Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Farewell, Danny


  1. I was by the channel today when Danny announced that Friday would be his last day.

    His intentions were a bit obscure, but I gathered that he's going to devote his time to the bar. He talked about "paying for insurance" and "making out schedules." The impetus: Time to devote working hours to a big-boy job that paid more than the underpaid undertier talent at The Ticket. The lede: "The Ticket has been getting a large pizza for a medium price," OWTTE.

    I'll miss the lad, who, of course, is not a lad and hasn't been one for a long time. His contribution to The Hardline and his own shows (i.e., The Orphanage) has been immense -- always a pleasure to listen to. He's smart, witty, funny, with impeccable comic timing. And I'm sure he does a great job as a producer.

    Some time ago, I wrote that I could see Danny becoming a Dallas entertainment impresario, producing local acts, managing big shows, and the like.

    Let the speculation on his successor begin.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Cumulus, the Power of Radio.
    Like Mark Davis leaving WBAP over a pay increase, the Cumulus penny pinchers rear their ugly heads again. Get ready for more of this to come. There may be some tough times coming for some favorite tier 2 and 3 employees. Cumulus has left KTCK alone so far because it has been a money cow. As their economic woes lessen, they will start to trim salaries. Just remember this is the way they gutted KSO in San Fransico and their station in Atlanta because their talent/return ratio didn't make them happy. This will happen all across their footprint in Dallas.

  4. Plainsman, I listened to the whole segment and the carry-over, and he explicitly said he was NOT leaving to spend more time with family or tend to business endeavors. The "paying for insurance" and "making out schedules" stuff was about how little of his time the bar actually takes up (compared to, say, a bartender). The gist of it, from what I gathered anyway, was that he felt undervalued in his current role but had also his his ceiling at The Ticket...and so, without complaining at all, he said he wanted to leave before he really began to sour on the whole great experience.

  5. Plainsman, I listened to the whole segment and the carry-over, and he explicitly said he was NOT leaving to spend more time with family or tend to business endeavors. The "paying for insurance" and "making out schedules" stuff was about how little of his time the bar actually takes up (compared to, say, a bartender). The gist of it, from what I gathered anyway, was that he felt undervalued in his current role but also knew he had hit his ceiling at The Ticket...and so, without complaining at all, he said he wanted to leave before he really began to sour on the whole great experience.

  6. Well, Big Dumb Pizza F Pants Dan Ballz Danny in Lake Highlands Balis is leaving the building. To use an oldie but a goodie, "What took ya so long?" Seriously though. I'm surprised it did take this long. A testament to loyalty or a testament to routine? Both? Doesn't matter. All things being equal, he was a good. A good good, for sure. He contributed and will be missed. I'll miss him. The inside baseball on why he left isn't of interest. He said it all during the two segments. That's the rub on Danny: he shoots straight about himself. Surely there's some inner-circle stuff and external pressures that contributed to the decision. My two cents: Danny finally decided to allow himself to be a full-fledged adult. He kinda said as much today. But honestly, it doesn't matter. Danny's gone. It's an end of an era. And what an era it was. The songs alone..... Like I said, I'm going to miss him. From our mid 20s and now well into middle age, The Ticket played a cental role in me and Danny's lives. Never met him, but I always thought we'd be great buds.

    My most favorite Danny moment occurred on The Orphanage. He and Davey were discussing their failed marriages and relationships in general. THE most honest 45 minutes of radio I have ever heard or will ever hear.

    So, I told you changes to the tone of the station are coming. And as I said, this will be most evident by dint of more genuine (not Crow Line) caller-driven segments.

    VERY interesting in the Farewell Danny segment was D, C, and B admitting that NONE of them were going to be Norm; that there IS an end game and, moreover, it is in sight. I believe the above coming changes will speed up this end game, resulting in a dramatic landscape change within the next 5 years.

    Oh, this too: For all the Free Sirois folks, please get this through your head: He. Will. Never. Be. A. Full-Time. Host. In. Conjunction. There. Will. Never. Be. A. Bewm-In-The-House. Varsity. Show. Not. Ever. Mike is not host material. It would take three weeks, if that, for him to be exposed. Don't conflate being good at having a good time (in your mid 40s) for genuine talent. While Good Time Charlies (or Mikeys in this case) can make for some funny segments and be everyone's pal, that's where it begins and ends.

    Finally (and I wish DA would pipe in *sorry, man, I forgot your new handle--no disrespect intended*), Cumulus, as Gopher stated, is slashing positions and salaries across the board. No one. NO ONE is safe. They have gutted highly successful stations of every genre, including (especially, even) sports stations. It's not coming here, it's already happening. Heed well those little nuggets C, D, and B dropped about time frames and end games. This thing's going to begin sounding a bit different before Autumn. Don't be surprised if more major announcements head your way. Not tomorrow. Not all at once. But staggered, beginning toward the end of the year. Might take 2-4 years, maybe 3-5. You'll barely recognize our lil' clubhouse.

    *Any takers on whether The Living Wage will take THL puhdoossuh dis show vacancy?*

    1. SKA (formerly DA)May 19, 2022 at 6:39 PM

      Gopher had it correct. Cumulus has been trying to cut their losses and by cutting salaries is a quick way to do it. Their Q1 earnings were two weeks ago, and they lost approx. $1M for the quarter. They have been letting go long time hosts on the sports and talk side for the better part of 12 months. Even before the hostile takeover bid a few weeks ago, there was some talk of a second bankruptcy filing.

      And before one tells me, "The Ticket makes Cumulus money...", well so does KNBR as they have both the Giants and 49ers and bills more than The Ticket, but they still let go a 25 year show host in Rod Brooks and a 16+ year host in Larry Krueger this February and replaced them both with a former board op/producer who is the son of a long time Bay Area talker to pair with Tom Tolbert for afternoon drive.

  7. I'm sorry to see Danny go. I haven't spent much time listening to the Hardline since they came back from Christmas Dry Dock.My tolerance for Corbie has just eroded to far to enjoy the show in heavy doses. I'm sure his priorities changed with the arrival of the new kid and money probably matters more to him than it did a year ago. Plus I can understand him feeling underappreciated, Danny isn't just a producer, he's effectively the third host of the Hardline and he should probably have been paid like that rather than a discounted producer rate. He'll be missed.

