Tuesday, December 6, 2022

TRENDING: Mike Rhyner (Down)


  1. I didn’t hear the entire discussion on The Freak/Downbeat this afternoon, so can only comment on what I heard. This is going to be old news real soon, so I had to blast this out in a hurry, pretty stream-of-consciousness stuff here, sorry. Maybe I'll feel better in the morning.

    The buried lede re The Return of Greggo:

    Danny: “This is real. It isn’t a stunt. I hope it’s not a stunt.”

    Santa Jeebus: The reunion of Mike Rhyner and Greg “Greggo” “The Hammer” “HeeHoo” Williams scheduled for tomorrow on The Downbeat is, under the circumstances, a genuwine, no-doubt-about-it, galaxy-class stunt.

    And a zero-class move that makes Mike Rhyner look like a flailing small-timer.

    The Freak/Downbeat is entirely privileged to compete with The Ticket in any way it can. Bringing those two together – pretty hot idea.

    But if I understand matters correctly – and again, there may be some history here that I missed – this was very much a last-minute thing, much like The Freak itself seems to have been. During the entirety of the almost fifteen years after he was fired for repeated and numerous acts of lying, disappearing, substance abuse, and – did I mention lying? – Rhyner completely washed his hands of him. You want a refresher on what kind of guy HeeHoo was? Whatever you think of Richie Whitt, his “The Hard Lie” piece on the Ticket divorce, and his series on RaGE’s flameout are thorough and credible on the awfulness of this man.

    Result: Mike Rhyner shut him out of his life ever since. Wouldn’t take his calls, had not one good thing to say about him, total, thoroughgoing rejection.

    So on the eve of one of the big days on The Ticket, White Elephant Day, someone calls someone, and all of a sudden, here comes Greggo for the big hugout on the Downbeat?

    But wait: I just finished saying that The Freak can do whatever it wants to compete. Why isn’t this an example of it?



    It is. But it is a supremely cynical, desperate-seeming example.

    I laughed out loud: Did you hear Danny attempting to interview Mike about this? He would ask Mike a question about how he was feeling, and the answers we had from this most eloquent of radio talking heads were incredibly circular and incoherent and vague. When he was done stammering out something or other, he would say to Danny, “Did I answer your question?” Because he knew he hadn’t. Danny would say “Yes, uh . . . well,” and then he would ask the question again a different way. And Mike would give the same nonresponsive and weird answer, concluding with “Did I answer the question?” Finally, Danny had had enough, and while he didn’t say “no,” he asked Mike to say something more. But nothing more was forthcoming that made it sound like Mike had any idea what was about to happen the next day. When Danny asked Mike if he had forgiven him, he answered that he didn’t know, wasn’t sure. You could read the flop sweat through the radio with a hygrometer.

    It will probably be a fun listen, and it will probably have the intended effect of screwing up White Elephant drive ratings. But if it’s anything like Greggo’s appearance on Brad C’s podcast, it will consist largely of endless mea culpas with very little in the way of either (1) questions regarding particulars of his behavior, or (2) acknowledgement of same by Greggo.

    Nope, this does not sound like a “hey, it’s time to bury the hatchet,” it sounds like “hey, Greggo’s on the line, can he come by tomorrow? It’s White Elephant Day, ya know, maybe we can kick some ass,” and someone sold it to Rhyner, and now he doesn’t quite know what to think about it after a decade-and-a-half of shutting the SOB down. If this wasn’t a last-minute thing, it is passing strange that it is only being promoted the day before it's to take place. Mike isn’t ready, and I kind of got the feeling that on reflection, he’s embarrassed by the move.

    Mike’s reputation has taken a hit with his Freak escapade and post-Ticket missteps, but – with full recognition that he doesn’t owe The Ticket anything, just like he believes he owed listeners nothing when Greggo was shown the door – it’s just a sorry way to behave.

    If Greggo, who could never peddle his misogynistic/redneck act on today’s radio, is your lifeline, you are most assuredly in trouble. (Someone today said that they were going to try to replicate the feel of the Hardline. Good Freakin’ luck. "Hey, pretend KEGL program director, the FCC's on the line.") I know there are lots of Greggo fans on this site and I’ll probably get slammed for my own incoherence and inconsistency. But something about this just rubs me the entirely wrong way, and Danny’s embarrassing attempt to interview of Rhyner put a bow on it.

    Just in time for Christmas.

  3. Plainsman with his patented “I didn’t hear it but I have a HSO”

    This feels no different than The Ticket rearranging their whole fall schedule to combat the launch of The Freak. I certainly have my doubts about them but explaining behind the scenes WED tactics was fascinating. Meanwhile you’ll never hear anything about The Freak from The Ticket except in promos.

    Heck, earlier in the week the DB mentioned that “say what we want” slogan was a corporate thing, not something they chose. Interesting times, indeed. It had gotten stale around these parts. I, for one, am at least interested in seeing if the hammer shows up.

  4. I have for the most part defended Rhyner around here. This one I can’t. I really have no desire to listen to it. If I thought it was more than a cynical ratings grab I would feel different about it but it I think it will just be sad.


  5. Lol all these guys on the Freak are washed up...it's sad. This whole station feels like a huge scam

  6. Do you not remember the Mike Rhyner documentary and Greggo’s appearance in it? And Greggo showing up to the live event at The Granada and talking with Mike?

    ^Hosted by Skin by the way

  7. https://twitter.com/thatguyjerry/status/1306779699864121345?s=46&t=xxKl3hveVJ-q09-vQBQCXA

  8. I can either wonder when the roller coaster is going to jump the rails or I can enjoy the ride. I think I'll just enjoy the ride.

  9. Gordon should do the entirety of 3-7 as fake greggo tomorrow. A clown move by Mike deserves a clown volley back.

  10. I was there, Surly. Saw that interfacing first hand. To say it was awkward would be a major understatement. Greggo looked lost, confused. Mike R, like he wished he was anywhere else in the world at that moment.

