Wednesday, June 30, 2021

A Very Happy Birthday to "My Ticket Confession"

Turning 12 today. Still Your Source for Responsible Ticket Journalism. Such as it is.


  1. 12 years. Damn. I remember when you arrived on the scene by way of the Observer comboxes discussing Hee Hoo. To think that that was your first taste of The Ticket (yes?). You experienced first-hand neither the so-called Halcyon Days nor the many years run up to Hee Hoo's unceremonious departure (i.e., axing). And yet, here you are still at it a decade and change later. Well, sorta at it. Not sure what this is anymore, sadly. But I do recall the Halcyon Days of MTC. Man oh man the juice was flowing and the action hot. Every little move, real, perceived or speculated was diced, spliced, and analyzed like an ancient scroll found in a long forgotten cave. Ah the hermeneutics of The Ticket. Thems were fun times, for sure. And I do miss them sorely. All those early adopters and contributors now long forgotten; the days, Hell, sometimes weeks of back and forths that were mostly civil (there was, after all The MTC Grumpy Troll), usually smartly expressed, and always well informed. A special time. A special group of individuals. A special place whose gracious host set the tone.

    The interwebs will be a little less hospitable when you finally sign off. If I were a betting bloke, I'd lay wager by Jan. 2 of '22 this sucker's frozen in time.

    Whatever may come, thank you, Plainsman, for all the goodens.

  2. Many thanks, 816.

    Part of my drift away from MTC is reduced Ticket listening, part of it is not having much more to say about The Ticket, and part of it is how Google has made Blogger almost unusable.

    While I'll never post 2-4 times weekly as I did in the glory days of MTC, I'm thinking of moving this site to a new free blogging platform. It's always sad when used-up athletes or entertainers decide to "come out of retirement" and embarrass themselves, but I do miss hearing from the gang. Surely I can think of a little something every week or so to provoke the Confessor.

    So stay tuned.

  3. Thank You, Plainsman, for the outlet. A place for semi-rational Ticket talk is always a good thing. The asshattery at Reddit and all of the Ticket FB sites gets old pretty quickly.

  4. Thanks, Gopher. I know some people don't like the Rules of the Confessional, but those who stick around know they'll be (mostly) treated with respect and civility.

  5. What Gopher said, P-man. I gave up both the station and its subreddit right at about a year ago, but I've always had a fondness for this place, even if I haven't posted in a very, very long time.

    Congratulations on 12 years, sir.

  6. Like seemingly every aspect of life these days, The Ticket too has been politicized. Mostly self-inflicted by its hosts, but also by a healthy swath of its audience--see reddit, watch what will soon most likely follow this comment here.

    This politicization, which began about 8 years ago but manifested in earnest 5 years ago, has permanently turned me off. Indeed, it's turned me off of professional sports in general. I just want my game back. I just want my goofy, low brow, "yup, I can relate to that, brutha" guy talk. I want neither to hear Carlson nor Maddow. I miss passin' gas and blamin' it on the. dog. I want more Robot Santa and less Robots Will Kill Us All, Beginning Tomorrow.

    I just want The Ticket, my Ticket, Our Ticket back.

    Cat, fix this shit.

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  14. Looks like Julie Dobbs is stepping down to a part-timer status. A husband who travels and Mom duty is becoming unmanageable for the salary offered.
    Reddit is in meltdown.

  15. Been traveling.

    Sampled sports radio in other metros.

    The grass is not greener.

  16. Myrna Loy Is Still HotJuly 19, 2021 at 2:52 PM

    Yes, Gopher, there's a lot of hand wringing (along with some lucidity) going on at reddit over Julie's announcement and in relation "The State of The Catman of the Americas." I enjoy her work on NaD and THZ, and her pod with Emily Jones is mostly entertaining. She's a good egg, gets the station's mien, and gives every bit as good as she gets. Sorry that she has to go P/T, but it's a move she feels is in her and her family's best interest so there ya go. Hopefully she will remain on and not gradually fade away. A betting man would probably lay a tenner on the incremental sayonara, though. It's just the way those things usually go.