  8. My bet is on Mino or Monty for the new Hardline producer.

  9. David: I did not get the sense that he was going to abandon his Deep Ellum enterprise. He wasn't explicit about his "business endeavors," but if he doesn't replace his Cumulus income, he's going to be broke very soon. My sense was that his hands were full with "paying for insurance" and "making out schedules," certainly not that he wasn't going to trying to maximize his revenues with some kind of "business enterprise." What did you think he was going to do?

    Heck, it's probably online somewhere and one of you will advise this site.

    I'll see if I can get some info on his plans.

  10. He was probably making around $40,000 from Cumulus. I certainly hope he could find something that would pay him similarly if not much more.

  11. mamapapacomingforyouMay 19, 2022 at 6:20 PM

    If 40k is his salary after all these years, well, that seems (i) low and (ii) kinda nuts he lasted this long. Hell, he can get a Google IT certificate in a few months, get an IT help desk job (probably working from home) with relative ease, and be earning that right off the rip. I guess that Ticket Host carrot/dream is a tough one to let go of. "I jes cain't quit you" or some such.

    Stay hard, Balis. You mattered to the thing and you will be missed.

  12. Plainsman, regarding "but if he doesn't replace his Cumulus income, he's going to be broke very soon," he explicitly addressed that and said it was NOT the case...said that he could live without the money.

    Did we listen to the same segments? Said he was NOT leaving to spend more time with family, said he was NOT leaving to dedicate himself more fully to his business interests--which, he said, don't require that much of his time anyway--and said he just had hit the ceiling and felt undervalued.

  13. Thanks for the additional info, SKA (will not forget the moniker moving forward!). As I said and have been saying, things are about to change and get interesting, but not necessarily in a good way. Actually, not of it will be in a good way: from the on-air tone to fiscal matters and all that they can and will entail. And again, just because something doesn't happen immediately doesn't mean it's not in the works. But when changes like this finally come to fruition they usually occur piecemeal at first, and then bang! the floodgates open. 3-5 years and The Ticket will not be *our* Ticket. In truth 2-4 years is more likely. As regards Danny, I went back and listened to the segments via The Top Ten and stand by my read. That is, he's shed the last vestige of a far too drawn out Peter Pan existence. He all but says is. What's more is that he has been saying it for some time now.

    Anywho. Thanks for chiming in with the goods, SKA. And thanks for being a part of my life all these years, Danny. Sure will miss ya, bud.

    1. Also keep in mind that Cumulus can easily dispose of three of The Ticket's long time management allies too as they are all 30+ year radio veterans: Dan Bennett (claims 40 years in radio on LinkedIn), Bruce Gilbert, and The Catman, Jeff Catlin (he's at 28 years with The Ticket).The first two are senior VPs, as opposed to Catman, but that's still a lot of cash.

  14. David is correct on the “paying for insurance” and “making schedules”. He mentioned his other business takes care of itself and those are the only things he has to do, so the Ticket job is not pulling him away from that business. That doesn’t mean he won’t be spending more time there, just that it has nothing to do with leaving the Ticket.

  15. A useful exercise is to go back 2, 4, 7+ years ago and read the comments section here, with all of the predictions of what was about to happen, only for nothing to happen.

  16. No disrespect to Norman Elizabeth, but if Cumulus wants to save a few duckets I'd support sending Norm out to pasture at the conclusion of his current deal. Bring him in on a contract basis for draft coverage (doesn't come to laugh when he covers the draft, 'cos he's an old-school true pioneer of the craft). That way Norm can ease into retirement "on his own terms".

  17. Sorry, Tangent, but that's not the way it works. Such thinking is akin to (though not apples to apples) "Let's just trade Finney-Smith for Wiggins." Forcing Norm to retire or reworking his contract is nothing to Cumulus. They're thinking in terms of plurality, not a salary and benefits - here a salary and benefits there.

    Not sure why such an exercise would be useful, Surly (?). You've been chiming in pretty much since the site's birth (Shaggy). You know well the engine that drives MTC. If MTC is about anything, it's about speculation (wild, full of shit, measured, plausible, and everything in-between). If it bothers you, then why bother? To throw rotten fruit from the peanut gallery is Sysiphean. It's like watching WWE at a bar and feeling the need to point out it's fake. Uh, no shit, Sherlock. Sometimes clever evinces obverse ends. Just saying.

  18. Forgot to add. So Anonymous, you came through once again. Took a bit of a turn from the Jake stuff we thought to be on tap, but Danny's departure is legit HOYB worthy. As to this warning, I'm holding onto my ever-expanding posterior with a GI Joe kung fu grip. Have a feeling more is coming down. Bigger than Balis's Bye Bye, sooner rather than later.

  19. Mavs shat the bed tonight. Same as game 2 in Phoenix. Let's hope form holds and we win in 7.

    Some solid comments going on here. I tend to side with idea Danny finally and forever said goodbye to his extra extra lengthy adolescence. Didn't know him as a friend or acquintance but I did hang out at his home base drinking establishment for many years. Still do. Had a few brief interactions but nothing deeper than a "hey man" or an "excuse me" whilst passing each other to and from the pisser. But I did watch him and his crew for many years. He and I and a handful of others were the last to leave the bar the night Jenkins officially shut down the city. Was the last time I saw him. Since then he had a kid in his 50s and from what I've heard drinks very little and no longer hits the bars. I do know he hasn't been in the old haunt since that final night. That was 2 1/2 years ago. What I can also say is that he and his crew hit it hard, real hard, and pretty much every night, year after year. I know. I did too. Still do if I'm being honest. So I know it when I see it. My guess is a baby in your back 9 of middle age and a long forced break from the action cleared his mind long enough to see not just the writing on the wall but the reality of where he is in life. If that doesn't have the makings of a major life change I don't know what does. In my opinion he made the right move. I wish him nothing but the best and I hope one day he'll pop in the bar for old time's sake. If he does I won't say a word. Maybe just a nod.

    If there is more big time changes going down my bet's on one of The Musers moving on to other things. Gordon would be my guess. He seems like he's got something else he wants to accomplish and for some reason I get the sense he's gotten restless. I know a lot of people who've been affected by the pandemic in that way. Several friend have done a reboot.

