Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Before George Begins His College Gambling Experiment, He May Wish to Look into the Difference between "Logarithms" and "Algorithms"


  1. I just figured this out, the only way to make Corby's wireless bits to have Gordo involved!

  2. There are a lot of basic things The Musers ought understand. For example: Jr's notion (a la the book on running, "Born to Run) that because non human animals do\are designed to do X, humans too are designed to do\ought to be doing X. Correlation does not necessarily mean causation, Joonz. This can also be applied to Gordon on many fronts--see his computational (mis)understanding of the human mind and AI.

  3. It is not often that I will actually scream at the radio, but that segment yesterday had me going nuts. It's the engineer in me, but really... it's an algorithm, not that hard.

  4. I feel bad pointing out errors by our heroes. (Not bad enough not to take a cheap shot, but bad.) They cover a lot of different topics, not just sports, and they're not experts at everything. And sometimes topics come up on the fly with no time to do a quick internet education. So they're going to get things wrong. I say wrong things in the course of my daily conversations with folks.

    On this one, I thought: I'll bet Craig and Gordon (if he was listening -- he's offline sometimes composing his segments while the show is going on) know George is using the wrong word, but don't want to embarrass him by correcting him.

    Of course, George also mispronounces "Hitzges" and no one ever corrects him, and after all these years I am persuaded that he's not just doing a bit -- he doesn't know how to pronounce Norm's name. That, at least, should get fixed.

  5. I listened to some of The Hardline today. And they were discussing their travels back from Cali. Little Corbo started in on how SHOCKED he was about seeing the man shaving in the restroom! You see that all the time you idiot! I swear, Corby has absolutely no idea how "real" people, in normal everyday life, actually function. Get rid of this guy...please!

  6. I've never seen a man shaving in a public restroom

  7. Before the two-day-old-beard scruffy look was publicly acceptable, it used to be quite common.

  8. Sure, rarely but sometimes seen for traveling men to be shaving in public restrooms. (I assume he wasn't talking about the plane, right?)

    When is that bro two-day-old beard look going to die? Look how embarrassing those photos of men from the Seventies are -- that's what today's photos are going to look like in ten years.

    And get off my lawn.

  9. When is the beard going away? As re: the 2 day scruffy look goes...have any of these schmuckoes seen an 80s-90s pic of Kenny Loggins? Yeah, looking right at you, Not Jack Kemp.

  10. Caught a fair amount of BaJ today.

    Liked Bob's Dak analysis.

    Liked Jake's Jeffrey Epstein summary.

    Good radio.

  11. G-Bag is moving to the 2-7 time slot and will go up against the hardline. I think this is a smart move from the Fan. G-Bag is a much better show than Ben and Skin and I think that they will do much better against the hardline.

    Game On.

  12. What's happening to B&S? Donezo?

  13. Thanks for the heads up and link, 357. Very very interesting stuff, fellow Confessors. Game on, indeed. THL had best step up their game, like, NOW. People, I believe we might be about to experience one of the coolest things a listener can witness, something that hasn't occurred around these here parts since the mid-80s (and really doesn't happen anymore, anywhere): Ladies and Germs, I think we might have a station war on our horizon. If so, buckle up buttercups, because it's gonna be one b-i-t-c-h of a ride. G-BaG has been and continues to be on the rise. Their fanbase keeps growing and growing more and more rabid. VERY reminiscent of the nascent Ticket years--especially with THL. THL, on the other hand, lost its fastball long ago. It's coasted on having damn near zero competition in its time slot. Can they step it up and be the true juggernaut that inspired the masses to walk out on a Rangers game or will they in a few books fade into a perennial second? How will B&S fare v. The Invasion and BaD? Will the CTO offer a counter move? If so, what? And will those (and there are many) who listen to G-BaG and switch to The Ticket once B&S are up now flip flop, leaving THL with less listeners but perhaps giving BaD more (though the final hour of BaD will go against G-BaG)? Whatever happens, best pop ya popcorn, pimps, ladies, and playas, because it's gonna be thrill ride. Bring. It. ON!

    And you were pondering on whether to close up shop or not, Pman..... THIS is what MTC is all about.

  14. Switching G-Bag and Ben & Skin is interesting. I guess part of strategy is to lure people away from Norm & D with Ben & Skin and hope to hold them through the noon hour.

  15. I caught the Hardline segment yesterday about the payola bit. When Rhyner broke out his suspected payola tune from back in the day, I couldn't believe it! I knew it as soon as the intro started. Had not heard it in many years, infact, had forgot about it. I couldn't believe Danny didn't recognize it. Sorry Rhynes, but no payola needed for "Sausalito Summer Nights"! That was a catchy little tune at the time. It came out about the time Hall & Oats had "I Can't Go For That"

  16. Ladies and germs! Buckle up buttercups! one b-i-t-c-h of a ride!pop ya popcorn, pimps,ladies, and playas!

  17. I contend that if there is an increase in 105.3 listeners it will be due to the success/Failure of the Cowboys.
    Will Cumulus spend any money if it comes down to a PR war?

  18. THL can step up its game only if Mike becomes more engaged. Corby as a divisive factor has been cussed and discussed, but he's not going anywhere. It's all up to Mike.

  19. I think that the "game on" will be a slow burn but I do think that times change.

  20. @Anon 6:34PM,
    Ben and Skin will switch times, but will also have some separate business partnership with Entercom which will be announced later in the year.

    FWIW, that would not be an Atlanta decision per se, it would be a Cat Man decision on how to use his budget. BTW, there's little growth in local revenues as the Cumulus Q2 earnings illustrate.

  21. More overcusser, repro man, obvious man bits now?
