Saturday, February 15, 2025

So You'd Like to Know What the Catman of the Western Hemisphere Could Possibly Have Been Thinking When He . . . .



  1. This isn’t exactly breaking news, since it’s on the Ticketstock schedule on the website, but Jeff Catlin will be conducting an Ask Me Anything session on Saturday the 22nd from 3:15 to 3:45 p.m.

    I haven’t attended one of these, but I understand this won’t have been the first time he’s done this. I learned from a person known to me to be a Ticket employee who has worked at Ticketstock that there has been a noticeable gap between the virulence of some of the online reactions to Ticket management’s moves and the mildness of some of the questioning.

    I’m not encouraging any kind of uncivilized or emotional confrontation, but if you have a genuine question, even a beef, why don’t you drop by and see what the man has to say? I won’t be in town that weekend, so if you’re there, give us a report.

    In fact . . . that wouldn’t be a bad topic for this thread. If you were going to attend his AMA, what would you ask and – this is important – how exactly would you ask it? Not a lot of bile and vulgarity and initializations no one understands, but what words would come out of your mouth in asking your question?

    I don’t think he swings by here too often (i.e., ever), but maybe it’ll prompt some remarks that we will all find edifying.

  2. Funny, you posted this because my intention was to promote this here later this week. I fully encouage any and all - especially those who've elected to question/denegrate/challenge Catlin online, to attend this session (something Jeff has been doing annually for a while now yet few people show up for).

    Seriously - for all those who don't like his decision making or direction of the station - and are brave enough to remove the safety of online anonymity - here's your chance to express those feelings to him - to his face and have a chat like proper adults.

    Unless you ask him something he legally can't address - I'm 110% confidence he'll answer your question or reply to your comment. IIRC someone last year or the year before asked Cat a pretty direct question about Rhyner and even I was surprised by the honesty of his answer.

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  3. I would want to know what the thought process was. I’m giving the extra former Muser hour to The Invasion over The Sweet Spot, particularly when the latter would’ve afforded Monty a much greater on-air presence, e.g. the return of The 1:30 News.

    1. I believe this is asked & answered. Powers that be felt the noon hour/1st hour of the Sweet Spot was fairly well established & was doing well/gaining momentum & they didn’t want to mess with it.

    2. Answered by whom? And that makes no sense. The Sweet Spot doesn’t broadcast in the noon hour

  4. Thanks again to Peter Welpton for checking in. His comment echoes what I heard from the KTCK employee -- that is, that for all the anonymous bile The Ticket gets from people who apparently listen to it a lot and might be expected to be present at Ticketstock and to give the New World Catman some incisive questions, the sessions have been underwhelming.

    Probably has something to do with the safety of online anonymity versus the way people actually behave when they face one another.

    Nevertheless, if you have a bug up your ass about something the Little One has done, take a chance, take a moment to phrase a question clearly, and fire away.

    Or, as I suggest, ask it here.

  5. Justin has been declared cancer free.

  6. I think 2 posters are confused above as they misidentify shoes and their time slots. But to answer the question let’s turn to the great Dolly Parton. Yes, working 9 to 5 is a way to make a living. Since most people work some variant of a 9 to 5, the most listened to hours in radio are generally some combo, different for each station, of, in order, 7a,8a, noon, 4p and 5p. That listening helps stations decide who and what goes where. And to get specific, The sweet spot has been regulated to some of the least important hours of the day. On the other hand, the Invasion had been doing quite well in their shot in an important hour, Noon. You don’t upset an Apple cart that’s making you money.
    And realistically, look at the experience difference between Donny and Matt, and the sweet spot. Do you give the extra hours to 2 guys with a ratings track record (both Dallas and Birmingham) or do you give it to 2 guys who have never been solely responsible for weekly ratings success.

  7. And to addresss Kid Charlemagne’s comment above, I think there’s a huge gap between Cumulus’s view of Monty and Reddit’s opinion of him. I’m sure Cumulus views him as a valuable member of the team, worthy of a raise, etc. It feels like Reddit thinks of Monty as the second coming of radio Christ, who will save Cumulus from hell fire and damnation, if only that idiot Catlin would see the light.

    1. I cannot speak for all of Reddit or TwitteX (where, yes, he is almost universally loved) but I can hear the respect Ol Monty gets from his fellow broadcasters. And if you listen regularly to WiP, you have to agree it is a superior show to TSS.

