Tuesday, November 16, 2021

A Mortifyingly Tardy Congratulations to The Ticket and Each and Every Muser

See first comment below.


  1. My family lost one of its great ladies a week ago. I’m kind of in charge of family matters these days, and the days before and after her passing were full and did not lay out well for Ticket listening or MTC posting. I’ll thank the always thoughtful Confessors in advance for their condolences and good wishes. Things should settle down some soon.

    Although my Ticket listening has been very spotty for the last few weeks, I was actually tuned in when they announced the station’s Marconi. Couldn’t hang around for the Musers’ honor but was very excited to hear it.

    Ah, there was a day when My Ticket Confession would be leading the cheers. I’m hopeful that day might return, but until then, it offers heartiest if belated congratulations to Cumulus, The Ticket’s talent and management, and, of course, more carefully targeted congratulations to Those Who Muse So Gently.

    Well deserved, all.

    I hope to spend a lot of time finding a better platform than Blogger for this site, but until then . . . thank you for shopping at My Ticket Confession.

  2. Find Your Way Back To The HeartNovember 17, 2021 at 12:32 AM

    I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, Pman. Many of us of a certain age (us mid to late on the spectrum Gen Xers) are beginning to deal with the loss of our ladies and men of the house--often times mentally, first.

    My listening is sporadic, too. But not for the same reasons as you. My issue follows along the lines of The Hammer's reaction to the Rhynes "dolled up peen" scenario Corby and Danny cooked up on air one day: "Man, I just don't get it." I still do flip it on from time to time. Old, very old and long held, habits die hard. Today was pretty cool, though. I cranked up THL and immediately heard a Danny theme for "Bob's World." It was great. Took my right back to the "I Don't Wanna Play Golf With You" days. The segment did as well. Bob was talking about The Office, and I don't know, it just had that vibe like the station used to have. Relatable. Not trying so bleepin' hard to be relavant to whatever's going on right now. Look, Corby was right there with Bob. The segment was great. Loved it. Made me feel a little bittersweet because I remember when every show all day all week all month all year long was like that segment. Oh well. Like I said, it was very cool to see the boys do what they actually do best. Talk about the same shit we all do in the same way we talk about it. One segment isn't going to turn me back into junkie, but it does give me hope.

  3. From reddit, "classic audio" of The Ticket

    (Cue the theme, Expo)

    It's 1500 hours in Dallas and Fort Worth. Time for "The Hardline". Warmest greetings, Tick-heads and Ticket Chicks. I would be Mike Rhyner (and I would be Greg Williams) jocularly edifying for the next five hours, over hill and over dale, and splaying you into that most submissive of positions with talk of the SPORT and all that that implies. Let us now requisition those telephone calls. Here's today's operative telephone number: 214-787-1310. 214-787-one three one zero. That number's free for those in Tarrant County, the mid-cities, the 972 area code, the 469 area code, up in Big Sky country, and any and all other outlying outposts. For those so wired into AT&T Wireless services, you boys access us at POUND 1310. We'll pick up whatever charges you may incur on that, however we do ask that you respect the seven second delay by using all ten digits and turning your radio down. If you'd like to fax, that number: 972-445-4910. You can email us at www.theticket.com. And don't forget, you can also peruse our fine work wherever you may roam via the miracle of the internet at www.broadcast.com. Alright? We are locked in, loaded, aerodynamic, ready to roll. Everybody heave to, trice up. The smoking lamp is lighted throughout the ship. Salute the quartermaster on watch, salute the Colors, salute the OOD. Mill about smartly, but stand clear while we rotate and radiate, cause there's some friggin' in the riggin', and we are haze gray and underway brotha!

    (suck it surly)

  4. I don't understand how that relates to me

  5. Neither do I. Please refrain from telling Surly to suck it, unless, of course, he sucks, in which case I may delete your comment for intemperance.

    In general, Surly is surly, but usually does not suck and is, of course, a legacy Confessor, which allows him a little slack from time to time.

    So let's lay off the sucking references altogether, what say?

  6. Echoing Pman, what the hell does any of that have to do with Surly? Surly's surly, but dammit, he's our Surly so back the F off, Chochise.

  7. Between the COVIDs and Rhynes retirement / demise of BaD Radio, I find myself listening less and less as well. It's weird that I've gone from preferring Guy Sports in the 90s, to becoming a P1 in the Oughts, to now just preferring Bob nerding out to 11 personnel over any guy talk segment. Maybe it's age (49), maybe it's kids (none in 2007 - 3 now), maybe it's me drifting right, or achieving a decent amount of career success, but The Ticket just isn't hitting me the same as it used to. I kinda of get what "happened" to Bob - I go to church with "his" people, and the last few years have been relevatory for all as we try to figure out what we want from politics and policy. He didn't like the way Baptist conservatives have reacted to things and it's been jarring... Corby seems to be doing the "oh no, I hope my kids don't turn out like me" thing...

