Wednesday, October 16, 2019

False Advertising, and a Couple of Observations

Freshening up the thread with a cheap post:

(1) The Ticket is running ads this morning for Intentional Grounding for 7 PM tonight.  But it will not be on at 7 PM tonight, because of  .  .  .  the Stars!

David and Big Bob did their show last night.

(2) While we're on the subject of Intentional Grounding -- love it, always have, but with all of the self-deprecating show-opening banter and discussion of the lads' non-IG activities of the prior week, football talk doesn't get started until a third of the show is in the books.  It's only an hour show, and it also gets eaten into with Hardline cross-talk and ads.

They gots innarestin Cowboys talk.  Get on with it, D and BB.

(3) The Musers, and Gordon in particular, are way, way too terrified of the ascendance of artificial intelligence.  Maybe it's a bit.  But doesn't sound like it.


As a bonus for reading this cruddy post, you get two redheads today.


  1. I'll have to admit that I enjoy the non-Cowboys content on Illegal Use of Hands because by Wednesday, or Tuesday, I've heard Cowboys talked to death including several David Moore segments.

  2. Does Corby ever get tired of being an idiot?! I was listening to their R&RHoF bit today. Corby was carrying on as if (my god, I'm having to google her song bc I can't even think of her name)..PAT BENATAR, yes Pat Benatar was the first trailblazer for female rock singers. Hey Corby, may want to check out Charline Arthur, Wanda Jackson, Lori Collins, and you can even throw Brenda Lee in there. along with so many others through various years. Yes, that was Rockabilly, along with popular music styles of the day. But that's all Pat Benatar did...was her version of music styles of that era! And his total dismissing of Whitney Houston...omg! If those around Corby are his friends, I mean, REALLY his friends, they would advise him to sit out on all subject matters concerning music...especially trying to sing!

  3. The more Corby tries to show his knowledge of pop music the more he exposes his ignorance.

  4. Benatar did have big success as a hard rock/pop singer, though. Obviously, she was not the first female singer, but she did have enormous success in the pop genre for a time. I didn't hear Corby's segment, so I can't remark on what he said, but I'm just saying Benatar was a pretty important entity in pop/rock in the 80's and 90's.

  5. pat benatar's guitar playing husbandOctober 17, 2019 at 8:58 AM

    You're a fart breaker, smell maker, room shaker, that ain't no SBD.

  6. Benatar also owes a lot of her success to being one of the early artists who realized the value of MTV. Inclusion is probably deserved. Doobie Brothers too.

  7. The AI talk is getting downright disturbing. I fear our beloved Gordo may have a screw loose. It’s always disappointing when people you enjoy exhibit such poor judgment. Sort of like the Musers’ fascination with slowed-down audio, which might, might sound funny to me if I were like in, I don’t know, 2nd grade. Weird.

  8. Have you heard this one on the stream? "Most vitamins are made of synthetic ingredients and difficult to absorb."

    You mean ARE difficult to absorb?

    It's reminiscent of, "...sometimes referred as The Bulldog."
