Monday, August 16, 2021

Happy 71st, Mike Rhyner


  1. NOTE FROM PLAINSMAN: This is a comment from yesterday by FantasyHandballLeague. It actually relates to The Ticket! So I repeat it here that it doesn't get lost and folks have the opportunity to respond. Here 'tis:


    OK, I've steeled myself for the onslaught. But I have to say it. Here goes.

    I miss JaM Session. No, I don't miss Wings 4 P. But I do miss having a local show to listen to while navigationg my Sunday afternoons. I also miss Matt McClearin. Can't believe I'm saying this, but it's true. This time around he grew on me. Probably because he's grown up a bit. Like back in the MaSS days, he still overshares from time to time and even manages to emit a creep feel or three every now and again. Still, he's turned into an excellent host who I liked listening to. His nightlife, concert, extracurricular life more resembles mine and that means a lot. It's nice to hear someone talking about their weekend or vacation that you can relate to. That can't be said for most of the hosts.

    Like I said, I miss the show (Matt, really). Wonder if Cat will put anything in that slot? Doesn't seem like it. Though it seems to be a no-brainer to do as such.

  2. I would think a live Sunday show would be extremely hit or miss as far as a regular time slot would go. Between cowboys pre/post-game shows, Stars programming, and network obligations, where would you put it?

  3. So, we've found someone as windbaggy and boring as Corby...Jackie the Joke Man!

  4. Wow, Confessors, my apologies for being so absent. Travel, stuff relating to the novels, domestic duties, all kind of activities getting in the way of my obligations to the Nation. Which meant not only less listening, but less time to make up stuff to write. But I'm getting back in the swing of tuning in to The Little One.

    Feel terrible that I completely missed Craig "Junior" Miller's passage into fatherhood.

    I had a chance to hear a big chunk of The Hardline yesterday (Tuesday, August 17) and I thought -- man, this is pretty good. Bob and Corby sounded like they had a good relationship. (Is Danny off?) Bob, in particular, sounded relaxed and got off some good lines.

    Corby -- well, you either like him, or you don't. On balance, I like him, while recognizing that he's capable of acute nonsense, dubious virtue signaling, and hyperbole.

    Still -- I really enjoyed the show and it reminded me I need to plug in more often.

  5. Danny has been out sick since last week.

  6. Just curious - Does virtue signaling only happen with left leaning people such as Corby? Do people on the right signal their sense of virtue with mentions of god, family, flag, self proclaiming patriot status etc. Just asking...

  7. You're neither nor are you "just asking." You're trolling. There's nothing on this thread that remotely has anything to do with virtue signalling.

    Go away, please.

    Thank you,
    The Adults in the Room

  8. Hey "Adult in the Room"

    As an adult you should read. The Plainsman himself said this above:

    Corby -- well, you either like him, or you don't. On balance, I like him, while recognizing that he's capable of acute nonsense, dubious virtue signaling, and hyperbole.

    I assert that to claim that somebody that is left leaning is virtue signaling is itself a virtual signal to other conservative in a show of their conservative bona fides.


    Troll in the room

  9. Maverick's games will be on KEGL this fall. Will this be the first move to make KEGL a sports station? what is the possibility of ESPN letting 103.3 go dark and moving their sports talk to 97.1. How would the Ticket react? Are those with industry insiders hearing anything?

  10. Listening to Jake and Dan at the moment; it's becoming more clear just how amazingly dumb these two really are!
    ...and no surprise, pretty dumb!

  11. TheBeatlesNotTheBeatlesAugust 25, 2021 at 3:04 PM

    At what point, slinky, do you stop listening to those you deem so stupid that you weren't surprised by their stupidity even before they bared their stupidity? I don't get listeners like you, cervix-haver/non-cervix-haver.

    The Mavs to The Eagle move is classic Cuban. And it will fail. The Ticket will be home to both The Stars and The Mavs by this time 2023.

  12. Hey, Slink, can you be more specific? What were the lads discussing at that moment that prompted your charge of stupidity.

    Personally, I don't think they're stupid and while, minute per minute, their annoyance potential is probably the highest of all the programs, I like THZ and certainly find it a step up from BaD.

    But always willing to listen to the opinion of a longtime Confessor.

