Thursday, October 3, 2024

Confidential to Conrad: It's RES-pit (Some Authorities say RES-puht)



  1. Offer still stands, Plainsman. You make a members only discord, I'll mod. That way the bullsh stops, on every level.

    1. I've mentioned a discord server before. Doesn't seem to be interest. I think he's still got a stake in or something.

      Don't even have to have a full-time mod in discord. So many auto-mod options to set and forget. But alas...

    2. I think you're onto something. Either that or he enjoys procuring the reds far more than he's wiiling to publicly admit. Or, regardless of the loons, trolls, and six year olds, he likes the fact that this page is one of a kind, has been around for coming up on 18 years, and is more heavily trafficked than either Ticket or DZ reddit, and it's not even close.' Oh yes, all that and it's read by and throughout the years even commented on by many Ticket/Cumulus employees. From Cat to hosts to JV. The first commenter was Grubes. Jake once posted a link to his Master's Thesis. Cat, Sirous, Sean Bass, Blake, Cray Trey, etc,, have all left comments. All Varsity know of MTC, and at one point or another have used it as a P1 temp check station. You think Peter merely happened upon an a blog on an outdared platform and decided to post ratings? All that said, a members only discord would quickly restore its once genteel and thoughful atmosphere.

    3. This site has become borderline nonsensical, but I do think it's worth trying to keep intact. It's the only Ticket forum that remains and I think it's kind of cool that it's stuck around.

    4. The "procuring the reds" bit is frankly a bit creepy, but whatevs

    5. Discords are lame and discord mods are the worst.

  2. Tonsured Tenured TetheredOctober 3, 2024 at 11:48 PM

    I wish the presenter lady on the Bloomberg Television channel looked like this red headed lady. This lady looks like the bartender at the bar that I like to go to to have beers. I don't know beers like Matt McClearin knows beers. But I do enjoy beers. Specially when the bartender who looks like the red headed lady is bartending. Sometimes I wear sunglasses at the bar so I can look at her without her knowing that I am looking at her. Today I downloaded a new app. I'm thinking about moving to San Angelo. I hear there is a big boating community there. I wonder if a lady that looks like the red headed lady bartends at a bar there?

  3. I would like to hear Dr Maxwell explain the psychology of an internet troll and what their endgame is? I just don't see the payoff for the behavior.

    1. Your comment just remitted payment. Want the trolls to stop, then stop feeding then. Ignore.

    2. That hasn't seemed to work as the Troll here seems to have DID and likes to talk to themselves which just feeds upon itself.

  4. The DumbZone has been unlistenable lately. No Jake, full of live spots even though I pay every month (with a price increase next month), the same generic cowboys talk everyday, the same generic listener mail, the same today in history that Dan’s been doing since WTDS started, listener birthdays, and too much time spent talking to sit ins. Adios mofos!!!

    1. Doesn't Jake return Monday? I mean, what did you expect? They left TT only to try to recreate TT. And to do so down to every last detail. Strike that. Because unlike being at TT, they can say "fuck" and have discussions about dogs getting manually pleasured by humans. Yes, that topic was under consideration, much to the thrill of many a DZ redditor. HI-larious stuff, let me tell you.

      Anything founded upon spite and thin-skinnedness will not last for very long.

      Also, there are several trolls here. A few are even consistentky use the same handle. I have begun to wonder if one in particular is doing some sort of experiment. Perhaps it's research for a project or dissertation pertaining to trolling. Because there's something about the loony troll and his/her many iterations that comes across as an attempt to steer things in a certain direction or cause such a disruption, that the fabric of the site irreparably changes. Dunno.

    2. You can currently join in with, let's see, 105 other people watching their Friday livestream. Crushin it, bruvs.

    3. The shilling. The vigilance, constant and hyperawareness of anything put forward on all non-DZ forums not 1000% DF for life posirive. So weird, cult like and sad.

  5. I'm not a subscriber to the podcast. I did watch one offering of Dumb Zone TV and saw no reason to watch again.

  6. I know it’s been kicked around a lot before, but D&J leaving TT was just so so so very stupid. They wouldn’t let them do a podcast outside their show, cry me a river. The Ticket must be laughing everyday. They are number 1 in the ratings, they are paying their new hosts less, and Jake is so distraught by how it’s all played out he quit showing up altogether. Tough lesson for the lads to learn.

    1. Tough lesson for the boys*

    2. No, I stand by lads. (Norm voice)

    3. You must be an old then, bruv. Doubt you even 69 anymore.

    4. If I recall correctly, cumulus did allow them to do a podcast. Cumulus just wanted it to be on their podcast network. The BOYS didn't like that for whatever reason.