  20. continue your butt hold

  21. Ass is pinched, firmly held into place with one of Rhyner's diapers. By now I'd think a Norm departure is no longer butt holding news. It's expected by everyone. The only thing that would make Norm leaving a big deal would be if Donnie left as well. Unless he's been offered a can't pass up opportunity I don't see Donnie going anywhere. Of course Cumulus could've decided to cut out an entire show. The obvious one would be Norm and D. But I find that unlikely. So I don't think the reason for the butt clench has anything to do with Norm and D. I have to go with either a Muser or Bob moving on. I can't put my finger on it but for the last few weeks the morning show's had a weird almost sad vibe to it. Like they know something's going down or has gone down and is soon to go public. I mention Bob because of his reaction to Danny's leaving. Something seemed a bit off in the way he interacted with the Weds and Fri Danny segments. Is Bob's farewell announcement on deck and was he basically watching his own dress rehearsal? Throw a bone So Anonymous. Am I on to something here? Rhyner's diaper is very itchy and my glutes are strained. I need to relax.

  22. mamapapacomingforyouMay 21, 2022 at 4:39 PM

    Why do so many of you assume someone is leaving because of Cumulus and money? The fact that no host-related scandal has occurred (or at least been made public) in 28 years in this business and within a small cast of characters is damn near miraculous. One might say suspiciously so.

    That is all. Clip and save.

  23. I…guess you haven’t heard of Greggo? Or Mike Bacsik?

  24. Also we assume people are leaving because of Cumulus and money because Julie and Danny left because of Cumulus and money.

    And Bob and Dan and Jake were within a hair of leaving because of Cumulus and money.

  25. My two cents. If Bob has any trepidations about Danny leaving, maybe it's because Danny held the choke collar on Corby. It's unlikely Bob wants to take on the duties of Corby's regulator.

  26. mamapapacomingforyouMay 21, 2022 at 7:10 PM

    You're right to a certain extent about Greggo and Bacsik, Surly. I should've been more specific. I meant something criminal or seedy to the point of scandal. Greggo's addictions and Bacsik's dumb ass, drunken, racist ejaculations, in my opinion, don't count as scandal. Personal failings that affected others, yes. Scandal, no.

    As to Cumulus and money, my point was only to say let's not assume that if another major change is in the offing it necessarily pertains to money. It might be something else.

    BaD and Jake did threaten to leave over pay. True enough. And guess what? All three got what they wanted because they are genuine talent who merit their station and pay within the company. I've no idea about Julie's circumstances. Neither do you. Nor do any of us. She gave several reasons for her "departure." Yes, money and hours were mentioned. But so too was spending more time with her family. A bit contradictory, I'd say. Despite it all, she still gets ample air time. I cannot count how many Julie segments we've been treated to since her "departure." Hell, she was doing Tickers and whatnot all this past week. Danny's adieu in my opinion is a of coming to the hard realization that he's hit the ceiling where both pay and mobility within the company are concerned. Most likely he's known this deep down for years but only recently ready to admit it openly both to himself and others. I've no idea what the going rate for producers of talk radio is, but I bet what Danny earned is smack dab in the median average range. We can talk about him being a 3rd host 'til the cows come home (and I'd say he certainly was), but that's not his job description and, most importantly, being paid for other than the job you were hired to do is not the corporate way (for any corporation). He was getting paid the salary he agreed to and for the work he agreed to do. If Bennet or Caitlin or anyone else at Cumulus truly thought he possessed genuine host talent, it would've been indicated to him by now. Danny had a Saturday show. I loved it. To me and others it was compelling. But it was niche. What's more, he decided to give it up because he had other things he'd rather do. The Orphanage was not nixed for another show. The Orphanage made the decision to end its run. Let's say Danny was being considered for a host spot down the road. Might such a decision work against his favor? Of course. But, again, if management/corporate truly judged his talent to be host-worthy, it would've been conveyed to him and he probably wouldn't have left. He'd been there far too long to walk away from that tantalizing carrot. No. He knew (perhaps was told) there would most likely never be a role for him other than producer and fill-in spots, and as such he'd continue to earn the going-rate/industry-standard producer salary, and that's that. So, if Danny's departure was based chiefly on pay, it was nonsensical. He was a full time employee with benefits earning the salary he agreed to that was (I assert) commensurate with industry standard pay. You want to earn more money and have room for advancement? Great. Move on. Danny has. (Though he also stated he doesn't need the producer salary, that he's fiscally fine without it.) All the best to him. But to say it's about money. Well, maybe. Like Julie, there seems to be some contradictions at play. Regardless, I wish Danny nothing but the best. Seems like a wonderful dude. He's been a part of my life all these years and I hate to see him go. Whatever the reason(s) might be.

  27. Huh. Watching Gordon's Twitchcast with Danny. Danny states explicitly he didn't quit because of money.

  28. Man, I'm telling you right now that this stream with Danny and Gordon is amazing. And I'm also telling you this: Watching Gordon's reaction about Danny's Ticket experiences and his leaving....well, there seems to be more going on here than a conversation between old friends and workmates. I believe the next hold onto your butts is about Gordon. This is Gordon's way of, as Danny discussed, dealing with an upcoming change and/or loss by imagining how it will feel and ways to cope with it.

  29. Anonymous 11:16

    I caught the last 30 minutes of that. Quite interesting.

  30. If you missed it.

  31. @Gopher. That's about the time when things turned towards The Ticket in earnest. Do you agree with me that Gordon's reaction to Danny seemed to point toward more going on than two old pals chatting about one pal's life change? Curious to know if you read it like I did.

  32. Just listened to the Twitch thing from last night. Danny said he expects everyone up there not named Norm to have moved on over the next few years. I also got the sense that while he hates the way Cumulus is run and what it does to stations, Cumulus and money wasn't the reason he left. It was for the reasons others here have stated. Also got the sense that he's got something else lined up. Not in radio but some other vertical career move. Someone with his vast and I'm sure varied connections surely had a plan in place before leaving a job of 23 years. 40k is 40k. To lose that income is a game changer, no matter how his bars might be doing. So I say Danny had something in place well before putting his 2 weeks in. He's just not going to talk about it publicly. I'm really coming around to thinking we might be about to see changes to The Ticket that would stun a mastodon. To quote a great man.

  33. It's hard to read anything Gordon does for me. I would much rather see him in an environment like this than the wild added Gordon who destroys every segment he's in during the Guy's Night out and such.