  13. Sorry it took me so long to get around to this, but I actually have an answer to
    1100 Anonymous, who wrote: "Just curious - Does virtue signalling only happen with left leaning people such as Corby? Do people on the right signal their sense of virtue with mentions of god, family, flag, self proclaiming patriot status etc. Just asking."

    I thought it was a good question and I thought about it a bit, and the answer I have is this:

    The phrase itself -- "virtue signalling" -- has come to possess a particular a meaning, and, in fact, it does refer to "left leaning people." That is not to say that flag-wavers and noisy patriots are not themselves signalling their "virtue" as they see it, only that the phrase "virtue signalling" is pretty much only applied to those who advertise their action or belief or other circumstance that places them within the zone of approval of the predominantly liberal big-media/academy/social-media construct.

    So before you unload on me here, read that again. Sure, people of all persuasions can thump their chests and advertise "I engage in actions and have beliefs that are consistent with" whatever particular policy they favor. My point here is that, in current usage, the slur that someone is "virtue signalling" does, in fact, usually refer to those who wish to be identified with policies claimed by the leftish side of things. My point is a definitional one, not a political one.

  14. Ha they are The Dumb Zone for a reason! Anyone else miss Julie?

  15. Never Gonna Dance AgainAugust 26, 2021 at 3:01 PM

    No. Not me, at least. She seems like a wonderful person, but I don't think she's any better or worse than your average Ticker person. If she wasn't a she, all the handwringing and dismay over her (reasons for) going P/T would be non-existent. Moreover, her being positioned by hosts as some sort of hockey expert is risible. Her husband is; she is not, by any stretch of the imagination. I only bring this particular up because, again, if she wasn't a she, Julie wouldn't be considered a go-to for insight/analysis on the Stars (which only came to be because of her husband's position and because she was a sideline reporter for the Stars--she's been on the fishing show much longer, yet no one goes to her for fishing HSOs). Fantastic person who does a solid job delivering Tickers, is good about going along/participating in bits and The Ticket mien, and who from time to time has adds in a decent contribution to the discussion at hand. But so do most of the Ticker persons. And so has nearly every Ticker person to have held the position. Yet no one has ever been disconcerted over their departure (now, gleeful is a different story--viz. TC). Having said that, Julie is still here. Hell, she seems to be on-air every bit as much as before: constant fill-ins and even weekend hosting. Anywho. Let the crappening on my opinion begin in 3, 2. 1...

  16. Thank P-man a great synopsis of virtue signaling. While I would argue putting a thin blue line sticker on your car is the same thing, it is typically used as a pejorative by the right against the left. For example, what is happening in Afghanistan is horrible on many levels and there have been mistakes made across multiple administrations. I simply don’t understand being compelled to post to FB to prove to the world that I think this sucks.

    And I’ll take dubious a step further. Corby is unabashedly disingenuous. He has hours of misogynistic and racially offensive comments. At the same time, he still drops into his hillbilly accent to accuse the rest of the world about not being with the times.

    And NGDA…I’ll second what you said. The incongruent reaction of the masses (and the hosts) concerning Julie’s departure is virtue signaling of the highest order. AND she’s not even gone!!! She was a good ticker person...did what she was supposed to. Her naivete at times would’ve gotten her contemporaries destroyed by Tier 1.

    So I guess I missed the dissolution of JaM Session. I could take it or leave it. I agree, it’s nice to have something on the weekends to half pay attention to while I plow the back forty. I assume this is because of MM’s return to Bama. What is JJT up to these days?

  17. Lose-win deal with JaM. We lose McClearin who has become a pretty damn solid host, conversely we win by losing JJT. Now, I'm not going to be surprised if JJT resurfaces during the Cowboys season. Pre and/or Post cohost spot, maybe? While it makes me cringe (like his Sota spots - "I'm SEXY!" - gross), I can see Cat making the move.

