Wednesday, October 14, 2020

October 14, 2020: National Fossil Day

Huntonia Trilobite Fossils - Utah: Facts and Information about the Huntonia  trilobites of Oklahoma

Huntonia Trilobite from Oklahoma.


  1. The JJT show will be for their podcast and youtube channel.

  2. They will also broadcast on the Ticket.

  3. Surly:
    Will it be on their YT channel or on-air on Fridays on the Ticket?

  4. New Low: My Ticket Confession, your place for all updates on JJT podcast.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Jean Jacques Taylor is taking a stand against The Ticket talking about social injustice?

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  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. It's amazing that slinky hates Corby so much that he listens to him broadcast for 4 hours every day.

  11. Take this stuff over to Reddit, what say?

  12. Surly, you could not be more wrong, tho we'd have a hard time convincing you of that! I hate that ESPN has cancelled all local shows. I was actually enjoying the last 2 months of Sac. I was even enjoying Steve Dennis with the different daily co-host. So, yes, I may listen to more Hardline, but that doesn't mean it sucks any less!

  13., "DaC"! Damn spellcheck!!

  14. Damn even the Economist admits what Mark Cuban and Lebron James won't. Don't pray in public or grow a long beard in China, or you get locked up in a concentration camp. Almost as bad as the women are treated at Mavs inc. when Cuban looks the other way.

  15. So apparently Jake has the ‘rona too? I wasn’t aware that either of them had confirmed it until yesterday. Things seemed very tense between them, especially at the start of the show when Dan kept referring to them as The Covid Boys, and when Dan was talking about how one of them must have infected the other. It’s pretty amazing that Dan had only taken 3 or 4 sick days in 21 years, and now he’s had to take 6 in the last 2 weeks because of the virus.

    Man, I wish both those cats all the best with their recovery and with the aftermath, and I hope their spouses and kids are staying healthy. This shit can be scary.

  16. 10:06 = Colorado P1.

  17. So, here comes an HSO that I'm sure misses the mark, widely:

    JJT is awful. Matt McLearin has become an absolute gem of a host. No longer is the at times uncomfortably weird, borderline creepy, dude on the make who takes the acronym TMI to a whole new level. Instead, what we have is a seasoned vet who knows his sports, keeps his personal life and "interesting" inclinations and anecdotes in check, and has found that guy-talk sweetspot that neatly straddles the Scylla of honest personal opinion and the Charybdis of alienating half your audience (something, by the way, The FAN on the whole has been able to do during the pandemic--unlike The Ticket).

    I'd go so far as to say that I can see a scenario in which MM is moved into a Varsity slot. He's that good.

  18. Awesome fossil picture above. I always get confused with my teachings.. Did the trilobites live before Adam and Eve or around the time of Noah. Did Noah forget to take these cute little creatures on his wood boat? So many questions with my teachings..

  19. Those fossils are racist! Also there is a new school of thought in the critical paleontology theory department at Tufts proving trilobites were misogynist and committed mass sexual assault. Plainsman, you should not give trilobites a platform to perpetuate their toxicity.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. "So Anonymous said

    hold on to your covid butts

    October 7, 2020 at 10:50 PM"

  22. yeah but who infected who

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  25. No, 9:03, 12:15, and 12:31, you didn't get deleted for any of the reasons you seem to think. You got deleted because you name-called and were otherwise unpleasant in ways that displeased me. Moreover, I think you may well have misread the post on which you were commenting, although maybe not.

    So yes, you do need to get things straight about posting here. Please search for "Rules of the Confessional," which I posted not so very long ago, for a refresher.

  26. I rented the Rhyner documentary last night and thought it was well worth it. A little overly dramatic at times, but overall a very interesting look at the history of Dallas radio, the start of the Ticket, and Rhynes (and all that implies). One moment even moved me to tears, a good little sports cry.

    I also purchased the Q&A with Rhyner and the filmmaker Crystal Vasquez, whom I find very interesting, and it was also a good watch, except for Skin's involvement.

  27. Oh, and I thought Greggo looked quite good, like he's been living healthy and thus settled on a middle ground between gigantic early-Ticket Hammer and cracked-out looking post-Ticket Hammer.

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  29. 755, I don't know if you have the texts of your posts, but if you do, I invite you to review them. It may refresh your recollection on what you actually said.
