’d love to hear the reasoning to fire him. If I was BDB I’d probably be trying to lock him up in a long term deal

    1. But look how well Danny and Sirois did as hosts. Oh, hold on. Yeah. Cut that back a little. Better. Cut it out entirely. One of the biggest flops in DFW radio history. But, hey, they said what they wanted and got a sweet buyout.

      Good stuff, C. Thing is, you’re bringing in critical thinking and facts into a dialogue with a weirdly, pathologically, invested group of interlocutors who are incapable of seeing past their hard pinched micropeens.

    2. the "dan and jake decision" - was only Dan and Jake's decision.

  32. Can't we all just get along? Is it ok to like both The Ticket and TDZ or do we have to take sides and denigrate the other?

    1. Onehundo. 'Cept the 'Sode-sters, all 3 of 'em, can't deal with reality.

      On another, unrelated note: Hope someone did a welfare check on Shaggurly Bloody Orange. Tough one, pal, them Horns.

  33. Where does “ let’s cut that back a little bit” come from again?

    1. I can’t remember who was producing but they kept the song playing to intro a segment on too long and too loud and Junior said it.

    2. It was a 7th tier employee (Junior system ;-) Blake, Killer ?) filling in as producer for the Musers and they were playing Vampire Weekend as the song intro into a segment. The song kept going longer than normal, Junior asked what that "noise / song" was and the producer replied Vampire Weekend, Junior then said "let's cut that back a little bit".

    3. Yall should be ashamedJanuary 18, 2025 at 12:47 PM

      It was Ticket legend Trey Mitchell

    4. More like Ticket Loser. He had less talent and charisma than even TC did. Any time he was on air or did anything it dragged the whole station down. I hear he’s working at McDonald’s now. The Dumb zone and the Freak didn’t even want him lol!

  34. Meanwhile, Rhyner and Williams have reunited The Hardlne. The radio wetdream so many once had has come true and guess what? 1. It isn't very good. 2. It's made about as many waves as a plastic kiddie pool situated on an apartment balconey. And 3., did I mention it isn't good? Like to the point where you look at it like a movie you thought kicked ass as a kid but upon further review later in life you realized it was meh at best. I'm thinking that if the rat nest dwellers ever get their CdS cream dream realized, they too will find that not only does it not age well, it might not have been that great to begin with. One more thing. Have nothing against The Sports Humorist or Points For Sex Club Charter Member and I wish them nothing but the best. But dude. Come on. It's a hard listen. Zero structure, lotsa time kill, not a lot of substance, and a lot of bunk info by supposedly smart bros. Not worth the investment of time or money, so I had to duck out.

  35. There is a common style between c minus and the negative person who responds to everything.

    Sentences in the form of questions, bullet points, and vocabulary that is forced.

    1. Periods Commas MaturityJanuary 18, 2025 at 2:30 AM

      “Vocabulary that is forced.” You ought not comment any further, little one.

    2. Sorry guys. While I loathe commas, semicolons, and colons, (Ok let me be honest that last clause makes me queasy), I have to admit that in no way do I converse as such a way with either my family, friends, and coworkers. Sorry to break it to such a douche. I’m young. Still learning.

    3. Green, Zulu, are you stroking, pal? That made no sense. Well, other than your mea culpa to being a 5th grader posing as an adult.

  36. Actually, I think you are roughly 4-5 different handles, Zulu. It’s kind of obvious.

  37. It’s almost over. Just around the bend. So what’s plan b? Fan fiction sodes?

    1. But I was assured The Musers and The Ticket were going to be intact for years to come.

    2. Radio ain’t no sode , brutha. But ya knew that. B minus effort. You’re better than this. I have faith in you.

    3. Careful Darrell. That's a mirror you're lookin' in

  38. If you keep predicting the imminent departure of the Musers or the demise of the Ticket, eventually, after years and years of doing so, it will happen & you will be a genius.

    1. Ginkgo Bilbo Gensing GingerJanuary 21, 2025 at 12:20 PM

      Someone hire this bruh as their CEO, pronto! All the thoughts.

  39. I keep reading comments from those inquiring about dropping boots. What I’m curious about is when all the kick ass daily content from all those different sources (sources comprised of generational talent, at that), unfettered by The Man, who bank large via No Puppet is coming online.

    1. Isn’t this a Ticket blog?

    2. Ticket keeps plugging in and playing and destroying all comers. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. They're doing so amazing, that it's a snooze topic. Wake me up when DnM retire. In the interim, surely you have more in your bag, skruhbidi? Least I hope you do. Weak attempt. D- stuff. What say we have a rethink? You agree. Good.

    3. My people, my people, what can I say; say what I can. I saw it but didn't believe it; I didn't believe what I saw. Are we gonna live together? Together are we gonna live? Today's temperature's gonna rise up over 100 degrees, so there's a Jheri curl alert! That's right, Jheri curl alert. If you have a Jheri curl, stay in the house or you'll end up with a permanent black helmet on your head fuh-eva!

