Thursday, November 2, 2023

Question for Our World Series Historians



  1. Ah, it's a happy day. Congratulations to Our Texas Rangers.

    I was at the game at the Temple when they lost to the Giants. Hard to watch that celebration.

    Here's my question. Back when I was a White Sox fan and they won the 2005 series, I saw a logo calling them the "World Series Champion," and heard announcers also use that sobriquet.

    I said to some buddies: Hey, when we were young lads, wasn't the winner of the World Series called "World Champion"? They looked at me in a puzzled way and slowly nodded their heads, yeah. I understand the reason for the change, as the game is played with enthusiasm outside the US, but when did the change take place?

    Or is my childhood recollection wrong?

  2. I remember the World Series winner being called World Champion too.

  3. I dont get why it needs to change.the mlb is the premiere baseball league. If the mls does it, I get that being an issue.

  4. Listening to the Hardline yesterday it seemed like their shows enthusiasm for the Rangers seemed to be really made up. Corby may have given a shit back in the 1990’s. Bob seemed like he could put it in his bragging montage. Not sure about Davey. But seems like they were playing radio about the Rangers yesterday.

  5. It's been a running gag (but not actually a gag) all year how much Corby and his whole family absolutely loathe baseball.

  6. I think if the departures have taught us anything it should be that what we hear from any of them might not be the truth and they play radio quite often.

  7. I don't know, I thought it was fairly genuine. I'm not a big baseball fan, but I was pretty pumped with the win. I liked hearing from Corby, Dave, and Sean, about how when they were young they just couldn't fathom the rangers actually winning the WS. It was cool.

  8. what was on display was a remembrance of why The Ticket is so important to DFW - it's ability to connect with the P1's in times like this.

    When the Texas Rangers finally win the whole damned thing, having that comfortable resource of friends to enjoy the spoils with. All week I had conversations with other P1's not just about the Rangers, but specifically about the segments on the station about the games, the emotions, the personal stories, the significance - all of it. All of the shows: Musers, Invasion, Sweet Spot and Hardline all knocked it out of the park this week and demonstrated how a radio station can be that glue for a community in significant moments. When they say "they can't do what we do" - THAT is exactly what that means.

    I'm proud of the Rangers, but I'm also proud of the station for a week of fantastic radio.

  9. Keep choking that chicken, /u/peet2

  10. The Musers’ Radio HoF social media posts were all…a bit funereal?

  11. Ticket was absolutely great this week. Listened all day Thursday and liked each show.

  12. @Peter
    Well put. I couldn't agree with you more. If you are Peter Welpton, thanks for the monthly ratings updates/breakdowns, very nice of you to do it. Also, thanks to you and Andy for TKA. Oh, and very cool that you are in some fashion a Confessor. Pay no mind to Corporate sell job. It's the same 1-3 pathetic, puerile, pathological person/people, who have nothing better to occupy their lonely existence.

  13. Someone please page Dr SalmonNovember 6, 2023 at 12:26 PM

    Wonder what Corporate sell job and other cult members are going to do in a year and a half from now? How will you function when Dan is working am drive in Wheeling, WV, and Jake is either a member of The Speakeasy or back to working at hiis mothet and stepfather's business? Tell us.

    1. Sorry I can't hear you with this boot dropping in my ear.

    2. You're reading, moron. Try harder.

    3. I'm gay and I use non-visual desktop access you uncaring swine

    4. I mean I'm gay...excuse me I'm BLIND

    5. The boot in the ear and your sad attempt at playing Girdon are non sequiturs. Again, try harder.

  14. At the risk of provoking a tsunami of comments on what a bad Ticket listener I am, I must say that while I have tried to figure this out from the context whenever it comes up, I have failed, so somebody, please:

    Tell me what "EA" means.

    At first I thought it had something to do with Erin Andrews, but that makes no sense in the numerous contexts in which it seems to be used on The Little One.



  16. tdz #s are beginning to go down. just. saying.

    1. one of the common Patreon realities is the monthly loss of subscribers thru credit card issues (expirations, changes, etc) - I know several creators who complain about this every 30 days as they regularly lose a percentage thru this type of passive atrophy. Running your own business can be a real bitch.

    2. Patreon changed the way they report things. They lost 40 or 50 at the 2 month mark there at the end of October but that's it

    3. It just shows people out there are paying but not using it, like with every subscription service out there.

  17. Foam, Entropy, and Possible WorldsNovember 9, 2023 at 4:49 PM

    The Cult. It is real. Nahthing to see here. Just shrugs it off. Surly this isn't a trend.

  18. Tell me how that steel-toed boot taste. Still waiting for it to drop, turbo

  19. The Spy Who Loved MeNovember 9, 2023 at 5:30 PM

    "[T]astes," not "taste." Agreement, little man. Basic grammar. Get good before you move on from the kiddie pool. Dig that you borrowed my "turbo." Means you've been paying attention. Means you too have been digging. Do you skate? If so, let's talk. The new season is underway and we need a solid 3rd line left wing. Do you shoot left or right? It matters. We like off-hand pairings. Better to dig the puck out in the corners. You dig? All that and a bag of pucks. One more item. Steel-toed thing has run its course. You've been had, stick shift.

