Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Thank You for Shopping at "My Ticket Confession"

Yes, you guessed correctly.  This is my last column.

I still like The Ticket.

I may be in the minority, but I think 12-3 and 3-7 are both much better shows since the reshuffling.  The Ticket is handling the fluidity at 10-12 required by Norm's illness very well.  The weekend shows are stronger than ever.  My Musers continue to nurture their legend.

Some things have changed, of course.

I realized over the past year or so that I don't like sports that much.  I don't like the athletes.  I don't like the owners.  I don't like the league administration.  It was part of the genius of The Ticket that it could still appeal to a guy like me.

Then two things happened.

The first thing, which is not that important as far as my decision to bid farewell to MTC, is The Contagion combined with The Unrest, and the effect both had on The Ticket.

Without sports to talk about because of The Contagion, one might have thought The Ticket would have been well-positioned to tough it out, since much of their broadcasting was already non-sports-related.  But it is not handling The Contagion well.  

Because the hosts chose to fill too many of their now-empty segments with talk about The Unrest (with a sports angle where possible), and, incidentally, the political response to The Contagion.  

I'm interested in The Unrest.  But I can hear about that anywhere, and more authoritatively, and less annoyingly, than I heard it on The Ticket. 

Some of this is not The Ticket's fault.   The response of sports administration to both The Contagion and The Unrest was an independent news event -- in this column's view, amounting to rank pandering -- and The Ticket had not much choice but to talk about it it.   But the editorializing, both implicit and explicit, that accompanied it struck me as being way out of step with its listenership.  At least that segment of it that is typing these words.

Can't prove it, but I believe The Ticket's ratings slide is a direct result of its misestimation of its listeners' tolerance for HOs that are not HSOs.  (Yes, yet more men brought low by their obsession with hos.)

Not saying the hosts don't have a right to their opinions.  Not even saying they shouldn't use their soapbox to broadcast it.  Just saying you'll be hearing punch-outs from here to Waxahachie. 

[[Small-print aside:

Before leaving this topic, which I have avoided in the past, let me say something in defense of Craig, Bob, Corby, Gordon, and all the rest who seem to be jumping on the social-justice bandwagon:  These guys are not young men any more.  When men (women, of course, too) get older, they reflect on what is important.  It may be dawning on them, as it has dawned on me, that a lot of what has occupied our days through middle age, while necessary to put bread on the table, is slight, evanescent, unimportant -- most significantly, empty of meaning.   There is a craving for meaning, for larger themes, for leaving a mark that sets the world a little closer to the right direction.  I think we're hearing some of that restlessness in the noticeable veering of The Ticket away from entertainment based on sports commentary to bigger topics that increasingly resonate with these aging stars.   It may not be good radio, but neither is it bombastic posturing or egotistical lecturing.  

My own path (see second point below) is much the same.  No one has to read my novel, and no one has to listen to The Ticket.  It is not, and, truth to tell, never was, must-hear radio.  It's a delightful confection struggling for air in a time when delightful confections completely dominated by middle-aged white males are in bad odor.  I feel sorry for them and I'm missing them, but I'm embracing things I now find more important.  So are they, and I applaud that mind-set, but nothing about them suggests that they're reliable guides for their traditional listeners.  But they, each one of them, were a huge part of my life, and I love them all.]]

I found that I was going days without hearing a single minute of Ticket broadcasting.  I'd punch out on the political talk, wait for what seemed to me to be a period where the station surely would have moved on to something of greater interest, punch back in, and the wearisome woke talk would still be going on.  

 In addition, I was busy with the second thing I'll get to in a moment. 

It struck me that not listening much to the station would eventually result in me being a very poor Ticket blogger, if it hadn't already.

But this is going to pass.  This alone would not have made me either forswear The Ticket, or forswear MTC.  Things will eventually return to normal with a host lineup, possibly sans Norm but plus Sirois, that I have loved for years.

It is the second thing is luring me further from The Ticket and pretty much killing my willingness to continue MTC, at least as it has existed since 2009.  

No, it isn't the politicization of the comments.

The second thing is:  I've written a novel.  I expect it to be published within the next month or so.  Note the passive voice: "expect it to be published."  In fact, I'm publishing it myself through my own company as do thousands of other Amazon authors.  I've already started on novel number two, and I expect to write full time for money, both fiction and non-fiction, from here on out.  Seventy percent royalties on ebooks on Kindle, not too shabby if you can catch on with readers who become fans.  Something's gotta give; one of them is my career job, and another is MTC. 