      Wake upl Wake up! Wake upl Wake upl Up ya wake! Up ya Wake! Up ya wakel This is Mister Señor Love Daddy. Your voice of choice. The world's only twelve-hour strong man on the air, here on WE-LOVE radio, 108 FM. The last on your dial, but the first in ya hearts, and that"s the truth Ruthl Yes, children, this is the cool-out corner. We're slowing it down for all the lovers in the house. I'll be giving you all the help you need. Musically, that is.
      Whoa. Y'all take a chill. You got to cool that shit off. And that's the double-truth, Ruth. Your Love Daddy says: Register to Vote! The election is coming up. The color for today is: black. That's right. Black! So you can absorb some of these rays and save that heat for winter. So you want to get on out there, wear that black, and be involved! Doing the ying and yang. The hip and the hop. The stupid fresh thing. The flippity flop. Oo000000000000! I have today's forecast for you: HOTssssssss! Here I am. Am I here? Y'know it! It ya know. This is Mister Señor Love Daddy, doing the nasty to ya ears, ya ears to the nasty. I'se only play da platters dat matter, da matters dey platter and that's the truth, Ruth.

    4. Really poor attempt there. Little bit racist too. So not only is your surrealism garbage, it would appear you are as well.

    5. I second those assertions. Surrealist Troll this douche is not. This is 6th rate crap.

    6. You are in more dire need of a blowjob than any white man in history.

    7. Def the work of a woman. An eatin’ out is more like it.

  40. This place has gotten so weird

    1. And gross. Getting to be unreadable.

  41. Dear God, make it stop.

  42. The dumbzone does seem to be in kind of a weird spot at this point. They have 25 comments on a nearly month old reddit listening thread. The constant cheerleading has died down. Someone complaining about Jake and his hydroflask lol. Too many guests, too many shows, not enough TC, too much TC, etc. I'm guessing they still have a good flow of listeners, but the shine seems to be gone.

    1. OMG … ENOUGH about the Cowboys head coaching job. Are you kidding me??? And he just said the hated Pigskin panel will be dedicated to that topic as well.

      Absolutely nauseating.. It’s so stupid, it’s soooo IRRELEVANT..

      I’m OUT.

      Over the last couple of weeks, I told myself to just give it 31 days- all of January- see if this new format works for me, it doesn’t at all… So watered down, so sloppy, no effort. I stopped listening to the 840 bit, because it just never felt right to me how the show ended on that… and then the waste of the repeat segment the next day at 6:40..the content that none of us clearly enjoy (panel, Brian Jones, David Ranch) and all the time they take up..and on and on.

      It makes me so very sad to say that I am not listening anymore, I will miss these guys so much, they were my morning for over 20 years.. I will catch Gordo on his twitch stream and will tune in to the hardline here and there but this morning, this feels like a very painful breakup

    2. The head coach of the Dallas Cowboys is an irrelevant topic on a sports talk station? That's an odd take.

    3. Very odd take. And from the same person who left a similar “I’m done” comment a few days ago. Sorry, pal, your prose style gives you away. Your tactic here isn’t going to work. I recall during The FAN’s early days how their interns and lower level employees would leave comments like these. Funny stuff. Whatever your aim is, friendo, I give you credit for trying to. Live the passion.

    4. Ya, pretty funny. The cowboys currently do not have a HC, and talking about it is where that user draws the line lol.

    5. The OMG post above was copied from the Ticket reddit thread. So either that's the same person or someone wanted to troll. The amusing part of that post on the reddit thread is Gordo responded to it.

    6. Gordon always appears on reddit whenever there's a loud chorus of unhappy listeners.

    7. Thanks for clearing that up for us. Now I’m really angry at Todd. I’m done!

  43. CJK5H: If you back through the history of Ticket social media from Remove Rowdy to grubes is my leader and all of the other discussion forums it has always been that way. Seems the vocal majority of Ticket listeners only want to hear fart drops, movie discussions, and pot jokes. They don't listen to the station for sports, just for the "all that implies" stuff.

  44. Far and away more traffic here than either reddit Ticket or reddit/Patreon/Substack Dumbzone. Giggle.

  45. For some reason I still follow Rhyner on Gruber or Dark Companion on Instagram. I keep seeing videos of their podcast and Rhyner talking. it just seems to take home 5 minutes to complete a sentence & make a coherent thought. I swear I used to like him. Before he mentally checked out, was he always like this? Or is it just that much worse?

    1. Something happened inside Mike right after forming Petty Theft. It was as if he reverted back to a shallow, numb nuts teenager. Was never the same. By the end of '06, the transformation was complete. If the stories are true, one of the main players in why he would get lost or sound confused by a conversation or subject matter was because he was engrossed in looking at band photos (of himself), conducting band business, and in general searching the internet for his favorite musicians/bands like a high schooler would Creem or Hit Parader back in the day.

