A week or so back an Anonymous Confessor who later identified himself as Larry in Mowry (love it) submitted a three-part comment. (He said he had commented in the distant past, but was recently inspired by the uptick in comment quality.) Many of his observations will have been made by Confessors from time to time, but I thought the presentation was original and thoughtful and the writing colorful. I'm going to give you all three parts here, so it will go on a bit. I have edited very slightly for for clarity.
I was purposely flipping between TSJ and The FAN
this morning. Heard an interesting B&S ad: "Two best friends who grew
up in Richardson and who relate to you...The Ben and Skin Show." Those
weren't the exact words, but damn near. Obviously it's a double-edged sword
-- 1. "THL doesn't get you anymore, they're too big time."
-- 2."We're like The Ticket and THL used to be; we live like/where you do,
think like you do, have the same problems you do."
Maybe I'm a sucker, but
I thought it was a pretty effective commercial. There was another spot that
touted K&C Masterpiece being "guys like you and your buddies,"
and one more about how The FAN has more local programming than the other two
stations. Again, me, a sucker?, perhaps; but I found them effective.
Overall I've tried to give The FAN a fair amount of listening the past few weeks--during all hours of the weekdays/nights and weekend days/nights. In full disclosure, I'm a D1P1, so yeah I'm biased towards The Ticket, even if I'm trying my best not to be. Having said that:
Flat out, The Ticket is better than The FAN across the board where weekdays are concerned. Flat out. "No question," as Corby would say. I'd go as far to say that other than Mike Bacsik (Ticket ex-pat) and AT TIMES B&S (Ticket ex-pats), the shows and hosts are not good to plain awful. GBag, the show Bacsik is on, might be the worst of the lot (though he's solid). Then again New School might be the worst. But.
I can see why The FAN (I'm going to devote likewise listening time to ESPN for the next 2 weeks beginning Monday, so I'm not discussing them) has gained on and in some places tied or even surpassed The Ticket. Moreover I can see why this isn't a trend, why it'll most likely continue, and thus how we are probably witnessing, barring some big gestures by The Ticket, Rome fall. Not go away, mind you, but to no longer be an empire.
Overall I've tried to give The FAN a fair amount of listening the past few weeks--during all hours of the weekdays/nights and weekend days/nights. In full disclosure, I'm a D1P1, so yeah I'm biased towards The Ticket, even if I'm trying my best not to be. Having said that:
Flat out, The Ticket is better than The FAN across the board where weekdays are concerned. Flat out. "No question," as Corby would say. I'd go as far to say that other than Mike Bacsik (Ticket ex-pat) and AT TIMES B&S (Ticket ex-pats), the shows and hosts are not good to plain awful. GBag, the show Bacsik is on, might be the worst of the lot (though he's solid). Then again New School might be the worst. But.
I can see why The FAN (I'm going to devote likewise listening time to ESPN for the next 2 weeks beginning Monday, so I'm not discussing them) has gained on and in some places tied or even surpassed The Ticket. Moreover I can see why this isn't a trend, why it'll most likely continue, and thus how we are probably witnessing, barring some big gestures by The Ticket, Rome fall. Not go away, mind you, but to no longer be an empire.
-- 1. The FAN has, on every level, coopted damn near
everything The Ticket does. This includes lingo, attitude, aping Ticket hosts,
copying promotions and listener-love events such as Ticketstock and Summerbash,
and damn near everything and anything else and in every possible way that makes
The Ticket, The Ticket. They have been doing it long enough now that, they've
gotten really really good at it. To the point that it sounds organic, seamless.
It used to not be that way. However, they have hired enough Ticket ex-pats and
have done enough homework, and have hired management types such as Gilbert and
now Spittle who either helped shepherd The Ticket to its heights (Gilbert), or
aped The Ticket to such a degree (and to such a success) in another market
(Houston) that that station's hosts and listeners actually get pissed and think
The Ticket has ripped them off (Spittle).
-- 2. I also heard the Corby "I love you Jeff (Staubach)" moment last week. That plays right into [the] B&S spot I heard. Frankly, the spot has a ring of truth to it. One thing I didn't hear from any FAN host was the self-promotion for one's band or the kickass concert seats/suite or being in some local celeb's suite for the Mavs or Stars game or about hanging/texting/chatting with local musician celeb A, B, or C. You might hear a sports figure's name dropped. But it's always tied into the sports topic at hand, and not in a personal "my close friend/running buddy"kind of way like we find on The Ticket (mostly THL, to be fair).
-- 3.While the guy talk aspect of the equation is definitely a player on The FAN, sports takes precedence. Other than Norm and to some extent BaD (at least for the B side of BaD), it's the other way around at The Ticket. I know this is going to sound crazy to the bit lovers out there, but the majority of sports-guy talk listeners tune in primarily for sports talk.
-- 4. Signal. Signal. Signal. You can hear The FAN anywhere in the DFW area and even into the vast hinterlands. The Ticket, not so much. The FM signal is not good. It's better in some places, worse in others. Indeed it's the perfect counterpart to its AM sister.
-- 5. "I" know who CBS is, what's a Cumulus Station?
-- 6. Website, apps, and web presence in general. The FAN = solid, industry standard job; Ticket = Y2K disaster did happen, but only to The Ticket -- which never recovered.
-- 2. I also heard the Corby "I love you Jeff (Staubach)" moment last week. That plays right into [the] B&S spot I heard. Frankly, the spot has a ring of truth to it. One thing I didn't hear from any FAN host was the self-promotion for one's band or the kickass concert seats/suite or being in some local celeb's suite for the Mavs or Stars game or about hanging/texting/chatting with local musician celeb A, B, or C. You might hear a sports figure's name dropped. But it's always tied into the sports topic at hand, and not in a personal "my close friend/running buddy"kind of way like we find on The Ticket (mostly THL, to be fair).
-- 3.While the guy talk aspect of the equation is definitely a player on The FAN, sports takes precedence. Other than Norm and to some extent BaD (at least for the B side of BaD), it's the other way around at The Ticket. I know this is going to sound crazy to the bit lovers out there, but the majority of sports-guy talk listeners tune in primarily for sports talk.