  34. Not much to it, but here ya go:

  35. Tuned in for WTDS and THL opening to see who got Danny's spot. I hear Corby say that'll be sorted out over the next few weeks. Huh? Excuse me? A daytime host leaves, OK, understood. That takes some time. Hello! Danny was a producer. He gave two weeks notice. You're telling me filling that position could take a month or more in toto? Not buying it. The new producer should've been announced last Wednesday or Friday and at the very least introduced and welcomed today. Something smells off here. You know what would preclude such a basic hire? A major change(s) in the offing that would also entail the reshuffling of schedules, personnel, etc. Which is exactly what happened after Mike left. Remember, it wasn't just a swapping of Bob for Mike / Jake for Bob, there was significant movement in the producer and board-op positions. Beginning to wonder if Danny's exit wasn't also due in part either to changes he knew were coming and didn't want to be a part of or/and added onto Cat and Bennett's workload (implication here being they are making big decisions and working out the logistics, Danny's leaving only adding onto the latter).

    Something's rotten in the Mothership.

  36. Makes one wonder if changes are coming, will they be across the whole cluster? What changes could be coming to WBAP, The Wolf, 93.3, 96.3, and KLIF? Especially at WBAP (Hal Jay has as much time or more than Norm), the Wolf, and KSCS. Are all of these stations in the same building these days? Lot's of interchangeable parts if Danny's replacement isn't already at the Ticket.

  37. Funny or not so funny thing, depending on how you look at it, is that today came and went and it was as if Danny never worked there. Pretty seamless if you ask me. The show was the show, the show went on, and so does The Ticket and its P1s. I mean, if I'm honest, I didn't miss him. It wasn't like, "Oh, this doesn't sound right." Fact is, the only person who's leaving left a mark that really did change the dynamic of the station was Greggo. His personality and style was so unique and singular (yet he reminded you of many native Texans), it deeply colored the station's hue. No one since has come close to replacing him. The Ticket changed the day he was (rightfully) canned. You'd think it'd be Mike's leaving but it wasn't. Mike was checked out for so long, that by the time he made his (and I'm sorry, but it was) silly exit replete with Twitter hints and followed by equally silly countdowns, the tone of the station had long ago shed itself of Mike's one time, pervasisve bunker mentality. What's more, Mike's own suffer no fools-coolest dude you'll ever know approach-persona gave way to using the show/station as a tool for self-promotion (band and other endeavors) and to generally collect a sweet salary and benefits while -let's call it what it was- mailing it in. To be honest, I've come to view the OGW Mike Rhyner, the Rhynes who for so many of us at one time was our leader, to have been a pose. But back to the matter at hand. Kinda makes me sad to type this comment out. Having said that, it's all true. We love Danny but in the end he was a producer. No matter how many of us might think of him as the 3rd host, he wasn't. I guess there's something to be said for his quip that even after all these years he still felt like the new guy and at times an outsider, though knows that's not how the other guys see him. But, we feel what we feel, reality and logic be damned. Perhaps those feelings are tied to him being a Day1 P1, a caller, a fan who wrote songs, and then a fan who got to work with his heroes. It can be difficult to see your heroes as something other than hero, no matter how many years of intimacy pass. Wonder if he listened today? Wonder if he ever will again? Gut tells me he's left it all behind him.

    Stay hard, Danny. Keep jammin'. And we'll see ya.

  38. "after Mike left. Remember, it wasn't just a swapping of Bob for Mike / Jake for Bob, there was significant movement in the producer and board-op positions."

    Say what?

    The only thing that changed when Mike left other than the host swap was Blake for 12-3 producer. Danny remained 3-7 producer and Mino remained 12-7 board op.

  39. Also remember that Cumulus seems to have a corporate policy that states that job openings will be posted for a certain amount of time before being filled.

  40. Eeny meeny miney moe, come on girl let's start the show. Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm gonna rock this world for you.

  41. Hold onto your butts

    “I’m going live VERY BRIEFLY around 7:15pm tonight. To tell you some bad news.“

    -Gordon Keith

  42. Oh shit. Is this from his Twitter account? Surely it's another patented Gordo "From your pastor" message, no????

  43. Well, he also mentioned showing off George's new necklace. So, it's a nuthin' burger.

  44. So the bad news was Gordon that due to illness he wouldn't be attending Dwaine Caraway's Mavs watching party. Eh, you go to Twitch to stream that? Why wouldn't you just Tweet it? Better, make no mention of it and explain it while working remotely in the morning. Methinks something else was on the docket but because of the evil, the tragedy that took place yesterday, he decided to put it off. Not feeling well and missing the party was a handy cover.

    His facial expressions, his intent, and overall body language during the last half hour of his conversation with Danny, I'm telling you, something's up, something's going down. I think The Musers will soon be back to the OG days. That is, a 2 man show.

    Regardless, wishing Gordon a speedy recovery from whatever's ailing him.

  45. How long can a station essentially do the same thing? If the new talent is simply going to imitate what made the station great, then they will need to recapture the bits of old: potentially insulting characters and edgy comments. It won't happen. Jake is the newest full time host. If a Reddit thread on the future of the station is correct, then he is currently 36. He missed the years where hosts hung out with listeners and created the cult following. Not his fault, but his is merely imitation of a thing that he didn't really build. It is often pointed out (again Reddit thread) that Jake is the hardest working member of the station. Maybe that is true, but hard work doesn't equate to creativity like Gordon. It can help avoid poorly aging opinions like Junior's. Mike Rhyner proved something that lots of people are ignoring as they lament his absence: he no longer had anything interesting to tell us. Even if he truly pulled back the curtain and talked about Greggo, the information would stagnate. Water under the bridge. Additionally, the popularity of baseball is on the wane. So if funny albeit insulting bits (a la Carlton Maxwell of old) are gone, aging hosts are stuck in ruts (CLEARLY Junior), and Corby continues his fanboy talk of ALSO aging stars, then it is either time for a massive change and/or retirement. I really believe that if the young talent on the bench went over to another station and followed the early map created by the station hosts, they would quickly steal the listenership away from the Ticket. Thing is, I don't know that anyone can talk like that anymore, on air. Heck, is anyone under the age of 40 listening to radio via streaming or terrestrial in their cars? Podcasts and time have stuck a fork in this station. Rhynes was right...once it's gone, it's never coming back. I think it is gone.

