Thursday, June 7, 2018

Bad Plainsman

Hey, Confessors, so sorry I've been a poor Ticket Journalist lately.  Out of town, house guests, limited Ticket listening.  And for some reason, I'm not getting email notifications about messages so I'm behind on monitoring them as well.  Hope you're all getting along.

I do have a topic or two up my sleeve, but gotta run again.  And I'll be away starting next week for a week, so this may be it for a little while.  I'll check those email notifications and in any event call up the site to check on them.

Three -- no, four -- safe-for-work gingers for your patience.

Topics, topics -- hey, for the first time I'm getting an "HD1" badge under 96.7 on my car display.  And lots of interference on that band from other stations during my morning drive.  Had to switch to 1310.  Made me a little nostalgic.

Stay Tickety, all.


  1. Settings seem to indicate I should be getting email notifications, but my test didn't come through. Will try to keep up daily, but probably not more frequently than that. So keep things cool, my gracious Confessors.

  2. Ah. Recent message boards on this topic indicate that "Blogger is aware of this problem and is working on it."

    Thanks to all for your patience if my lack of recent monitoring has discomfited the nation.

  3. don't worry, you're a good Plainsman.

  4. So your opinion of Corby with Donny and Mike S. today. At 5, 4, 3, 2, ...My opinion is that Corby tried his best. As has been noted before, when the usual pair is on the air we get the usual. When either Mike or Corby is out and the other one is partnered with someone else they seem to rise a little bit.

    Could it be they are trying to rise up to the level of their peers and not, as is usual, stay in the same old rut of mailing it in? Example, was Corby just a slight bit more prepared today because he was with Donnie and Mike S. so he had to prepare, even if just a little bit.

    The dark cloud, Dan Balls, must be in a world of hurt. On CQH Corby suggested he might need surgery and be out all summer. How will this affect his outside interests (clubbing and jamming)? Do we need to set up a gofund me account?

    I need some f'n blueberries.

    I would probably invest $500 or $1,000 in TC's venture. Probably better odds than the Picks of the Poles.

    Categorically I am not a Gordon fan. But the fake Norm is pretty funny. Who was that person doing the part of Mary, the lovely Krystina Ray? She was doing traffic if I recall. I am going to join Twitter just so I can follow her.

    See you all at Summer Bash

    ET P1

  5. Oooooh so now we have journalism infighting, seabass calling Engel out

  6. 1114: Can you unpack that for us?

  7. ET P1: I used to like Gordon's Norm quite a lot, and the content of that 8:40 Bit was really good. But he's much, much better and funnier doing calm, unctuous Norm; in recent months, he relies heavily on manic, fast-talking, shriek-laughing Norm, which Norm really does not sound like, at least not any more.

    The main question is: Will George ever learn how to pronounce his name?

  8. Everyone please email the Norm and D show and tell them that "the meathead of the week" segment SUCKS !!!!!!!!! Worst segment on the Ticket

  9. No way. Meatheads is where you get to hear real Norm transform into triple fake Norm.

  10. Plainsman, I can't help but wonder if George's "Hitch-ges" pronunciation isn't a bit. I mean Norm's only been there for 18 years.

  11. I have asked many times if people think George's "hitch-ges" is a bit. I don't think it is. I think he's just oblivious, much as I like George. He's not the only one at The Little One of Love that pronounces it that way. The thing is, there's no gag value in it; what's the bit? It's just wrong, and not wrong in a way that is amusing even the first time. So I just think he's oblivious to the error, and no one has bothered to correct. Norm probably has heard it wrong for years and doesn't care. Neither do I, truth to tell, but I'd like to think George is less oblivious than he seems to be. He also calls the Saturday show "Cirque de Sirois." Not paying attention.

  12. @ 11:06 can’t disagree entirely since Norm is unlistenable, but the Biggest Show in Town has to be up there for punch-out segments.