  20. Um, OK. Looks like the creepers, their enablers, those who can't let anything go, and the thin skinned are back at it again. Yuck.

    Any of you DZ subs (I'm a sub) catch Rhyner's appearance discussing The Rangers championship? It was OK. What was interesting were what I perceived to be some subtle and a few overt nods at this interfacing not being the last. Anyone else who heard the discussion pick up on that, too? Perhaps it was just me.

    As to TDZ sub numbers dropping a bit goes, it's to be expected. I view their numbers just as I do the new Ticket midday lineup's. That is, you shouldn't rush to judgment. You have to allow them breathe for at least 6 months before saying things appear to be trending toward success or failure. Let the hype and the hate die down (which it is), revisit, and then see where things stand. We're not there yet with either TDZ or TT 10-3.

    The only thing I can say about TDZ is that I do get the sense (at times) that this current iteration is a placeholder of sorts. Whether that means a post non-compete move to TF or to a large podcasting group/conglomorate (e.g., LiveOne), I've no idea. If I were a betting human, I'd place my wager on the former. Rhyner's guest appearance served only to further steer my thinking in that direction. I say this because there is almost too much of a devil-may-care, non-chalance to many episodes that often comes off as, dare I say, amateurish. Put otherwise: Many times I feel there's a lot of not give a shit going on. Very akin to IJB, to be honest. Again, I am a sub. I am a DZ fan. Taking my own advice, I too am letting them breathe.

  21. Try to keep up turbo

  22. So cmon, since we all know it never happened and never will, what exactly did you think was about to drop?

  23. Wrapped in horsepower, driving into furyNovember 9, 2023 at 9:12 PM

    Sorry, lil' man. You have to be at least 4'8" to ride the ride. You're don't make the cut. Dig deeper. Dig? Get creative. It's all about the inside and outside edge work. You're kitchen door is wide open. Guess who's in it? That's right, slow lane. Don't be scared. The noise in your kitchen is merely the sound of everyone else passing you by.

  24. He sounds like Elmer Fudd when he singsNovember 9, 2023 at 9:22 PM

    Steel-toed boots have toes constructed of steel. Steel is extremely strong, durable. The metaphor here was never soelely (pun intended) about The Case. No. It has always been about the illusions and delusions so many of you have about your working class dogs. One boot was the manner and means by which all of this came to be. The other, the one that has yet to drop but at the same time already did drop if you were paying attention, appertains not to the underdogs themselves or their endeavor, but rather, to those with egalitarian stars in their eyes. To wit, the moment you realize they aren't who you think they are; the moment you realize you've been had; the moment you feel betrayed and see they're no different than The Machine they encouraged, inspired you to rage against. Boots on parade.

    1. When they’re at iheart. Where boards ops get paid 6 figs.

  25. For those in the slow lane, once the nc is up, you too will feel that boot.

  26. Ships in the Night, The Shipwreck of LifeNovember 9, 2023 at 9:28 PM

    Find your creative zone. Skate hard. Be your own Gretzky.

    My work here is done.

  27. Promise? Sure hope so.

    Good comment 001001. One thing I find interesting is how only The Ticket seems to have super active online communities. The Freak and The FAN's are pretty much big fat zeros. The DumbZone's reddit has started to slow. Less comments than before and mostly done by the same few people with them doing most of the follow up comments. It's still for sure more active than The Freak's. I took some of ya'lls advice and gave The Down Beat am show a try. Sorry to say that I didn't hear the great potential some of you did. It's a super sleepy morning show. Maybe the freshness of it has worn off on Danny and Mikey. Maybe that's what I'm hearing. They seem over it. Same vibes I got on the OG pm version of The Down Beat. Also tuned in to the new Speak Easy. Holy s Batman. Dude that was unreal. I swear they all sounded like the gummies hit them all at the same time. Don't know how management doesn't hear that and say WTF?!

  28. @Darren
    I tuned into TSE Monday around 4 and heard the same thing. My initial thought was that Jeff C sounded on the heavily medicated side. Julie also had some of that going on, noticeably so, but not to the extent of Jeff C. I never did hear Rhynes talk. Though that's not unusual. I would flip over to TDB from time to time and assume he was out that day, only for him to chime in a word or two at the end of segment.

  29. I Just Think That . . .November 10, 2023 at 7:12 AM

    I assume the OGW continues the practice of checking out of segments to book Petty Theft gigs.

  30. Personally I don't see a great deal of difference in the energy of The Down Beat and the Musers or the Fan. I say that as someone that can't stand the "fake" high energy shows of that are the hallmark of morning drive. If Mike S and Danny were doing high energy I wouldn't buy it for a second. There is a huge different in talent and polish between the Musers and The Down Beat and the Musers and the Fan, that I will agree with.

  31. There's a difference between being even keeled, and sounding depressed and burnt out. TDB definitely falls within the second category.

  32. Waking up at or 4 or whatever when you’re in your 20’s and doing it for 30 years is prob easier than to start doing it at 50.