  46. Anonymous So Anonymous said...
    continue your butt hold

    May 21, 2022 at 3:27 PM

    Word is another non-Tier 1 has put in their 2-weeks notice

  47. Whoa, Celery! Long time!

    Betcha it's either Sea Bass or Ty Walker Chicken. I can see either moving on. Like Danny they long ago hit their ceiling, are not getting younger (Ty=50s, SB=mid 40s), are married with children, and well buddy, it's gettin' about that time in life to make a big change if yer ever gonna make one. No matter how cynical they might sound, I have to think Blake and Mino still drool over that f/t host-Jake Dream carrot. Specially Mino.

  48. only 1 person can save the ticket...can't spell the ktck without TC...kTCk

  49. This TC?

  50. Hold on to your buts again. This one is arguably bigger. Someone’s last day is next Friday.

  51. Arguably bigger implies it could be viewed as either lateral or lesser. This indicates it is not Varsity. I'm with 5/25 3:22 and have to think Ty or Sean.

  52. I don't know if Sean or Ty could be considered arguably bigger than Danny tbh (sorry guys)

    Non tier 1 that would be arguably bigger than Danny would be Jer, Mino, or Sirois

  53. Jer, definitely. Sirois, criminally. Mino, questionably. Fernando = mystery guest.

    Honestly though, BSJ would make sense. For me at least, his leaving would be bigger (in every sense) than Danny's. No offense to Danny.

    I think you're right about Ty and Sean, Surly, and it makes me a bit sad. Shouldn't be that way, but it is. Some have "it" and some don't -- no matter how much time and effort they put into something.

    "Sirois, criminally" in that, and let me pre-say no offense to Sirois, he is so freakin' overrated that to put him on a par with Danny, Jer, Ty, or Sean imho is criminal. He parties. He's 46 and he parties a lot. Like a 23 year old at SXSW or ACL or Coachella. That's it. Of late he claims it's a caricature and an act, but it's not. Not in the least. I've said it before, I'll say it again, give him 3 weeks as an everyday host and his arse will be so bared and bloodied it'll look as if he's received 60 lashes from the quartermaster. Cat and Bennett know this. His Twitch career alone solidified his slot.

  54. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ I think you're being hard on Mike. Gagree that he might not make for a full time host on a sports station. That being the instigator, life of the party and one helluva good time doesn't mean your bag is full. But Mike's bag isn't empty either. I think he'd be great on a regular morning show or on a station like the Eagle. Gagree too that his Twitch stuff probably didn't help him. I thought it was hysterical and sometimes even smart. But I can see where decision makers would look at it and not want to put him in a position that could make or lose revenue for the station. Mike's a good good and deserves all the support from P1s that he gets. But he might be a better fit at The Eagle or a station like that as far as full time hosting goes than The Ticket. Still, I think you're being too hard on him. He's a good dude. Not that you said he wasn't. But there's more to him than partying.

  55. Catman of the Americas is saying adios

  56. Not butthold worthy

  57. 1:22 here. You might be right. I wasn't trying to come off as such, but the comment does have that tone to it. My bad. Upon reflection, the comment is more of a reaction to the reddit site than anything. This isn't reddit, so, again, my bad. I do, however, stand by my statement that he would be exposed in a few weeks time if put on the Varsity squad. Your suggestion about The Eagle (or a station like it) makes sense and I agree that Sirois might very well flourish in such a situation. I absolutely can see him thriving in a Russ Martin/Stern type of environment. Heck, he'd be gold, be it main host, co-host, whatever. So, if you read this, Sirois, I'm not agin you and I apologize for saying you're overrated. While I think your current role at The Ticket suits you to a "t," I think you'd have a very difficult time as a full time host on a station that, at the end of the day, is in the business of sports talk. 5:49 is correct in saying you are a "good good." You are.

  58. mamapapacomingforyouMay 26, 2022 at 7:43 PM

    It'll be the second time Cat's left. Wonder if Cumulus is relocating him elsewhere in order to 'save' a station with that 'Ticket Magic'? Or is he being let go? If let go, that would be on a par with what Cumulus is doing across the board. It also might say either 1. The Ticket is so solid they think a donkey could run it so they're going to save money at that position or 2. it's the first step in the eventual dismantling of The Ticket. Whatever the case, and if true, prima facie it rates as a slight clench designed to lessen the sound of a fart. Full on 'I'm about to crap myself' clench? Naw. Now if it's the first domino, then we might look back on it differently.

  59. Maybe he's leaving because of the orders from on high to switch to a caller-driven format and he refused to be a part of it

  60. Dan Bennett's position wouldn't be in jeopardy, would it? While KTCT, The Wolf, and WBAP bill well are they offsetting 93.3 and KLIF?

  61. Nice try, Shaggurly. Give it 'til August. By then it'll be undeniable. Indeed, ya might even hear a Conrad promo along the lines of "We wanna know what YOU think, P1s. Let us hear from yaaaaa!" (in a call back to The Halcyon Days). As a matter of fact, it's already happening. Anyone notice a few caller-driven seggos crop up over the past 2 weeks? Yup. Frog in a pot. I just wish Slurry would show even a soupcon of the patience he allows for his ever-rebuilding Horns.

    1. Definitely noticing more call throughout the week

  62. I was actually serious this time. It is interesting that he is choosing(?) to leave now.

  63. Well, Shaggurly, I'll take you at your word and apologize for the surly (well, OK, sarcastic) tone of my comment. Full disclosure, while not an alum, I have a soft spot for Bevo, Inc. Being a native Texan and all, that is. And if you're pulling the proverbial chain, oh well, how boring. You're better than that.

  64. Hello

    1. Do we actually know Cat is leaving? If yes, why? He's 53-ish. Save for a no brainer opportunity on offer, very few in his position and stage in life make such a change. That is, unless you've either been let go, relocated by your employer or it’s health-related. If it's a personal decision, then perhaps all's not well at The Ticket. This could mean a change in style, direction, structure. But it doesn't necessarily indicate lineup changes. Still, it might mean that changes taking place could, eventually, lead to such a transformation. Be that it is may I don't think Cat's exit (if true) signals the breaking of the band. Now it could suggest the label is telling the band in order to remain on the label it must write a ballad. Often in these situations labels will bring in an outside songwriter. Even if the band is successful. The label thinks times are changing and you need to change with them. You get the gist.

    2. A previous commenter nailed it regarding Dingu. One week in the books and it's as if he never was. Bums me out a bit to be honest. The beat goes on, as they say. Nevertheless, he'll always have a place in my Ticket heart. I also agree with the notion Danny's pandemic/baby induced major lifestyle change forced him to reconsider his position and its trajectory, which in turn lead to his exit. Selfishly I wish he didn't; honestly he made the right move.