      So anything that could improve the weaker of the two mid-day shows by featuring the most underutilized person without hurting the stronger show (which would still be 3 hours) seems like a good idea to this former 0530-1700 listener (who now regularly checks out from 0900-1300 and often makes that 0900-1450)

    2. Your opinion is your opinion and that’s fine. But the idea that TSS is weak doesn’t align with the reality of the data. It might be the lowest rated show, but any lineup will necessarily have a lowest rated show. Yet TSS almost always bests their direct competition, which is what defines success. This isn’t my opinion, it is a fact. As to WiP, how long have they been together? How long has TSS? You might want to give it more time. Or not. Again, it’s your opinion, your tastes. One more thing to consider: other than a handful of consecutive days filled with ins, WiP is a couple hours show, one day per week. It is a helluva lot easier to make radio magic that way than on a daily basis—week after month after yearly basis. To consistently do that takes time. It rarely happens overnight. Please see BaD’s early years for an example.

  8. Hi Cat, big fan.
    Can you admit TSS was a hastily put together product due to the time and circumstances?
    You paired the 2 most boring guys together because, longevity?
    Ham leads a more interesting life, and that is really saying something!
    So yeah, Cat....again, big fan.
    But after their contract is up, a change is in store, right?

    1. “Can you admit.” Man, you really know how to bring it. And the “big fan” gag….. gilding the lily, chef’s kiss, and icing on the cake all in one. A real juice machine, this one.

      I remember when I was 15.

    2. Who up here has not made the corn dog list yet?
      I'll send him a hot dog, no bun.
      a keto dog.
      send EA a weiner.

    3. This bit of yours is amusing. You obviuously have issues with TSS and yet you listen. In fact, you listen to such an extent that you leave comments directly quoting show dialogue.

      Perhaps it's time we seek a mental health professional?

    4. They are hilarious! Just like top tier 840 bits, so fresh! Instant Classic quips, the funniest show! Barrel of Laughs for 2 hours!
      Smart and compelling sports talk, too! HSO's, too hot for TV!
      That dialogue quote above just sets the tone for the zany off the cuff moments from the funny bros! LFG!!

    5. The envy is palpable. They won. You lost. Why can't you be happy for them? They earned their jobs through hard work and yes a bit of fortunate for them circumstances. Regardless, they deserve to be where that are. What's more, they do a fine job and will only improve. Indeed, they improve with each passing week. What's more, they're succeeding. They consistently beat their direct competitor, their numbers are growing. Sure there's a dip here and there, but that's the case with all shows on every station in the country. And to top it off, they're team players who possess genuine humility and are actually grateful to be where they are. There are no self-created issues in order to form chips on their shoulders. Find a new hobby, little one.

  9. Commenting on your own comments is sad. Find a new angle, son.

    P.S. They don’t see any of it. They don’t care. Besides, they won’t be here too much longer, anyhow.

    1. How much longer exactly will they be here? You’ve been saying this for over a year.

      Eventually, you will be right. Congrats. You really nailed it.

    2. I’ve been? Naw, buddy boy. Got me confused with someone else. I’m just going off what I’m witnessing firsthand. I know a wind down when I see it. Check and Mate.

  10. Agree with Kevin’s response to Kid C. To put his comment another way “clearly the 2 hours of WIP is better than the 10 hours of TSS” . Yeah because WIP doesn’t need to fill 10 hours a week. And for those that say “they fill it but they suck, well they suck enough to beat their competition and just like BAD and THZ they do well enough to average top 4 in their demo. Your opinion that they’re weak, they suck, etc is offset by the reality of the ratings. Clearly the angry Reddit fan base isn’t well represented in the Neilsen listening audience.

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  12. Craig's NBA opinions: So very, very, very bad

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    8. Actually, they’re the opposite. They’re mostly spot on. Unlike the guy who gets everything wrong but sounds so authoritative.


  13. I drove by the Plano Center today and saw them installing a massive scoreboard in the side room that they’ll use for the Catlin AMA. Because no matter what your question is, no matter what show you dislike, or what personnel (norm, Sirois, THZ, etc) was such a massive loss that The Ticket will never be able to recover, his response is going to be pointing at the scoreboard. They make more money than any other station in DFW, they have historically high ratings, and have industry acclaim(see “major market station of the year Marconi, winning of” ). Im not saying you need to call him butter, but he is on a roll.

  14. The guys in Al Qaeda were less committed to their cause then you guys are to defending a sports radio station's program director.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. As a vet who served in Afghanistan I find this comment offensive AF. You’re a “good dude,” Plainsman, for letting it stand. Cowards.

