Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Is This the Best Show on The Ticket?

It's a whimsical question, of course.   There's no "best" show; each listener has a favorite.  The weekday lineup has never been stronger, with the strengthening of BaD.2 (I know I'm in the minority in thinking Bob and Dan needed to be separated, and not everyone cares for Jake, but for my taste the show sounds real good) and the enormous improvement in The Hardline.  I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Norm 'n' D is also in its prime with the increased role of Mike Sirois.  And the Musers --  well, there isn't much room for improvement there.  I'm a fan of Cirque du Sirois and Country Force, too.  Let's not forget specialty shows The Teebox and The Kickaround and Race Week, each of which has its partisans.

But the show I've been looking forward to the most for the last year is Work in Progress, the Sunday morning joint hosted by Justin Montemayor and David Mino.

If you've been reading this column for a long time you know I have a soft spot for the JV.  They may not toil in anonymity down there south of Tier 1, since The Ticket lets them get a little air now and then, but they toil a lot for a tiny wage (supply and demand -- lots of younger adults wanting to get into show biz, even behind the scenes, and not many slots to fill).  A tiny wage, and very uncertain opportunities for advancement.  So I like to bring them front and center and say nice things about them when I can.

I've liked Justin for as long as I've heard him on the air at The Ticket.  Usually just snippets in the midday shows where he had board duties, or maybe he produced now and then -- those lines tend to blur with me for some of the on-air voices of lesser-known players.  But his pop-ons were usually invited rather than forced and I instantly liked the sound of his voice, his attitude, and his content.  Didn't know one thing about the man.  Just a great radio sound, a real natural common-man Tickety sound.

Wait -- I did know one other thing:  I knew that Gordon worked his name into bits now and then.  For example, when The Touchdown Brothers sign off, more often than not they promise an upcoming interview with Justin Montemayor.  I figured if Gordon was teasing him that much, he must have some kind of cachet around The Ticket, either that or the kind of visibility -- and thick skin -- that caught Gordon's attention.

David Mino:  I knew he was considered a worthy heir to Dropmeister Michael Gruber on The Hardline's board and the target of Mike Rhyner's "bird of youth" references in the intro.  (Did we ever find out why he was dropped from the MR intro for an extended period?)  And once in awhile we heard from him.  Didn't make a huge impression, but yeah, OK, he was noticeably adding to the fun.

Justin hit the programming scene with "Not a Podcast" with Mike "Machine" Marshall, a show I also liked a lot.  Well, I liked it for awhile.  Did some columns on it early on, but it changed over time.  We won't dwell on that.  Machine moved on and Not a Podcast is Not Anything now.

In the early days of Work in Progress, Justin really ran the show.  David was finding his way but it wasn't too long before he got a whole lot more comfortable with the mic.  As time has gone by, I have really come to like the sound of his voice.  He has an interesting cadence, an appealing way of accenting certain words.  Even that ad for the apartment complex -- for some reason I can't begin to describe, the way he says "a great place to lay your head" always makes me smile.  At this point, the gents have achieved a nice balance.

At this point, it's really not a work in progress anymore; it's a pretty polished, integrated presentation that always entertains me.  I'm not a younger listener, but I find that they manage to bring some cultural awareness to the show without being snotty or inside or elitist about it -- I've learned something about shows and music and internet entertainment to which I had no prior exposure. 

And they're both funny.  Their humor is of the dry, self-deprecating, deprecating-one-another-like-friends-do type, but it hits the right pitch for a Sunday morning.

Sports knowledge -- I'll say "solid," but since I don't know a whole lot about sports myself, I'll have to say that I like it as much as I like any of the sports coverage on any of the shows.  Neither is Bob Sturm, but neither is anyone else.  

But I don't want to get too molecular here.  I just like the sound of the show, its good-naturedness, its modesty, its humor, the obvious friendship between Monte and Mino.  I know I talk a lot about the overall "sound" of the shows on The Ticket, a sound unlike what you get on any other show on any other station.  It is hard to create (it must be, or more shows would be doing it) and it is hard to describe, but Work in Progress has it.  They keep the bits to a tasteful minimum.  They prepare the show each week, but they don't over-prepare it.  It has the same spontaneous, genuine feel that the best Ticket shows (which is to say, almost all of them) have always had.

And there's something else they do well that some programs have stumbled over -- they work in a group of support guys but they don't overdo it -- there's never a jumble of voices that you can't quite identify.  Those skillful supporting players are Chris Tapia running the board, "Cray" Trey Mitchell producing, and Ryan Medellin with Tickers.  Sam Hale fills in if Cray Trey or Ryan are unavailable.  

Hey, this ain't exactly the New York Times make-or-break theater review, but if you can haul your ass out of bed on a Sunday morning, give these men a try.  Good sound, good stuff, and to the extent you can get a feel for human beings through buds, good people. 

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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Some Additional Detail on Ratings

You have seen Craig Miller's tweet:  "Many questions re the radio ratings. The facts: Feb book came out this week. In our target M 25-54 demo, all Ticket M-F shows, including our new afternoon lineup, beat every show on the other two sports stations. Musers #1 in morning drive in DFW regardless of format."