    Radio wars are great. I don't mind either station going at each other, not one bit. As far as the We Say What We Want slogan goes, I don't buy that for a second. Not much, if any, of the station's founding narrative has been coherent. For whatever reason there's been a lot of talking out of boths sides of the mouth on this. My guess is it has to do with not being viewed as liars and creeps. Not sure if in some cases that's possible anymore. I mean, they can't even keep their story straight about being in competition with The Ticket. I'm not sure what to think of any of it. I was excited when The Freak was announced. Yes it was going to be strange and even unsettling to have Mike R compete against his old station and show, but I thought it could be cool. So far it's been one big bad touch. The sad thing is, is that the one show that stands no chance, The Speakeasy, is the only show that seems to have a crew that merely wants a shot and is giving it their best. The other two shows are more cringe than not. The Downbeat for sure fits that category. Ben and Skin are what they've always been except now they mostly invent crap to discuss instead of talking about sports and a bit of rap.

    Plainsman, it was Mike Sirois who got this Greggo train rolling. But there's no way it happens without Mike R's seal of approval. Other than that, your analysis is way more on the mark than not. Your description of Danny's set up for Mike R aligns with a comment from last thread about Danny and Mike S setting up and reenacting famous Ticket segments. Cringe.

  11. TDB talking about the behind the scenes WED stuff today was such a bad look. What's the point? The only thing anyone on that show seems to be GENUINELY interested in talking about is talking shit on their former place of employment and former coworkers. Rhyner never left Kimball. Sirois thinks he's Forever 21. Grubes ain't so clean after all. Danny. Shit, Danny. Why are you wrapped up in this hot mess?

  12. a bad look, indeed.

    Grubes = gets a pass. he can literally do whatever the hell he wants..and his Shoopy wanted to do radio with him again.

    Mike R & Mike S = that Thirst is reaching "Ohhhh, bless their hearts" levels...

    Danny & Julie = sorry, yall. Jules trying to grasp at staying relevant in the Sports medium (*whispers* theres a reason a certain Ice-related local Sport has not picked up the phone regarding Interview/Reporter gig) Danny = thought he never wanted to be a Host...wanted to spend more time with the fam. At least Sirois made it clear of how he felt scorned.

    Those books arent gonna be getting any better - - -but at least they can enjoy 'Playing Radio' while rehashing the Good Ol Days when they had a massive audience on the Ticket

  13. Former

  14. Where is the WED thread? I feel like all anyone is talking about is the Freak.

  15. This is the WED thread for now. Have at it, 1114.

  16. I hope they built a lot of delay in for today. If this goes sideways they may need it.

  17. So far meh WED. Cat should've counteted Greggo with reshuffling the lineups and doing a full on Rant reunion from 3-7. TDB would've hung their poseur heads in defeat.

  18. Listened to the replay of yesterday's Downbeat on the iHeart app. I skim through most every Downbeat show that way. Getting the feeling Danny might already be having some buyers remorse. Not just with today's upcoming show but taking the job. By the end of last week he seemed to be more put out than not with both Mikes on different and sometimes the same occasions. Maybe I'm misreading the room. But I don't know man.

  19. It was good to hear Danny's smoke-ravaged tones again, it really was. But yeah, he seemed very frustrated at what was going on. I speculate without evidence (other than the Confessor who reported that Mike S was responsible for this episode) that HeeHoo's visit was kinda being dumped on the show, and Danny was doing his best to generate some enthusiasm among those present. (Mike S was pretty quiet on the hour or so I listened.)

    It should be fairly dramatic listening. If it doesn't devolve into anger, then it will be a love-fest. Not much middle ground with Rhyner and Greggo.

  20. Yeah man, Greggo's sister of all people called into TDB last week and it was not a friendly call, saying Rhyner out to forgive Greggo, that Greggo has nothing but love for him, and how they should mend fences. After she hung up Sirois said something about having an idea to make it happen. Then bammo, this. There was a time when I'd be so stoked for 3pm today. Man I'm not so sure I'll even tune in. Too much time and too many negative vibes from Rhynes have flowed on by. Kinda part who cares, part too uncomfortable. Mostly cringe though.

    1. That was not last week, that was in October

  21. More “legacy” attempt by Mike R. But now I think someone else, maybe Sirois, is talking into his ear. Rhyner gets to look like the one that brought Greggo back. No Tweets from Greggo for a LONG time. Before that, hospital pics. The Freak is awful radio. As a displaced Texan in Oklahoma, call in driven radio on the Sports Animal is VASTLY superior. Heck, even the no names, former college coach, and a former Ticket weekender on midday Tulsa sports radio simply talking are more compelling than anything on the Freak. Such a failure. Whoever had this idea for 97.1 should be out of radio forever. Pretty sure some of them will be.

    1. The Sports Animal is one of the worst radio stations I have ever heard. Your comment alone has set Plainsman’s blog back to Reddit status.

  22. Expo is there. They're basically doing a one show WED. Sirois' kissing ass is gross. They're obviously trying to get GW to say iconic Ticket drops to mark and use for their own. This is such a bad touch.

  23. I’m convinced that the people who comment on here will shit on anything the Freak does. If you don’t find the Hammer reuniting with Rhyner compelling radio, you are just doing a bit.

  24. meh, I find it desperate.

    two months in and you've already gone to the one thing we all joked from the start would be what they would do if things went south? I'm sure the retail store they sold it to as an appearance will garner a huge crowd all in hopes the really old guy and the really bat shit crazy recovering addict either fight or tongue kiss. But to your point, I suppose that's interesting, maybe if they're lucky it'll be compelling radio, for a Wednesday.

    Now, what's on the run sheet for Thursday and Friday? And next week?

  25. Hi, 3:35-3:37 (obviously the same person).

    You represent commenting at its worst. Get back to your job. What you're doing now is stealing iHeart's money. Employee theft. It's real, yo. (If your spate of successive, one line comments didn't quite out you, the October quip really bared your ass. Btw, what does it matter if GW's sis' call was Monday or in Oct.? It happened and Sirois played off it, making this happen. In short it was true. But you Freakers care only about bulsh narratives.)

