Thursday, September 12, 2019

Random Items

(1) Has Santé Center for Healing had more than one patient?

(2)  We've all heard "Buyers Barricade" mentioned as a sponsor of one or another Ticket operation, but I can't recall ever hearing an actual ad for it.  I looked it up.  It's a company called "Buyers Barricades," first word non-possessive plural, second word plural, which is not how I'd been hearing it all these years, but now that I listen more closely, yes, they do put an "s" on the end (unless they just started doing it, which I suspect).   That's not very interesting, I know, so looked for something to spice up this paragraph.  Ah, here it is -- despite its name, it is actually in the barricade rental business.   

(3)  Anyone switched over to Gbag on a regular basis?

(4)  Anyone dipped their toe into Gbag and returned? 


  1. I have been listening to GBag. I go back and forth, but I find myself spending more time on the Fan driving home.

  2. I find myself punching the down preset and spending my commercial breaks at KHYI. I sometimes forget to come back.

  3. Love Bob Sturm. Love the guy. I even like his lengthy explanations of sportsy stuff. But his interviews . . . .

    I was tuned in to BaD yesterday when Bob asked Hunter Pence that endless and incomprehensible question -- or was it a question -- about . . . I'm not sure. Something about the kind of guy he was that you kind of didn't like but also kind of liked when he wasn't on your team, or something like that. When Bob asked if Pence agreed, he hilariously answered something like "Yes, no, I don't know, I don't know what you asked."

    I wondered if anyone else was as baffled as Hunter and I were.

    Yes. The Musers replayed it this morning. Catch it if you can

  4. I missed the E-Brake today. Was it the E-Brake perchance?

  5. It was nominated - but Corby saying Reese Witherpoon won.

  6. big black and white come and crushed my groove againSeptember 13, 2019 at 1:44 PM

    I'm not sure there isn't any product or service Norm wouldn't hawk. But I understand why he's sought out; he does an excellent sell job.

    I'll pop over to Gbag during BaD when they go to break, returning when BaD does. As far as THL goes, I'll either flip over to Gbag and stay there or listen to music. Sadly THL is uninteresting and as a result, unlistenable.

  7. I'm thankful that Sturm's 1+ minute question to Hunter Pence didn't win the E-Brake. That way, we didn't have to hear it again.

  8. I caught the Reese Witherspoon thing by Corby when it aired live, and I cannot figure out why he overreacted the way he did. It was a verbal slip-up; we all do them. Not worth more than a 3-second chuckle. I'm sorry I didn't change the station rather than listen to him make a mountian out of a molehill.

  9. Bob's Hunter Pence lecture-question was treated extensively at the beginning of BaD today by the group. Sometimes, he said, you just fall into a hole.

    In fact, he did have a reason for extending and enlarging upon the question the way he did. Because he started his question, you may recall, with "I used to hate you," and that got a live reaction from HP in the studio, so Bob felt he had to back and fill to give some context to that rather startling way to start an interview with a guest.