An anonymous human sent me some details. All I have is some raw stuff, and there is every chance I'm misreading some of it, but most of it is clear enough. And, of course, I can't vouch for this source, could be feeding me a bunch of hoo-ha, but it's consistent with what Junior is putting out. 
This is for men, 25-54, Monday through Friday, all sources (AM/FM/Stream). The time period covered is January 30 to February 26. This is the tail end of Super Bowl coverage plus the game itself, and about a week-and-a-half of the new pairings in the afternoon and PM drive.


KTCK: 6.5 (first among all stations irrespective of format)
KRLD: 4.5
KESN: 2.0


KTCK: 6.7 (second behind KEGL7.1)
KRLD: 4.9
KESN: 1.7


KTCK: 6.2 (second behind KEGL 8.0)
KRLD: 5.2
KESN: 1.1


KTCK: 6.7 (second behind KEGL 8.8)
KRLD: 4.6
KESN: 1.5

If you take the entire broadcast day (6 am to midnight) for the entire calendar week, it's

KTCK: 5.1 (third behind KEGL 6.4 and KLNO 5.3)
KRLD: 4.0
KESN: 1.5

If you're interested in post 7-PM programming, it goes:

KRLD: 2.8 (way down the list, but KEGL still #1 at 6.1)
KTCK: 2.6
KESN: 1.5

I don't know if I'll be able to get detail for March, where we'll have a full month of the new Ticket afternoon and drive teams (and a fair amount of coronavirus impact) but if it comes my way I'll advise. But in any event, these numbers tend -- only tend -- to suggest that the KRLD bump may well have been an artifact of its Cowboys coverage, or maybe some problems with Nielsen sampling. We'll need a few months more to know if The Ticket is still a legitimate month-in-month-out #1 -- but even then, coronavirus coverage is surely going to cause some distortions affecting sports/guy radio ratings. For now, these ticket numbers are pretty solid, with The Fan within shouting distance.

Looks like Ben & Skin found a good home.

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Thursday, March 12, 2020

A Challenging Time for The Ticket

What are these guys going to talk about with no games?

The NBA season suspended, and other individual tournaments and games are either cancelled or in danger of cancellation.  MLB?  NHL?

And its inevitable that someone at Cumulus Dallas will test positive.  A host?  Think about those shared microphones and boards, and the close quarters in the studios.

Because The Ticket doesn't focus exclusively on sports, it will probably be in better shape, host-preparedness-wise, than its sportsier competitors.

I hope all Confessors stay safe, exercise appropriate cautions, get medical care when things look iffy.

Image result for gorgeous redheaded nurse

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Anonymous 415 Nails It (That Is, He Agrees with Me)

I was getting set to do an article on some early observations on 12-3 and 3-7, when ConfessorAnonymous 415 posted yesterday to the previous article (lightly edited by MTC):

So far I'm mostly liking the changes. I will admit that I'm partial to 3-7 over 12-3. For me to say that is incredible since I haven't been able to listen to 3-7 for over 5 minutes at a sitting for years now. 

I said mostly liking due to being less and less sold on Super BaD. I'm beginning to see chinks in Jake's armor. I'm beginning to see that while deserving and in a fundamental way ready for prime time, he's not a finished product by any stretch of the imagination. 

I also think Dan needs to dial it back a notch or four. To me it's obvious he's trying to make sure everyone (CTO) know that he still has his youthful fastball. At times it makes for uncomfortable radio. And this isn't Stern so this isn't a good thing. 

As to 3-7, the more Bob asserts himself and the scarcer Danny makes his presence known the better this thing gets. Danny's good for a segment and has nice add-ins throughout the show. Bob's getting more comfortable with each passing show and as a result is SOMEWHAT putting a matte finish on Corby's Corbyness. Good stuff. 

I think 12-3 is going to take a lot of time, experimenting, and even off-air discussions between Dan and Jake and/or Cat interventions to find its sweet spot.

*     *     *
These observations mirror my own to a large degree.

Dan and Jake:  In general, I think this show is good, better than recent Bob and Dan.  I do think Jake has settled in very well -- it's Dan who seems to be thrashing about a bit.  He's clearly the boss of the show, which is fine.  But not having been the boss of the show for all those decades, he's having some trouble figuring out how he should be pitching his presentation.  "Dial it back a notch or four," says Anonymous, and that puts it pretty well.  He seems to be pressing.  It's not that he hogs the show -- that's neither fair nor entirely accurate -- it's that his role as the sarcastic gadfly hovering around the stentorian Bob doesn't sound quite right without Bob there to puncture.  He's a naturally intelligent guy -- he should just relax and broadcast instead of constantly setting up his next sarcastic observation, looking for angles for jokes, a process that (you guessed it) bogs down the show.  I have pretty much no complaints about Jake, except to say I'd like to hear a little more from him.

Corby and Bob:  After an uncertain couple of weeks, this show has taken off.  I listened quite a bit over the past few days, and I thought it was an enormous improvement over legacy Hardline.  Bob is so much more comfortable, so much so that he is really remaking the show.  Corby is proving to be a solid equal partner, and he has dialed back the Corbosity.  Danny has done a good job of picking his spots.  A very enjoyable listen.

*     *     *

And, by the way:  Are you catching The Ticket's promos once again saying they're the number one sports talk station?  I don't have details, but I believe the latest book shows overall victory over The Fan.  But no one's making much noise about this; The Eagle beat 'em both in the demo, did it not?  (I'm not a ratings maven).

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