  26. Me thinks even BAAD Radio is tuning into the Freak during their commercial breaks.

  27. I'd listen to Mike, Gregg, and Danny every day, absolutely you bitch. Listening to them is genuine bad ass radio. Sorry, Sirois, you're not in their league. You could be, for sure. I think you will be. But you're nowhere near there yet. You need to find YOUR Hardline partner and vibe. This vibe's not for you, pal.

  28. ^^^^^^^Exactly. I think Chael's Greggo is Donnie. Imagine Mike, Gregg and Danny pm drive with Donnie, Chael and Julie am drive and Ben and Skin or gasp The Hangzone middays. Unbeatable. It'd take maybe 6 months before even The Musers felt the heat.

    Make it happen, Rhyner.

  29. so now the freak's inhouse promos ask the rhetorical question "what is the freak?' answering "sports, culture, we say what we want." notice sports is first. the changes are beginning to happen. making room for a sportsy hz? a reunited greggo and rhyner? something's afoot.

  30. Me thinks you're hearing something special right now. Agree somewhat with 5:29, but there is no way that Greggo comes back full time. I foresee a Dale Hansen type situation - Greggo comes on once a week, not a full commitment from either side, but attention grabbing. If the Hangzone moves over, what does the Ticket have left besides Musers? Norm will retire at some point or die on air. New Hardline is mehhh. If the Musers (inclusive of Gordo) retire in a few years, and Bob decides he wants to go national, nothing is left at the Ticket (sorry Corby, but people aren't hanging around to listen to just you). The Freak's lineup and format will definitely change, but will be interesting to see how this plays out.

  31. All the maneuvering for ratings aside, I’m really enjoying TDB today.

  32. You're right, 542, it is special. For one day. It's a problem when you have a new format with supposedly hungry talent who's only compelling content is when reminiscing or shitting on their former place of employment. Yeah buddy, that's a sustainable, winning formula. If what 533 is saying is correct, then maybe they're about to be dictated from on high to find a focus other than trying to fill/kill time and run out the daily clock. Again, this is a special day. If the aim was to rain on WED's prime hours, then I imagine mission accomplished. Maybe. One day. One special, can only happen once with the same impact of a day. I guess you could bring Greggo back into the fold, but come on, that's not going to happen. If it did, things would go south both on and off air in no time flat. Greggo's issues go far beyond substance abuse. Sirois worked hard behind the scenes work to get The Freak to happen, he's not going to go down without one helluva fight. Host Greggo would entail just that.

  33. Y'all all calm down. That was a one and done deal. Mike S ain't going nowhere and Greggo ain't coming aboard. It was cool AF to hear them together again. Once the what went wrong and you were such a lying POS Greggo segments were over with, the show was absolutely killer. It'd be so cool to have that every day. But those days are long gone. Mike R was like he hasn't been in 12 years. That's how The Ticket used to be every day. So cool to hear that vibe one more one last time. I hope they keep that new not Hardline Hardline theme song. Total ripper that jazzes you up for the show and makes you can't wait for tomorrow's. Special day for sure.

    Stay hard. Keep jammin'. And we'll see ya.

  34. Listening to Mike and Gregg today brought back great memories of those magical halcyon days. The outro theme really drove that home. What also hit me is that The Hardline should have changed its name when Mike left. If not then, it absolutely should have when Davey joined. Today's trip down memory lane brought this home in a big way. 3-7 on KTCK is decidely not The Hardline. The Hardline always was and will always and only be Mike Rhyner and Gregg Williams.

  35. I only heard a few minutes of The Downbeat today. It was OK until Greg started talking about the remote with the woman with the double mastectomy. They could not wait to shut him down, which they eventually did.

    Will iHeart have the stones to bring Greggo back?

    Um, I'm not feeling it. But I'd like to hear reports from those who heard the whole thing.

    1. I was there at the reunion remote. This is not said in a snippy way, but they all enjoyed his story about the mammogram chick.

    2. Mammogram?! I meant mastectomy. My bad. Please excuse my typo.

  36. How exactly do you think a 4-host show would work?

  37. Wouldn't be, Surly. Sirois would be moved.

  38. Every other show also has 3 hosts. So, where does he get moved?

  39. Morning show, where he belongs. 86 either KT or Cavanaugh. Probably the former.

  40. If you didn't catch Davey's 840 bit, Don Marconioni, do yourself a huge favor and give 'er a listen. Some deep cut shots fired across The Freak bow. Not just towards Mike R but to Sirois and Dingu too. He even threw Jer in there, which made me wonder if he's next to fly the Freak flag. Funny funny bit.

    Now that TDB had its moment in the sun, what next? Other than getting Greggo back on the regular or full time, how does tomorrow differ from all the other so far boring crap days? BTW I think the idea that Greggo returns in any fashion is plain asinine. You could hear Mike R and Dingu cringe at times when it was obvious Greggo was making up stories. Yes Mike and Greggo picked up right where they left off. That's how damn good they were back in the day. I hope all you post Greggo OG Hardline Proper P1s (including Plainsman) got to or will hear today's Rangers and old days talk between the two. Not the whys and whens of Greggo's firing and the strife between them, but the actual back and forth about sports and life in general. It was gold then and it still is. But as 7:17 said, it was one day. To me it was pretty obvious that one day is about all it would stand. After that the wheels would fall off pretty quickly. Within a week-1/2 Greggo would already be coming up with bizarre excuses as to why he wasn't there or couldn't be there. Even if working remotely from home this would happen. It's the way people like him operate, sober or loaded.

