Monday, May 31, 2021

Whither MTC?

See first comment.


  1. I noted that a commenter to the last thread mentioned that MTC is petering out. It does look that way, does it not?

    It has been a while now since I stopped generating substantive new content for this site. I'll toss up a link or a sentence or two now and then, but basically I'm just a sheriff for the comments.

    I don't mind that. I'm rather fond of the collection of listeners who post here and I'm happy to give them a forum if they're interested in visiting. I have to slap a hand now and then, but it's rare and usually someone who isn't familiar with the site's standards.

    But, of course, anyone can post on the Reddit threads as well, probably more freely than they can do so here.

    I still listen to The Ticket; actually, my listening has picked up some in recent weeks. I have two more novels coming out, and the first drafts are done; and while rewriting, editing, proofreading take a lot of time, I am able to tune in more than I have in the past year.

    I don't really have any Great Thoughts to share other than those offhanded remarks I make from time to time -- Hang Zone > BaD, Bob + Corby Hardline >> Mike + Corby Hardline.

    But whenever I would try to toss in a longer piece, I discovered that Blogger had changed its formatting procedures in a way completely mysterious to me, which meant that paragraphs, hard returns, and other compositional techniques that make articles easy to read seemed to have disappeared.

    However, it appears that this FUBAR had not infected the comments.

    So I'm going to keep the site going for awhile, but if I have much of anything to say, it will appear in the first comment.

    OK, so now I'm going to go back and insert a red.

    Thanks to all for your patience and continued patronage.

  2. PS: I thought that perhaps changing the template would help. It did not. Not sure if I'll go back to the legacy layout.

  3. Always go Legacy. Consistency is king. As to the rest, it's not you, it's The Ticket. Same deal at the reddit page. There's just not a lot to discuss of substance. A chief component is that, well, The Ticket doesn't engender the same passion it once did. For a few, sure. But on the whole, no. Why? There are many reasons. The main one being that it had its day. Was a nice long day in the sun. But like everything, eventually, the shark is jumped. Not just The Ticket, mind you, but the whole sports/guy talk thing. The moment has passed and we're watching--with varying degrees of mild interest--the gloaming of an institution, of a mode of life, really.

  4. Nicely put 1052. I am not as gloomy as you are about the continued vitality of The Ticket or its format, but I appreciate the care with which you chose your words.

  5. I hope I can find the legacy format.

  6. Agree with 10:52. Rhyner has always had keen instincts for radio and got out when it was time.

    I continue to start my day with the Musers but my listening becomes very spotty after that.

  7. I know both of these guys have their fans and detractors here but this is a fascinating conversation between Mike Rhyner and Brad Sham. I hadn't heard Brad be this candid about his early days in Dallas radio and his later being fired from the Cowboys broadcast and doing Rangers radio. Stunning inside to Dallas sports radio and all that in tales.

  8. I'll admit I'm popping on here for the first time in many months, but only due to lack of interest in The Ticket lately. I did pop on in time to catch Rotten Radio yesterday! I almost wish they would do a daily 3 hrs show of Rotten Radio, preferably between 3-7 pm. I drove around cracking up laughing at the old bits of the day.

  9. I was pleased yesterday to hear Dan McDowell toss a bouquet to the Work in Progress boys (David Mino, Justin Montemayor) for their Sunday show, calling it his "favorite" weekend show (which he later amended to "one of my favorite weekend shows") and having some kind words for the lads' pace and chemistry. Long a favorite Ticket listen of mine.

    I was just going to ask if anyone was listening to whatever it was that Mike R ended up doing, as I haven't been keeping track of his post-Ticket perambulations. Thanks, Gopher.

  10. New post up by 3 PM CDT on 6-3-21.
