Monday, March 3, 2025

Think Twice, Post Once



  1. I probably should have deleted at least a good half-dozen more comments in the last thread.

    So be on notice that I'm mounting a more intensive snark offensive.

    You will note that Ticket guys drop by here from time to time. Peter Welpton kindly keeps us up to date on ratings. We've heard from others from time to time, and once in a while – very rarely, I might add – I will get an email from someone who knows something. Part of the reason is that this site, which has been around since January 2009, is known as a place where one can find listeners who take the station seriously and comment thoughtfully. I want to keep it that way.

    Got a point to make, make it. Want to take issue with another comment, take it.


    Avoid the personal attacks, questioning intelligence, accusations of unreasoned bias, name-calling, and just general jerky and snarky positions that would disappoint you if you saw your child saying it about another.

    Here's one quick tip: Avoid calling a commenter "pal," "buddy," "chief," and other passive-aggressive terms.

    Also: To avoid confusion, identify the comment to which you're responding (in the usual case, by using the original commenter's name).

    I'm expecting some to think I don't really mean it. Sure, some meanboy stuff is going to get through my snark sieve so consistency in deleting/allowing will not be perfect. So some will continue to offer their anonymous bile, and so I'm predicting that you will see more of that immortal phrase, "This comment has been removed by a blog administrator."

    And inappropriate biliousness is not the only thing that will get you deleted. Note the "generally annoying" disqualifier.

    No matter how brief your nasty comment, it will take me about one percent of the time it took you to compose it for me to delete it.

    There are plenty of places to flame online. Go there.

    Thank you for shopping at "My Ticket Confession."

    1. Thank you. A serious crackdown is desperately needed. Fairly certain it’s roughly 4 individuals using countless handles who are responsible for 95% of the bullsh.

    2. Thanks pal, buddy and my chief

    3. Woos hoos

  2. Perhaps if you spent some time actually commenting on the state of the Ticket and leading discussion then some of this snark will go away?

    For real, do you listen to The Ticket anymore? Or any Ticket-adjacent or Ticket-competing content? The blog would benefit from it.

    For at least 6 months it’s simply been, “Here’s a new post. Have at it.”

    1. You like to tell people what to do and how to do it, yes? Glad I don’t have to deal with you IRL.

  3. Trying to get through this Sweet Spot appearance on The Musers. Couldn't make it more than 2 minutes. Yeesh.

  4. Where else am I going to go for someone spamming an ancient blogging platform to practice what they learned at their community college creative writing class by defending the ratings of the midday show on a sports radio station?

    1. Another Love Like MineMarch 4, 2025 at 11:05 AM

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. I’m Just Wondering TooMarch 4, 2025 at 6:16 PM

      Just wanna make sure I got the new rules down: attempting to insult another’s intelligence by claiming they attended community college and as a result possess inadequate grammatical skills is not an ad hominem, and not one writ large. Check.

  5. Say, Harry. They didn’t see it. Ever thought of purchasing their attention for $690? But you best do it soon, as that option won’t be around too much longer. That particular steel toed boot is about to drop.

  6. Horny in Haltom CityMarch 4, 2025 at 1:54 PM

    PRIMO red. Nice work there, Pman.

  7. So weird that some of you obsess over a two hour show. Two hours of a couple of decent guys who might not be the most riveting personalities. What’s weirder is that you’re unable to tolerate any positive comment or defense of these two milquetoast, harmless guys who take up not even two hours of your optional listening day. As a great man once said, “I guess I just don’t get it.”

  8. CMLS in another death spiral. I wonder how that will affect things at The Ticket

    1. The Dallas cluster is one of their money makers with the Ticket at the top of the list. Unless they consoladate the production, sales, and engineering departments all into one, probably not much on air wise. KLIF might be up for sale if anyone would take it.

    2. Do have a URL with that info? Would be interested in reading it.

  9. I don’t have any evidence to back this up, but I’ve been told, by people who I think are in a place to know, that Cumulus Dallas accounts for a ridiculously huge portion of Cumulus’s’s’s’s revenue. Like there’s Dallas, San Fran, and a couple of other old Susquehanna stations that make most of the money, and then all the podunk stations Lew Dicky overpaid for. And most of those podunk stations either lose money, just break even, or contribute negligible amounts to the P part of P&L.
    One thing I am sure of, in 2024 The Ticket was the top local billing station, and overall Cumulus had 3 of the top 7 stations by billing. Ratings drive revenue, and TT is on a ratings hot streak probably not seen since the Chapman heyday of KVIL in the 80’s. The musers have a TWENTY share men 25-54, and a 13 share with adults 25-54.

    1. Sshhh. Don’t let The Hive hear of this. They might implode en masse. Specially now, as IT has begun its official wind down.

    2. Are you talking about The Dumb Zone? Could you explain what you mean by "IT has begun its official wind down." I don't follow.

    3. Akin to YouTube, here too one must speak in code, lest a certain set will melt like a particular witch from a 1939 film Liza’s mom.

  10. Sante Center ConfessionalMarch 7, 2025 at 2:53 PM

    I'm sorry to have taken so long.
    It must have been a bitch while I was gone.You mind if I sit down for a while?
    You'll reacquaint yourself with my style.

    That’s right, pinchers. I’m back.

    Anyone up for a skate? This trade deadline has my extended the curve of my stick.

    Talk soon

  11. Its Spring Training, Get A GripMarch 7, 2025 at 2:57 PM

    Go Dave.

  12. Great opportunity for Detty and Baldy to shine with The Musers off 2 weeks for Spring Break Vacation

    1. If ya got big boobs, let’s hear from yaMarch 7, 2025 at 8:58 PM

      Unlike The Gamblers, these guys do see it. What’s more, and unlike The Gamblers, they care.