    Back to my original question of what now?. So, what now? Maybe Sirois and to some extent even Danny (in that he was reminded of Hardline Proper's greatness) have a better idea after today of 1. how to get Mike R fully engaged and 2. how to engage with Mike R in order to accomplish 1. and to actually put out a great show. I hope so for their sakes, because as it is this thing is heading straight into the dustbin of failed format changes. I also hope it does for myself. Today reminded me of how great Mike R can be when he cares, when he tries, that is, when he's fully engaged. I'd tune into that Mike R's show every day of the week. I know many on this site are pissed at The Ticket ex-pats and how they've gone about all this, and I understand to a degree. But honestly, at the end of the day what does it matter? If they succeed all of the early days controversies, conflicting narratives, personal relationship issues, and all the rest will be forgotten. Same if it fails. If it fails, the whole thing will be forgotten soon enough. Even if Mike R's legacy takes a hit, it too will recover in full in no time. And if Mike and Greggo can mend fences, believe me, any fractured friendship due to this stuff can and will be repaired in short order.

  41. 1110, nice. Large crowd? What was the vibe from them and the crowd too?

  42. No… it wasn’t a large crowd. Even w/ the smaller size venue [a discount(?) jeweler in a nondescript ste] there was room to roam. It reminded me of going to a BaD Radio remote back in the day. That being said it was good to see them together again, even for just a 1 timer. Next Wed I’ll officially be out of the demographic so it brought a lot of great memories from my 20s & 30s. It was definitely a younger boomer (Generation Jones) to Gen X crowd. *more*

    1. All 3 former HLers came across that they were really enjoying it. Somebody predicted here that Sirois would mostly remain silent & they were correct. He appeared to be just enjoying the moment he put together & listening to the stories unfold. OG HL were very engaged & animated w/ their discussions towards each other. Very reminiscent from a 90s to early 00s road show. *more*

    2. The crowd was really into it, and very respectful. Not a lot of talking, and if so, in hushed tones. We were there enjoying the moment. I can’t compare it going to a class reunion because there’s always some trepidation about entering the room. Here people entered the business with a smile and quiet enthusiasm. (Hopefully my description didn’t sound too corny.)

  43. I agree with Junior Miller that sometimes you should just leave your past in the past. There are a handful of toxic people from my past that I never want to see, hear from or have anything to do with as long as I am here. There’s also many people that have reached out to me or I’ve reached out to and we were able to resolve and forgive whatever transgressions had happened before. For that I’m glad for all parties involved that were part of and witnessed Greggo’s destructive behavior. I also agree that if Greggo was able to join TDB next week he’d flub it all up again.
    It was a fun trip back to the halcyon days of the little ticket.

  44. Yesterday was the last day for ratings until next month and from what I understand The Freak will be going on Dry Dock as well. Not sure how they're gonna fill out their lineup but that was the scuttlebutt.

    1. just more evidence everyone involved are just doing it for the big salaries.

  45. Greggo on TDB was one of the biggest moments in DFW radio history that I can remember...and I've been around a long time. What I find unfortunate about it is that it should have happened on the Ticket. I would love to hear Corby, Bob and Dan, and the Musers take on it all, but they can't say a damn thing about it.

  46. That's a really good point. It would have been awesome if Rhyner had done this right before he retired or something. Instead we got it in a situation where Rhyner is on a new station and the ratings were so bad they threw this reunion together (on WED just to screw with the ticket...which were not still exactly sure what this vendetta is about) to try and get a ratings boost. It would have been awesome for the P1 if we got this at the last summer bash, or if Rhyner did a real retirement ordeal that was like ticketstock or something. But nope, grumpy old man decides the freakers or whatever they call themselves need this within 2 months of being on air.

  47. @6:13
    Want to guess where Norm and Donnie are doing their show today?

  48. It was good to hear from Expo yesterday also.
    According to their Reddit page, the entire show is up on Spotify and other podcast sites.
    Was that Greg tapping on the desk or his chair. I could hear it during the whole show. He said at the first he was nervous and at times it showed.
    It was good to hear them all together again, even if it is for the last time.

  49. I listened to the whole show and thought it was a good time. I found myself smiling and laughing several times. Greggo seemed sincere and humbled.

    The Ticket does WED on a random December day for the same reason The Freak did their stunt on the same random December day. That’s all fair game. The Freak is allowed to try to grow its audience in the same way the Ticket has been doing things (see Gordon on the HL) to keep its audience.

    From an online buzz standpoint it seems The Freak crushed The Ticket we will see what that means for ratings.

  50. Online buzz means jack shit. The Freak MIGHT have bested The Ticket yesterday from 3-7 pm. The rest of the day, quite the opposite. As it is everyday, but even more so yesterday due to WED. The only way the ratings will reflect TDB besting 3-7 (which, due to that particular day would not be vs THL--interesting how all things Freak/TDB have to be contextualized, done in circuitous fashion, nothing's ever direct, straightforward...very telling about those involved) is if the numbers are so astronomically high that it skews the rest of the ratings period for those specific hours. For the sake of your claim, let's grant that this actually happens. Fine. It's a gimmick. A one-off. Maybe it buys them an extra month or two on-air. Maybe. Because they will come back to their mean, which barely registers.

    By the way, 110, you do know that Gordon was on both THL and DnM during the first handful of years of The Ticket? Besides, no one is begrudging The Freak trying to grow an audience. They can do whatever they want (say it to). But it doesn't mean their modus operandi isn't cheap and short sighted. Though when you think about it, the way in which The Freak was conceived, put together and executed is cheap, short sighted. So it makes sense.