(I regret not telling you what the novel is, although some of you might like it.  I am publishing it pseudonymously, and, much as I love The Confessor, I can't have anyone writing an Amazon review that even says so little as "hey, this is the guy that did The Ticket blog."  Very sorry; I'd love to have y'all downloading it or buying the paperback.)

*     *     *

I haven't decided exactly what to do with the site.  I'm not taking it down.  It is of some very minor interest to the history of The Ticket.  Sometimes, I suspect, of a little more interest than we know, although perhaps I flatter myself.  

I have considered just doing a new one-sentence post from time to time to keep the thing alive as a place where people can come to participate in a curated discussion forum.  Maybe industry or Cumulus guys will toss me a tip now and then.  Maybe I'll give that a try and alert Twitter if there's anything of interest reported.  But (1) would communicants really come here with no actual content offered (maybe I'll toss up a red with each new post), (2) Reddit exists (and I may check in there from time to time), and (3) do I really want to spend any time refereeing flame wars?

*     *     *

My gratitude to The Confessor is immense.  I wish I had a chance to meet you all -- yes, even grumpasaurus Surly.  I had a lot of fun doing the site and I have regretted the decline in my output over the past several months.  

But the times are changing for many reasons, and The Ticket is likely to feel the seismic buckling as much as any aging institution, maybe more.  I'd love to be around to report it, but commerce, if not art, is calling my name (even if it's not really my name). 

Fond best regards to all.  

And so, after 945 posts, I Thank You for Shopping at My Ticket Confession, Your Source for Responsible Ticket Journalism.


Hell Yeah, Redheads! on Twitter: "bonjour-la-rousse:♥ Gorgeous RedHeads ♥ |  https://t.co/91MC0T9YFw | #redhead |… " 

Good-bye, Plainsman.  Who are you, anyway?


  1. I invite you all to not only stop posting, but to stop reading the blog, in our estimation.

  2. Ahhh, PM. Hate to see you go, but I get it. Good luck in future endeavors

  3. Agree and mirror with almost everything you mention in the blog! I listen a lot less in the past 6-9 months too. Tired of the woke talk, the political commentary (even if it is disguised), the "what, no mask, OMG, how could they" BS. If I wanted to hear that S, I could listen to klif or the two channels on Sirius. I cannot count how many times I have changed stations to music. Miss the old days.

  4. Thanks for creating and keeping the place up for so long, PM. Best of luck with the novel.

  5. Much love Plainsman, I always enjoyed reading your posts. This blog was my go-to site for all things gossip/news when it came to our beloved station.

  6. Thank you, Plainsman, for creating this little place and maintaining it for so long. I still listen to the station more than you do, but the issues you identify here are real. The entire station seems to have picked up on the idea that when Hansen does an Unplugged and the world falls at his feet to appreciate his wokeness, so they emulate him in their own way. It's tiresome.
    But I do enjoy the MTC blog, and I hope something will lead you to create more posts, for whatever reason. I'll come by and check, just in case.

    Stay hard.

  7. This is a white site by a wide margin. It's turned into a place where white guys can whine about how difficult it is to be white. Good riddance and you won't be missed. I used to come here for all things Ticket but white privilege has taken over. The truth is difficult to accept and so many of the comments here are proof positive of how some white folks will never try to understand that this society is corrupt on many levels.

  8. @328, now whose whining?

  9. Rumors of the ticket's demise are likely exaggerated. Over time the good ole boy white "anti-woke" is cool crowd will die out and a more accepting multi-cultural audience might take over.

  10. I have enjoyed my time here since hearing Grubes talk about it one day. Hope The Plainsman pops back in from time to time to give us updates and comment from time to time. Good luck with the new endeavor.

  11. You're quitting because of the novel or because you have a problem with Ticket hosts speaking out against social injustice?

  12. Anon 803, don't try to put words in the Plainsman's mouth by misstating his reasons and wording your question with a false choice. If you read the entire post he is pretty clear.

  13. The Plainsman does his own Irish exit. Interesting. Good luck with your book. Thanks for all you've done. With stuff like 3:28, I can see why you'd want to bail. Who needs that crap?

  14. It's not an Irish exit when you announce your exit

  15. btw, I kind of saw this coming, after seeing that the Plainsman went to some Osteen rally. I'm not surprised that the "woke Ticket" became too much for him.