    2. I've often wondered if this a case of correlation not causation. I think something happened that caused Mike to form Petty Theft and everything else is just side effect of whatever that was. Relationships are messy things. I suspect Rhyner is not easy to get along with but I doubt he's entirely to blame for the things that went wrong on the HL and the Ticket. He certianly put the match to the bridge with the Freak and some of the things that were said. The whole thing just makes me sad.

  46. So is this the final week of TDZ? It's been imminent for a little while now...

    1. This is a Ticket site. Why the f would we know? Besides, if a ‘sode drops into the digital aether and only the same 8 psychologically damaged people listen to it….namely, the same Go Fund The Renovation Of My Vacay Home’ers that inhabit DZ Reddit and who comprise the entirety of TDZ’s P1D1 fanbase (what now remains of it)…..does it actually exist? Or is it an imaginary product of a febrile mind, enfeebled by years of the well intended but ultimately paralyzing damage inflicted by parents who prioritized being a best friend over actual parenting — a manifestation of their own not so sublimated insecurities and shortcomings (real or imagined)?

    2. But you're the guy that keeps posting about their demise. We know it's you, scruh

    3. Who’s this “we,” buddy? Invisible friends? Seek help.

  47. Sean : "David, how are we doing?"

    Mino : "Doing ok. We just dive head first into this one today. I guess some, some initial reaction to the hire We'll get to the press conference at 135 150 play some audio break it down a little bit and we learned of this Friday night it was around 9pm and I actually first learned of this from the text message that our boss Cat sent us right at 9 getting home from dinner and its a text you know group text to 10 people so I'm like ok what is, What is this about and then its the official news so the next move is open up twitter and I see it happened right then and the News, not surprising we all saw this coming for a few days after they talked for, for 9 hours, a couple meetings The timing of it was a little strange I was expecting it to be Friday afternoon sometime maybe a, a News Dump at 4 or 5pm maybe during our show if we were lucky or Sunday during the NFC Championship game is kinda what I was expecting But it happens at late at night so I'm watching the Stars game I'm just kinda getting my thoughts together just reading reaction from other people and it's pretty much the same stuff and we're gonna spend a lot of time talking about Schottenheimer today and Jerry and all of this circus I think Shotty which is his nickname I think he's a good guy I think he has a focus, rooting for him But just this whole process is really what pisses me off And when you look at the teams that were hiring other coaches like they've got Pete Carroll on TV right now and Pete Carroll was mentioned in the press conference today being somebody that Brian Schottenheimer looked up to you've got Ben Johnson talking a head coach job in Chicago and they're fired up about that
    [[in background- and Aaron Glenn with the Jets today introduced]]
    I think Schottenheimer can be a good head coach, it's just its the process of hiring it and how qualified are you for a head coaching job Now that's, that's very subjective the way I'm looking at it and when you look at the coaches that were hired this year it is what have they done in their previous stops to make the teams better And when I'm looking at head coaching candidates that did not get hired so far in this process I'm looking at Kellen Moore Kliff Kingsbury Joe Brady you can go to college Deion Sanders Marcus Freeman now not all of them are going to take a head coaching job but what all of those guys have in common the team that they went to, they got better Whether it be a coordinator or a head coach With Schottenheimer you could argue that all the places along his career he has not made the teams better".

    Sean: "Yea. and......"

    ^^seriously. Right after their show today Cat needs to call them both into his office and replay them that rambling, good lordy!

  48. Never seen someone trying to do as much damage control as Gordon has been doing on reddit since the big announcement

    1. Man, you’re right! Bugs me to no end. Hey, gang, let’s say we all boycott The Musers, cash out our 401ks, and give them to The Dumb Zone.

      Thanks for bringing this travesty to our collective attention.

    2. I agree it’s been strange how active he’s been. If you look back he’s made a few very occasional comments in the past, now he’s on every day with multiple long comments defending their decisions. I appreciate his tone and manner of interacting for the most part - gracious and engaging - but it’s very unusual for him to be this involved in the discussion. Maybe that’s what he’s using his extra 1.5 hours for?

    3. Nah. Gordo gets obsessed about something and goes whole hog on it. He will interact with people like this on Twitter. He probably found the Reddit site amusing with how angry people are and he's not afraid to interact with the angry listeners. He's said before that online people say the worst things about the hosts but quickly seem to change their tune when he interacts with them. I'd imagine the entire angry persona of Reddit is fascinating to him.

    4. It just so happens that Gordon coincidently becomes obsessed with commenting on Reddit when there’s growing vocal dissent. He did the same thing when Dan and Jake left.

  49. I know it’s popular here to disparage Reddit as angry and out of touch, the same way it’s popular there to represent MTC as conspiratorial and fringe. The comments he’s interacting with on Reddit are not just irrational angry online trolls. There’s a lot of thoughtful, non-reactionary critique of the current format (most notably the bizarre choice to use one of the 9 daily segments to replay one of the previous day’s 9 daily segments.