  51. Anyone catch THZ today talking about how it's one thing to have a dream day at the job predicated on one-off, special circumstances that can't be repeated, that the next day and the next and the next you have to keep repeating it or that one day means nothing? While they used Jake's Fight Night bout with Mike in Duncanville and Dan's advice to Jake that night to go home early, get some rest and be on time tomorrow as the example, it was obvious they were talking about The Down Beat. Also, while flipping back and forth between The Ticket and the Hammer/Rhyner reunion yesterday, I caught Sirois talking about how it's very different and much more difficult to do this every day for 4 hours, day/week/month in and out. He admitted that it was one thing to chime in during a 2 hour show, to do a fill in for a few days, or a couple hours on Saturdays with zero pressure (note that CdS missed a lot of Saturdays during its run), and quite another to do what he's doing now. He also admitted that many segments are mere filler, time killers. From the time I have listened to The Down Beat, I must say that's pretty much every segment except when they discuss The Ticket. That's the only time you hear any real passion and energy. It's obvious why. It's the only thing he and Rhyner actually have in common. Ditto with Danny. Rhyner and Williams had first and foremost a genuine love for sports and especially the Rangers. They also shared a similar coming of age pop culture/pop history. In other words they could have a genuine, sustained dialogue. That's not the case with Mike and Mike and Danny. And it's especially not the case with the two Mikes. Mike and Mike are a bad fit. I agree with the commenter who said Sirois could be very good at this but he needs his Williams. Rhyner, as was heard yesterday with Greggo, is still very good. But he needs Williams or someone who fill that bill. Maybe it's Danny. I also think a 3 host booth is too much for Rhyner. It makes him unfocused and he melts into the background. Sirois should be moved to the mornings (that show is a mess and needs to be jettisoned) with (I guess) Julie and someone else. Maybe that's where you make room for Emily Jones? That could work. I can see Sirois thriving with two females. I an also see Sirois with THZ mornings on The Freak (if Whitt's final piece of the puzzle comes true, which in all fairness so far he's been correct on the personnel side of things).

    1. You have a lot of really strong feelings about something that shouldn’t matter to you if you didn’t care about the Freak. This is the my TICKET confession blog and here we are on a long comment thread that’s almost exclusively about the Freak. The last several post on this blog are about the Freak. They are doing something right.

  52. I’ve officially had enough of listening to P Dog and Mad Dog’s Christmas songs. Gordon brings it out every year. Enough!!!

  53. ^^^^^STFU, you f'n grinch. I'm Robot Santa and you suck. Nothing but lumps of coal for you, motherfer.

  54. I thought yesterday's reunion, like the photo-op at the doc premiere, was cynical, opportunistic, manipulative, desperate. I'm not referring to GW here.

  55. Yesterday was Halcyon Days greatness. Today it's back to a bag. Get Greggo full time in there or keep driving it into the ditch.

  56. ^^^^^^Why do assume I don't care, dbag? Did you not read the initial post we are commenting on? It was crafted by the site's owner. The reason we're commenting on The Freak is because the major players are former Ticket employees. High profile ones at that. Indeed, one is the actual founder of The Ticket. You continue on with your shallow reading/faulty reasoning by claiming because we're discussing The Freak they're doing something right. By your sophomoric reasoning, if we were discussing Soviet gulags, it would entail the Soviets had done something right. Can you follow this basic concept of critical thinking? I'm not sure. You go get your shine box and have a good evening.

  57. Emily Jones re-upped with the Rangers and said she had no interest in doing a daily radio show.

  58. I'm if the mind that The Freak is not yet complete. I think RW's source is good and that THZ will eventually be their am drive. TSE being a placeholder, with a small tineframe to go gangbusters and force iHeart to keep them on. To be either so good iHeart sees no reason to pay the higher salaried HZ or to replace the zombie (B&S).

  59. To add: After witnessing what's taken place since late August, I wouldn't bet a dime against THZ bolting. Nothing in this market shocks me anymore.

  60. Richie did not say Dan and Jake were moving. He said they were “considering” making a move

  61. Just an opinion - at this point, I would be SHOCKED if THZ didn't head to the Freak. They don't care about long-term potential, all they care about is leaving Cumulus, getting paid, and reuniting with their buddies. Seems like everyone in the industry loves Rhyner and Sirois...they can probably get whoever they want at this point. As Rhyner said, he only wants people who are loyal to him and Jake worships him so it's probably a done deal. We might as well go ahead and pencil in Work In Progress from 12-3 next year

  62. No one but his very small coterie if Twitch followers and a tiny but vocal redfit crowd abd the 64 Diwnbeat listeners love Sirois. The industry, lica or national, has no idea he exists. Touch some grass, bud.

  63. @ Anon 748, I think your read on Jake is completely wrong. I guarantee you he respects Rhynes but worships? Nah. Jake is a passionate, emotional dude, by his own admission. He cares about family. And as long he’s been at the little one, his radio brothers are his second family. As long as he stuck it out and waited for that oh so coveted spot, I don’t think he’d drop it just to go heads up against 1310. He doesn’t have the spite or grievances that the Mikes (and Julie?) have against the little one. It would have to be one hell of a money whip to get THZ to uplift and terrestrial radio is dying. Just don’t see it

  64. I'm enamoured with 8:04's spelling and/or typos. Good stuff, my man. Putting that aside, the comment is correct. No slight on Chael, it's just the way it is. Who knows, he might become a big local deal one day. But not today. More local media knows and respects Mino and Seabass than Chael. It's because those guys are at all the games and take part of the postgame scrums. Chael rarely did such work. In fact he did very little work, period. Again, no slight, just facts.

    Surly's correct about Whitt's claim. He didn't say they were joining, but that it was soething being bandied about. Bandied about by whom is the question.

    Greggo and Rhyner were great yesterday. Just wish it happened under different circumstances. The overt ratings grab/thump to The Ticket nose/timing aspect of it leaves a bad taste in the mouth. For certain where Rhyner's concerned. It was the first and last time I'll ever listen to and entire DB show. Stopped even trying to listen after week 3. It's no good. Love me some Dingu, but he can't save the crap chemistry between Chael and Rhyner. Now you have two producers as hosts who can't get past the fact they're no longer producing. Greggo hasn't changed much. The 104 beer bender weekend and tackling an armed lunatic at an AA meeting lies were obvious to the point of being painful. Anyone hoping those two will actually get it together again is living in a fever dream. But it was a nice piece of nostalgia, at least for one day.

    Seems like there might be a certain host leaving comments in these threads that might want to focus on their own fledgling and floundering show instead of what's going on here. Just saying.