-- 4. Signal. Signal. Signal. You can hear The FAN anywhere in the DFW area and even into the vast hinterlands. The Ticket, not so much. The FM signal is not good. It's better in some places, worse in others. Indeed it's the perfect counterpart to its AM sister.
-- 5. "I" know who CBS is, what's a Cumulus Station?
-- 6. Website, apps, and web presence in general. The FAN = solid, industry standard job; Ticket = Y2K disaster did happen, but only to The Ticket -- which never recovered.
Final Analysis: [LiM is engaging in a little theater of the mind here; he's a D1P1, recall. Sorry for the overexplaining.] I'm new in town/I'm 15-16 and
discovering sports radio. Hmmm. OK. Here's a CBS station called The FAN. I know
what CBS is, and hell, it's the station that comes in the best. They have the
Cowboys and the Rangers. If there was another station, I've never been able to
pick it up where I live, or not very well. Wow. These guys speak to me. They're
besties from Richardson who dig what I dig and have the same problems I have
(maybe not the young "discovering" listener). They have cool listener
appreciation gatherings. Etc. Oh, I finally found out about and gave The Ticket
a try. I don't know, their supposedly badass show, THL, does nothing but
gossip like my wife or gf with her friends about tv shows and Hollywood and
talk out of their asses about everything they have no knowledge on (and about
music like a teenager or college student does) . . . and has no interest in
talking about what they actually know, or are supposed to know (sports and
everyday mundane guy crap). Besides, both stations sound just alike in lingo
and for the most part in presentation. Except The FAN breaks at regular
intervals and has more content per hour.
Then you have the Ticket listener, from D1P1 to P1 to P2 who, after having been kicked out of the treehouse so to speak by the cool kids, says "I'll try something else for a while," and finds out that yes, The FAN isn't as good on the whole, but the dialogue and language itself is familiar; and you know what? they actually seem to want me in their club. These guys are dealing with the same bulsh I am. We're all sitting in Section 233 at the Stars game, having some beers, having a good time.
The Ticket IS a much better station. But The Ticket is in trouble. Not sure if they can fix it. One thing is for sure, they did it all to themselves.
Then you have the Ticket listener, from D1P1 to P1 to P2 who, after having been kicked out of the treehouse so to speak by the cool kids, says "I'll try something else for a while," and finds out that yes, The FAN isn't as good on the whole, but the dialogue and language itself is familiar; and you know what? they actually seem to want me in their club. These guys are dealing with the same bulsh I am. We're all sitting in Section 233 at the Stars game, having some beers, having a good time.
The Ticket IS a much better station. But The Ticket is in trouble. Not sure if they can fix it. One thing is for sure, they did it all to themselves.
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Not Larry in Mowry |
* * *
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I agree with him completely. I find myself listening to the fan more and more. As far as 103.3 goes, Freido just wears me out. He did when he was Norms producer and even more so as a full-time host.
ReplyDeleteSpot on in every aspect. I think they could fix it with some shifting/firing (Corby?) of current members. Mixing of shifts has brought back some nostalgic feel to the old days and is working for me. Sooner or later The Ticket will be a faded memory in my mind though.
ReplyDeleteOne of your best posts to date, Plainsman. You really hit the nail on the head, as did Larry Mowry.
ReplyDeleteThe comments the other day when corky asked about recording industry royalties were another great example. Rhyner (nobody cares anymore if he's dead) and Danny chime in with overbearing "insider" knowledge of how the record industry works from the very top down. I'm glad Danny paid a studio to produce a record or two, and Rhyner sings flat or sharp on the weekends, but I am "super-without-a-doubt" sure they have no clue what David Geffen eats for breakfast at his second home on Lake Como.
Great stuff. The FAN can never be what the Ticket once was, but they're at times a viable alternative to what The Ticket now is (at least in afternoons).
ReplyDeleteI don't fault Mike so much for becoming complacent and Corby being an asshat (and Danny his cheerleader) as I do the CTO for not correcting any of it - but then again, maybe there's nothing to correct, (some of) us being the vocal miniority and all.
Funny thing. A la Larry, I tuned into The FAN this morning after TSJ (job well done, btw, Justin M.) to escape the East Coast whiny, know it all, dweeb who talks tough behind a mic Yahoo guy on The Ticket. Lo and behold, a weekday show, GBag Nation, was on. Live from Rangers' spring training. Talking Yu Darvish and other sports stuff. Have to say that I agree with Larry that when I've given them a try on weekdays they suck. But they aren't half bad right now. And they're light years better than what's going on over at The Ticket. I sure hope The Four Pointer gets up and running soon. And after that, maybe another show or at least Ticket Sports Sunday until 5 or 6pm.\
ReplyDeleteGreat post. And......well, hello, Larry!
blergoyen, it's amazing how little the supposed music insiders/musicians at The Ticket actually know about the industry. I worked for WEA (Warner Electric Atlantic) for 12 years. I still work in the industry. The crap that comes out of Danny's and Mike's mouths (Corby doesn't count, he knows nothing about tit), only shows how bumpkin, if you will, their understanding of the industry. It also shocks me how superficial and late to the party some of their knowledge of bands, genres, and about what's trending. Ditto the history of pop-rock music. Which is why it's always best to keep it the following in the back of your head when THL talks music: Corby is not to be listened to; Mike has never, not once, ever, in almost 55 years of playing music, played in a band that wrote original music; and Danny is extremely late to every musical party he's attended--as is are his compadres, hence the reason none, zero of them are in working touring bands--with the exception of a few who moved away and a few who he's met due to running in the circles he does. But he does not play with them. So bear that in mind when they talk about tunage.
ReplyDeleteI'm a HL P1, and yes the old grey mare she ain't what she used to be, but they're still my show of choice. But holy mackerel they fall down go boom when talking music.
Let me start with my bona fides:
ReplyDeleteI am not a D1P1 but I have been listening for a long time. I have aged myself out of the target demographic, so I recognize that my opinion is worth what you are paying for it.