    As far as the Julie-tude goes I tend to agree with NGDA and ellislives. Seems like a swell person inside and out. Lucky husband. She's a winner for sure. Like NGDA said, Julie wasn't appreciably (channeling my inner Dr. Carlton Maxwell) better or worse than any other Ticker dude or dudette. I understand the need for The Ticket to have female voices other than traffico-traffico chicks. Julie fit the bill nicely. I should say fits because as it's also been pointed out she hasn't gone anywhere. It seemed like she was on multiple times over the past 2 weeks. So she fits the bill as a Ticker dude or dudette just fine. Super solid job, I say. Julie's not Jake who paid dues through years and years working from the very started from the bottom now we're all mf'n here, honing his sports acumen and on-air chops. Neither did she follow the Donnie path which Jake's mirrors in many ways. There's a lot of obvious stuff I could say here but I won't because it serves no good purpose.

    Fall-Winter '21-'22 predictions:

    By Feb.'22 Sirois, on firm intel that Norm's replacement will not be him, leaves for a non-radio/tv sports related job.

    Norm retires in Jan.'22. It's predicted every year I know but this is it.

    THL remains as is.

    THZ remains as is, but we begin to see genuine friction between Dan and Jake.

    NaD continues to be a Lazy Susan for hosting combos until both Mike and Norm leave. Jan.'22 will bring with it a new schedule that eliminates the 10-12 slot, shortens am drive, lengthens middays, thereby parsing the day into 3 equal parcels of time.

    Remember when BaD got double d's? Come Jan.'22 so too will Dunham and Miller. Except this time the 2 Ds will come at the beginning of the anacronym. Yup. Donnie, Dunham, and Miller.

    What say all ya'll?

  18. Shoot. I meant Sirois leaves at the holiday drydock, Dec.'21 when he finds out there will be no Norm replacement. That there will be no more 10-12. F me!

  19. Anonymous 5:00

    Just curious as to why you think Boom in Da House wouldn't take that 9-Noon slot?

  20. Not a bad thought, Gopher. My reasoning falls along the lines of an industry whose business model is rapidly changing as a whole and an iffy company in flux in particular streamlining (saving money on salaries, insurance, etc.). DDaM 6-10 THZ 10-2 THL 2-6:30. I say THL 2-6:30 because the show won't begin until 3pm+ anyway due to WTDS and that by 6:30 most of the pm drive listerners are already home and have moved on. It's how Galloway & Co among others did it back in the old days. Back then there wasn't satellite, stream, phones, and other options to compete with.

    But let's say things ran 6-9 (a nice kiss to DnM for sure), 9-12, 12-3, 3-7. I still predict Sirois will not get that position. There are several reasons why IMHO. Some of which aren't too flattering so I'll refrain from mentioning them. I know it's a very very popular and strongest of strong opinion on social media that Sirois is the best personality to have ever graced The Ticket airwaves. But I believe many are conflating "I'll say or do anything, literally ANYTHING" for consistent, genuine, studied analysis of sports ALONG with the guy talk stuff. He's not Gordo. Yes, he sorta-ish has worked his way into a Gordo-esque-ish role on NaD, but he's no Gordon. Neither can he contribute in the way Gordo can. To be a host you have to have more than just be up for anything. Look no further than the rise of Jake. He too was up for anything, but he also had a deep interest in the business of talking sports and worked his butt off to turn that passion into a real expertise. We turn to him for sports HSOs just as we do Bob. Short of it is that being a varsity host is a two sided coin. I'll leave it at that and keep the rest to myself.

  21. All, agree with synopsis on Julie and thank you for your insight. I did more so appreciate the hosts response to her while in studio than her actual contributions (tho she did have solid Ticker contribution). Overall while I enjoyed Julie in the Tickers I truly liked the hosts being themselves albeit a different version while she was around. And yes, she has seemingly been a constant despite her "departure" it isn't truly the same as being on wth Tier One

  22. I agree that the decline of the radio business will be felt at the little ticket, possibly just as you describe. Reddit users who pine for Sirois can't imagine any possible scenario where he does not become tier 1 ignore this.

    Also, Sirois & Sirois' side gig with collectibles is really grating. Are they paying for the air time they use promoting this?

  23. Spill the beans on Sirois, don't hold back. This "who stole the Fate of Man" bit they are running is so contrived. Even got Mrs. Sirois in on the fun.

  24. There's nothing to spill, only opinions I hold based on now many years of observation of behavior patterns. No insider info here.

  25. I will add to "based on now many years of observation of behavior patterns" the following: and my firsthand knowledge of corporate hiring practices.