  65. Can someone be so kind and explain the Davey Lane and grape clusters relationship? I missed the origin of that.

  66. Hemorrhoids, buddy.

  67. Does he get them often or something?

  68. Yeah Jake doesn't worship Mike R. That is a weird assertion. Dan moreso than Jake, but I would imagine the last 6 months or so has eroded a lot of good feelings. Or those are the terms it's being thought about in, anyway

  69. @Deez Nutz
    RW's source is So Anonymous, aka Mike "Chael" Sirois.

    I myself am no insider but I got (admittedly low on the totem pole) media buds. The scuttlebutt is all warm fuzzy perceptions of Mike Rhyner have gone by the wayside for all Ticketeers. The same goes for two of the now three other ex-Ticketeers now Freaks. Hint: the ones not surnamed Balis.

    Being a patron of the reddit page yourself (as I), surely you know that such LaLa Land comments are reddit ding a lings finding their way over here. I do enjoy your one-liners over there. Perfect mix of snark and truth. Good stuff, man.

    At one time he did. early 20s-mid 30s Davey was about as wheels off but funny as shit as possible. Ever heard the Jeep/tit bar story? I'm not gonna go into it, but if you haven't, do yourself a favor and find it on the UnTicket. You'll find it in The Orphanage shows. Rant, too, but I don't know if UnTicket has it.

    1. The other Ticketeer being Julie or Grubes?

  70. Grubes hasn't been in The Ticket fold for years. Grubes isn't a host on The Freak. Grubes runs the board. Do the math from there.

  71. There’s no way anyone at the Ticket is mad at Julie. I would also say the same about Sirois, but he may have ruffled some feathers after Gordon’s Saturday night stream. They were 2 people low on the totem pole that wanted to be a host. I don’t think anyone there faults them for that. Rhyner on the other hand…

  72. Just finished tuning in TDB's Friday edition...did I miss the switch to Rynes signing off as The Hardline or was that a senior moment? I've read most of comments on the Greggo reunion but didn't see anything about old school sign off. Could just be my balls hanging down...I dunno.

  73. No one faulted them for leaving and taking the positions. It's what was said afterward. Talking out of both sides of the mouth, eventually, bites you back. As to Rhyner: what many in the biz have known for decades is now on full display for all to see.

  74. It wasn’t the best radio I’ve ever heard, but I still enjoyed hearing Greggo with Rhyner and Danny again. I’m glad it happened. It’s probably the only time it ever will. I started listening in the mid 90’s and it brought back some good memories and some good times. That’s enough.

  75. Julie hasn’t said anything negative about the Ticket. No way anyone over there is mad at her. Fake News.

  76. You can say things sideways, with others knowing whom/what you are referring to. Not evertthing must be a direct shot.

  77. Actually, 931, at least during those first few days of The Freak she did take shots at The Ticket. Either you weren't by the channel at those times or were but didn't get what she was saying or you're a fanboy with blinders. By the way, the "fake news" thing ran its course a while back. Find another meme. Besides, someone making a comment isn't akin to reporting something as news. So there's that. Good luck with your bottom.

  78. For Example: Speaking on, over and again, how it's so nice to work amongst a group of genuinely good people, where everyone supports one another. Going on about how neither Mike (especially Rhyner) owes anyone anything. If you find it difficult to see how the implicit claims found in either example, I'm not sure what to say. These are merely two examples. If you get the iHeart app (which, going off your original comment, I'm fairly certain you are a Freak P1 and therefore already have said app), you can go back and listen to the first week of Down Beat shows and judge for yourself. I'm not claiming Julie or any of the Ticket ex-pats are bad people or anything like that, at all. While I don't think anything YET on The Freak sans The Hardline Proper reunion has been worth listening to on the regular, I am a fan of both Julie and Sirois. Mike, well, I'm no longer so sure about, and I don't think I'm alone there. I merely related what I heard from a couple of very low on the local media totem pole types. Doesn't mean it's wholly correct. But I can see how the three might've engendered bad feelings from their old coworkers. And again, good luck with your bottom.

  79. If Rhyner quit to go to The Freak then F him but that doesn't seem to be the case. He was retired for nearly 3 years. Everyone else probably took the money grab. Perhaps there's no bad guy/girl in all of this.

  80. Of course Rhyner quit to to start (not join) the Freak. He just didn’t plan on COVID throwing the monkey of all wrenches into his plans. By the time his non-compete was up in 2020, every M25-54 was comfortably in their home office, streaming the bunker Musers, Dan and Jake in the Dragon’s den, and the HL4.0, even though we all said we hated bob and corby together. Mike R had to wait out the pandemic it ruined his grand plan to undercut the ticket. He could’ve made a splash in a non COVID stricken 2020 timeline, now he’s cashing an easy check, using ticket exes because he can.

  81. No one is "bad" for accepting a position at different place of employment. But there's the right way and the wrong way to do it. Not only to go about doing it, but also how to carry yourself once in the new position. I did hear some of Julie's remarks during the first few days The Freak went live. Nothing incendiary, but as 7:44 said it wasn't hard to read between the lines. Since then I've heard nothing from her in that regard. The two Mikes, on the other hand, that's a different story. It's the only time they seem genuinely energetic and interested. The rest of the time, they're merely killing time. So far Danny's done his best to stay out of the fray. Even when TDB pulled back the curtain on the WED selection process (which was rather sorry and telling), Danny didn't say much other than to confirm a few things.

    1. Wait 12:31, The Downbeat spent on air time discussing WED? Wow.

  82. Yes, they did. Said the selection process is rigged. The placement if Gordo being the focal point.

  83. It’s not that’s unbelievable. Spilling Ticket tea is the only semi-interesting thing they have to talk about. Because they’re all third tier hosts or a washed, bitter old boomer

  84. No, 217, it actually took place. Go listen to it, yourself. Again, it says a lot. None of it good. Poor poor, telling, reflection on those involved. Related: While there's still Freak talk (though it has tailed off greatly, the Greggo show sparked an uptick), the unending praise for certain personalities and their amazingness has all but disappeared. No, the praise hasn't migrated over to the basically stillborn Freak reddit page. That's neither an opinion nor a critique; just a fact. Make of it what you will. As to the Chef de Cuisine, he's had one heckuva long run of good timing, smart moves, and a ton of luck. That might be over. Over to the point that it could well be years before he gets back what he once (deservedly) had.