    The Hang Zone is just a reflection of how 2016 broke so many people, right and left... You can be against CRT and not be racist, be for the 2nd Amendment but not an extremist... But not on The Ticket after noon, where Injustice Anywhere is Injustice Everywhere, and athletes have a duty to speak out... Unless it involves Nike or China, in which case we say "How are they supposed to know or care" while Lebron puts his head in the sand a cash checks. Athletes really are like us - we want cheap electronics and don't want to rock the boat...

    I guess that's why I've checked out of most media organizations... The pressure to veer left or right and avoid nuance is too great... I guess I always thought The Ticket would stay counter-cultural, but in the end, the pressure to sand down the corners and become safely center-left is too great. Can you imagine how much fun 25 year old Gordo would have with Biden impersonations? He'll never do it... But just wait for the next Republican president!

  8. Strong to strong strong, 7:25.

  9. Anyone catch MaD Radio today? If so, thoughts?

  10. I caught a little bit of it, but only a tiny amount, and the crosstalk with Norm. One word occurred to me based on what little I heard -- bog.

    Nice to hear Mike's dulcet tones over the airwaves again, though. Wish I could have stuck with the broadcast to hear Mike's promised Cowboys take. Can someone recap?

  11. And, by the way, thanks to 725 for exactly the kind of commentary I like to see on My Ticket Confession.

    Man, I gotta get a new platform for this thing. The coming weeks should see things slow for me a bit, so keep an eye out.

  12. Where Have You Gone, Sideshow Bob? The P1s Turn Their Lonely Eyes To YouNovember 27, 2021 at 5:31 PM

    I stopped down for the whole thing, thinking that surely after being gone two years and being back on for an entire show would give us the Rhynes we all at one time would've run through a wall for. I'd be wrong. He picked up seamlessly where he left off at the '19 Drydock. Disappointing but not surprising, especially if you've listened to anything he's done post-Ticket. Hell, even the WoMM was blah. This is the first Mike's ever heard of classical music being used to drive away loiterers from businesses? An old tactic that's been employed for decades now. What really drove the whole thing home was that it was Dan and not Mike who brought up the Rangers - and it wasn't until the last segment. Rhynes had zero to say other than a few platitudes so banal that even the guy in the next cubicle wouldn't spout off for fear of being crapped on. Dr. Baseball, King of All Baseball, He Who's Baseball Weenie Has No Peer... once upon a time. And when I take that, the 2 odd hours preceding it, The Athletic whatever the hell that was, the Vokal whatever the hell that was, and basically his slow burn check out beginning around 2004 (hello, PT), well, If anything Rhyner's always been consistent, a creature of habit.

    I've said it here before and it never gained an iota of traction, but I'll stand by it to the end: The day The Ticket became #1 and was no longer truly The Little One was the day PT began to be WoMM, and the day PT went live was the official end of The Halcyon Days. Our way was through The Hardline. The Hardline's way was through Mke Rhyner. Rhyner died and with his demise so too did The Hardline. And ultimately so too did The Ticket.

    THAT is My Ticket Confession.

    1. Where Have You Gone...

      I'm 7:25 from above - I had the good fortune of a 2 hour drive yesterday and got to hear the bulk of Mike and Dan. My head agrees with you, though my heart was warmed by hearing him again. The best analogy I have is going to see the Rolling Stones in concert in 2021 if you had seen them in 1971... You're not looking for the same performance you experienced -- you're looking for the same FEELING you had. You're right though, objectively, that was basically '16-'19 Mike for better or for worse.

      Again, I'm sure it's hard. Most of us in middle age who have achieved some level of success can look back at how happy we were scratching and clawing in our 20's living in a shoebox and just happy to be able to afford the lunch special once a week and the occasional Blockbuster. We took risks back then, confident we'd survive any screw ups. There internet was too new to put us on a blacklist. We stayed out late on Thursday night, drove all night to see a girl, and wore inappropriate shirts on Casual Friday. Now, these guys actually have something to lose - imagine coming home to Julie/Sally/Kristen and telling her you got run because you made a Latinx joke, or had fake Kyle Rittenhouse call in... The old Ticket is dead, and the current one is just hanging on for dear life spiritually. Bob and the ones older than him are just trying to land the plane - and while I find it disappointing, I can't really say I blame them - what are their career options? Radio isn't what it used to be, and none (save possibly Gordo) can go out and be Joe Rogan. Bob can freelance, but only if he isn't radioactive from a wireless segment gone wrong. If you have a boss or corporate overlords that can be swayed by Twitter (or industry peers on Twitter), your best bet is just to lay low and make fun of Ed Carter and anyone whiter and further right than him.