    If you think Cat and Dan Bennett hire a F/T, well compensated, salaried, fully insured, on-air talent without having well defined criteria dictated from on high - and are held responsible for said hire - you are wrong. That isn't how corporations work.

  26. I just need to know when I can stop holding onto my butt.

  27. Don't you think you can make that decision for yourself?

  28. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    Best comment on this site, ever.

  29. @TheBeatlesNotTheBeatles &Plains
    Ok, as you probably have guessed, I'm not the most "pc" or "woke" person. The fact that people get so bent over someone doing accents is something I find totally unfathomable. I also don't believe these cheap paper contraptions people hold to their face do anything towards stopping a virus; fact is, they don't! Too many people trained in chemical warfare have explained this. But, there is nothing we can do about that now; that cow has burst outta the barn!
    On this particular day, Jake was talking about a "Karen" making a scene about the mask. Dan's response was that of basically the true "Karen" is always the one complaining about wearing a mask. As far as I'm concerned, there is NO bigger "Karen" than than the crazy, I know everything, mandatory mask wearing hag!
    Something else, I actually [at the start] thought Jake was actually going to have a little mustard on his cashews. This guy has turned out to be the biggest of all the the woke wussie's up there! He made the comment once that it was now creepy to even comment on some kids haircut! Omg son, get a life!!! This guy is such a sloppy, wet wussie...he glistens! He probably leaves a snell trail where he walks! Just listen to their show; it's always about somebody getting offended! And to answer your question, yes, when the woke gets too nauseating, I do change stations.

  30. Just outta curiousity, slinky, which shows/hosts do you find consistently worthy of your time? You do know there's no one, ahem, left that sticks to the old Halcyon Days playbook, don't you? Reflecting today's world, every show has been politicized. And the political lurch is center-left to full on progressive. Even the two so-called "conservatives" George and Bob no longer fill that bill. George turned center-left long ago; Bob is (nowadays) pretty much the closest thing to a true centrist you'll find. I'm not making a value judgment, at all. Full disclosure: I tend to veer leftward where economic issues go, toward the center on the social side of things. So no dog in the hunt here. Just stating the state of affairs as I see it. Keeping that in mind, I don't understand how you derive any joy out of listening, slinky. So, how do you? Do you, actually?

  31. There is a reason the media in general, including Ticket hosts, act as they do. They are scared to death to lose their status. This is not the National Review speaking, but The Atlantic.

  32. IreneDunne, InHerDaySeptember 1, 2021 at 1:57 PM

    Other way 'round there, Surly: Go woke, don't go broke (deplatformed, canceled, etc.)!

    Only the ignorant, willfully blind or intellectually dishonest claim otherwise.

  33. IreneDunne, InHerDaySeptember 1, 2021 at 2:07 PM

    Not saying you are, Surly. I know your tongue is firmly planted in your snarky cheek. I mean those who seriously make such a claim.

  34. What a breath of fresh air it is to tune in from 3-7 and actually enjoy the content. To not want to punch out. Would love a BaD redux, Bob and Donnie = DaB. Let Corby and Sirois take the 10-12 slot. Perfect pairings.

  35. I just remember Jake telling the story about the time he left his dog in the car for about two minutes while he poked his head in the store. When he came out, some old busy-body lady [probably wearing a mask] told him she had called the cops on him. He replied with "Fine, whatever! I won't be here!"
    I thought 'Man, this kid may have a little something'!

  36. Eh? Say what? Exhaust fumes get to you, slinky, bud? Be careful out there.

  37. Slinky you are dead wrong about paper surgical masks. They absolutely reduce the amount of droplets that enter an airspace in a unit time as well as reduce the drop radius of aerosolized droplets that contain the virus. Anyone equating to chemical warfare is either lacking understanding or purposely being misleading. Chemical warfare involves various gases which require actual filtration of said gasses. Covid isn't carried in a gas. It is distributed in saliva droplets which are absolutely attenuated through paper obstruction. You might want to learn the basics of physics before making assumptions you aren't prepared to back up with actual knowledge. Surgical masks are not perfect but they do help reduce the risk when a bunch a people spend significant time in a relatively small airspace. Not necessary or helpful outside and when just walking past people in a transitory type manner.