  85. The WED draft has been rigged for years. This has been a known thing for quite some time

  86. And yes, it was obvious they would make sure Gordon was on from 3-7. I think I even posted that here or on Reddit well before the Greggo thing was announced

  87. Surly's right on both accounts. But why TDB would want to devote a segment to it borders on, if not is, outright pathetic and shows a side to the parties involved that is less than flattering.

  88. Ya, you'd think after those boffo ratings they'd squarely focus all energies on making damn sure every day is better than the last. Talking smack on your former employer, revealing your former employer's "secrets," and doing cynical stunts for a one-off 4 hour's worth of a ratings bump isn't the way to go about it, lads. If that's saying what you want and that's what you want to say, have at it. Soon enough the few that are having it (and the numbers indeed denote "the few"), won't.

  89. The anons above me are all correct in their observations. But again I say, why is what they do surprising at this point? The top comment of the redditor when Peter posted the first month’s ratings breakdown said it all. Who would’ve thought spite is a terrible radio format. And when all you’ve got is an angry old man and a bunch of his lackeys, spilling tea and talking crap is all they got. Yawn

  90. 12/11/1205am

    Are you saying you have info that The Freak has been in the works (spearheaded at least in part by Rhyner) since at least 2019? Because it would've had to have been at least '19 because the pandy shutdown began roughly around the 2nd week of March '20, with Rhyner officially leaving in Dec. '19/publicly in Jan '20.

    If true, then there are a lot of sorry arses out there in Freakland. Because there's no way in Hades those who left and hopped aboard the Freaktrain didn't know what was what long before skipping Tickettown.

  91. Sorry arses not because they wanted the opportunity but sorry because they made such a public stink about their pay, opportunity for advancement, and coworkers' pay. Stuff that should've remained private. Specially if you knew at that time what your next move was already. Not illegal. But just 'cos you have the right don't mean it's right.

  92. Anyone listen to any of the freak today to see if the morning show is broadcasting or on dry dock? If the freak, specifically the downbeat, is really going to try and capitalize on their Greggo bit last week, they need to be broadcasting all this week in my opinion.

  93. Well then maybe the interim program director Anonymous 10:18 should be handling this at a better time of his choosing.

  94. All of the 97.1 ad breaks that are basically “Sweet Jack” ads (remember that?) don’t bode well. How long can that endure?

  95. He did his job, Surly. TDB is LIVE! Flipped over to hear what the next show after the only show after the day one show -- the only shows that have grabbed anyone's attention -- would sound like. The word "masturbatory", ahem, comes to mind. They say what they want. But as James Brown sang: "Talkin' loud, and sayin' nuthin', just sayin' nuthin'". The show ought to be called The Head Rattle. But hey, that's just me.

  96. ^^^^^^Huh? Explain, please.

  97. Let's see: The last time I recall a cryptic string of letters and numbers being posted was, oh, during the buildup to Bob taking over Rhyner's abandoned HL hosting slot. And if memory serves, that commenter was none other than So Anonymous, aka ____ (we all know).

    H = 5 numerically. 5 can mean slap, high five, five-0/police. C = 3 numerically. C could mean see/witness. H could mean Hangzone. March 5 or May 3. J = Jake. K = Kemp. Jake either solo or as THZ to The Freak either in March or May?

    Or "See Jake Kemp ___"

    We're havin' fun here, no?

  98. Craig James Killed 5 Hookers.

    Mike Leach tribute.

  99. Well fuck a duck, Surly. There you go ruinin' all the fun with your socio-pop-sports knowledge.

    Thanks a lot, Obama.

  100. Mike Leach was truly a 1 of 1. Swing your sword in the great beyond big man. And confessors, stay heart healthy. 61 is too young to go.

  101. He was crazy, but a good kinda crazy.

  102. Definitely not a big southern dummy. Tech rued the day they got rid of Big Mike (& I’m saying that not as TTU alum, fan or foe). He was 1 of a kind.


  103. From 2009 but a good read.


  104. You wanna know what I've been enjoying the hell out of this week? Solo Norm. He's been great. Sure he's not quite the same ball of (at times uncomfortable) energy and his sports acumen isn't as keenly honed as it once was. Still, it's been a real pleasure to listen to the old school pioneer of the craft do his thing. It also drives home the fact that solo Norm is the only good Norm. I really wish Donnie would've taken Rhyner's vacated seat and Norm would've been left to do what he does best. Really liking what GXD brings, but I would've liked a 3 man HZ, with him as the doo doo. Or. Honestly, if Davey wasn't brought aboard, a Downbeat consisting of the troika of Rhyner, Danny, and Davey would have been most formidable. Davey is a far far better fit with Rhynes and Danny than Sirois. I mean, you know, all three actually have genuine common interests and a shared history. THAT could've made for a sustained, must-hear, endless conversation. One that the listener can't wait for tomorrow's show to hear how it plays out, and, most importantly, one where the listener feels not just a part of and ACTUALLY relates to, but wants to chime in. In other words, they've been mulling it all over and would love nothing more than to see one of the guys in the wild and state their thoughts. Like it used to be with the P1 and The Ticket (and to a large extent still is). I did flip over for the outro of yesterday's Downbeat to see if that asinine jab at The Hardline via mock theme song and Rhyner giving the old sign off was on order. Nope. In fact, I must admit that I heard an almost humble Rhyner (if that's possible) thanking all who listened as they try in earnest to get this little endeavor off the ground. Little Ticket, now Little Freak. Difference is, the early Ticket was indeed little; an iHeart station in the 4/5th largest market is decidedly not. It also marked a 180 from the borderline pathetic "we kick ass and we're not The Ticket but it's all we talk about when not reading lists" mantra of the past two plus months. Wondering if they read these comments. Sirois, Grubes, and KT have in the past. So who knows. Or maybe iHeart told them to start acting like professionals (which they most certainly have not). Again, who knows.