When the Ticket hit the air I was a KLIF P1, and the reason I stuck with KLIF was the variety. The Ticket did not appeal to me at the outset because I assumed it was going to be all stats and box scores. When KLIF went into the tank I started paying more attention to the Ticket and that's when I discovered it was as much about guy talk as it was sports talk. So here I am, still waving my pom-poms in hopes that they can rediscover what made them great in the first place. And to date I haven't heard anything from the competition that would compel me to change. I don't claim to know what the hipster doofus in the golden demo wants out of sports radio, but I like my bits. Bits are fun.
Does anyone here have the 411 on the Cumulus policy on conflict of interest/plugola? I know where I work they take conflict of interest seriously and violations can be met with discipline. (I was in a meeting once with one of our vendors who informed me that he had opened a restaurant and invited me to dinner on him. I politely declined, knowing it was a clear violation under our policy.) But I understand that radio is a different animal and plays by a different set of rules. But how different? I can see where it would be very hard for a Ticket host to turn down offers of VIP seats to some event, or a chance to rub elbows with some celebrity. Sometimes I think it's nothing more than a P1 who has an inside and wants to express his gratitude to a host who has entertained him over the years. I can also so where the Ticket host puts himself in a bad spot when he accepts these offers. He almost HAS to mention it on the air (and sound like an entitled a-hole to the strains of Vivaldi) or risk subjecting himself to the scrutiny of non-disclosure.
So again I ask, what is the Cumulus policy on this? Must be pretty liberal, as it seems to go on a lot.
Stay hard Terry Dorsey!
ReplyDeleteRequiescat in pace, Terry Dorsey. How sad. He was just on with The Musers, what 3 months ago, if that? Dang.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a huge fan of Corby's (especially after enduring his Cowboys slurping this past season) but there are much bigger issues with the station than him. Namely, that they carry 82 games of a TV simulcast of a sport that very few people care about and they have a ratings and momentum black hole from ten to noon each weekday that they don't have the stones to get rid of.
ReplyDeleteSo you think the Stars don't deserve to have a home on a major sports station when they have brought a championship to this town? The Stars have earned the respect of that, yes they have had a rough couple years, but that is hardly their fault. Horrible past owner bankrupts the team to not keep them relevant and the league having lockouts effected the Stars in more ways than anything. Playoffs last year proved their are plenty of fans out there for this sport. Because this is the south football and baseball reign King, BUT go through the winning history of the Stars and they come out over the Rangers and the Mavs only recently caught up to them.
Delete12:51 I don't have that kind of behind-the-scenes info, so thanks for shedding some light. I laugh every time Dan/Rhyner estimate the "very-rich" status of The Knack off of "My Sharona" royalties, meanwhile they had no idea Sly from the Family Stone was destitute and living in a van up until last year.
ReplyDelete6:50 That is a good point. I never thought about it, but I'm curious if anyone with industry info could expound on this. Why does The Ticket, with it's high billings in the market only elect to broadcast the 4th most popular pro sport in this area? Did the "we totally win everything" disease from the hosts spread into those who make the programming decisions?
The question I have .... what's with all the preachiness lately? Do I need to listen to a long rant about online sensitivity from people who make a living with Fake Tiger Woods? Is that entertainment?
ReplyDeleteI stream the Ticket from the faraway land of San Marcos. Since I first discovered it years ago searching for Cowboys info, I have listened to no other sports type station. Not even the one in Austin. I don’t care what they do, I don’t care what they say, I haven’t listened and probably never will. The same is true of other sportsy things on the stream because I know what I like and they deliver. Maybe not every minute of every day, but the years of satisfaction far outweigh the extremely few moments of eye roll or sighs they might bring. This morning, Jub and Fernando teased Gordon about volume shooting with his funny lines. They’re right. Corby is a whip, but to me he’s an annoying cousin that I know really cares deep down. Know-it-all Danny, big deal. I know music, too, so there. I live near the music scene he longs to be a part of- outside looking in, and that ain’t what they build it up to be either. I’m sure I’m in a great minority here, but for this P1 that’s what the label means. I listen to the station exclusively. When I don’t, I have 3000 or so songs on my IPhone I switch to. Whatever the hell FAN or ESPN or whatever they dredge up to compete, so what. I will keep my ears listening to the Ticket.
ReplyDelete@ANON 9:37. I was wondering the same thing, especially in light of Craig's rant against the fraternity at OU. I don't hold the same views as those who sang a racist song, but guess what, they have legal freedoms to express whatever sentiment they choose and then suffer the social consequences. Craig was calling for those students to be expelled? Universities employ faculty who espouse equally inflammatory beliefs about whites, men, religious people, gays.....EVERYTHING! Damn! I thought the self righteous hosts were relegated to THL. Hot sports opinions are one thing, but if I want social commentary on fraternities, the death penalty, racism, I can listen to plenty of other blowhards. Someone mentioned on a previous thread the nature of the Ticket has become TMZ-esque. Sure has. I'm becoming a different statistic-those who don't listen to any sports radio any more. At least I can choose what kind of music I listen to on Sirius sans commentary.
ReplyDeleteTuned in to BaD Radio thinking 1/2 of IJB would still be on vacation. Was looking forward to hear talk about the Rangers & Mavs. Unfortunately, he's back from his ski trip and he's right back to hijacking segments. Out.
ReplyDeleteThere's a difference between saying a black man will never be part of your fraternity and saying that he should be hanging from a tree.
I'm sure the latter is why Craig called for expulsion. Oh, and by the way, the administration has already said that those who were singing the song will be dealt with severely.
Bottom line: lynching crosses the line. C'mon, son.
Bob, they did several segments on both the Rangers and the Mavs.
ReplyDeleteSolid post, Larry in Mowry. I found myself nodding in agreement the entire time I was reading. Looking forward to your report on 103.3, if you send it in.
I'm sorry but the Corby dolphin laugh is still amazing.
ReplyDeleteNo more comments on lynching, exclusion from fraternities, expulsion, or the general topic of brainless fraternity behavior relating to race. I've let one through on both sides. That will do for now. Thanks to all for your restraint.
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing how much more realistic the ticket boys are in their conversations about the mavs and rangers. But when it comes to the cowboys they have to talk them up like they are the greatest team in NFL history. It is nauseating.