  38. distributed in saliva

  39. Oh boy, we're getting the ol "droplets" analogy! First off, if you're hanging around people where saliva droplets hitting you is an issue, I'd recommend a better quality of friends. Secondly, I agree that at these still uncertain times, if you're profession is that of maybe a hairstylist, probably should wear a mask. But this whole bit of thinking you can't walk to your mailbox without a mask needs to stop!

  40. Oh, by the way, Happy Birthday Mike!

  41. I wasn't too up on Bastards Of Soul, although I had heard talk if them. I thought Danny was possibly overselling the vocal prowess of his recently passed friend, but oh my...that dude was amazing! Kind of sad he waited so long to basically share his singing talent, but better late than never. I'm online now watching their video where Chadwick is cruising in the gold colored chopped convertible; awesome video for the song "The Waiting Time"!

  42. Very happy to hear Newbury's voice back on the Cow pregame bonanza.

  43. Man he’s a tough listen, every single time

  44. I find him very knowledgeable. He does seem to have some sort of speech issue, but who cares (?). His Cowboy HSOs/prognostications are usually far more insightful and ultimately more accurate than either Bob's or Jake's.

    Out of curiosity, why don't you like him, Surly? I see cruelty on the reddit page pertaining to his manner of speaking,. But I can't imagine that you are like-minded.

    I thought Donnie was fantastic last night, by the way. He's getting better and better in all phases of the radio game. No longer does he parrot or nervously laugh. I'm loving his confidence and ever growing knowledge and in turn keen analysis.

  45. I also like David N. I have always liked him. He and David Moore used to have a show way back when; might have been a weekend fill-in show, don't think it lasted long. I recall that I suggested that it be named "Welcome to the Boomtown," which you mid-eighties pop fans will get.

    I was glad to hear he was going to be on the pre-game, but let's face it: When Bob Sturm is on the panel, you're not going to find a lot of cracks where you can slip in edgewise. So I didn't hear me as much of David N as I might have liked.

    This is not a criticism of Bob -- love 'm, and loved 'm Thursday. But not much point in a three-person panel if he's one of the three. Two person panel -- yeah, he's got to get some oxygen sometime, so at least one other person can jump in.

  46. Handsome Calvin got a little off track. He took a year off of college and he never went baaaaack. Now he smokes much too much, got a permanent haaaack. Deals dope at a Denny's, got a table in the baaaack. Now I say welcome. Welcome to the Boom Town. Pick a habit, we got plenty to go around. Welcome to the Boom Town.

    Miss Christina drives a 944. . . . .

    Killer tune.

  47. Yeah, man. You're welcome. Such a cool and singular jam. Love the little guitar flourishes between sections. From the lyrics to the production, it reeks of the 80s in the best possible way.

  48. Hey idiot Corby, there is a big difference in the Nicki Minaj situation! That's HER CHOICE! idiot!

  49. Why are you yelling? We're 1000000000000000000000000000 bytes away from you.

    But seriously, at what point, slinky? It seems like you enjoy being agitated. Or perhaps you're "agitated" because you know deep down woke ain't no joke and it's a kinda American Beauty I wanna kiss you Spacey Man 'cuz I'm the thing I hate the most dealio?

    Dunno, slinko. But when you keep going back for more and keep whining about the same folks saying the same things. . . . . . . jus' sayin'

    East bound and down, slinky. Whatevz the case, stay safe out there, dude.

  50. I am a stop down pause for e-news and that was even distasteful to me. Corby lacked facts and his commentary on Nikki's past surgery decisions were egregious. I believe I am speaking mostly to gents here so asking for is it cool to blow up a woman for plastic sugery or whatever in that vein knowing those women are doing it solely to appeal to men? Very confusing. Almost as confusing as calling a woman a whore for giving you what you want but she's the bad dirty one weird.

  51. Are you sure women have cosmetic surgery "solely to appeal to men"? While that is often a component, it's not the whole story--by any determinate. As regards your final quip: It's a non sequitur in relation either to Corby's contention or your first assertion.

    Moreover, if you are e-news P1, then you know that this is neither the first nor 50th time over the years Corby, Danny, and Mike have made crass claims in this vein. So forgive me if I don't take your comment too seriously. And let me pre-say that I mean no offense here.

