Tuesday, May 5, 2020

(1) Post CV Ticket; (2) Question About Cowboys Coverage

Topic 1:

The last comment thread had some interesting thoughts about what we might expect at The Ticket after things get back to normal.

Bearing in mind that most people, including me, believe either that we will never get back to the pre-CV "normal," or, at a minimum, that the lead time for returning to that state is likely measurable in years and not months.

I think a lot of businesses will be cutting back, either because (1) they have discovered, out of necessity, that they can operate at a lower expense level, or (2) economic conditions will not support either reemployment at the previous levels, or at the previous levels of compensation.

So I think those who are speculating on a different-looking Ticket (and radio generally) are probably correct.

Bear in mind that, as Surly pointed out in the last thread, the Tier 1 guys, at least at the host level, have contracts.  Now one thing we do not know is whether those contracts have what are called "force majeure" clauses, which allow one or the other party to cease performing the contract if certain (usually specifically enumerated) "acts of God" take place, which may include public health crises.  We just don't know.

Anyway, I wanted to acknowledge that we had an interesting topic going there, and I'd ask you to continue to toss in your thoughts on this subject.

Red 1 serving as break before Topic 2:

Redheads from 20 Countries Photographed to Show Their Natural Beauty

Topic 2:

Why don't local reporters break the biggest Cowboys stories?  I don't expect the hosts, or even the Tickermen, to break local sports news, but why would Adam Shefter get a story like the Andy Dalton signing before one of our distinguished local sports reporters?  Gets him for the big interview first? Don't lour local guys have some high-up inside sources?

Maybe they don't want to give anything to David Moore because of his Ticket affiliation?  But there are other prominent local reporters, including TV sports guys, who are not so afflicted.

Do the Cowboys favor national reporters to curry favor with -- well, let's face it, ESPN is pretty much it on the national scene.  That would explain it.  But I do think it makes our local sports journalism fraternity look pretty lame.

Red 2 will wrap this one up for us:

Real life Merida : SFWRedheads



  1. I guess I missed it earlier but today was the first day I heard the Musers say that Fernando was "off." They must be doing rolling furloughs. Danny is back but Big Strong Jeremy is off.

  2. @6:11 AM
    Yeah, they mentioned Monday morning that both Fernando and BigStrong were taking the mandatory vacations this week. Didn't even try to couch it in anything like fake surgeries or trips to Bora-Bora.

    Suggestion: Since sometimes the comment threads on these posts (which turn into our general chat area as we all know) go on for days, how about making a comment on the prior post with a link to the new post. I'm sure some people, like me, stay on the single page view of the post because we are at the point of just reading the latest comments. That way everyone will know when it's time to move the chat to the new post.

    I acknowledge this suggestion not only is unsolicited, but that you get what you pay for as well. Just trying to be helpful. Keep up the good work, P-Man.

  3. I think the local reporters do break stories. However, they do not break off-season stories or, in particular, stories about signings. The reason is simple: Agents. The national reporters are plugged in to the agents and the agents are the first to leak signings and amounts.

  4. Plainsman:
    Regarding your second point/question: I don't care (nor have I ever cared, nor do I know a lot of people who do care) who breaks a story. It matters not to me one bit who is the first to report a story. Moreover, I have long maintained that those who do care (mainly, only people in the media or journalism business) are causing problems, because they often rush to get a story out without verifying the facts. It happened fairly recently when Mike Leslie tweeted something that turned out to be wrong, but he was trying to be first. I think it had to do with the Cowboys replacing Garrett with McCarthy, but I don't remember. Either way, it was a bad look. And That example is only one of many.

    And that goes back to my main point: trying to be first would be worth something if anyone actually cared. But very few of us readers/fans/consumers give a rip who broke the story.

    With that said, I have to ask you: why does it matter if Werder, Shiff, David Moore, or anyone else broke the Dalton news?

  5. Shefter, Shiff: you get my drift. My question is: why is it important to you? My contention is that it isn't important to readers or consumers of news. When I hear people at the water cooler discuss whatever is news that day, the conversation goes like this:
    "Hey, did you hear that the Cowboys signed Andy Dalton? He's returning home."
    "Really? I hadn't heard. Well, that will be an upgrade from Cooper rush. How much did they pay him?? I think he's got something left in the tank." etc.

    At no point in the discussion with either of the participants mention who reported the news first. Because nobody cares.

  6. Get up on the wrong side of the bed, James?

  7. The 3-7 (show formerly known as hardline, but also the hardline) show has been leaning towards lets get back to work this week. Danny and bob are walking that tightrope and i support them fully. However i am a tx expatriot and the pnw is hardly budging that direction. Maybe jerry jones pulls another kneeling moment and pulls a solidarity idea out, and gets it where hes allowed to have fans but many other stadiums do not and he still keeps the profit.

  8. @ anon 3:56 pm...hi Surly!

  9. Nope, not me. I always sign my posts

  10. 3:56: I realize my tone sounds harsh, but it was a sincere question, with no underlying grumpiness.