ReplyDeleteDick Trickle - I would argue the Fan boys are bigger Cowboy homers than the Ticket guys. Any station with Mickey Spagnoa takes the cake from a homerism perspective.
ReplyDeleteEli Jordan is killing it on tickers from 3-7. A certain ticker guy that butchers updates from 10-3 should beware.
ReplyDeleteUm, Dick...the hosts were near unanimous in lambasting the Cowboys and giving them 0 chance for success last season. All except for Jake and Donovan.
ReplyDeleteI loathe the Hee Hoo hating (double negative of sorts?). But I have to say that I don't think I've heard him get through a single Ticker, much less an entire shift, in the past 2 weeks without mangling a word, having to restart a sentence due to some weird vocal slur thing, or something bordering on the bizarre. Now take that into consideration with the not knowing how to push the cough button. Yeesho meesho. Seriously, at what point does Cat or Sea Bass (doesn't he run the Ticker bullpen now that Rich is gone?) cease to put up with it? It's distracting as all get out.
ReplyDeleteI'm all for having Hee Hoo work on BaD or any show in some capacity (including as a TSS host), but not as a Tickerman. He's terrrrrrrible at it. Eli, on the other hand, knocks it out of the park.
CONFIDENTIAL TO T4: It's out there, but, like you, I'm skeptical. Skeptical enough not to run it for now. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteAw geez, Pman. Are you kidding me???? "It's out there [but I'm] skeptical enough not to run it for now." Dude, you can't lay that out there and not give further details as to what you and T4 are talking about!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to name names, but if it's something lie so and so is rumored to be leaving at such and such date......you can just say it like that. Or some such. But to leave us MTCers in the dark like that is NOT cool. Come on, Pman!!!!
George: And apparently this was written by a guy named "Larry in Mowry"...
ReplyDeleteGordo: [in falsetto voice] Hey y'all!
George: Who's this?
Gordo: Mowry.
The Muser segment on breakfast cereal this morning was brilliant. That is The Ticket being great.
ReplyDeleteThen we follow it up with Gordo sabotaging biggest show coming to town. Segment gives me a headache thanks to him.
I have avoided the commenting on all the ticker guys. But, I too have noticed a downtick, especially until 3pm. Even mornings are a little rough. I was thinking on the way in... Man, that Dick Hicks was really good!! It is obviously not an easy job
ReplyDeleteGrady, around what time did this happen? What was the context?
ReplyDeleteBest drop on The Ticket right now? Bob Sturm "it's me" on a loop. Absolutely hillarious.
ReplyDeleteNormally WTDS noise pollution beats me but "it's me" makes me laugh pretty hard at my desk.
Also shocked to hear this morning that hot traffic chick Becca has a baby up in her. We know what that proves...
@10:04 - I don't think it happened. I'm guessing Grady is just regurgitating the bit that Gordo does.
ReplyDeleteThat's correct 10:04, I'm doing the Gordo bit in comment form.
ReplyDeleteOne of the funnier things I've heard Sturm say on The Ticket is that Josh Hamilton is a "good guy". Hillarious. he's an addict. I get that. However I don't think a "good guy" quits on his team the way Hamilton quit on the Rangers. Sorry. Sturm is blinded by the church they both attend.
ReplyDeleteI'm sawwwwrrrrreeeee, but listening to almost 48 year old Danny, almost 46 year old Corby, and 64 year old Mike talk about f'n Mumford and Sons is just plain goofy. It's music for high schoolers, college kids, and 20 somethings. This is a perfect example of how THL lives in its little insular, insulated, bubble. That bubble is one helluva large midlife crisis that's about to burst.
ReplyDeleteWith the risk of turning this post into a Ticket employee beatdown, I must put the Great Donovan on the stand. On roundtables and crosstalk, he simply does not let the game come to him. When the talk is "Donovan centric", perhaps about his long Cumulus career, rehashing a great bit, or yes, being black, the content is gold. There were numerous times during Ticketstock that he forced bad lines or played the "drag something outta here" joke until the bit is worn out. I hear this on BaD or WTDS occasionally too, but it was really apparent at Ticketstock.
ReplyDeleteI'm not calling for his head. BaD is still a good dynamic. But I'd rather see Donovan perfect what he's doing well at rather than just throw s*** at the wall to see what sticks.
Donovan rocks, 4th best broadcaster up there. Can't throw out a great line every time; even the 3 Musers mess it up from time to time.
ReplyDeleteCompare and contract Donovan and Corby. Sometimes less is more.
ReplyDeletegotta tell you pretty good little broadcast going on right now with BaD Radio missing the sturminator. Bracket Dan & Donnie Do have pretty good little chemistry. Now if the producer would go mic off things would be even better.
ReplyDeleteI've beer been fully sold on Donovan either. He's okay. That's it. He uses a fair amount of smoke and mirrors combined with just trying to get a word in edgewise with Bob or Dan dominating. His sports analysis is mostly generic or just plain odd, with a propensity to making broad statements or greatly overrating Cowboys because he's familiar with their body of work.
ReplyDeleteI find his humor more miss than hit, and I agree that he buys into the overplayed overly-horny never-seen-a-woman-before mindset that's kinda pathetic for any Ticket talker to go to. And I find his sing-song cadence to be insincere-sounding, but I know it's merely my own perception. And he sure seems to do that fake, forced laugh way too much.
He's certainly not even top five on list of Ticket problems, but I've never understood heaping any great praise on him either. I think he'd be forgotten as quickly as Rich Phillips was if he departed.
And then the GBL comes along with the 10-3 ticker guy doing an interview and ruins everything
ReplyDeleteAttention Cumulus Overlords: I am in the demo that matters...read my feedback with great interest.
ReplyDeleteA little leeway first, your honor:
I'm not a huge fan of Call of Duty anymore. I've played it for 10 years. I pre-order every year, pick it up at midnight (or now download) every year, level up to max prestige every year. Along the way, my time played decreases each year. I have fewer and fewer friends who play. Instead of having fun and looking forward to it at the end of the day, when I sit down to play now all I can see are the faults.