    1. Oh sure. They aren't ALL angry and out of touch but the majority are. He spent an entire Twitch talking to people about their anger about the format change. Those tend to be less hot headed than Reddit. But ones that call him a Trump bootlicker and obnoxious and that he sucks are also ones he'll take on in a disarming way. It's fun to watch but I doubt it's some form of "damage control".

    2. Realtors are People Too!January 28, 2025 at 8:04 PM

      When X has been thoroughly and many times explained by its source Y, and yet Z keeps insisting another answer be given, one amenable to their particular viewpoint — that is not rational. It is, however, pathological. And that is refdit in a nutshell. While there are outliers in each subreddit, on the whole this is the case. Especially so where Ticket and Ticket adjacent Reddit is concerned.

  50. Uh-oh. Dr. Luke and Dr. Anna just did a really weird new commercial...

    1. Thanks for the heads up. We’ll pass it along to HR.

  51. A question specifically for Ragonkforce above, but open to all responders.
    What percentage of the listening audience do you think is hearing both the original 840am bit AND the 640a replay the next day?
    The last time I did a deep dive on Ticket ratings their time spent listening was fluctuating between 5 and 7 hours per week. In other words, an average Neilsen panelist listens twice a day, 5 days a week for 30-40 minutes at a time. Maybe a little in middays, maybe a pop on during the weekend. But zero percentage of the surveyed audience is listening to all of the Musers. To put it another way, the 640a commuters are not driving again at 840a. If those bits are popular, (and they wouldn’t be playing them again if they weren’t) it makes a certain amount of sense to replay them. It’s the programmers quandary. Do you program for your heaviest users, your lightest, or somewhere in between? TSL on KISS fm used to be like 8 minutes. Or to put another way, they were lucky to hold listeners for 2 songs before they’d punch out and go elsewhere. That’s why they’d play the same top 15-20 songs CONSTANTLY, because they have massive cume and near zero TSL. A constant churn of listeners. The Ticket has much higher TSL, but again no one surveyed is listening 3-4 hours straight through.

    1. C, you are trying to provide logical and actual reasoning to a population that seems to only want to be told why they are right. Since I have looked at any ticket twitter, reddit, forum, etc., the hardcore P1 seems to constantly think the shows are made for people that listen all day everyday. They do not realize that radio for most people is something to listen to on their way to and from work.

    2. Great question, C-

      I don't have any finger on the pulse of time spent listening numbers. I'm not an insider. I haven't claimed to be. I would imagine that most people who listen at 6:30 don't listen at 8:30. So, a few points that brings to mind:

      1. The discussion about this is among P1's - literally defined as those who make listening to the Ticket their preference, so it would make sense that this replay would bother P1's more than the average listener.

      2. No other Ticket show that I'm aware of replays content of their own show from the previous day, every day, although you could make the same argument about listeners at 3:30 and 5:30 or 6:30. So that does make the Musers replay unique.

      3. By the same TSL logic, why not replay the 8:15 segment, so people hear the best sports/lifestyle conversation of the day, since there are different listeners at different parts of the morning? Why have new content at all - why not have a little content and replay it throughout the day? Why not have the Musers 3 hour show played on a loop the rest of the day? Talk radio isn't music, so this doesn't normally happen.

      4. Most importantly, the way the Musers time change has been sold has been with this logic: "we're condensing 4.5 hours of content into 3 hours of super-packed content." The statement has been made over and over again that the Musers are more committed than ever and that this show will deliver more content meat with less of the "fat". Having one of the nine segments be a replay, going 30 minutes of air time without new content during this newly condensed 3 hour format every day contradicts that sell job.

      With that said, the Musers and the Ticket can do whatever they want, and people can listen however they want. All radio is about selling, so the time shift is being sold to the consumers a certain way, whether it reflects reality or not. I personally enjoy the Musers but I think the 6:40 bit replay shows that their PR around the time change isn't really accurate. And continuing to say "we're packing in more content than ever, in concentrated form" while doing the replay is insulting to the listener's intelligence.

    3. Yes, they replay one, usually about 5 minute, segment from the day before. Let's go ahead and slippery slope that into replaying the whole day over and over. My gosh.

    4. Hi CJK5H

      I know you've been around MTC for quite a while - appreciate your contributions.

      That's not an example of a slippery slope fallacy - I'm not suggesting that the 8:40 bit replay will lead to more. It's an example of the logical argumentation technique of reductio ad absurdum.

      As I mentioned, the Musers and listeners can all do what they want! Just sharing my opinion and the reasons for it, since asked.


    5. Isn't the replay sponsored? If so, I would imagine that also plays into why it will stick around along with the possible drive time listeners which is probably pretty accurate.