  16. btw, I kind of saw this coming, after seeing that the Plainsman went to some Osteen rally. I'm not surprised that the "woke Ticket" became too much for him.

  17. Plainsman, thanks for all of your labor on the site. It's been fun watching the posts and the comments, although I've only lurked and not contributed. I too have grown weary of the relentless social justice hectoring emanating from the "Woke" Ticket. I've stopped listening altogether for the same reason I've stopped watching sports altogether: I'm tired of working 60 hours a week to support my family and then being told by wealthy media people (cue Vivaldi's The Four Seasons) and millionaire athletes that I'm a racist and sexist oppressor on account of my skin color and gender. No thanks. It's not fun and they aren't funny anymore. It's devolved to "We Elite Media Members at The Ticket" against "You Poor Stupid Working White Male Slobs" I was a day one P1. I helped build the brand, came to events, wore the T-shirts, supported the advertisers, but I'm out. I applaud their willingness to lose their livelihood over their beliefs. Terrestrial Radio isn't a real hot medium any longer, is it? How profitable is the 18-30-year-old-lives-in-their-parent's-back-bedroom demo? I guess they only had to pretend to be "Regular Guys" long enough to con us into making them rich.

  18. It's a little patronizing to say people are "jumping on the social justice bandwagon". More likely, since a couple of them explicitly said this, they are now just more open to speaking their true feelings on things. This is backed up by how some of them have spoken on podcasts going back years.

  19. Plainsman-

    I'm saddened by your news as I enjoy your writings, as infrequent as they may have become. I wish your new endeavor well. I am excited for you and hope that I someday stumble across your book(s). I wish there was a safe way for you to share the title(s) with us so we can find them, but I understand your hesitancy. Anything ticket related on public websites gets swamped with bits.

    As for me, I hope for the regular or random check-ins along with the accompanying redhead.

    Many thanks for your years of service.

  20. I have to say I am a bit saddened by this announcement. I know it has been quite a while since I have made any kind of contribution (two kids--what was I thinking?!), but I have been lurking around, reading your posts from time to time and reminiscing about the "good ol' days." You have a real knack for this writing gig so I wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors. Stay hard, Plainsman.

  21. kinda sounds like some ppl I've seen with the "oh they're kneeling. No thanks, I've got better things to do." Of course if the Cowboys start 3-0 those same ppl will somehow "forget" Dak, Zeke etc are "disrespecting" their stars&stripes. But hey - saying something then completely saying the exact opposite is par for the course with that group. So players are speaking up more & suddely Sports just isn't that entertaining......weird. Ticket hosts deciding to openly talk about the big social ongoings in our world and suddenly The Ticket just isn't that entertaining.....shocker. Go Somewhere Else for Your MAGA

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  23. Did Rhyner not announce his exit? He did, just not on the air. Anyway, who cares? I guess pedantic corrections make a person feel smug and superior. Certainly, the individual on this forum that does it would bear that out.

    Anyhoo, as far as the 'white privilege' drivel, that is hilarious. I'm Native American, so I don't see how I fit into that neat little classification/bs. Final posting here for me. It's been fun.

  24. lol, there's nothing pedantic about saying the Plainsman making entire post detailing how and why he's leaving is not an Irish Exit. It is the exact opposite of an Irish exit.

  25. Thank you for the work you have done on this site. Like you, my Ticket listening has dropped off this year, as the SJW garbage got old.

    Best of luck with your novel!

  26. Surly is correct, it and neither was Rhyner's, an Irish Exit. LowKey, I'm not sure to what or whom you are referring, but what an awful sentiment. It's shocking what folks will express behind a veil of anonymity on the internet. It truly shows the depravity we humans are capable of harboring.

  27. P-man -

    This little blog has been a touchstone for me for many years. Sorry to see you go but definitely understand the reasons.

    My listening to the station has been dwindling for awhile and accelerated with Rhyner leaving. I have never been a fan of Gordon. So I listen to the Musers until Gordon starts with his exaggerated baiting, annoying, get-a-rise, look-at-me schtick. Yes, I acknowledge that he is a genius, or maybe a savant. But I can't deal with it.

    I was never a Sturm fan with his endless questions and meandering points. I will also allow that he is a sports genius. Just not one that I want to listen to. So with the removal of Mike and the addition of Sturm I can't hardly listen to the Hardline.