Call of Duty = The Ticket
It's tough to stay fresh and interesting with the same cast of characters year after year. Sure, some of the perks and guns change (Ticker guys/producers), but it's mostly the same thing.
Has The Ticket simply exhausted or bored their fanbase? How many times does the 8:40 bit offer something new? When was the last time you listened to THL and thought, "Wow, what engaging sports conversation that was!"
I could bash Corby and Danny for being miscast, the apathy of the Grey Wolf, the Musers for being grumpy, Norm for being old, or BaDD Radio for lacking focus...but maybe we've just heard this all before.
Screw it, I'm gonna be critical.
I've gone over to The Fan a few times...during THL because Corby sends me into a rage...and while they aren't as polished, they are more hungry. They aren't re-inventing the wheel, but once you acquaint yourself with the cast it's not a bad listen. I sure as shit will listen to The Fan more during basketball season for some insight rather than fighting through Corby and Danny "Duh, yeah, I watched the game last night. Mavs are good...durrrr. Wake up, Mike."
The Musers should count their lucky stars they're up against a national show and a totally unlistenable Fan morning show.
Norm isn't a problem. He's old and out of touch, but he's straight sports and that's fine for his time slot. He needs to back off having a guest on every hour, however. If you hear THIS GUY is on next and you don't care, then it's a tune out.
Ticket commercial times are ridiculous. In the mornings I can listen to one full ESPN segment during one Ticket commercial break. Charge more/run less.
BaDD Radio I cannot figure out. They work harder on their show than all the other shows by far, but honestly that's not saying much. I think they'd be better in THL slot. Good cast of characters if they minimize Jake/TC.
Let's be honest, most people who note the Ticket is slipping points out THL. It used to be can't-miss radio. Now I don't even think about it. Switch slots with BaDD Radio. Ill-prepared, elitist, apathetic, zero production value.
All you Corba haters should be happy today hearing Kickball Head Followill fill in. Big fan of Mark. Especially when he can talk without the asswhip Jeff Skin Wade interrupting things like he does on Mavs home broadcast.
ReplyDeleteFunny. Corby is absent; Mike has a co-host who is informed, doesn't talk out of his ass and pretend to know what he doesn't, and while isn't afraid to lay down an HSO, is smart enough to know how far to take it; Danny, sans a rotten influence, is back again to being Danny in Lake Highlands who seems like a GMF who you want as a buddy, and not a wannabe 20 something hipster who's actually 47; and a Mike who is not only engaged, but is running the damn thing like he should be. This UP is a fn pleasure. This is much more like it used to be before tribute bands and MRS/Entertainment Tonight HL.
ReplyDeleteATTN Cat: This isn't mere coincidence.
Agree big time with 4:53. Seems like Mike is running things and Mark is following his lead. Mark just sounds better than Cooby. Even keeled, solid opinions, good back and forth. And it goes to show that TOGW is the Hardlne and can still be effective. Bring Mark on full time (somehow). Hahaha, oh absolutely!
ReplyDeleteAnd wow, did you hear what David Moore just said to Mike??!!
ReplyDeleteThat should HL and TMZ, UP and MRS. I hate Kindle's autocorrect.
ReplyDeleteDon't care how stale The Ticket gets they will never suck as bad as The Fail. They have nothing. As much as they try to steal all their schitck from The Ticket they still can't re-create the magic. Will listen to Xmas music on a loop before I'll listen to The Fail.
ReplyDeleteWow hearing Eli Jordan do tickers from 3-7 just emphasizes how horrible the ticker guy from 10-3 performs his job.
ReplyDeleteI just heard Mike follow a Greggo drop with "a great man said", referring to Greggo. I wish he would talk about the change of heart because that's where the original "he who can not be named" came from. Sounds like time might be healing some wounded feelings.
ReplyDeleteDammit, pk, you know the rules around here. Not everyone in the metro heard the slice of the show to which you are referring. WHAT DID HE SAY?
Confidential to Colorado P1: See Plainsman comment above. We're not getting into public policy here on this particular topic. Your comment was OK, we're just not going down that road. It attracts trolls like smelly underbridges.
You hit #3 on the HEAD! I use to love the Ticket. Now I only listen to Norm. I want to hear about Sports, not about their bands, or Hollywood, or any other nonsense. It seems as if they have forgot what they did to build their ratings. At least the FAN, they are mostly sports?
ReplyDeleteYeah, T4, methinks we might have some sort of publicly/on-air acknowledging of forgiveness, mended fences, and a "working on getting a friendship" back sort of thing. Maybe even a GW HL guest appearance further down the road. I'm totally speculating here, but it does seem like the wind is blowing that way.
ReplyDeleteI sure hope so. And no, I don't want GW back on THL. That ship sailed long ago. Besides, if he did, I'd bet all the money in the world that it would blow up, in almost a carbon copy as before, in less than 3 months. Maybe within a month. Sometimes you can go back "home." Most times you can't. And if you try, it's almost always not how you remembered it, and a f'n disaster too boot.
I just wanted to pop in Jer and give a hearty thanks to Pman for thinking enough of my ramblings to use them as an article. It's an honor, for certain. Also, many thanks to those responding to it, positively or negatively. I appreciate MTC and its Confessors.
ReplyDeleteI'm currently listening to ESPN, day/night/weekends. My "research" ends this upcoming Monday morning. I'll submit a comment sometime next week. I highly doubt it'll be worth a crap, much less another article, but what the hell.
Thanks again, Pman and Confessors.
Sorry P-Man, my bad, I thought it was so obvious to everyone. As close as I can remember, David Moore came on and said, "Mike, you sound great and not so edgy as you are when Corby's sitting next to you. You sound engaged." There was a full 3 second pause - I mean it hung out there forever it seemed - Mike didn't say anything and then Mark said something to diffuse the comment. It's like David Moore even noticed it.
ReplyDeleteMike's Alive!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'd be interested in seeing if the ratings include the stream, if not I wonder what they are. I don't know too many p1s that listen to the little ticket's actual frequency.
Also, Do you guys know if there is a saying on the battlefield?
pk, you've redeemed yourself.
ReplyDeleteThat's amazing.