    Her departure does bring to my mind the state of The Ticket Ticker. IMHO TTT is long past its "best by" date. I say this with sadness. TTT harkens back to a pre-Twitter world where moments were experienced and then digested, rather than immediately, seamlessly assimilated into a particular narrative. TTT once provided not only (at the time not always readily available to Joe and Jill Schmoe) scores but also compressed, disinterested analysis of sports news -- that is, a brief appraisal that follows from a modicum of reflection, in contradistinction to immediate subsumation. Many moons ago TTT provided such a service. Those days are long gone and aren't coming back. So the question is: Of what use is TTT? I for one cannot provide an answer. While the number and allotted time of/for Tickers was cut back years ago, they're still with us and appear to be going nowhere. Then again, perhaps Julie knows a little somethin'- somethin' inside baseball, we don't....

  17. Tickers exist to sell advertising. They bring in more than the Ticket people cost so they remain.

  18. Myrna Loy Is Still HotJuly 19, 2021 at 5:24 PM

    Nice observation, good information, Surly.

  19. Just caught some of "Wokie and the Wokette's" bashing the mask plane lady. I got news for all the mask idiots; there are people that just can't breath with mask on! You're asking people to wear these ridiculous mask for many hours on these flights. We don't know how the attendant approached the passenger, and bottom line, we're human and everyone has potential to lose their temper at times. The lady sounds somewhat apologetic when pleading her case, and that sarcastic jerk should be fired!

  20. Rules are rules slink

  21. I bet today was slinky's favorite episode of the musers of all time

  22. I know you can't help yourself, Shaggy, but it is possible that Slinky holds masks to be cosmetic while vaccines, effective. Charity, however, isn't your forte.

    Having said that, I thought Jub's rant/plea was great. While he is correct in naming Hannity and by implication others on FOX NEWS for their complicity in stirring up doubt about the vaccines' safety and efficacy, it doesn't account for the shocking number of professional athletes (and "amatuers" as we're now seeing in our Olympic participants) that have not been/are skeptical of/flat out refuse to get vaccinated. The overwhelming majority of these individuals identify as progressive, center-left, and/or registered Democrats. Same goes with many of the younger Millennials and Zoomers in general that are unvaccinated. This runs counter to the narrative that says it is the QNon, far-right, FOX NEWS, fill in your favorite perjorative for anyone with whom you disagree that are perpetuating the pandemic. Yet I hear little about this. It's only, and I'm not picking on you, Shaggy, "FOX NEWS is the reason!" or the likes. Yes, Hannity and Co. have played a cynical game here and need to be called out. But, again, it doesn't tell the whole story.

    Upshot: it's not a simple "X and only X do Y" situation. We're talking about people who get their news and information from different sources with different worldviews. So why is this? Whatever the case, it's frustrating. Echoing Jub, whatever your socio-politcal views, "GET THE DAMN SHOTS, PEOPLE!"

  23. Wow! Corby is a doctor too! Who knew...

  24. Dear slinky,

    You're a good Confessor. Always have been. OK, so you live a bit or even somewhat further than that to the right of the dial. Fine. I could care less. And even though I think some of your HSOs are off the mark, especially where medicine, infectious diseases, and some social issues go, you seem like a good egg.

    Of course, here comes the "but."

    But. For one thing, while you might be (well, are) right about Corbles's penchant for Insta-Expertise (TM pending), you too engage in such antics. Why you yourself have spilled many pixels on this site opining on the ineffectiveness of masks and other sundry COVID-related topics--not to mention you've addressed other hot-button social issues and attitudes. My guess is that, like Cobby, you're no expert on these matters, either. What's more is that you seem to agree with 7/8 11:48am and would very much like The Ticket to return to its BGD (Before Greggo's Departure) days. Well, my dude, that ain't happening. Because that's the way it is, and you know damn well that it is, and you know exactly what you're going to get on a daily basis. So, the question must be asked: Why do you listen? There is not a single host (including Jub and Bob) that is going to scratch your social hot-button topic itch. Not anymore, at least. Nor are you merely going to hear about sports and what it's like to be Eddie Everyman capering through life, dealing with the same shit we all do. Those days left the building a long time ago, friendo. Again, you know this. So, again, why do you listen? I get why it might upset you. When something or someone upsets me and I realize that their behavior or the situation is out of my hands, I move on. As Dennis Rodman said to his Dallas Bear, Gordon, "C'mon, guy."