  11. Depends on what mask he's wearing. Shaggy1310, Shaggy, ShaggyBevo, Bevo, Surly. Lotsa balls in the air, that one.

  12. Could it be as simple as a lack of local reporters, during a pandemic, and in the off season. DMN has many fewer sports writers today than it had 5,10,15,20 years ago.

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  17. Thank you, Pman.

  18. Poor little Corby, just can't deal with someone telling the truth!! You're correct Bryan Adams; thank you for telling it like it is!

  19. ...also, Danny, the correct phrase is "borrowing" from Peter to pay Paul and not "robbing". If you "borrow", you still have to pay back. Where as, if you "rob", you don't.
    The whole gist is that you're only shuffling money and and not gaining ground.
    One of the most incorrectly used cliches

  20. Well, you’re wrong


  21. Lololol!! I knew the know-it-all would be first to respond! What a simpleton! I stand by my description sir, that is, if you're capable of understanding.

  22. Surly, alas, is correct, at least with respect to the most common use of the phrase (I've never heard another in common conversation, but the "borrow" version is sometimes, if rarely, seen).

    We don't need to hear any more about this.

  23. GOOD LORD. I had an enormous spike in pageviews yesterday for this entry -- over 350. Source just says "https://google.com." Wonder what people were searching for. Did we get linked somewhere? There's barely anything here with linking to. (I know, what else is new?)

  24. Now had 10x the pageviews for any recent posts. No idea what's driving traffic.

  25. Fox Sports Radio will be the overnight and weekend programming effective tonight.


  26. Plainsman, you didn't answer my question.

  27. I forgot your question, had to go back. James's question was why it matters who breaks news, local or national reporters. I.e., why my Topic #2 matters.

    Why does any question asked on this site, or on the internet, or in our lives, matter?

    It doesn't "matter" if what you're interested in is the meaning of life. It "matters" if you're interested in the subject matter of the question being asked, which in this case is why local news guys don't get scoops on local teams like the national guys do. We got some good and non-intuitive answers to that, I thought.

    I suppose one can say that sports doesn't matter, and that journalism doesn't matter, and that sports journalism REALLY doesn't matter, but if one is interested in those things, then it matters.

  28. SKA - when you say weekends do you mean weekend daytime shows go away such as Country Force, Circ Siroise, Work in Progress? Or are you just talking about nighttime hours??

  29. Anonymous 14 May @12:20A

    Copy that link I gave, place it in a new tab and read for yourself.
    You're welcome.

  30. "The station also adds various FSR weekend programs."

  31. Brad Thomas: why are you yelling at me? You're a foot from me.

  32. Maybe I missed this somewhere, but anyone know where Julie has been?

  33. Plainsman, I am sure my question came off as a challenge or as something rude. I want to ask you to answer the question I meant to ask: If it's a given that sports matter: why is it important/interesting to you who breaks the story?
    Follow-up question: do you agree with my assertion that most listeners/sports fans/viewers do not care who first reported a story? If not, why not?

  34. James, stop the lawyer cum analytic philosopher act. He answered your query and gave a legitimate reason too boot. If one is interested in media, and in sports media in particular, then it's reasonable to assume one might also be interested in the such matters. Surely you are able to follow this line of thought?

  35. Anonymous @1:04 PM
    Julie was a victim of the 90 day furlough plan.

  36. Sounds like FS Sports Radio is replacing SB Network radio during the network programming blocks. A tremendous non-event.

  37. If it saves them $$$, in radio in 2020, it is something.

    Read up on how down radio advertising revenue is and reply to me. It is WAY down, fella. It's worse than network TV. Political advertising is their only hope, but that is still weeks away.

    Most radio sales staffs are furloughed as businesses are opening up nationally, not that small business can use any $$$ on even radio spots.

    There's a reason why Nielsen told clients not to use March and April numbers as a basis for ad rates and buys. They are asked to use the average over the previous 3-6 months but skip December.

  38. Plainsman, why do you continually put underage redheads on your site? It's really creepy. This isn't 2005. If we wanted to get off on seeing hot chicks online, we could visit literally a million different sites. Why do you do it?

  39. Gee, I dunno, Tricky, because it's his site and he can do what he pleases. I do think some of them look REAL young. Then again, This site's been around 12 years. I went from being a youngish man to middle age during that time. So, basically anyone under 30 looks like a teenager to me now. So there's that.

  40. Thanks Captain Obvious. I get it. It is his site and he can ultimately do whatever he wants. And I've been a fan of the blog for years. However, it is a really bad look. That is all.

  41. New post up: https://myticketconfession.blogspot.com/2020/05/my-attenuated-connection-to-first-dance.html

  42. Thanks, P-MAN! Appreciate the link!

  43. If you "get it," then why ask? Ask a . ..well, you know the rest. So you've been reading the blog for years and know what it's about, and after all these years an aspect of it now bothers you to the point where you ask a question you already know the answer to...um, ok.