Who would have thought that David Moore is a Confessor? Oh, I suppose people can have opinions about The Hardline without reading MTC.
OK, Confessors: Who else heard this? Can anyone augment pk's account?
If The UnTicket snags this, please give us a link.
Larry in Mowry, we will look forward to your ESPN journalism.
ReplyDeleteI'm in the target demographic and I think we should replace THL with a Bart Reagor Keeping It Real show.
ReplyDelete@1140 Stars fan
ReplyDeleteRight there with ya, brutha. Amen.
Def def definitely, if unTicket gets yesterday's HL up, and if anyone (yo, pk) knows the time stamp, post a link. That sounds delicious. Though I do wonder if it's an inside joke of sorts. I also wonder if a certain Valley Ranch hanger on is a reader of MTC. Then again, I have a feeling we aren't the only ones to have noticed Mike's now almost 12 years of disinterest.
I am also a Dallas Stars fan, but I understand that hockey is a tough sell in this market (although it wasn't a tough sell in 1999 - Dallas will embrace anything that's a winner) Stars games are a TV appointment for me, but if I have to be out I will listen on the Ticket. Unless you follow the Stars, you can't appreciate the greatness of Ralph and Razor.
ReplyDelete811: I had the same thought -- was David M doing a bit?
ReplyDeleteThat's why I'd like to hear the audio. If it were a bit, though, and it were obvious to Mike that it was, he would have reacted in a bit-like fashion, and the current report is that he didn't.
Re: David Moore - it was right at 5:19, right while I was commenting about the greatness of Mike and Mark. Somebody else had to have heard this. I wondered about the bit aspect, too, but the way there was a huge pause and then Mark kind of rushed in to say something....seemed really awkward.
ReplyDeleteChris McKinley....still funny!
ReplyDeleteI heard pk's comment also.
ReplyDeleteI heard it live and thought it was a pretty straight shot at Corby too, but after listening to it again I think it was pretty innocent. David is introduced and says "Mike, you always sound so agitated when you have Corby sitting next to you. Now you have Mark, you just sound so peaceful, you can tell you enjoy being there more...it's good to hear you like this."
ReplyDeleteThen there was about a 2 second pause in which Mike takes a breath to start speaking and Mark jumps in with “he sounded agitated when we were talking baseball earlier”, which was Mark’s attempt at diffusing his perception of an awkward moment. After this Mike, with his tongue firmly planted in his cheek says “I hate knowing I’m so transparent.” And then everyone has a good laugh at the joke.
I may be naïve here, but I think David was truly just joking around. However, Mark seemed to take it as more than a joke and was kind of awkward about it. Mike deftly handled it and I couldn’t tell at all if there was anything more than just a joke from his reaction.
The recording is at 2:18:10 on yesterday’s Hardline.
Either way, the awkward pause was telling in itself. Even if David meant nothing by it (which I believe), the perception that Mark and maybe Mike stumbled on it implies that this has indeed been a topic of thought if not outright conversation in the hallowed halls of the Little One.
bubba: Nice dam account.
ReplyDeleteNothing escapes the Confessor.
Mike: "How's it going today?"
ReplyDeleteDavid: "Michael, it's always good...you, you always sound so agitated when you have Corby sitting next to you. You have Mark, you're just more peaceful...you can tell you enjoy being there more. It's just...it's good to hear you like this."
Mike: (Big defeated(?) sigh)
Mark: "He sounded agitated when we were talking baseball earlier though."
Mike: "Yeah, and I hate knowing I'm so transparent"
All: Nervous (?) laughter, followed by silence.
Subject changed to DeMarco.
Thanks for helping me out, bubba. I thought I was close, but I knew I didn't have it verbatim.
ReplyDeleteSo let's recap the opinions of the BaD Radio producer:
ReplyDeleteDon't re-sign Tyson Chandler after the 2011 championship
He now thinks that the Mavs should sign Rondo for $15 million a year. Mavs offense has sucked since they traded for Rondo. Not to mention he's a nut job.
DeMarco Murray isn't worth the money. The guy led the league in rushing and was the reason why the Cowboys went 12-4. They established the run, took the ball out of Romo's hands and they had success.
BaD Radio producer credibility continues to drop.
@1:25 - The biggest hit to his credibility is who he "associates" with. It is and will drag down his career. This coming from someone who likes him quite a bit and can see him being a star at the ticket in the future.
ReplyDelete2:34 - BaD Radio Producer a "star"? may be the funniest thing I've ever read on this site. Wow.
ReplyDeleteHe takes the opposite view of most to be edgy. It's a beating. Keep hoping The Fan will call him & his IJB partner.
I find it interesting that everyone that is in favor of NOT signing Murray says that he can be replaced by a practice squad player or a draft pick that may or may not work out. We know what Murray is. 2200 yards from scrimmage and 13 td's.
ReplyDeleteDecisions like this are the reason why I'm no longer a Cowboy fan. Thanks Jerrah.
Thank God the Cowboys didn't sign DeMarco to that deal. Bravo.
ReplyDeleteAnyone else notice how quiet Followill got when Dan got dumped and they made the joke that Follow said the "N" word? He didn't appear happy about that line of humor. So tense.
ReplyDeleteLke Jake or not -- I do, with pretty minor reservations -- he's rising at The Ticket. I think he qualifies as a "star," if perhaps only a "rising star" at the moment. A person doesn't have to be great to be a star -- just more prominent than the dark sky of humanity around him.
ReplyDeleteBut in general, I think Jake is good and I'm happy enough to hear him on the Philco. He may have misguessed some of the things mentioned above, but almost alone among everyone in the world, he thought the Cowboys were going to be pretty good last year.
Days late but you guys were right on about Donovan. It double sucks because i actually used to know the guy personally and he's WAY funnier off radio than on. He both ruins (via overexplaining) and shoehorns jokes and yea the fake laugh is over done and terrible. Reallly sad but they need a new token black guy
ReplyDeleteRight he threw the opposite view of EVERYONE against the wall to see if it stuck & it did in fact stick. Not because he knew something that everyone didn't. It was because he goes against the herd simply to be opposite man. He gets no credit.