    6. It’s a logical fallacy.

    7. Non sequiturs are not reductio arguments. I mean, at least you’re trying.

  52. We the P1s are about to get a great week of content from Radio Row - guys jumping on other shows, NoLa stories, Jub bet payoff + afternoon frozen-awesome Jub/Donnie, Rant Revival chaos - - let's get a little positivity going around here!

    1. I like this guy. More Javier.

    2. Let’s cut you back. A lot.

      You’re very bad at trolling. Perhaps try a new hobby? Or at least workshop your material before going public. I mean, bruh, this stuff is weeeeeaaaak.

    3. and yet, you felt compelled to respond. kinda the definition

    4. That makes no sense. Try harder, Chauncey. Do better. Be better. Smart and clever isn’t your forte. Need to cut that back a little bit.

    5. Has-to-have-the-last-word Guy is just the worst

  53. Peter, didn't a new book go online yesterday? If so, would you mind, please, posting the breakdown?

    1. It’s the Holiday Book. Nobody cares.

    2. There was, but I historically do not post it because it regularly is labeled as "Does Not Count", which really is how it is treated in the industry.

    3. To explain Peter’s comment- KDGE. I’d stop the ratings this month: but loot at their trend. The November book (basically Octobers calendar month) they had a 3.9. In decembers rating book (calendar mostly November, ended on White elephant day) they were up to a 7 share. Then the holiday book (WED thru Jan 2nd) they had a TEN share.
      Every advertising agency and most independent media buyers know this. Many advertisers buy on a 3 month average- why would you pay for the aberration of the 7 or 10 share when historically they’re a 4 share? It’s why TT burns so much vacation time in that month. Every serious advertiser throws that book out the window because Xmas music skews the numbers so much:

    4. Having said that (with typos!) I’ll add this. The Ticket was #2 in the Market for 6 plus and adults 25-54,l behind Xmas music. And number 1 in their m25-54 demo and number 1 in all their prime dayparts. For all the redditors and MTC folks who complain about no bench, their thin bench still did pretty pretty good.

    5. My only use of the holiday book is to demonstrate the immediacy of how PPM works (for better or worse).

      C's KDGE/Xmas music example is the best one - every year whatever station goes Xmas music shoots up for a couple of months (Nov/Dec) and falls back in the January book.

      So when someone says that a new station, format launch, show, etc "needs time", I'd argue you can tell in pretty short order how well, or not well, it's going to go.

    6. Irving cares and so do I, Radio Daze. Why such a glum chum? Spoilt sport by nature, are we? So sad.

  54. If the choice was a 3 hour Muser show with a repeat segment or no Musers at all, shouldn't we be happy with the 3 hour show? I'm not sure what Gordo feels the need to defend or people feel the need to criticize. I've never really liked the repeat of the 8:40 bit but I'll suffer through it for the rest of the show as opposed to nothing which I think was our choice.

  55. I completely agree KDF. If the Musers came out in January and said, hey we will retire or shorten our show to 3 hours (and keep the 840 replay) everyone would have said to shorten the show, don't retire!! But the fact that people are up in arms about it is pretty comical.

  56. The tribalism here these days is hilarious. I stated specifically that I like the Musers and I’m glad they’re back. No one is “so up in arms”. But when did it become the “you must agree with every decision made by Ticket management” blog?
    Here’s My Ticket Confession:
    I like the Musers
    I’m glad they’re back
    I wish they chose to have more content and not punt a segment.
    This isn’t that controversial guys. In fact, KDF says he agrees about not liking the replay. If given the choice between no Musers and the Musers with the replay, we’d all choose the replay. So…what’s your point? That doesn’t make it something we all have to agree with, we can disagree but still like the show and listen.
    We really can, guys. It’s not all-or-nothing tribalism. TDZ isn’t the worst thing ever or the greatest innovation in the medium. Read the tag line of the blog:

    A home for those who love almost everything about The Ticket (1310 AM, 96.7 FM, Dallas-Fort Worth), and who would like to discuss -- respectfully and fondly -- their thoughts on how (and whether) to eliminate the "almost."

    1. I hope I did not come across as disrespectul, RagonkForce, that was not my intent. Nor was I respoding to you. I've seen a number of post across the interwebs about the new hours and I found it odd given that the other choice seems to have been no Musers at all. As I wrote I've never liked the replay but I had always assumed it was because I listened at an odd time. I've gotten up at 3:30 am for the last two decades so I would hear the repeat on the on the repeat of the top 10 and then when the 6:30 repeat came I didn't want to hear it again. I hope that they eventually decide to put something original in there. Again, my apologies if I came across as disrespectful that is never my intent.