    I say that to say this. Plainsman, for many years you have given us the forum to post our thoughts, feelings, opinions and rants. You even allowed me to write a column and post it up. We almost met one time at a roadshow but connections missed. As the Little Ticket has been part of our life so has MTC. Thank you for that.

    Hopefully someone else can fill the void. (GRUBES, are you listening (reading) this? As the first poster on this site the honor goes to you.)

    Texas Over & Out

    ET P1

  28. Hell of a run, Mr. Plainsman! From day one, I've read every new post and the ensuing comments. Things occasionally got a bit, uh, intense, but I always appreciated the bowling alley bumpers Plainsman used to gently calm things down and circle back towards the Ticket.

    ETP1- Appreciate the thought! I might be able to talk myself into the offer if it's on the table, but I don't want to commit to anything yet because I'm very very lazy. :)

    Stay hard, Plainsman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. Well, Plainsman, this day has been long coming, and I hate that we're here. But here we are, indeed. I am a MTC D1P1. D1P1 because I would read your thoughts in the comments section of the various and sundry Whitt/Ticket articles during the Hee Hoo era, thinking "I like the cut of this dude's jib." And when lo and behold one day you posted a URL to MTC, I opened up a new window posthaste and checked it out. Being a bona fide Ticket loop listening D1P1, it suffices to say, MTC scratched my itch. While (now not as young as he once was) Michael Gruber was the first commenter, I was either second or third. I've been commenting anonymously ever since. You even kindly featured a few of my ramblings as articles--and I am honored to have made a small contribution, if that. As I said, here we are and I hate it. But like Rhyner, you're getting out when you should. And in some ways for the same reasons. The funny thing is, is that I always thought I'd have some 5 post, long form comment paralleling the end of MTC and the changing times and a Ticket that no longer is "my" Ticket. Funnier still is that that is exactly the case; and even funnier still is that I, like you and this blog and your relationship with The Ticket, haven't the heart for it. Moreover, I haven't for a long while now. I wish that wasn't the case, but it is. The whys and hows of it are as Henry Miller would put it, the smile at the foot of the ladder; that is, the infinitesimal, Pauline moments that suddenly make manifest yet were always and already there. It's just that one day, while capering through life, we finally read their message. So, again, here we are and I hate it. But it is time. I guess my only hope is that you close the comments in a week or so and leave the page, as is, for posterity. No intermittent posts, no check ins, no nothing. When we endeavor, we ought to endeavor full-throated. Half-measures are for mediocrities. That, Plainsman, is neither you nor this site.

    So long to Grubes, Jonessa, ETP1, DA/SKA, Shaggy/Surly, Grumpy Troll, Brad Gilbert, Duck and Cover, DavidDunderdorf (sp), James, Catman of the Americas, Jake, KT, Mike Sirois, Bob Sturm, KDF, and all the other Confessors and Ticket personnel who would stop by and shop.

    But most of all, thank you, Plainsman. MTC was, is, and will always be a special place. It's where, on the whole, civil and spirited discourse took place about a singular entity that held together our shared world. And if MTC is such a place, it's because it took on the character of its creator. What you did--what we all did--here, was, like The Ticket, true greatness.

    So long and thanks for all the fish, Plainsman.

  30. last thought.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnQ8N1KacJc&list=PLo6aG-353CqmyFdJQVmFgez_ygvTOzIZR

  31. Thank You, Scott.
    That's an ender.

  32. Well, I was late to this party, but have enjoyed it immensely. Your post is well thought out and reasoned. I’m a (real) D1P1, but I find myself listening less. I don’t know if it’s because of the pandemic - and the ensuing lack of sports - or just the overall changing of my tastes as a 50 something white guy. The ticket has been a big part of my adult life and I have loved all of it.

    I will continue to listen, but not live anymore. I will keep my usave.it account (for now) and be able to listen to the Musers and Hardline in half the time. I don’t really listen to other sports talk. I have specific sports interests and have been migrating more to the podcasts that feed those interests. I don’t know, maybe this is the way radio will be going in the future? It was always the Achilles heel for ESPN and other national shows - you had to fight through so much crap you don’t care about to listen to that one segment you do.

    Or, maybe I’m just not as passionate about sports as I used to be. I guess this is why the target demo is what it is. I’m aging out of it. Or, it seems like the bits are getting stale. Hard to say.

