Friday, September 20, 2019

I'd Feel a Whole Lot Better about Buying Insurance from City Credit Union if Sharon Moore Knew How to Pronounce "Insurance"


[Not Sharon Moore.  Insured status unknown.]


  1. Agree.

    It must be cheaper to “voice” your on ad rather than having talent do it. Doesn’t mean you should. I really can’t stand her voice. Same for the “One Hour Business Card” place. The owner Laura has a voice that is like nails on chalkboard. I can’t hit the mute fast enuff. I’m willing to say it may only be me. I’d be curious of what others think. (It does seem we dislike the ones we’re beat over the head with most) see Frank Manzari

  2. Just saw on the WFAA Sat morning news that the purchaser and new home of the Robert E. Lee statue from Lee Park was Blackjack's Crossing in Lajitas. I wonder if Woke Corby will still rave about the place.

  3. Corby has compartmentalizing skills. No problem.

  4. "and I cannot believe I've never been"

  5. Jesse Holley is out at The FAN. His work on the Cowboys pre and posts was very good. Wonder what happened? He'd be a great addition to The Ticket.

  6. Anon 2:29

    According to the comments over on Reddit, he and Mickey got into verbal spat after last week's game.

  7. And that would be grounds for firing him? Wow. I do know that they had a management shake up over there--hence the reshuffling of their lineup (B&S to middays, GBag to pm drive).

  8. Ben and Skin moved to middays because they can spend more time with another project: A brewery and taproom in Celina.

  9. I heard that spat between Jesse and Mickey. Jesse quit talking and then Mickey kind of tried to smooth it over. Yes, you need Jesse. Mickey can be a know-it-all blow hard at times. I remember he and Greggo getting into it! I so wish 103.3 would feature Randy Galloway as special guest during "Cowboy Crossfire"

    1. ...I meant "football firingline" I was having a Skip Bayless flashback.

  10. I know one thing, I'll never go to that dentist Corby endorses. Anybody that impressed with Corby can't be too intelligent!