  52. I think Norm McDonald was a funny guy but I don't know that his passing rates at least five segments on the day after.

  53. @ 9/15 12:34 I wish this blog had a downvote mechanism like reddit.

  54. @9/15 11:10 you are correct and I should have worded my comments differently, but I had a couple of cocktails so forgive me! Definitely a p1 almost day 1 and generally appreciate the humor, crass or not, just was particularly struck yesterday by the segment.

  55. I try not to respond on every stupid, clueless comment Corby makes. My God, I'd be typing 24 hours a day! But he's trying to compare cosmetic surgery, that was not only voluntary, but probably demanded by Nikki, to a vaccine that is basically being bullied and demanded that you take. [A very questionable vaccine I might add]
    I hope Nicki Minaj stands her ground!

  56. also, there is absolutely nothing questionable about the covid vaccine(s)

  57. Echoing Surly, slinky. (Both on the HL and the jab.)

    Because you seem so invested in arguing these things, you ought to take the time to read the actual data/history on the vaccines--and not take some pundit's word (even if they're an MD or scientist). They've been in development for over 20 years. How else do you think they came online so quickly? Again, pick up some backcopies of The New England Journal of Medicine and The Lancet and The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, etc.

    I hope this helps.

  58. "also, there is absolutely nothing questionable about the covid vaccine(s)"

    I wouldn't say that. They are causing heart problems, Myocarditis/Pericarditis, especially in males under 40. Look at table 1 here, For males 18-24 the expected cases were 8, the observed cases were 219.

    The CDC is investigating. And the anti-booster crowd (most of which are paradoxically pro-vaccine) are giving that as one of the reasons the US should not go ahead with boosters.

  59. MostofthehostsareweirdlookinginpersonSeptember 16, 2021 at 7:21 PM

    Sheeeeeesh. Another "Julie you were the best thing to have ever happened to The Ticket" eulogy segment. SHE IS STILL ON-AIR ON A RATHER FREQUENT BASIS.

    Oh, the narrative seems to have been altered a bit. Or should I say that it's now more aligned with the original "wanted to spend more time with my family" arc.

    Again. Seems like a really cool person. Does a solid job delivering Tickers. At times, depending on the topic under consideration, adds good insight. Has no expertise or anything near it vis-a-vis any sport (her husband, on the other hand, does). She. Does. A. Fine. Job. At. Her. Job. So do ALL the Ticker folk. And they've mostly been toiling for years now. Where is the outcry, Bob and Corby? Where, Sirois (have a 'lil theory about his role in this, as he seems to have been the original engine driving the "there never was a better, more deserving employee than Judo" campaign)? Etc. Yada da yada da yada. Tell us! Tells us! No! You! Jeff Caitlin! You! You! Tell us!

    Enough guys. Enough, Cat. Either hire her full time with commensurate pay and benefits or be done with it. Because it's pretty obvious that either the guys jus' cain't quit her or they're going way out of their way to let you know there's no discrimination/sexism/toxic workplace situation here (another theory on all this, hmmm?).

    Which, if happened, I'd be happy to see her aboard. Again, she's solid. And yes it's nice to have a female voice in the room. Absolutely. But stop f'n about here. Make a move or move on.

    Rant. Over.


  60. Corby went after NM because the left now considers her a pariah. She sent out some tweets questioning the vaccines, was put in Twitter jail by Twitter, and was subsequently pounced on by the smart set. In short, she's no longer human and therefore fair game for unbridled expressions of vitriol. Of course, said vitriol is allowed, unchecked, to spew forth via Twitter. Corby per usual is merely parroting what he judges to be the learned, sensible, love is love, love wins take.

  61. In the first segment of each show they should prepare us for Julie's absence by playing this song.

    If she's filling in they can skip it.

  62. Listening to Danny's restaurant/mask story. The restaurant owner is out of line. Evidently he is one of these people overly frustrated with the mask issue. But honestly, this publicity will bring the restaurant more business! Trust me!

  63. New post up.

    I'm probably the only one that didn't know that, though.

  64. Thanks, 754. I try to remember to alert to new posts, but sometimes forget.