    Regardless. I love the ticket and wish them well. It is still the best sports station on the dial. It’s not you, its me.

  33. A moment of silence for My ticket confession.

  34. Thanks, Plainsman. I started coming here when it looked like Bob and Dan were leaving. That was a long time ago. I always enjoyed your view and the comments here.

    I think you hit the nail on the head with your comments. I hope the ticket hosts and brass read them.

  35. So long, P-Man. I too was an early adopter of MTC and, while I've been away for quite some time, I found my way back just in time for your departure it would seem.

    I've always had a lot of respect for how you ran this place. Best of luck with your novel and all of your future written endavors.

  36. I have to say, I would be up for Grubes taking the platform... maybe with a PMan thought every 3 or 4 months.

  37. I second the motion that Grubes take over the platform.

    All in favor?

  38. Would there still be redheads?

  39. Plainsman,

    You did great work with this site. I've enjoyed this immensely for many years, going all the way back to the "Where's Greggo" days.

    Loved all the Chicago radio references and stories. Long live Lower Wacker Overdrive!

    Best wishes as you move on. Remember that good things happen to good people, so good things are bound to happen in your future.

    Perhaps one day, I'll pick up some book, for some unknown reason, and 100 pages in, when some redheaded character makes an appearance, I'll pause...briefly look up in a thoughtful way, and then think, "naahh...it couldn't be", and then return to reading the book.

    These are my last few words to you Mr Plainsman, Later!

  40. Plainsman, sorry to see you move on, but people have to move on. This pandemic has definitely accelerated that reality. I echo a lot of your sentiment, but I don't give any of the hosts the same credit you do. They've ALL become disconnected from the average listener. They started out as the opposite of political correctness but now they've flipped the script. They used to take risks, making them the edgiest radio in the area, and now they've all got too much to lose. No one wants to hear guys like them preach to you during your regular commute.

    BTW, "Get Woke, Go Broke" may not be so far from the Ticket's doorstep. I have it on good authority ad sales are WAY WAY down. So far down, that the constant bragging about ratings by echo-chamber Junes may not overcome some major budget cuts and back office personnel changes. More to come.

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  42. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  43. Completely agree with his position. Lotta punch outs here too. These guys are uneducated (to put it mildly) on pretty much anything that is not sports-related. If I wanted to hear guys talking out their rears..well actually I don't. Oh well, at least sports started up but now we all know the Ticket hosts are SJWs lightweights..out of the closet!

  44. So, per reddit there's been some sort of Mike and Greggo reunion. No details yet, at least not from what I've seen. Anyone else out there have the 411?

  45. https://twitter.com/BenRogers/status/1306760102997831680/photo/1

    Absolutely, fuckin' incredible! I never thought I'd see the day!

    You see, Pman, you say The Ticket never was must-hear radio. Well, my friend, you got on the bus before Hee Hoo's demise. from 94 to roughly 2005-7, THL was must-hear radio. As were The Musers. Sadly you arrived a bit late to the party. And this is why so many of us D1P1s and early adopters pine for The Halcyon Days. Call us "boomer" or whatever, we don't care. We were there, we heard, saw, and lived its true greatness. This reunion, this photograph means the world to us. The best. Simply. The. Best. I'm fuckin' crying like a baby looking at this thing. Those two magnificent bastards.

    Long live The Old Grey Wolf! Long live The Hammer! Long live The Hardline!

    Stay hard, keep jammin', and we'll see ya!

    Damn I miss those days...

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  49. As much as I will miss P-Man's posts and lots about the usual commenters, I definitely will not miss exchanges like the last few.

    No wonder this place is dying.

    This is why we can't have nice things.

  50. Fascinating Ben Rogers got that pic

  51. Big Old Ruby Red DressSeptember 18, 2020 at 3:08 PM

    Agree with you, Scott. Agree with you 1125. 1001, you nailed it, brutha.

    I wish Pman would take the advice of an earlier comment and delete any and all snide b.s., close the comments section, and leave the site up for posterity, frozen in time, these last comments positive, insightful, collegial. The very spirit of MTC, what makes it unique.....indeed, think about it: This site began because of the end of the OG Hardline, when Greggo became Hoo Hoo.....and now, Mike and Gregg (no longer Hee Hoo) have, so it seems, buried the hatchet. A beautiful, poetic bookend.