    3. TC, Sirois, Julie, Monty and Mino: there seems to be a constant gnashing of teeth about their status. Though her request for more money and hours was rejected, I believe if anyone is breaking into tier one, it's Julie. The station has a DEI problem. That’s a big problem. They need a Julie. I believe Julie knows this; it's why she didn't go off into that good night, and why there have been more Julie segments than I can remember since her leaving middays. As to the rest, it's not in the cards. This includes Sirois. These guys are no different from Mike Marshall or any other talent who's worked there. Like Marshall, they too eventually will move on or be moved. There are too many reasons to enumerate. Whenever the time comes, rest assured an outsider will fill the gap. Jake was a black swan. If Julie is given the nod, it'll will be due equally to her talent and to DEI (and if not Julie, another female will/must be brought in to play a role other than traffic and tickers sooner rather than later).

    4. As to all real and rumored exits: like broadcast booth and head coaching positions, there are only X number of them, and that number is small. They are highly coveted, almost impossible to get, and once gotten held onto at any cost. This doesn't apply so much to the Danny's of the world. Even Cat's exit, as potentially impactful as it might be, isn't on a par. Point here being the day a host says “adios,” barring health or misconduct issues, is the day we'll know *our* Ticket is imploding. Until then, everything else is merely the normal ebbs and flows of a business. Those who move on might give nod to changes bubbling. But that’s mere opinion, and regardless of verity, that ex’s thoughts should not be taken to indicate general turmoil. This obviously applies to The Ticket. To reiterate, when/if a host leaves, then it's time to pay attention.

    So while the air smells foul, we should take a measured view and realize that change is inevitable and it doesn't always necessitate a poor outcome. The Ticket's success, in no small part, has been due to its stability in message and mien. The show that put them on the map, The Hardline, has no original members. Yet in general, the show garners the same audience and numbers as it did back in its heyday. Major changes that could've sent things into the ditch, didn't. They didn't because the overall spirit of the station remains steadfast. Is it as edgy as it once was? Not in the same way, but in general, yes. That's the key to its success.

  65. Scattershooting while wondering whatever happened to JJT's latest stint with The Ticket and why we're still hearing him screech "SEXY!"?

    Here's to hoping Matt McClearin is killing it in 'Bama. Curious as to why Cumulus doesn't move more Ticket talent to its other stations like they did with Matt, instead of allowing it to languish here in limbo.

    Greggo had a heart attack and no one mentioned it on-air. Neither did The Plainsman. My have times changed and moved on.

    This just in: Norm's not going anywhere and that's alright by me. Happy to hear he's on the mend from his hip surgery.

    Lot's of handwringing and rumor mongering and outright storytelling going on these days about the future of The Ticket. All things change. All things pass. So too with The Ticket. Why hasten its demise? Relax, enjoy the ride, see where it takes you. Fondly remember the days of yore but don't get too attached else you forget to live in the present and wreck the future.

    I think I'll miss Danny more than Mike. But I'll always and forever miss Rhyner more than anyone.

    MTC ain't what she used to be, but neither am I and evidently nor is Plainsman. That's OK. At least we're still here at it after all these years. There's good innings left in us yet.

  66. Well, heck.

    Blogger continues to deteriorate. I used to get mail notifications whenever anyone left a comment, but that stopped without notice. The result being that I thought no one was leaving comments, so stuff stacked up here without review. Pleased to see things have no deteriorated into a vat of flame.

    Giving some thought to the state of The Ticket, and hope to have something up before the turn of the century.

  67. Greg seems to be on the mend. He is a volume shooter on Twitter.

  68. I think one reason Hammer's medical situation was not mentioned on air is because nobody can be sure why he was in the hospital. His saying it was a heart attack doesn't make it so. Gordon and Davey mentioned this on Gordon's Saturday night Twitchy-cast, which was a technical train wreck, in other words it was glorious.

  69. Station announcement 10:15 am Thursday as per Ticket Twitter

  70. Summer Bash, no doubt.

  71. Summer Bash has already been announced with promos running

  72. Ditto, Surly. Can it actually be a Norm/mid-morning announcement? Fight Night?

  73. Squeeze hard, gents. Gonna be a shocker in a few hours. One name never gets mentioned. And go figure. We!!, figure.

  74. Will the Well Deliver?

  75. Only names I can think of that never get mentioned are Corbles and Donnie

  76. I bet the well has run dry.

  77. Reddit is triggered. Oh so triggered. Poor babies.

  78. Very clear reasoning by Sirois as to why he's leaving.

    1. You're right, Plainsman. Blogger sucks. No longer recognizes me. I'm officially Anonymous

  79. 10:22, was there an announcement on Cat? I did not here one

  80. No. Someone claimed with certitude Cat was leaving Friday. Hell, maybe he is too.

  81. Told ya. Well. As in The Creative Well. Well, Surly, the Well delivered.

  82. I'm going to miss Mike. He made 10-12 much more listenable as Norm has declined. Maybe he couldn't have been a full time host, maybe he could have but he still contributed to the station. While I know Mike did not contribute to the station over all as much as Danny did, I will miss him more.

  83. Losing Chael is a way way WAY bigger deal than losing Danny.

  84. OK. Another one bites the dust. I wonder if that's the last we'll ever hear from the real So Anonymous? I've always suspected SA might be Sirois. Then again, if SA is Sirois, he'll still have enough inside intel to pop on Jer every now and again. The name, So Anonymous, just has that Sirois Industries type of sense of humor ring to it. Hence my suspicion.

    You're correct, 1032, reddit is apoplectic. I swear for such a smartest guy in the room echo chamber, you'd think they'd have some understanding of how the world works. There's a genuine general consensus that this is due to Norm's selfishness. If Norm would only quit or die, Middle-Aged Party Man could party on Wayne-party on Garth forever. Risible, nutty shit, for sure.

    So let's get to it: I think, like Danny all but admitted, Sirois too was told he will not be made a host ANYTIME in the near or mid future. Mike said he was betting on himself. Mike's a gambler and he does nothing but bet on himself. I guarantee he had a discussion with Cat and/or Bennett (gambling) and was told the above. If a host leaves or dies tomorrow, Mike (nor Danny) will get the job. I think this hard reality preciptated his decision. Notwithstanding, I also believe he'd been pondering alternative scenarios for some time.