  105. After 3 days of Killer intensive morning drive, I’ve come to the conclusion that the Catman is just trolling us this drydock season. “Oh, you think this sucks? Why don’t you shift the dial up to 97.1 and see if you dig that nonsense?” Well played Cat. Well effing played.

    1. Dry dock has really shown how thin the tickets bench is now. At one point they had many people who could step in but cumulus’ decision not to pay anyone below tier one has depleted all the fill in host with talent and experience.

  106. He's been doing drydocks for many years now. YOU stop trolling us and head back over to redfit and/or your cube at 97.1 HQ.

  107. I think 3/4ths of the comments/ers on the reddit page are comprised of 90% of The Freak's entire listenership. Starting to see them migrate over here, too. Keep trying to stir the pot and foment negativity. We know well and good how to criticize our Ticket. We also see right through your sophomoric stratagem. The shine box is in the cleaning supply room down the hall to the left. I suggest you make your way there.

  108. Anon 7:50PM

    Are you saying (0.75)x Reddit commenters = 0.90 x Total Freak Listeners
    or Total Freak listeners = (0.75Reddit)/0.90

  109. Good Contractors List:

    "The 10,000 guarantee you've heard us talk about isn't insurance, it's our actual revenue."

    Can someone translate that for me? I understand that if one of the Good Contractors List contractors botches you job, the Good Contractors List will pay up to 10K to make it right.

    But how does that map onto the sentence I quoted from the ad I just heard?

  110. Like anyone can know that.

  111. David, I think what he’s trying to say is that they don’t pay a cheap insurance premium for a policy which will cover any shortfalls. Instead they cut a check themselves. Not sure what the big deal about that is though, we’re not talking much money.

  112. 250k bonus on 1 Million invested. That is some mad cheddar yo..

    1. I appreciate him doing all that math for us.

  113. @8:51 True, but it could be worse. Could be a station that is permanent drydock fill in.

    1. Oh yeah, that seems like a huge blunder to me. I’m not as antagonistic as others towards that station and listen from time to time. I’d probably be locked in right now while 1310 is in dry dock. Everyone deserves time off but what a missed opportunity.

    2. Think about what the Freak doing dry dock like the Ticket says. Real jobs you earn time off. And don’t generally get 2 weeks off (paid!!!) after 2 months employment. Sure Ben and Skin have time saved up. But everyone else? The CB perfect opportunity to beat the ticket at their weakest, with fill in hosts, and the Freak walks off the field. They're enjoying the perks they earned at the Ticket, (2 week Xmas drydock) without the #1 ratings that earned people that break. Goes to show the mentality. They don’t want to win, it’s about paychecks.

  114. I like Elf well enough for a few hours once a week. It gets harder to take after three days.

  115. There was a recent thread on the Dallas subreddit from someone asking what happened to 97.1. Good insight on what the "average" person thinks about The Freak...people who aren't familiar with the Ticket or P1 culture. They had no clue who Rhyner was despite the billboard campaign lol. Seems like the general consensus is negative, although there are a few people trying to defend The Freak. Maybe iHeart plants/boot-lickers, who knows.

  116. Said it before, I'll say it once more: The Freak (especially TDB and Ticket ex-pats) so much remind me of Whitt and Williams during the RaGE days. Williams thought he was still at The Ticket, had those ratings, and all that comes with it...Whitt playing right along, pretending he too he had all those bona fides in his backpocket. They took every perk, every freebie, every favor, every dime on offer from day one. Then it all blew up. Yes, Greggo's habits and (more so) his psychological makeup contributed. But what really did it was taking a nonstop victory lap before they ever won a single game. Now look at The Freak (again, especially TDB and old Ticket personnel). It's damn near a carbon copy. Even the office romance part of the story is included. They're following the lead of someone who's been there/done that. Problem is, none of the rest have and therefore have zippo to fall back on. The Pied Piper leads others to their demise. This situation is no different. Not to bag on Chael (who I think might have actual talent but is woefully mispaired...but it's what he wanted), but the times I've tuned in for a quarter segment here and there already sounds beaten, worn down and worn out. I don't think it's an indicator that he has a bag, rather, as I just said, I believe it's because he's been put/put himself in a bad spot. Energy feeds off energy. Rhyner (and now Danny) are decidedly low energy, low effort. It's why Chael and Donnie worked so well together. Hell, I bet if you split up B&S, put Chael with Skin and his gf, Krystina, and Ben with Rhyner and Danny, you might have something. But having said all that, the constant victory lap sans a single victory seems systemic with this bunch. Until the Pied Piper re-retires (i.e., actually retires), is told to leave, or changes his tune, said victory lap attitude will not change and this thing won't see next Christmas. Bank on it, mfers.

  117. Young David Mino is the star of dry dock. He has the chops to move to Tier 1 at some point. You hear me Catman? The rest of dry dock sucks

  118. Monty too is greatness. @12/21 The bench is not depleted or of low quality. Exactly how long have you been listening? For many many years Dry Dock was a beating of the highest order. It consisted of a lot of national feed with some fill in here and there. Like I said, it was that way for years. As far as the past dozen years go and especially this year's Dry Dock: First off, the JV fill ins have on the whole been great. And then there's Monty and Mino who have delivered absolute Varsity level content. Are all the JV members equal in ability? No, at least not yet. It takes time to find your voice. Many are just starting out and some, like DJ, aren't quite there yet but are getting damn close. Stop being a little spoily boy and appreciate what we have. Enjoy listening to these one day prime time voices learn and cultivate the craft. All that and I'm totally with 12/22 -- The Freak won't see next Christmas. It might not see September.

  119. One of the best Dry Docks ever was the first year Mike Bacsik was with the Ticket. His pitching career was over and he was being groomed (hate using that word these days) as a host. He had good sports chops and played the fun role well. Think of him as the original Mike S.
    It's a shame a couple of drunk tweets cost him his career at KTCK.