    2. RF is ever arguing with itself and its perceived positions of others. See, folks like RF are unable to accept opinions and ideas differing from their own. They accuse those with opposing opinions as being rigid, blinkered, and (as we see here) will in short order categorize them with terms like “tribalistic.” A form of essentialism, in (pun intended) essence. The only real point of agreement is to either concur with them in toto or at least admit you’re wrong. Anything less engenders a never ending spate of retorts comprised of opaque rhetorical stratagems posed as reasonable even centrist discourse that eventually turn ad hominem.

    3. BTW, you played right into it, KDF. RF now owns the terms of discourse; it is no longer a I-Thou relationship; rather, I-It.

    4. Yeah, KDF. In no way could your words be seen as disrespectful. Giver is correct. RagonkForce was employing a cheap, middle school debate team tactic. They gave it away in their previous comment with their inaccurate use of reductio ad absurdum. Indeed, RagonkForce well demonstrates the adage, "a little knowledge can be dangerous."

      Keep doing what you're doing, playboy.

  57. No offense taken, KDF. ‘Preciate ya!

  58. There was this music video, OK Go on treadmills, it got Hella popular. So much so that OK Go stopped really caring about the quality of the music, but rather the viral or concept of the video.
    OK Go made several other videos, ones way more costly, expansive. But over a decade later all they are really known for, and what they will continually bill themselves as, is that group that did the Treadmill Video.

    -Anyways, I think TDZ is doing a SuperBowl livestream from Dan's garage room, probably with TC and Julie.

    1. The ChatGPT bit is so early ’24. Uncreative as it gets. Not funny, either. Then again, they think TDZ is good, and actually pay for that crap.


      Jake Blake Daniel Add-1

  59. "Clarence and Clarice. Do we think that that's a popular sibling names? Like, do you think there's a bunch of Clarence and Clarice's that are brother and sister? It's pretty.....
    That's true, yeah, it's not really a...I don't think I know any other Clarice's either....
    Not really a younger name.....
    And if you have a brother named Clarence, or if you're a Clarence and have a sister named Clarice....let us know. If that's rent free in your head".

    1. Weak sauce, scruh. That all you got? Totz Reddit league bullsh.

  60. Can someone tell me what the Picks With Friends bet payoff is? I really don’t know. I know George lost, but what does he have to do?

    1. He has to drive to New Orleans using a designated route. He has to take with him a lifesize doll (named Spunt) and he has to take the doll with him wherever he goes in N.O. The doll was not ready when he left Friday afternoon, so he has a smaller doll (L'il Spunt). I may be missing some other details.

    2. I’m Just WonderingFebruary 1, 2025 at 9:33 PM

      Sub #s have been going the other way for months now. No more talk of NP expansion. No more NP kisses from the usual local media outlets. Very little discussion either on DZ reddit or on Substack. Tiers in place. Sub fees up. Evermore ads per sode. Fewer sodes. Where’s my promised game changer content and access to it? Where’s all my fave former Ticket/Freak personalities’ regular NP shows?

    3. I'll say it - that podcast sucks. Current Ticket Middays are not too much better but at least it is not a subscription.
      I honestly cannot believe Jake, and then Blake, became foot-soldiers for that slug.
      "So what do you do?"
      "Oh...I'm in media. Sports related....podcast."
      "Oh ok like Barstool or Awful Announcing stuff, or Dan or Rich kinda stuff, thats so you know that Kay Adams??"
      " Heh yea we're like a local DFW sports podcast....but we also do like other teams, big events. Then we'll do like a News segment..that kinda sways dfw, too....then we'll do a Today in History, thats wild...."
      "Huh. Ok....Huh..."

    4. HaHaHahahaha holy S they really traded Luka HaHaHahahaha

    5. Does it hurt? Bob? Jake? Does it? Does it hurt?

  61. I've always said, part of the Little Ticket's 30yr success is that it is continuously feed by a bizarrely endless stream of hyper-local-sports-super-drama.

    Mostly Cowboys, sure, but never has DFW lacked for Rangers, Mavs, Stars or even college flair-ups at just the right time.

    1. The only thing that comes close to rivaling this is the Jerry/Jimmy split.

  62. Saw Jake's missive regarding Luka. Oh brutha. What an edge lord. Jake Z lives forever. This guy's fearless, lemme tell ya. Herr Don't Give A Fuck. This guy also gets damn near everything wrong when it comes to his supposed area of expertise, i.e., sports. The juice machine needs cleaning. I guess there's still a handful of you out there buying this shit. For how long?

  63. TDZ and The Freak: apples to crab apples comp. Same fate. Sorry if that hurts your I’ll donate my 401k butt. Nothing can nor will save it. Your move.

  64. I was promised a midday shakeup (someone leaving) and a Dumb Zone dissolution.

    What happened?

    1. It’s February 4. And no one promised you anything. On the other hand, in many local and even national puff pieces, in press releases, on their own pod, and on other pods, DZ/NP made their claims.

      Mediocre work at best, here. The snark is weak with this one. Try harder. Be smarter. Get good.

