Sunday, March 22, 2020

Some Additional Detail on Ratings

You have seen Craig Miller's tweet:  "Many questions re the radio ratings. The facts: Feb book came out this week. In our target M 25-54 demo, all Ticket M-F shows, including our new afternoon lineup, beat every show on the other two sports stations. Musers #1 in morning drive in DFW regardless of format."

An anonymous human sent me some details. All I have is some raw stuff, and there is every chance I'm misreading some of it, but most of it is clear enough. And, of course, I can't vouch for this source, could be feeding me a bunch of hoo-ha, but it's consistent with what Junior is putting out. 
This is for men, 25-54, Monday through Friday, all sources (AM/FM/Stream). The time period covered is January 30 to February 26. This is the tail end of Super Bowl coverage plus the game itself, and about a week-and-a-half of the new pairings in the afternoon and PM drive.


KTCK: 6.5 (first among all stations irrespective of format)
KRLD: 4.5
KESN: 2.0


KTCK: 6.7 (second behind KEGL7.1)
KRLD: 4.9
KESN: 1.7


KTCK: 6.2 (second behind KEGL 8.0)
KRLD: 5.2
KESN: 1.1


KTCK: 6.7 (second behind KEGL 8.8)
KRLD: 4.6
KESN: 1.5

If you take the entire broadcast day (6 am to midnight) for the entire calendar week, it's

KTCK: 5.1 (third behind KEGL 6.4 and KLNO 5.3)
KRLD: 4.0
KESN: 1.5

If you're interested in post 7-PM programming, it goes:

KRLD: 2.8 (way down the list, but KEGL still #1 at 6.1)
KTCK: 2.6
KESN: 1.5

I don't know if I'll be able to get detail for March, where we'll have a full month of the new Ticket afternoon and drive teams (and a fair amount of coronavirus impact) but if it comes my way I'll advise. But in any event, these numbers tend -- only tend -- to suggest that the KRLD bump may well have been an artifact of its Cowboys coverage, or maybe some problems with Nielsen sampling. We'll need a few months more to know if The Ticket is still a legitimate month-in-month-out #1 -- but even then, coronavirus coverage is surely going to cause some distortions affecting sports/guy radio ratings. For now, these ticket numbers are pretty solid, with The Fan within shouting distance.

Looks like Ben & Skin found a good home.

Image result for gorgeous redhead using calculator


  1. If be very interested if the source could send you the same numbers from October, November, and December

  2. Nice to see Whitt posted his ratings data and showed just how much of a joke he is as a reporter:

    So he's been reporting these numbers while completely ignoring the streaming numbers staring him right in the face. For January The Ticket's over the air rating was 3.8 while their stream rating was 2.2 (that's over 1/3 of their listeners!). His screenshot doesn't show The Fan's stream rating but it's safe to assume it's significantly lower.

    He reported January as The Ticket losing 3.8 to 4.5 ( I guess adding two number is difficult

  3. Surly, I think reports did have The Ticket down during that period, if I'm remembering reports correctly. That's why I said you can't tell a whole lot trend-wise from the February numbers.

  4. Not sure what happened to my comment that was posted up regarding my surprised reaction to KEGL's popularity. Weird.

  5. If you follow Mike Rhyner on Twitter, he's been posting this every day now:
    One more day one more night #153

    The number goes down each day, so the next day after the above tweet, it would say

    One more day one more night #152

    Today, it's 150. That means August 19 is his target date, for whatever he's looking forward to.

    Anyone have any idea what this is about? I haven't seen him offer up any explanation.

  6. @James: Maybe his best guess as to when baseball season will actually start. He's a huge fan, so he's probably projecting three months out? (a bit less obviously).

    As to KEGL, I don't even know what their show line up is outside of the newly added Ben & Skin. I guess I could visit their webpage and find out. What a novel idea!

  7. Rhynes has been posting that since #180. Not related to COVID delays.

  8. 918: Your missing comment is entirely my fault. I had a technical problem with the post and I had to take the whole thing down and repost, and I lost your comment. I'd be grateful if you would repost.

  9. I thought maybe the countdown had to do with the expiration of his Cumulus noncompete, but if we assume that his severance date was either in December before drydock, or early January just after it was over, the August 19 date doesn't make much sense. Noncompetes tend to be in six-month increments, and that would be a mid-February start date.

  10. I wonder if the countdown is to the end of a No Compete Clause?

  11. Must be a lot of people with time on their hands. I post some almost-out-of-date ratings and in less than a day MTC has had more hits than in almost any other one-day period since its founding and I've picked up some Twitter followers.

  12. You got linked on reddit yesterday

  13. Thanks, Surly. That would do it. I also linked to it on Twitter, which I don't do with all my essays, and it got some retweets.

  14. He turns 70 on 8/19.

  15. 5:29, are you making that up?

  16. His birthday is August 16

  17. Close enough for gov’t work.

  18. What's your twitter handle, Plainsman?

  19. Why would Rhyner do a count down to his birthday? It seems like it'd be something more important than that.

  20. As for the Rhyner countdown, it is quite possible it is the termination of his noncompete. As an effectively 20+ year employee of Cumulus, he may very well have had 2+ months of vacation to use. Or, they might have just agreed that Rhyner would be available to the station through Ticketstock. We don't know what his official final day at the Ticket was.

    By the way, the first day of the countdown was 2/21/20, which was the Friday of Ticketstock. For all we know, he was getting paid through TicketStock. That may all be coincidental.

  21. 70 is a big deal, but the above is a distinct possibility.

  22. Gopher: Twitter ID is: @plainsman1310.

    I usually just alert to new essays or breaking news. Once in awhile I'll toss in something else, but I usually save Great Thoughts for the website.

    But all followers are welcome.

  23. I just got in my car and drove down the street to get a coke, guess what, more people out driving around than I've seen in weeks. Who are these crazy judge's thinking that people are going to stay locked in their houses on this first gorgeous day? Anyway, I turned on the Ticket to hear them talking to a guest. And the guest (jokingly) recommends to have a shoe of strictly Greggo drops; let me know when, I'll actually listen to that whole show.

  24. Lol... "show"..damn spell check!