    Mike said he thought he was brave, and again, betting on himself. Going to work full time for your brother -- your brother's company built from the sweat off his back-- is neither brave nor betting on yourself. That's called more of the same (and Mike said this referring to his current position) path of least resistance/easy street life he claims he wants to eschew. Now what WOULD make for a true betting on oneself, a bold and even brave move? I'll tell you. It's the same thing any careful observer of Gordon's doings lately has noticed: Twitch and its revenue generating possibilities. But to do it, you have to make it a full time job. Obviously Gordon's not there yet nor will be for some time (notice I say "some," not "long"). THAT is betting on yourself. I don't doubt for one second he's not going to work for Cash. I mean, you need, ahem, cash to pay the bills. But I think what he's really referring to, which of course he couldn't state on air, is his Twitch channel. Sirois wants to be famous, it's manifestly obvious. Has been from day one. It seems to run in the family (hello, Vida). He's not going cold turkey on that. But. He also understands he's hit the ceiling at The Ticket, wants to go higher, and believes in himself enough to take a chance. Content creation is the new rock band. If you have kids (I do), you know this. They don't give a rat's ass about music anymore. They want to be content creators, YouTube and Twitch and TikTok stars.

    I know this probably sounds like lunacy, but let's see. I think I know my Sirois. He might be Middle-Aged Party Man, but then so am I every now and again. Sirois is one of my leaders and I'm going to miss his daily dose of shenanigans, hijinx, and goodtimes. Here's to you, Mike. Hope I'm right about Twitch.

  85. Also, to buttress my theory, remember that Mike has always been an eager early adopter of the new fangled (though Twitch as a healthy source of income isn't TOO new fangled). From bitcoin to virtual sports collectibles to Twitch/streaming.

  86. Think you're way way WAY overestimating Chael's (self-given nickname = poor form) importance. I'll give you this though, it'll take 2-3 weeks before it was like he never existed; whereas for Danny it was 1. I don't say this to be mean or to demean. As Dan likes to remind us, "It's just the way it is."

  87. both Mike and Danny contributed WAY more than what is asked for a 'usual' producer to do....that's kinda what makes the Ticket what it is/was. Danny should have been Leveled Up years ago, essentially when Mike left at the very least. With Sirois though....this feels like it was made very clear to him that Norm ain't walking away anytime soon. Bad Decision, Mgmt.

    Norm - - you can still have the Draft. you can have a weekly segment. & that would give you so much more free time for you and MareBear to travel and gather more experiences....but Nope. your reluctance to finally call it a career caused a very talented/funny/refreshing voice on the station to walk.....Thanks, Pal. will be turning that dial from 10-12 from now on.

  88. Nonesense, 101. Utter nonsense. If Cumulus wanted Mike to be a host, it would've happened. If Cat and Dan thought he needed to be a host, they would've sold it to Cumulus and it would've happened. Please recall BaD became "BaD with Double D's" as Conrad told us over and over for years because Cat/Dan or Cumulus thought he and the show needed to go that direction. This could've been done seamlessly with Mike on either NaD or THZ. It wasn't. It never was going to happen. He's a great time and seems to be a great dude. That doesn't make for a 5 days a week, 4 weeks per month, 12 monts per year, 10 years per decade kind of talent. Not for a sports station at any rate. For The Ben and Skin Show or whatever RMS is now on The Eagle, perhaps. I'd say probably so. But not The Ticket. Gordo is singular. Mike is not another Gordo. Therefore Mike has to bring more than "up for anything" to the proverbial table.

    Norm is not the issue. Period. Full stop. Putting other commenters' attempts at barstool psychology aside, and regardless of their merit or lack thereof, has it occurred to anyone that maybe Mike just wants to move on? To take him at his word? God forbid! That wouldn't be any fun now would it? No. Instead let's just blame it all on Norm.

    Just to make sure we understand you. "I love The Ticket. I love Mike Sirois. Mike Sirois decided to move on. I don't take Mike Sirois at his word, that's how much I think of him, but since he's moving on, I will punish his friend Donnie by no longer listening to his former show that he voluntarily left." This.

  89. Sadly Hello World is right. I've come to think the only seismic event that might be catastrophic is one or more Muser leaving. Anyone else and things will keep rolling along. Bob leaving would also register. But I'm not sure how much and for how long. I think 95% of listeners have no idea about MTC or reddit. They just turn it on and it's a part of their daily routine and lives. They don't think about the station in the same way we do. If Mike Rhyner's retirment didn't register even a minor ding in the brand, then I doubt much anything will other than another original host leaving. Sirois was beloved, but he'll be replaced by someone else who'll soon become beloved too.

  90. Don't be surprised if Mike, Cash and-or even Julie and-or even GenXDavy turn up at The Eagle. The remnant of RMS is waiting to be put out of its misery, and The Eagle seems bent on becoming what 105.3 was just prior to and in the very beginning of The FAN. That is, The Talk That Rocks. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for a return of Cirque. They are good pals with B&S, and such a move would be exactly what B&S did. For those who weren't around or don't remember, B&S were a Saturday Ticket show. Like CdS they filled in during drydock or any other absence, their talent was evident and excessive, and they were also told their was no room at the inn for the foreseeable future and that if they had an opportunity, take it. They did just that. First at The FAN, now at The Eagle. If not The Eagle, I can see the aforementioned cast of characters showing up together as CdS on Twitch. Maybe a once or twice per week endeavor at first, building it up and ironing out the kinks, then full time when it makes sense. Either scenario makes his exit more sensible. Other than Mike having some sort of epiphany that impelled a major life change, his departure doesn't make much sense.

  91. Continentally SpeakingJune 2, 2022 at 4:45 PM

    Dear reddit page patrons,

    As impossible as it might seem to you today, you too will age. That means you will, gasp, get OLD! Jeepers creepers, Mr. Armstrong! You guys do know Mike is 46? He's not young, as Corby likes to say, "like you." Your days as Skateboard Man are numbered. I too was once Skateboard Man. Now I'm 40, I'm a man. Ageism is real, yo.