    5. It’s hard to disagree with any of this. I fear that expanding as quickly as they did might’ve been a mistake. They could’ve kept broadcasting “live to tape” from the den and probably had the same number of subscribers that they do now.

      I guess they’re trying to replicate the “successful” podcasts by having a studio and a network, but what made them popular wasn’t any of that. It was them, and then Blake. I don’t think any more was needed unless some spare comedian talked them into trying to become podcast superstars and they fell for it.

    6. D&J were never negotiating for the opportunity to do a podcast. They were always going to leave.

      Listen back to that Musers, Corby, Bob segment discussing the aftermath. Bob's clearly that emotional because he knows this decision happened when he accepted to move to 3-7.
      & they All know the main goal - that D&J, once allowed to, would end up on the Freak.
      Dan and Jake were going to go to a drivetime spot - that's why they left. Dan was pissed his show was split and the other guy got the promotion (and took it), Jake was pissed his Host promotion pretty much lined up with Covid, thus no real promotion due to that, furloughs, etc.

      They left brash lawyers talk them into fighting the non-competes, but got to brand it as the little guys vs Big Corporate.

      But then, the worst case scenario happened - No more Freak. There's scrambling to 'buy' the station?! No dice. It's no full steam ahead on Podcast life, and holding on to all of the butts.

      I reckon it's been an extremely stressful time for those Boys, maybe even a bit more for one that left his "Dream Job" . Mavs start soon, though!

    7. Mike on Forest LaneOctober 4, 2024 at 3:23 PM

      That is pure speculation. They told everyone at the Ticket that they wouldn’t be going to the Freak. They truly wanted to try something different. I believe them. Now was it a smart move? Absolutely not.

    8. Nobody in their right mind thought there would be any Freak to go to. It was dead on arrival and I can’t believe Dan or Jake thought it would survive.

    9. Yes, it's speculation, for now. Eventually the real story will out. And that story is going to fall pretty much in line with DIIs narrative. Just look at what they did day after day for nearly a year before leaving for permanent dry dock. That year long campaign began, by the way, about 4-5 months prior to Richie Whitt's breaking story about Rhyner, TF, and that THZ would be joining. Whitt got everything right but that last bit. I firmly believe that that info was correct, but due to the messy, drawn out nature of DnJ's split (court case) with Cumulus, TF talent had too much time on their hands, continued to fart and fall down while waiting on their saviour PM drive show, and therefore screwed the pooch so badly the plug was pulled. Rhyner as much more than hinted that he was a short timer there; his mission was to shepherd the thing through its initial days, make room for his buddies to succeed a la TT, and retire for good like the ultimate hero who also built two talk radio juggernauts. C'mon, why were those sudden partner swaps done? To make room for DnJ PM drive. They'd retain Julie, while Cavanaugh would've been moved to mornings with Danny and Sirois, KT producing. It was all so obvious. Then, as DIIs says, the whole thing blew up and the rest is history.

      Now. Well, they're doing their best to emulate TT in every way. Will it work in the long run? Who knows. It's unlikely. So far it's been nothing but drama, constant reformulation, and a whole lot of focus on their former employer. Sound familiar? So maybe they're actually trying to put TF back together. Last thing. Thanks for the reminder about the bizarre, lawyer sosh driven scene regarding buying TF. I mean, talk about alternate universe. You bet, iHeart is going to sell a flagship signal in the 4th largest market in the country to.... oh, it's too silly to go on.

    10. That's the rub, CJK5H. At no point did they ever intend to stay at The Ticket. The contract renewal negotiations were entered into in bad fait. Dan in an almost gleeful manner flatly said they just joked around, threw about phrases like "non-negotiable," and treated the whole thing as if on a lark, some sort of Kaufmannesque longform bit. That recorded announcement video they made, which was (I believe) recorded by Cash Sirois officially announcing that yes, it's true, they're gone, told the story. Their decision to leave and the Plan A they were to embark on was in the bag for at least year. At least. As others have already said, that decision was first made by Dan the moment Bob alone was offered the promotion and accepted it. And as others have pointed out, once Plan A (Freak PM Drive) fell through, Plan B was put into action. A plan that was fostered, egged on, by those with nothing to lose but whose opinions held great weight with Dan and Jake.

      All the luck in the world to them. I truly mean that. If this doesn't work out, and if it doesn't in spectacular fashion, both have learned a very tough lesson: Keep your powder dry.