    You're a decent sort, slinky. But you might need to do a rethink.

  25. 1:17 really, you are what is destroying The Ticket

  26. @anon 4:34pm, I respect what you're saying, but despite what you may think, I'm not a big right-winger. But what I'm seeing now is, people can lose their financial support for family, travel ability, and various other freedoms simply because they don't take this vaccine. I'm sorry, that's some real Nazi stuff!
    First off, I know there is a virus; I certainly believe it's real, but here's my personal experience...I still don't know anybody (luckily) that has passed from covid. I do personally know 3 people that have committed suicide since the lockdown. I know people that have been refused medical/hospital attention because of non-covid related illnesses. I know many, many, many that have lost jobs,long-time businesses, health-care, not to even mention the personal family struggles and frustration. And I bet if you tally up those #'s compared to covid related'd be shocked $hitless!
    Now, let's look at this virus:
    16 months ago, we were being told "well everybody, get your wills in order, tell your loved one's good bye, make right with the Lord", that whole bit, but what is really happening? There is too much inconsistency with these reported cases: You got the elderly lady and daughter from Tyler that were not able to wait in line any longer for testing, only to be called later and told they had tested positive. You have families trying to make it clear that their loved one didn't actually pass from covid, only to be told to shut up! People testing positive one day, negative the next! You got doctors being arrested now for financially capitalizing on false positive test, and hospitals doing the same! I personally have friends that tested positive only to be told go home and take it easy! Really? Where's the quarantining like all these professional athletes that are constantly delaying and stopping down sporting events?
    People, this virus isn't going anywhere! It's probably been in a lot of people's system but now they're specifically testing for it. We're going to be stuck with endless shutdowns, mask crap (that do nothing but pollute our grounds) unless enough people (the right people) start saying "enough is enough!! Yes, we need more Eric Claptons!

  27. Ooooh, ROASTED! I'd hate to go up against you in a debate. You'd wipe the floor with me, Scott!

    But in all seriousness, Scott, why don't you expand your thought (?). Think of it as your "teachable moment," Scott.

  28. All right, all right. I was hoping this would die down, but I guess not. Have we all had our say on this? Okay, I'll leave the last half-dozen or so posts up. For now.

    Let's move on, shall we?

  29. Heard, Plainsman. It's just frustrating when you either make or read comments that try to see both sides of an issue, even pointing out flaws on both sides, only to be one-line-drive-by-snarked by those who never offer any counter of substance. Their only tactic is to lazily toss out ad hominems. There's never an exchange of ideas with these individuals, only unfounded accusations without a care to the truth of the matter. I'm sure these folks are pleasant people when encountered IRL. Sadly, they choose not to show that side of themselves here. I for one would heartily welcome an honest and charitable exchange. Alas that seems to be too much to ask. One must comment in "drops" and/or say exactly what they want to hear and in the exact way they want to hear it, else here comes the snark that quickly turns to vitriol. Often times I get the sneaking suspicion it's that way because many are unable to genuinely articulate what it is they think and why, that is, whence. Frankly, it's a bit depressing.

  30. I invite you to never post again here, in our estimation

  31. 3:37 PM here. Good one, Surly. If anything, pal, you are consistent.

  32. Craig Miller going to be a daddy.

  33. 55-56 and a first time father. Wowzers. That's late blooming on a whole 'nother level. Several levels, at that.

    Congrats to Joonz and Lady Joonz.TV/On-Air-Personality. I knew he got younger at that position, but I didn't know it was a 20-20+ year difference.

    Good onya Joonzie Boy.