ReplyDeleteAnother great fill in ticker guy from 3-7 today. Guy is fantastic. 10-3 should remain nervous.
Ticker farm system seems to be in much better shape than the on-air farm system.
The David Moore thing with Rhynes yesterday was both funny and telling. Right before that I was thinking how much better Mike is with someone like Mark with him.
ReplyDelete2:49 You've read worse. Some people here seem to actually ENJOY a certain ticker mans work. I like Jake but understand the criticism. Agree with the association comment
ReplyDeleteFurthermore, 125, you think their success was because they "took the ball out of Romo's hands"? I will for the life of me never understand this blind Romo hate.
ReplyDeleteHow about, "they established the run and the line gave him time in the pocket so he wasn't running for his life on every snap"?
So the Rangers invited Tones Romes out to spring training? Must be really inspiring to those young guys in spring training to get a motivational speech from a guy that's accomplished nothing. Good call JD.
ReplyDeleteWhoa, who was tuned in for "What's On Mike's Mind" today?
ReplyDeleteWhat was on Mike's mind was three things he mused on in his pre-teen years -- using watches for phone calls, the advancement of "board" baseball games to something more sophisticated, and eating raw fish. Mike the visionary.
Early on in the segment, Mark jumped in a couple of times. After the second or third time, Danny said something like "Watch it, Voice of the Mavericks." Mark replied, "I'm just supporting my dear friend Mike." Danny grumbled, "Just watch it."
I don't have those syllables all quite right, but of course I jumped to the conclusion that the word has come down that what's on Mike's mind should come, at first, out of Mike's mouth. I can't think of any other reason for Dan to interrupt with a caution at that point.
As a prescient essayist once speculated might be on Mike's mind:
"You know, it's absolutely amazing to me that What's On Mike's Mind is coming exclusively out of your mouth."
Anyone else have an "about time, too bad it's Folly that got smacked" moment?
Mike just made another "great man once said" reference ("Great place to eat, great place to drank") when referring to Scruffy Duffie's (followed immediately by the drop, and then, IIRC, a confirmation from Mike). Maybe the OGW is softening a bit towards the guy.
ReplyDeleteIt wouldn't surprise me about Mike and his feelings toward Greggo. They had a great thing going years ago and I want to say they had a history before The Ticket. Having Greggo on is something I would always be curious about if it never comes to fruition.
ReplyDeletePlainsman: I took Danny's comment to Folly as a warning not to go blue. Maybe, maybe not.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 5:07
Hearing from an established figure who can speak on mental focus, being tough and fighting through injuries, might be a good thing for this bunch.
Gopher, I did consider that -- but these guys were talking about childhood memories. I don't recall any threat of naughty language, but I could easily be mistaken.
ReplyDeleteBesides, I always favor the interpretation that supports my predictions.
I support you, Pman. And I didn't even hear it. Waiting here with bated breath for Cootie* to get "smacked", as you say.
ReplyDeleteGopher, I can't see the blue warning argument because I can't think of a universe in which Follywill would -ever- approach the degree of blue as any of the other hosts (sans maybe Bob).
*callback to an earlier post where someone called Corby like six different names beginning with 'c' in one post (ending with "Cootie"). I was cracking up.
I think Danny was just trying to keep Mark from saying something not appropriate for someone who is the "voice of the Mavericks". I forget exactly what it was. I didn't take it as Danny sorting out the pecking order.
ReplyDeleteBREAKING: Another speculation totally in the pail.
ReplyDeleteI've had a communication from a Source I Choose to Regard as Reliable Who Knows More Metaphorical Descriptors for the Sex Act Than I Do that, indeed, Danny's interruption was to caution -- possibly with tongue-in-cheek -- against double entendre.
The Source points out that Mike was talking about baseball board games that employed "spinners," where you spun a little arrow with an axle on it to identify a baseball play. Mark said that he liked "spinner" games too.
Little did I know that "spinner" is a name for females of sufficiently small stature that an acrobatic move of a rotational nature could be performed during that certain act of reproductive usefulness.
At which time Danny issued his caution.
This Source offered a bonus tidbit, suggesting that showgram participants refer to Folly as "the voice of the Mavericks" whenever he strays into questionable territory that might embarrass him with his employer.
Gopher, you called it.
So, not "blue" as in BLUE, but "blue" as in to tarnish the Mavs brand. I stand corrected.
ReplyDelete"Reproductive usefulness"...I salute you, sir.
Ah, the biological imperative, ahem, comes in many variations.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to be interested in seeing if Corby's Mexican and Asian drops continue to be played.
ReplyDeleteThat's disappointing. The Musers have been talking DeMarco Murray since 5:30. They bumped Razor's segment so they could talk about . . . DeMarco Murray. Not a good move if you are the Stars flagship station, IMO.
ReplyDeleteAnd it wasn't because Razor was unavailable. He tweeted that he was bumped.
Yes, Mark said he liked spinner games, to which Mike replied "me too, still do". They were both in on the little pun and Danny was just saying (in effect, and sarcastically, as Danny says nearly everything): "easy Mark, holster that shootin iron, Mr. voice of the Mavs."
ReplyDeleteI thought the whole thing was pretty funny.
btw deezy, look 'blue' up in urban dictionary and you'll find among the definitions: Material, used by a stand-up comedian, that is considered crude or obscene
TD Brothers are very tired. Way too much exposure the past few weeks.
ReplyDeleteCowboys have signed Darren McFadden so there is NO reason to be concerned about the RB spot now. Clearly they have found their replacement for Murray. Wow. Jerrah didn't learn his lesson with Felix Jones apparently.
ReplyDeleteHoggie Price = Over rated.
ReplyDeleteUnless McFadden backs up All Day.
ReplyDeleteBumping Razor to talk Cowboys is a horrible decision. Cowboy talk is a beating. Razor is brilliant.
ReplyDeleteLow risk contract for a backup RB. Let's not go too crazy with the Jerry hate right now.
ReplyDeleteMcFadden was not signed to be the Murray replacement.
Didn't McFadden and Murray both play at Arkansas at the same time?