  7. Fill in: The campaign in question consisted of labor relations talk, living wage talk, corporate bad and greedy/worker is always right and always getting screwed talk, podcasts are the future talk, bet on yourself talk. In doing so they fomented a foaming at the mouth following on the sosh. Small but vocal AF, into purity AF. That was all on purpose. Then bang!, here comes the lawyers specializing in labor laws who have ther eye on something much bigger than D or J's future.

  8. All of these posts are written by the same person

    1. I can tell you that mine are mine and no other are me under a different name. Don't know about the rest.

    2. The Ticket is The Ticket - - - its why Bob and Dan didnt leave for the Fan, though apparently it took Bob convincing Dan. I'd say that worked out, least for the time being.
      It's why Jake never took another job - - I believe IJB was offered a slot at the Fan.
      Even still, a young sports-centric guy who is all in on radio.....hhmm, sounds like Bob in Lynchburg. sounds like Dan in Dayton. Oh, they left to pursue. Jake stayed. A Blessing, A Curse. A bed was made, as they say.

      Bottom line - The Ticket is The Ticket - -you'll remember the good times, & you'll still listen. Maybe not as much, but more than _fill in__the__blank__.


    1. See Dick run. Spot has a bone. Jane sang a song.

  10. I really feel bad for Jeff Catlin. He seems like he’s not just a bad ass at forming radio stations but a great guy who cares about his employees and greedy people like Dan, Jake, Rhyner and Sirois go and screw everything up and make him look bad. I think the Cat man and the Ticket will prevail at the end and all those who went against Cat will fall into irrelevancy.

    1. do not feel bad for Catlin. why would you? He's the PD of a multiple Marconi winning radio station - which alone will be remembered for being a unicorn in the history of American commercial radio. He is by any measure a success at his job.

      All of those here and elsewhere that are blindly critical of him either do not understand how radio stations operate - or DO understand and simply cannot handle it. (and to those who reply w/ name calling are exactly those who this refers to)

      And of all my personal favorite observations about this Ticket opera - is that every. single. person. that thinks Cat is the core of all things evil and idiotic - refuse to recognize:

      the ONE person who came up with, presented, fostered, encouraged and grew the Dan and Jake pairing was - Jeff Catlin.

      Catlin didn't run off The Hang Zone, Dan McDowell did. Maybe for completely legit reasons (how bennett treated him), and a solid measure of ambition (taking on HL as the PMD show on TF) - but Jeff Catlin was Dan and Jake's biggest champion and the original founder of that pair.

    2. TC said on his podcast that he was a horrible boss though and was mean to underlines he deemed “too excited” or “too eager”

    3. Dan's Middle of the Night Cold Sweat What Have I Done FreakoutOctober 5, 2024 at 12:18 PM

      "TC said." You can stop right there. Anything after that, that is, anything TC says regarding former employers and/or anyone who doesn't view the world through his myopic lens is either self-serving or gas lighting or a combo platter. Ends justify the means, truth be damned, the sgenda, the preferred narrative must be served.

    4. Bad bit, Matt. You keep trying it out, and yet it gets worse, staler, everytime. Try a new tack.

    5. down the hall in the cubesOctober 5, 2024 at 3:01 PM

      i worked at Cumulus during both of TC's runs and yeah, Cat was mean to him and that bump-on-log 10000% deserved every, single micro second of it.

      Cat has his blind spots, but on top of managing top tier talent, herding part timers who all think they're the next Gordo, Bob, etc - is a thankless role.

  11. Notice the one key figure who in now over a year has yet to nake an appearance: The Oak Cliff Conman. Telling. Ditto until a recent cameo, Sirois. Wonder why? Not to difficult to suss. They'd have to be so careful in what they said, and the teprecussions from a slip up so far reaching and damning, that it isn't worth taking the risk.


    1. Rhyner now has a paywall'd podcast that he's got others helping him with and to his (their?) credit, posting regularly Sirios is, ironically, serving out one of those illegal non-competes but according to what Danny Balis posted on X, is getting paid while doing it.

    2. Making an appearance as in making an appearance on TDZ. The "they" refers Rhynes, Sirois, Dan, and Jake and their planned out Freak as "The Ticket II" - that crashed like a lead balloon. Julie and Danny's hands are clean, as they weren't in on the hatching of the plan. Not the OG commenter, but it's pretty obv what they're intending.