  34. (Allegedly/according to internet)

  35. With modern technology (fancy liberal science book lernin) and advancements in longevity research, Jr as well as he takes care of himself with exercise and scarcity of excess bodyweight, may very well become a centenarian or supercentenarian. His kid could easily make it to 45 or 50 before Jr passes on to the next plane. Good for him and Natalie.

  36. But will the quality of life be there if he’s able to hit 90? Not a lot of hopping, skipping and jumping going on then. Even fit people eventually die.

  37. (4:24 again) But Junes should outlive all the courage boys!!!

  38. Nope, Surly, she's 37 soon to be 38. Born in '83.

    Junior is 56. So it's damn near a 20 year gap. But who gives a rat's arse.

    Go Mr. and Mrs. Miller Man!

  39. That info is incorrect


  40. No, it's not. She's my niece's good friend. It's also readily available on the interwebs.


    I can go on but I won't.

  42. Then I guess she was in college at age 14. I stand corrected.

  43. Just looking at her neck says more 40s then 30s, but if you got correct info I stand corrected ,

  44. are you sayin that joonz's wife has a chicken neck?

  45. This is some vintage Hardline (bad audio quality and everything). There used to be nothing like when Gordo came on the air with them, he and Rhyner had such great chemistry. And some great drops from Expo.

  46. She’s not at the chicken or turkey neck level, but you can tell a lot by the eyes, neck, hands & feet. Still she’s not bad for 34, 43 or however old she is.

  47. Baby news!
    Junior is a father.

  48. Oh shut up Corby! Hope Briles gets another chance. Good coach!

  49. Briles was fired by Baylor after an external investigation revealed in May 2016 that the world’s largest Baptist university had for years mishandled and failed to properly respond to numerous sexual assault allegations by students, including some against football players. Briles has long disputed the allegations against him.

    In its 51-page report, the infractions committee didn’t hold back on Briles.

    “In each instance, when the head coach received information from a staff member regarding potential criminal conduct by a football student-athlete, he did not report the information and did not personally look any further into the matter,” the panel said. “His incurious attitude toward potential criminal conduct by his student-athletes was deeply troubling to the panel.

    “As one panel member observed at the hearing when questioning the head coach’s lack of response to this information, ‘a lot of these things that we’re talking about, they’re not NCAA rules violations . . . (or) university policy violations. They’re felonies. (W)e’re talking about rapes and physical assaults,’” according to the report. “The head coach failed to meet even the most basic expectations of how a person should react to the kind of conduct at issue in this case. Furthermore, as a campus leader, the head coach is held to an even higher standard. He completely failed to meet this standard.”

    good dude?

    1. Actually, Pepper Hamilton did hold back on their report since those are the only pages which were made public and Baylor's Board was only given an oral report of the findings.

  50. Briles, Bliss, Pitino, ad naseam. Gross.

    Good guy, my ass. And my pre-say no offense to Slinky is both implicit and explicit.

  51. A religions institution doing bad things?

    No way..

  52. A secular institution doing bad things?

    No way.

  53. SKA (formerly DA) coming in hot with facts! Lovin' it!

  54. FantasyHandballLeagueAugust 15, 2021 at 2:06 PM

    OK, I've steeled myself for the onslaught. But I have to say it. Here goes.

    I miss JaM Session. No, I don't miss Wings 4 P. But I do miss having a local show to listen to while navigationg my Sunday afternoons. I also miss Matt McClearin. Can't believe I'm saying this, but it's true. This time around he grew on me. Probably because he's grown up a bit. Like back in the MaSS days, he still overshares from time to time and even manages to emit a creep feel or three every now and again. Still, he's turned into an excellent host who I liked listening to. His nightlife, concert, extracurricular life more resembles mine and that means a lot. It's nice to hear someone talking about their weekend or vacation that you can relate to. That can't be said for most of the hosts.

    Like I said, I miss the show (Matt, really). Wonder if Cat will put anything in that slot? Doesn't seem like it. Though it seems to be a no-brainer to do as such.

  55. New post up -- repeats FantasyHandballLeague comment on JaM Session, in case you want to respond to that.