  33. Clench 'em tight, fellow Confessors. A source who's most always ahead of the curve and who curves it around told be a juicy one last night at while attending a certain Dallas area music venue. BIG announcement and shakeup unlike any we've seen is on the horizon. Pretty sure someone else already let it out of the bag a couple of months ago. They were correct. Now I wasn't told when it's coming down. Only that it is coming down before Dry Dock and will take effect after Dry Dock. Isn't that difficult to figure out. We'll all still ski on the weekend, no doubt.

  34. Man, for obvious reasons I want to listen to the musers for 1 more year, but I will be sad if it's somewhat Rhyner-esque. Someone mentioned earlier that they would announce it around dry dock, and this following year would be a victory lap of sorts. I hope they do something like that and it's not just a sudden goodbye.

  35. This cements it. Cowboys will win Super Bowl LIX.

  36. I can't imagine Craig would continue after George left. I could see Gordo continuing in some form because I don't think he'd be happy not doing anything. I can't remember what the original rumor was. Was it that they were all leaving or just Jub?

  37. He's not yet 60. There'sno other job he'll find that will pay what he's making and that will provide the perks and access to what he's accustomed to. Not going anywhere.

  38. The original rumor is just Jub, and if I had to guess which musers, if only one, is actually retiring, it would be Jub.

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. Jimbo's Gone FishingNovember 13, 2023 at 3:21 PM

    Yep. OG rumor has all 3 saying later right before dd or returning from dd to announce 24 will be the finale. I can see either of those or just Jib being true. The nay sayer has a point too.

  41. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  42. I doubt the rumor is true, but I also thought Norm was going to die on the air before he retired. I had always thought George would be the last Muser t leave but after everything that he's had happen off the air this year I can see him wanting to walk away while he can and while he can enjoy his time with his family. I don't think that will happen but this is the first time I can say its even realistic.

  43. Worst kept secret on The Ticket, Line 4 Guy confirmed as Dan's friend Bill from Cleveland

    1. I'm curious, where was this confirmed? I've always been a fan of the song "Who's Line 4 Guy".

  44. Pretty interesting thoughts and coversation here between Kramer (formerly of Kramer and Twitch) and David Eduardo (genuine radio insider). Scroll towards the bottom until you see Kramer's initial comment and go ftrom there.

    1. Great read, Kramer summarizes the questions that have been on this forum for about a year now.

      Here's a link to Kramer's first comment: Monday at 3:15 AM

  45. Google me this, Ant ManNovember 20, 2023 at 5:04 PM

    Heads up, Confessors. Shit's heating up out there. Two big one's appear to be coming online. First we'll get the louder and louder rumors, soon thereafter the announcements. Neither are shocking, but both are seismic. It's a numbers game, ladies and germs. Years and subs.

  46. Dude. No more boot stuff. Please. No one wants that creep crap starting up again. If you want to troll or egg on trolling, please do it elsewhere.

    1. Boot Scootin’ BoogieNovember 20, 2023 at 7:54 PM

      I’ll say whatever the HELL I want…

    2. We get it, bruh. Someone said something that wasn't blowing your boys, and you're always on their tips so ya gotta defend. #Cult #Gagreflex # Snallmouthenergy

  47. We are now entering into the last days. In a few short weeks, nothing will ever be the same again at our beloved radio station. In less than two months, so too will a seismic shift take place at another station. Hanky, at the ready. Corn popped.

    1. I'll believe ANY of it when I see it. One thing I do know for a fact is that I won't be renewing my DZ sub for Dec. Sorry, jizz talk is a non starter for me. Plus, it's running out of steam. Hope they do go over the TF. DnJ need structure from above. THZ was greatness. TDZ is not and only getting worse. The difference is THZ was held accountable, and their jobs depended on them maintaining standards. Now there's no one to say "no." For guys like DnJ, that's carte blanche for "we say what we want." Look how good that idea's gone over.

    2. Kids, not jarNovember 27, 2023 at 7:03 AM

      They've been doing jizz talk for 20 years bruv

    3. That audio is phenomenal. Corby in 2004 sounded like he still hadn't reached puberty.

  48. Where's the guy that would post the dumbzone subscribers randomly? Did he quiet because the number is lower?

  49. Patreon Subscriber UpdateNovember 27, 2023 at 9:36 AM

    It's not lower. It's over 6,000 now. Though Patreon also changed their policies and now distinguish between paying and non paying members. Paid members at 5526. A very nice $420,000 a year for the DZ boys

    1. Do you think that is what they're actually earning? If so, how old are you?

    2. The fees from the platform are either 8% or 12% depending on what level of service you subscribe to. Assuming they picked the lower that's $386,400, BEFORE, taxes and whatever they're paying Blake, TC and whoever else has been assisting them - paying themselves, oh, and that legal bill.

    3. I included the 8%fee to get to $420K ya dingus

    4. You're right, math is hard, at least for you. Redo your calculations, bud. Then take that number and cut it by at least 85k. At that point you're getting warm vis-a-vis what they will actually earn, individually.