ReplyDeleteToday's 15 for 15 on BaD Radio will be produced by the 10-3 ticker guy. Get ready for failure.
ReplyDeleteBaD Radio producer sure does take a lot of shots at Grubes. Guess it bothers him that he will never be as popular or beloved as Grubes.
I was just getting used to the smooth pipes of Eli Jordan, and here comes Chris Jones! Nice to see weekend ticker guys get some exposure.
ReplyDeleteNow that Rich Phillips is gone, the ticker guy hierarchy (#1=mornings, #2=afternoon, #3=midday) is also gone. Remember when Rich was out due to an SMU basketball game, the entire day would get rearranged? Ty would do mornings, and Sean would move to afternoons, and a weekend/JV guy would do midday. Seemed like a hassle just so the senior ticker guy got to do morning drive tickers.
Big ups to Eli and Chris! Keep it one hundo.
Does anyone else think that Dan is less of a jerk when Bob isn't around? Is Sports Sturm an enabler?
ReplyDeleteNot to beat the dying horse that is complaining about the ticket's website, but here goes...
ReplyDeleteLet's see, we have giant cowboys news yesterday. The topic is as hot as can be and should be milked till dry. But no, you have to preempt your drive time show's last hour for the freakin' Stars.
Instead of shrugging your shoulders and excepting the spot you put yourself in by agreeing to the stupid Stars simulcast, why not get creative.
Why not put THL's last hour on the stream, or bring in the JV from 6-8 and throw 'em on the stream?
Why not post the top 10 on the website? I missed the majority of the hosts comments because I wasn't able to listen throughout the day. I wanted to hear the top 10.
After such a big Dallas sports day why has the ticket not posted ANY podcasts from yesterday's broadcast? Inexcusable.
BTW, both The Fan and 103.3 had live and local sportstalk yesterday during the 7:00pm hour. I don't know if this is normal or they were smart enough to recognize the situation and be creative.
Somebody said a few days back on this thread that the best drop right now is Bob's "it's me" loop.
ReplyDeleteI have to disagree - I think it's the "okay. alright." I think it's a BaDD drop; I haven't heard it during morning or afternoon drive.
When timed correctly it's PERFECT and I admit to backing up the stream on TuneIn two or three times to hear it again.
The Ticket is The Simpsons.
ReplyDeleteThey're both been around for a long time. They've both been considered to be elite, top-level, high-quality examples of their craft perfected. And they're both generally considered to be on the downslope from that era.
They also both aren't growing their audience at all.
Nobody new is just now dipping their toes into Simpsons viewing a quarter-century after starting. You either started watching at the beginning and grew with them, or you joined in during the heyday when they were getting the most buzz and accolades. Same thing with the Ticket. Both are far too reliant on the audience they've always had combined with those warm, fuzzy feelings of comfort generated years ago. The problem is that audience either grows out of it, moves on, moves away, or otherwise doesn't care as much anymore.
Just like The Simpsons, The Ticket has the same main characters going back years, and also just like The Simpsons, there isn't a whole heck of a lot of character development going on. Homer is pretty much the same, just as Norm is pretty much the same. Bart is Bart, George is George. And on down the line. We don't have any Walter White-esque amazing, intriguing transformations going on. What they are is what they are while the world changes around them. In fact, just as Homer is said to have gotten dumber with the same shtick, you have a Corby who seems to get dumber with the same shtick. But what was charming or new 15 years ago just seems kinda pathetic in 2015.
Both The Simpsons and The Ticket were considered to be edgy at one point. They pushed buttons, they toed the line if not outright crossing it, and it contributed to their success. But now the same tactics just seem forced because the audience has evolved. Now the same jokes and bits just get groans or eye rolls. The audience has grown weary or cynical of it. Yeah, they're both familiar entities still, but they're sure not breaking any ground.
So you end up with fans who aren't as locked in as they once were and drift away. But if you're not doing anything to rebuild because you just don't know how to, doesn't that make both the show and the station on a timer with an expiration date sooner than later?
New listeners to the Metroplex don't care about the legacy of the Ticket if they tune in and most say meh about it now. Nostalgia only works on the ones who were there when it happened. If you can't hop in and feel like they're producing something for you versus the old timers, you'll find something else that feels like they give a crap about you. Just like people who used to be locked in to The Simpsons start to gravitate towards the Archers, Bob's Burgers, or Rick & Mortys on TV because those shows feel different, fresh, or more in-tune, Ticket listeners or those in the demo have started to gravitate towards ESPN, The Fan, or podcasts.
We all know it's happening, but does the station? Do they care? Or are they just effing that chicken until it stops being profitable? I know that's a lot of words I've spilled on a rather unimportant comparison, but it is fascinating in a way.
And Cat, none of your new characters are anything more than a pack of Poochies.
Did anyone catch the end of Norm's show this morning. He tried to end the day at 11:30 but remembered he had Joey Gallo as a guest. Then at 11:45 he closed up shop and that was that, leaving the guys in the studio at a loss.
ReplyDeleteWow, there's a lot of 'sky is falling' rhetoric going on around here. 2 books guys, smack dab in the middle of the only Cowboys excitement in years, and everyone is suddenly seeing the writing on the wall.
ReplyDeleteYes, there are problems that need addressing, but those problems were there in October and November too. The only difference was that the Cowboys' run wasn't believable yet.
Take a Xanax and breathe a little fellow P1s...
You can't "get creative" when you are locked into a contract, which I would assume includes carrying games on the stream.
ReplyDeleteAs young Jake scrambles to make it out to this afternoon's remote, I sure hope he's not texting his ETA updates to Danny while driving. Or, at least, I hope he's pulling over text them and then resuming driving.
ReplyDeleteBecause, you know, if I were an ambulance chaser, and I found out that my client was involved in an accident with a local radio personality who was trying to make it to their remote, I'd want to know what was going on in said personality's phone.
Then again, I'm pretty sure the first thing ambulance chasers look at is phone use anyway.
Be careful out there, Jake.
Great points by Tim and great analogy by Scruffy. Simpsons: perfect, dunno how I didn't connect them sooner. Both still are profitable so the band rolls on but not for long...not for long.