    2. Donovan and Matt have gotten a lot better, chemistry-wise. I just can't go the full 4hrs, usually tune out around 11 now.

      I use to give TSS an opening-segment chance, but that did not last long. It's like talk-radio bumper-cars. I try to give their Jub or NIT Brake segments a chance, but that too does not last very long.

      Prayers up to Jake-Z. That Mavs side gig probably won't seem as fun anymore.

    3. Loving TSS. Now that Sean has ditched the know-it-all, cocky-sniffing, gotta-be-right-itis persona, he's grown and continues to grow into a solid host. Mino too keeps getting better. Plus, unlike their immediate predecessors, they actually get their sports analyses and predictions correct on the reg while not making easily verified bullsh claims to authority on subject matters they know nothing of past the "smart consensus" of "smart Twitter/X."

  65. Something big looms.



    1. Lemme guess. Your giant Taco Bell filled ass? Bingo! First try!

    2. Dude.


    3. "Hasimoto" as in Haas Moto? As in where "The Boys" will meet up with "Dingu" and "The Sea Cow" for a "remote"? Yeah that's some big looming shit there, bud.

      Psssssst. Turbo, over here. (hushed tone) They don't see this. Not even Blake. (pats Turbo on the head like a little tot).

  66. Question for a possible lurking Monty---
    Is Mino doing some sort of Kaufman-style bit where he is continually proposes Ridiculous Hypotheticals ???

    -asking if Not Like Us will double in streaming from 1billion to 2billion in a week bc of the Halftime Show.....I'll volley one over to you David, do you think if Mahomes wins on Sunday he'll go ahead and retire after winning 3 in a row?? Light 'em up, 888-

    1. Well I think that was very sarcastic and I don't appreciate it.

    2. They have one of the funniest shows on the Ticket, they even crack themselves up after everything they say!

    3. Know what, Sal? You make a good point. They really are full of themselves, aren’t they! Let’s say we start a campaign to get Cat fired and to force them to get Sirois and Julie for the 1-3 slot! I for one have had enough of those guys getting comparable ratings to their predecessors! Bugs the heck outta Cactus Flinthead and me! Can we spend some money and get some pitching in here or what???!!!???!!!

    4. That Dude Perfect/ Kenny Chesney interview was a hoot! Hahahahaha!!!

    5. Glad you enjoyed it. As did I.

    6. The Ticket’s numbers continue to kill. So someone obviously is digging the cut of their jib. I’m one of those people. You’re not, Orange Sunshine. What would you have them do? Bring on ex Ticket employees that failed at betting on themselves? Douchey star content creators who have nothing to say other than content creation is the future and the future is now? Or what about mostly unknown, local journos inspired by Elizabeth Wurtzel looking for free pub anywhere they can find it? Is this the content you’d like The Ticket to shit forth? If so, you already have a home, and it’s one I’m fairly sure you’re already quite familiar with. So why are you here? Oh I think we know.

    7. What are your top 5 Mino moments since he was named host?

      How about Top 5 SeaBass moments? (Him thinking Michael Bennett burned an American flag in the Seahawks’ locker room doesn’t count)

    8. Grill Grate and The BrushFebruary 8, 2025 at 3:24 PM

      1. Reaction to the Rangers WS win.
      2. His night out in New Orleans story.
      3. His HSO on the effect the Luka move might have on FAs wanting to come to Dallas.
      4. Anytime he engages with Monto
      5. The time he went into detail about his athletic career and showed genuine humility.
      1. Thinking Michael Bennett burned an American flat in the Seahawks locker room (don't tell others what to think, say, or do).
      2. "It's like when a family member dies and then goes off to live with another family."
      3. His Rangers WS reaction.
      4. Anytime he discusses his kids. You can tell he's a good parent.
      5. The time he admitted that he was wrong about the role of the RB in the NFL being diminished, a remnant of a bygone time.

      Notice how they're mostly sports related? It's a sports station. They are sportsy guys. I listen for sports, a couple of Gordo bits, and a little bit of relatable work-a-day observations and common life experiences. Not 50-somethings discussing their masturbation routines and using the same language as their children (I'm young like you!).

      Your move.

      I absolutely love it that they're numbers track right along with both BaD and THZ (I was a P1 of both, by the way). And that they're both good dudes who work hard and have earned their spots. Those facts are such a burr up the ass of the tiny but vocal set (sect/cult is more like it) that exists solely to whine and lie. But that's what happens when you live in a bubble: the air is thin, stifling, and so, the brain is adversely affected.

    9. TGO - I just think they are pretty bland, and they over-try to come across as the cool bro-skis. Lowkey its giving cringe.
      And there hasn't been any sort of improvement with their show in over a year. You'd think at least the interrupting each other part would have been worked on.

    10. You were aptly, accurately described above. Enjoy your 56 year old listing his ‘bate sesh must-haves and his cohost’s never ending utterly wrong, at times flat out stupid (though confidently expressed) analyses and prognostications (be it sports, political science, history, current events, or anything really).