      Is this true? I think it's highly likely that it's half the story, but not the whole shebang. B&S had a big hand in it too. So why would Sirois but not Danny have a NC? Doesn't make a lot of sense, seeing how they were (by their own admission) equally compensated, doing the same job and cohosts. Not buying it. Not a one of this bunch, from Rhyner to Danny to Julie to Sirois to Dan to Jake, has been straightforward about anything. Often times quite the opposite, in fact. The always ever slightly evolving narrative each party gives has never passed the smell test. It's been this way from the onset. My guess, and it's only a guess, is that if the real story were ever to come out, there could be some serious consequences across the board that would go much further than the above names. Again. My guess.

    3. Every one of them should be imprisoned.

    4. Yo, Latwx. Is that you?

  12. Who was TC referring to on his podcast when he said Cat was mean to people who he deemed “too excited” or “too eager”?

  13. Anybody who pitched him to be on-air without having a good reason. Catlin clearly thought TC didn’t have talent, and the fact that TC failed at TT, failed in Pensacola, and never got another radio job (until a weekend Freak gig) tends to prove Catlins judgement. Go back 11 years and read TC’s Reddit AMA. The ego on the dude is amazing. He thought he was great. He thinks his were the best top 10s ever. He didn’t think he needed to play nice with other co-workers. Read the AMA and then reverse engineer what TC was probably like.
    Like this:
    TC: Musers are on vacation, I think I, super talented bad radio intern turned super talented ticker guy should be given the chance to fill in even though I have zero radio hosting experience.
    Catlin: get the F out of my office.

    Theres clearly a pecking order in place there. TC clearly thought he should have been further up the food chain than others. And if you have radio talent you may be able to get away with that attitude. TC couldn’t.

    1. It's called a Cluster B Personality Disorder. Which one? Well, that's for the fan to decide. BTW. Like seeks like. Infer what you will.......

  14. Great call on the Sunday night livestream from the Den DUMBzone!!!

    Seriously, how does Mrs McD greenlight this?!

    1. She enjoys thinking her husband is famous. Chicks are funny that way. Some schmoe who's uglier than dirt gets up on stage in a local cover band, and bam, he's got a gf who would otherwise look right through him if he eas the only dude at a bar and she was horny af on mollie.

  15. Turns out Jake was in rehab. Wish him the best. Been a stressful 24 months.

  16. Looking forward to Montys next montage of Seans extreme crutch, over-use of "I Don't Know"

  17. Holy S - so much garbage.

    Major props to Jake for his intake - - -probably more to that than disclosed but still, a full treatment that will test these group sit-ins/livestreams....and especially when your fav team starts to shit the bed.....

    1. Me and my at this ppont obviously racist, imperialist, colonial name: sunk.

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  18. Trolls won't be happy until they get P-Man to shut the site down.

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  19. This used to be a place I'd go to talk about the ticket and escape the toxic positivity of the station subreddit. Very cool that it's now unusable.

  20. Turning off comments for now. Will return later today to shovel out the stable.

  21. So enriching to hear George and Junior broadcasting with their now-healthy voices. Past 2 weeks must have been very hard on those boys on trying to push through on what was certainly painful to continue to do the show.

    1. “Those boys”!

      They’re about to turn 60 and have a hard time getting around.

      It was marvelous hearing Craig wax eloquently about his baby’s teetee and poopoo habits

  22. I enjoyed when Junior signed off in the middle of the show lol

  23. Thank you, Plainsman, for stepping in and cleaning up the place.

    Interesting thread on Ticket reddit concerning Gordo's latest Twitch stream. Evidently, the topic was sobriety and Jake's name came up. Gordon expressed support and admiration for Jake. The comments reflected the thing that many of us (self included) seem to have forgotten: As far as Dan and Jake go, they and Ticket Varsity are all still friends, remain in regular contact, and are supportive of one another. Moreover, Jake has recently said that he still listens daily; that the issue had zero to do with anyone at TT; that Cat/Bennett were onboard with their "demands" and that everything was on track until Cumulus HQ in Atlanta stepped in. That's when things went sideways. Now, do I buy that cut and dried narrative hook, line, and sinker? No. I do think there's much truth to it, but that it's not the whole story. But what's important is that we understand that the Varsity (and I'm sure JV) and "The Boys" all remain on better than good terms.

    Anywho. Thanks, again, Plainsman, for putting an end to madness. To that...... I really wish certain "participants" would either go away or actually add to the conversation in a constructive way. The sad thing is that the two (or maybe three) involved in the latest shitfest actually seem to (i) have a good grip on Ticket history and the mien of the station, and (ii), are by no means unintelligent. It's a shame. How cool would it be for the parties involved to meaningfully contribute to the conversation.