    3. Lighten up, Francis

    4. A-ha ha ha ha-well...okay hotshot

    5. Sure shot is more like it. Sarge, my ass. Poseur.

    6. You can’t possibly be actually upset about that comment

    7. Sorry, T, that was aimed at BigHarry and not you. Thank you for your service.

    8. lol, what a loser this vet is

  15. Comparison of the Cowboys and The Ticket - both began as a challenge to the norm but now are mainstream

    Jerry Jones - built team into a financial juggernaut but does not care what fans think and winning the next deal is more important than winning on the field.

    Cat and Dan - de facto owners in P1 eyes - built juggernaut of a station but don’t care about listeners as they are the product and are not the station’s customers as the advertisers are the station’s customers.

    Steven Jones = George and Bob - dad is the boss we will do whatever he says

    Jerry Jr. = Craig, Donnie - we don’t have much to give but no one screw this gravy train up

    Charlotte = Gordon - you like these “tits”

    Rowdy = Corby - big empty head

    Fans in the stands = Matt , Davy, Sean and Mino

    1. I dig comps. Not sure this one is that good. First off, how do you know Bennett and Cat don't care about the listener? Because....??? Do they set Cumulus policy? No. Because you think TSS and/or The Invasion is an affront to your very being? If so, surely you know that their hand was forced. What were they supposed to do? Is it because you think it's a crime against humanity that Monty wasn't given a host position? If so, might there be a reason(s) for it that the listener isn't privy to? Dunno. Trying to see angle here. Doesn't make a lot of sense, TBH. As to the rest of the comps, I'm not getting them at all. How do you think employees should behave? Would you have them constantly "sticking it" to their employers? Speically when they're handsomely compensated and well treated? Would you have everyone quit and do a poscast? If so, you understand that not everyone wants to do a pod. Have you ever considered that? And the Charlotte comp is every bit misogynistic as it is moronic. Finally, in what way is TT mainstream? Why? It hasn't changed in any fundamental way excepting the comings and goings of the staff -- BTW none of which sans Greggo and Rocco were fired. And what's wrong with mainstream anyway? There are more pods than radio stations now. Far more. Does that mean all pods are mainstream? Do you think the ability to say "fuck" is somehow against the grain? Weird stuff on your end.

    2. Calm down Chief. You sound angry and upset and are taking things way too deep. I am comparing the two things that I have witnessed for the last 30 years. Sorry to upset you.

    3. Bruh. You’re not good at this. Stop. Your comps are lame and your attempt at a snarky mic drop is even lamer. No one is mad. How could anyone think what I wrote is anger-filled? Asking reasonable questions about poorly formed thoughts is an act of charity, not anger. Another 6 year old trying to swim in the deep end. Go back to the kiddie pool, little one.

    4. Bruh. Weenie pinch. They don't see this. Stop. Bruh. Middays in Dayton. Soon. Bruh. Over. The boys. Do better. Cat knows. Bruh. Ratings. Danny and Sirois.

    5. Bruh, is this some sort of attempt at stream of consciousness commenting? Or did you have a cognitive-related event?

      You really aren't good at this. Why persist? Did mommy tell you that you were the smartest, bestest boy in the universe ever, and you still believe it? It's going to be OK, I promise. I'm an adult, I know what I'm talking about. Trust me.

    6. Took you a while to formulate that one. Bruh. Pinch a weenie. Cat doesn’t see this. Zanesville in two months. Everything’s falling apart. Insider says. Bruh. Heard it from a friend who. Heard it from a friend. Scruh.

  16. The ABA died 50 years agoFebruary 20, 2025 at 7:07 AM

    Dallas radio host for 30 years and noted NBA lover Craig Junior "Junes" Miller could not name Luka or Dirk's nicknames.

    But he knew every nickname of every player from 50 years ago.

  17. Can't wait to go watch Sean and David broadcast in person tomorrow! They are gonna BRING IT for the P1!

    1. huh huh Hey what if the Macarena was the US National Anthem?! huh huh Like, do you think you would still like the National Anthem if it was the Macarena?! huh huh, huh huh.

  18. This blog has been removed by a comment administrator.

  19. 26 out of the last 28 comments have been by the same two people. The handles change, but it's obviously the same 2 clowns. Very sad.

  20. Yep, fuck this place. Back to Reddit

  21. This has been administrator removed a comment by blog.

  22. Is all this about Dan and Jake? It was a midday show, now a minor regional blog.

    1. It’s about KTCK-AM, Bunk

    2. This administrator by a blog comment has been removed.

    3. Been has a by this.

    4. Oops, I meant podcast, not blog. Not that it makes any difference. They've got a couple thousand listeners. Good for them. As Tony Soprano says, God bless.