  52. Scott, maybe I'm reading too much into your comment, but if you're tacitly implying a connection between Ben Rogers and Mike and Mike's not so between the lines "never say never" regarding terrestrial radio quips during his maiden podcast and elsewhere (including his appearance on Ben and Skin's pre(as in right before it went on air)KEGL podcast), you've got my attention. To wit, will we hear Mike on KEGL the minute the non-compete expires?

  53. The non-compete expired a while ago

  54. Did it, Surly? Do you know when? If you listen to Mike's podcast episodes 1&2 he seems to say that his nc vis-a-vis radio has a few more months to go. He's not explicit about it, so it is difficult to tell. But let's say the nc has expired. I still wouldn't be shocked if he got his own show on KEGL. Perhaps the pod is a test run of sorts?

  55. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  56. I remember reading an article about his podcast launching and he said he had to wait out his non-compete to launch the podcast. Could have possibly challenged it legally but it wasn't worth it. Would there be a longer non-compete for actual radio vs. a podcast?

  57. That's what I was wondering, 5pm, especially in light of Surly's info. That sure would be something, though, if Rhynes was back on air. Especially with KEGL. Things could get really interesting around here.

    I'm torn about MTC, I must admit. Part of me agrees with those who hope Plainsman deletes the silliness, keeps the comments that are in the spirit of the site, turns off the comments, and leaves MTC as it is and as it should be remembered. There's also a part of me that will miss all the good natured, earnest comments and exchanges and hopes he keeps the comment section open forever. Though I keep going back to the first option. If you're moving on from something and yet you still have to keep checking in on it in order to make sure the idiots haven't hijacked the thing, well it's probably time to clean house one final time and shut her down.

    Whatever happens, I concur with 9/11 2am. This site is greatness and I hope it's remembered for that. I know I'll always think of it that way. It's been my outlet for talking Ticket. Reddit isn't my thing and to be honest most all of my friends moved on from The Ticket some time ago. Not because of any particular thing mind you. Life got in the way, you know. My life too has gotten in the way, but something in me has always found the time no matter what. That won't change. Even though it's not The Ticket I fell in love with, it's still the best thing out there. So I'll go along to get along with it. What else am I going to do? I've come this far on the ride. I'll see it through to the end. Hoping that end won't be bitter, but I'm not holding my breath.

    Anyways, thanks Plainsman and all the regulars for many the years of greatness. I'll miss you all.

  58. I don't think Mike will go head to head against the Ticket over the air. Podcast seems more likely.

    1. You are correct, 1123. He even stated on his guest appearance on the JuDo-hosted Mom Game podcast that radio as a medium is something to stay the hell away from

  59. Spill the beans Sept 16 @ 957am. How bad is it? My sources tell me it's bad.

  60. If ad sales were way, way dow wouldn't we have far fewer spots than we do currently?

  61. I was thinking about that myself. Maybe it is referring to the ad revenue, as in they had to cut their rates big-time to fill the spots. So overall the money is down.

  62. Not if you have to charge less per "spot," lmao. Check out this thing called math.

  63. Holy buckets! Surly got out-Surly'ed!

    That's it, shut her down, let's go home!

  64. Yes, revenue is probably down. It is in my world. So, you lower margin, therefore sell price. So, while sales may be WAY down, they are doing what they can to fill spots. Other hand.... If margins are too low, you have to cut cost. Furloughs and layoffs. At some point, benefits suffer, costly positions suffer, and temporary changes become permanent. Regardless of your leaning, a LOT of companies are waiting until Nov to make those permanent choices.

  65. In, in EVERYBODY'S world. EVERY BODY'S world.

  66. 680 The Fan in Atlanta let three hosts go last Friday. Two(Kincade & Shapiro) had been there for a long time.

  67. Bu, bu, but the RATINGS!!!

  68. ICYMI: the Wolf with a 2.5+ hour guest appearance on GXD’s podcast. I have heard a lot of the one offs that he’s done this year so far… I think this is by far the best…if this link doesn’t work, just search for HTWOW wherever you get your podcasts.... https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/high-t-with-old-waver/id1445968923?i=1000492866542

  69. For those (like me) that use audio services other than Apple, here is a direct link to the podcast: https://oldwaver.com/2020/09/28/high-t-with-old-waver-september-2020/

  70. OK, I give, for now. Just putting up a new heading for new comments. No new content. Will continue to monitor for inappropriate content.

    Again, for now.