  24. From everything I've heard that is all true. When it comes to DnJ. I've also been told that the mutual earm feelings do not extend to Rhynes, Danny, Sirois, and Julie.

  25. First off let me break the news here, congrats to TT, Marconi winner as major market station of the year.

    Not sports, ALL stations. Pretty impressive.

  26. Guess all the folks that bag on Jake for giving up his great Cumulus bennies can suck it

  27. And agree-ance with Giggles and Edward above. As I’ve said, acquainted with some of the ticket sales staff. I’ve heard the same thing from them. They’ve said very similar things to Mr G, that TDZ was negotiating with Atlanta, not Bennett or Catlin.
    And to Edward’s point, they’ve heard the same. The on air staff didn’t like TDZ leaving, but understood their position, etc.
    But Rhyner quits unexpectedly. Blindsided his coworkers and set the upsetting of Apple carts in motion.
    Danny and Sirois both left radio “to pursue other interests”, only for TT to find out their other interest was still radio.
    And Dobbs leaves to spend more time with her family. Goes to part time at TT. Only to take a full time job at TF.
    Yeah, I get where there’s bad blood between those that are still there and those that left.

    1. Check your facts, JackOctober 9, 2024 at 8:25 PM

      Julie didn’t leave to spend more time with her family. She left because Cumulus didn’t pay enough money it took to provide child care while she was gone. It was literally costing her money to work at The Ticket. She got a huge raise to work for iHeart, as they all did.

    2. Actually, Check, she said both. And said both at different times on-air and in her MomGame pod. So you're both correct but leaving out one half of the equation. As for "costing her money to work at The Ticket" goes, what does that even mean? I'd begin with the concept of cost-benefit analysis, from there I'd move on to understanding your situation, both historically and how you fit within the historic and current climate. But you're not paying me to teach you basic business, so I won't.

      And then there's more Zu/Zoo/Xoo pick your poisonous form of Lu. Good grief, man. Grow the fuck up already. I say that to both/all 4-3 of you. Including the OG who can't stop LARPing Mr. Chips prior to meeting the babe.

    3. Julie knew exactly what the gig paid when she accepted the role.

  28. For context, The Ticket has won multiple Marconis, but never has it, or ANY Dallas station ever, won the MMSotY award.

    1. That's awesome, Peter. Very very proud of all you guys up there.

    2. Does a station have to pay money to be nominated?

    3. Yes. But you knee that. Same girs for Iscars, Emmys, Obies, and most other industry awards. Your point? Never mind. We all know. Aging Millennial strikes again. (And falls flat on their face, again.)

    4. lol - there is a $75 entry fee for the nominating party (typically the ownership group, syndicator or market manager)

    5. Even the Pulitzer Prize requires an entry fee.

    6. Does a DZ stan get paid to spend their days valiantly defending the honor of two people who do not care about them, do not read these masterful put downs made on their behalf, and who are living more luxuriously and higher up on the social scale than 90% of their defenders despite quitting their real jobs?

    7. Many DZ stans have gotten second jobs to support THE BOYS

    8. Ode to a 'Sode

      No, I can't forget this evening
      Or your face as you were leaving
      But I guess that's just the way the story goes
      You always smile but in your eyes your sorrow shows
      Yes, it shows

  29. Replies
    1. What’s the Point?

    2. The Point is a reference to a song by Nilsson.

    3. I took me a while to figure out what P-man was talking about. I always think of "Without You." as a Bad Finger song even if Nilsson wrote it and performed it first. I think it is a rare case of the cover being superior to the original.

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    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  32. Keep Deep Sentry Moat MakerOctober 12, 2024 at 2:33 AM

    To. A. Tee. Do you know see how thos will work gping forwatd, grasshopper? Du Yu? Hope so. B/C if not, it'll never end, special one.

  33. A C Leaguer's Lament

    The Boys of Wintet have begun yet another campaign.
    But where's Owen?
    Owen you've left us!
    Greener pastures?
    Tis truly a shame

    Just Dan
    Just like Jake
    And like all the test once put to the test
    Sooner rather than later

    Biittersweet! Bittersweet!

    O the taste of regret

  34. I would like to thank Craig "Junior" Miller for his courage and prescience in predicting that the Lions would blow out the Cowboys today.

    That's the sportsiest thing I've said on this site in years.

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  35. Did Inquiring Minds guy get his ass blown up and disappear forever ?

  36. New thread up, with a few observations about MTC.