  67. I didn't get my paper this weekend--did The Hang Zone fold yet?

    1. Sadly, yes, they are gone

    2. Damn. What are they each doing now?

    3. Huh.




    4. All of the above is the same idiot. Scruh, you have a home. Oh, wait. No one other than you and 4 others inhabit those two spaces.

    5. Wwowww. The space between the Ticket top 3 shows & the 4th. Is. Jarring.

    6. Border Patrol All StarFebruary 10, 2025 at 5:56 PM

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  68. Countdown has begun, worker bees. Better find a new comb, and fast. Cue the darkness music. Who's gonna end up in that 3 bedroom apartment in Failed Endeavor Heaven? One's in for sure. One's in hospice. The other is starting to show signs (begging for paid chat questions on a 10 minute basis throughout the day at this stage of the game is a bad indicator).

  69. That Mavs weekly youtube show that Jake and Machine have been doing took last week off, for some reason.
    Saw a new episode came out today, but now with KT instead of Jake.i wonder if that would garner the same grade level as the trade?
    Tough times for the ferret.

    1. I don't say this with any sense of glee, and I'm not one of the above prognosticators or among the supposed inside knowledge set. I am a DZ sub, but one who doesn't view all available content any longer. The whole thing has had an off vibe from the jump. Of course this is merely my opinion. Whatever the reason/s, the one thing consistent is that there's zero consistency. Not a one bit. As someone else said and I agree with, a lot was promised and we'll soon enough be 2 years into it. Yet little to nothing has actually been delivered. It's also true that substack and reddit activity is at an all time low. As it stands I don't see how things make it to a 3rd year. Hope it does. Even though I bail on or flat out don't catch episodes, as long as they're around I'll support. I have to admit that the writing on the wall doesn't look good.

    2. I wondered (and still do) what would happen with Roundball Talk given it is put out directly by the Mavs and they (Nico) have been such bitches about taking criticism on the Luka trade, considering how strongly and publicly Jake has come out against the trade. My assumption is that either the organization told Jake he’s no longer welcome on the program, or told Jake he could not express any negativity toward the Mavs on a product put out by the Mavs, and he told them to F off. Or maybe nothing was explicitly said but Jake just saw what they are doing to anyone who says anything negative about the Mavs and didn’t want to put Machine’s actual full time job in jeopardy by being on a show with the guy who is attempting to organize a full arena revolt when the Lakers come to town in April. In any case, with the way the Mavs have been acting, and how pissed Jake is at them, there is no way he could continue to be on media put out by the team, unless he completely bitched out and towed the company line, which doesn’t seem to ever be his M.O.

    3. What was promised but not delivered?

    4. You’re kidding, right? Did you not get an ear and eyeful of growing into the most dynamic, pathbreaking, compelling local yet national content disseminated through a plethora of diverse voices who get you and who you are. All that and how the old model with its intrusive commercials and outmoded means of employee relationships and compensation are being torn asunder. All communicated via local weeklies, the local daily, local pods, and even a few national articles and pods.

      Any of that ring familiar to you?

      None of it has occurred.

  70. Woos hoos

    1. Congrats to whatever the Philly equivalent of the "New Jersey con man" is

  71. Minos Daily Word VomitFebruary 11, 2025 at 1:31 PM

    We're gonna talk about the game coming up at 135 and just everything going on with the team and last night at 930 was Lukas debut with the Lakers and yesterday when we were talking you know Mavs playing that night Lakers playing late and I I wanted nothing to do with the Laker game because it still hurts me every time I open up twitter and I see Luka wearing yellow which doesn't look good on him doesn't look good on a lot of people but it just hurts you know like it feels like its really setting in yesterday when its like ok trade happened he's going to be playing and I wanted nothing to do with that game but as the Mavs game is winding down they go to overtime the Mavs end up losing like you know what I want to support my guy I still love Luka I always will Dirk was at the game last night he was in LA he put on twitter he was going to support his friend and I think thats really cool of Dirk to do that.

    ------Profound. Quality. Wordsmith.

    1. Buddy.


    2. Wrong URL, Susie. Try Ticket and/or DumbZone Reddit and/or DumbZone Substack. Oh. Yeah. Then you wouldn’t have an audience. Must chap your flat ass to no end that they have the career you so desperately desire, and that they’re succeeding. Numbers don’t lie like you do, Sue.

  72. Grab a Scoop:

    remember Orphanage/Cirque ? ok so the 2 persons at the time trying ever so hard to keep a weekend show going are now gone.
    One is now, somehow, Elevated....good on you, Gen-X.
    The other....Panini? Well? I honestly don't know which probably means shady, re-finance bro....oh, he's plowing thru liquidity like its.....nose snow.
    But Danny and Mikey seem to be doing alright good luck god speed.