      Still love The Ticket, still love WTDS. Love Bob on Cowboy Mondays - love The Musers more today than 10 years ago (which is partly about them and partly about the rest of the lineup), but man... I'm old, they're old, and we're all praying for our retirements to vest, the ability to fire up the empty nest, and hoping our knees will allow us to golf twice a week and take the little lady on a Viking River Cruise in our late 60s.

  13. ^^^^^^^^^^^
    Bravo Eugenia fine madam or sir. Bravo Eugenia, indeed.

  14. According to Peter on reddit, The Ticket absolutely crushed the latest ratings period. More dominant than ever.

  15. They also finished 8th in the 6+ overall ratings.

  16. Those 6+ numbers do not include streaming, either (according to somebody in the thread, no idea if that is true or not)

  17. good maybe now they can pay julie

  18. Pretty importat caveat from Peter to bear in mind: "Remember, a station's dayparts should not be cross-compared to each other (due to differences in audiences)."

    Agreed, 1pm, maybe now Julie can get her Living Wage (TM pending) and 401k and still get to take off randomly for various personal reasons for long periods of time and whatnot. All those years toiling in the trenches with the rest of the JV, working any and every shift thrown her way (including volunteering to work weekends, overnights, fill ins, gofer assignment) man, she deserves it. Oh. Wait. F it, I'm sticking to my guns. Julie has earned it. Fix this shit, Cat, and pay her!

  19. Surly:

    After looking around on another radio board the answer is yes and no. If they are streaming the over-the-air content, commercials, and all, yes. If it's from an app, no. There is an exception for live sports play by play though.
    It's complicated.

  20. @Gopher
    It is complicated, as we impart meaning to the data and not the other way 'round - contrary to what many seem to think these days.

    @12/2 409
    There's truth to be found in your snark.

    @the Rhyner's return interlocutors
    There's truth in what both of you say. Bottom line is things haven't been like the old days in many days now and they're not going back. While I know it feels good sometimes to let off some steam by way of a comment or five, at some point you either accept change and carry on or you keep the goodtimes in your heart and move on. Trying to go part way on both sides of that coin is a waste of time and does nothing but create bad vibes for you. Why do that over what in essence is a respite? It's not a life, again, it's a respite. If it ain't a pleasant diversion, then what are we doing here?

  21. And commenting on the legitimacy of other people's opinions in online forums creates bad vibes for you? Just asking.

  22. In no such way is the legitimacy of the comments being questioned. Where did I state the comments are illegitimate, invalid, devoid of content, wrongheaded, not worth expressing? Moreover, why would my comment, which, while espousing points of agreemeent, also offers charitable criticism be the cause of bad vibes for me?

    It's the holiday season. Try to at least pretend you're not a troll until Jan. 2.

    Just saying.

  23. Is Grubes in studio this morning for WED? Very cool to hear him doing a Ticker.

  24. I've flipped on WED once. Listened for about 8 minutes (i.e., one segment), closed the window, and have since not gone back. Yeah, it was THAT compelling. Hell, I forgot it even was WED until I tuned in. Totally forgot about it. Not sure which is more surprising to me. At one time not too long ago, neither would have been thinkable much less actualized.

    Probably says more about where I am than The Ticket. Probably.

  25. You guys are aware today was White elephant day, right? They mix and match by the luck of the draw (right) for the last day before the holiday's drydock. It's definitely NOT a normal day.

  26. WED = White Elephant Day, not Wednesday

  27. Not sure I follow you there, Surly. Is there a comment I'm not seeing? One that misidentifies WED? Only three address it (Colorado P1, 304 and Gopher); both seem to understand the difference.

  28. Re: Grubes, he said on reddit that he recorded his ticker the day before. Still pretty cool to hear him.

  29. Y'all ready 4 this? Whispers b deafening.

    Birds chirpin'
    Song remains the same
    19 to 20
    Change ain't nuthin' but a change

    Irish Eyes r smilin'

    The Dock is comin' dry
    21 goin' on 22
    Sign offs, auld lang synes
    3 minus 1 leaves 2

    Courage, P1s