    Being and Time

  92. Get the feeling something could be brewing with Rhynes? I could see him going up against his own creation. Bunker Mentality Redux. Rhynes, Danny, Julie, Chael, Gen X Davey, who knows maybe Emily Jones or even Greggo. That's just for starters. Rhynes knows everyone important in the music and radio business around here. It could really be something. This time around like last it'll be about what's on Mike's mind. Sports will play a part but it'll be more about music, pop culture, local politics, and some such. Maybe on Youtube or Twitch or Vokal? Make a lineup of must hear live streams that could have video too. Man that might be something. I can totally see Rhyner doing it and those guys and gals jumping at the chance.

  93. Anonymous 5:05

    Speaking of Mike and Vokal, here is the link to this week's show with Danny Bailis.

  94. Thanks, Gopher. Interesting show.

  95. Just caught the Top Ten segment with Corby and Davy. I suggest you listen to it. Corby is wont to say a bit too much sometimes. He'll often open the jar up just enough for the beans to poke out but not spill. In other words, he makes it none too difficult to read between the lines. To paraphrase: "People leaving and big changes like this are part of it. It's something we all have to deal with and will continue to deal with moving forward." You get the sense the Danny and Mike's exits are either the tip of the iceberg and more are on the way or there's an imminent departure that will make these seem of little to no consequence. I can think only of one name that would fill such a bill.

    Innarestin' times.

  96. That would require Mike R actually giving effort. And thus, has no chance of happening.

  97. True dat, Shurly.

  98. Also I believe M. Sirois is still dating Krystina Ray. And she is part of the 97.1 crowd if I am not mistaken. So my theory is a) get a better job to keep the hot, young chick, or b) follow my girl over to her gig.


    PS: I had several discussions with Krystina Ray several years ago and think she is smoking hot. I complimented her on shredding the guitar onstage with Corby at Summer Bash at Little Elm Park several years ago and our conversation went from there.

  99. The Rhyner-Danny Vokal pod is pretty damn solid. Lots of good insight and innuendos.

  100. Meanwhile, where in the world is Rick Arnett?

  101. I find it interesting that I've been around MTC (Mostly silent) long enough to see that everything that is being said about Mike S's potential short comings as a full host are the same things that were said about Corby as a full time host back in the earliest days of MTC. Many still consider those points to be true even with the length of Corby's run. Personally I'd much rather listen to Mike than Corby, but that's just my preference.

    I don't think Norm is to blame. I doubt many of us would step aside from our chosen career to give someone else, even a friend, their shot at our job. I was of the opinion that Norm's health issues would take the decision out of his hands but that doesn't appear to be the case, at least in the near future.

  102. The assumption here, KDF, is that if Norm or any host for that matter, leaves, someone in-house will take over that slot or there will be a reshuffling like there was when Mike R left -- with in-house talent filling the vacancy. Yes it happened with Jake, and before him, Corby (Greggo's firing), but it doesn't necessarily mean it will happen again. Times have changed and so too is the landscape of sports/guy talk. Emphasis on the sports side of things is now in ascendancy, whereas when Greggo left The Ticket model reigned supreme. Even so, blowhard or not, Corby does have a broad base of sports knowledge. Mike does not. That will not wear well over the mid haul, much less the long. Not as a daily host, at least. Also, in case you haven't noticed, Cumulus is using a heavier, more corporate headquarters hand and n The Ticket's affairs. It's not nearly as insulated as it once was from consultant/corporate meddling.This is readily reflected in Danny's departure, fairly obvious in Mike R's, and when everything is said and done, I'll wager Sirois's too.

    Bottom line is many of you think that somehow The Ticket and its hosts are akin to the NBA and its superstars running the show. It's decidedly not. Not in the slightest.

  103. The Julie simps never fail to amaze. Suggesting she is in the same ballpark as Danny or Mike is not based in reality. I've even seen people on Reddit suggest she should be a host of a weekday show.

  104. Reddit: Where progressive tools and far-right fools join hands en masse for stupidity's sake.

  105. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  106. Just Your Average P1June 3, 2022 at 10:49 PM

    Definitely think Sirois is not done with radio or something that would require him to leave the Ticket completely/non-compete clause. If he wanted to work full-time with Cash then he could still have worked M-F and done the weekend show + dry dock fill-in like some of the other part-timers on the station who have a regular job.

    The station needs to do something to change things up morale and probably even employee morale there must be pretty low right now. I normally don't care for all the Fantasy Program Director stuff that P1s come up with since most lineup changes are unrealistic given the station/Cumulus resources. But knowing there is a 9 host/Tier 1 cap, they might as well move Donovan to The Hardline as the 3rd host and let Norm go solo again. Norm can't carry a show alone anymore but oh's only 2 hours. Give him one of the lower tier guys to be his producer and they can be all sports talk from 10-12.

  107. Why does the station need to change things up? I don't follow. Across the board, their ratings are as good if not better than ever. As well, there is no nine host-tier one cap. Cumulus can do whatever it wants. Right now Cumulus along with most media corporations--and institutes of higher education--are looking to cut costs as much as possible. That's what they want. This includes but is not limited to salary cuts, implementing salary and benefit caps, and shedding production and on-air talent. If anyone happened to catch the end of Diamond Talk last night, you would've been treated to some rather candid Cumulus/state of The Ticket talk by Sean and Ty. In sum they not so subtly indicated Mike and Danny's exits were due in great part to budget caps and possibly even impending salary cuts. It was also said that despite this, the show will go on and The Ticket will be The Ticket, there's a lot of good talent in the pipeline, but that yes this sucks. Pure speculation on my part here, but I do get the sense that more talent will leave--perhaps even a host. Sometimes major decisions are in a way contagious. You might call it an effect of The Butterfly Effect.

  108. Sirois v. Keith has been amazing. Multiple knockout victories for Chael

  109. What are you referring to, Surly?

  110. after watching the Gordon and Mike twitch, super impressed with some previous ppl's hso's on here - that Sirois leaving had nothing to do with pay scale/feeling under-valued. "He Just Decided to Move On!!" Nailed it - mind if i get your Locks for the Belmont next Sat ???

  111. ^^^^^^^^ This isn't reddit. Are you aware? Mike was manifestly buzzed and said a lot last night. He contradicted himself at times. One contradiction was that his reasons for leaving were not due to money and/or recognition, only later, as the discussion went in and he became visibly intoxicated, he then began to claim otherwise. Most of his ire regarding recognition was aimed at the hosts for not going to bat (metal?) for their support staff. He really went at Junior's tier system. Perhaps you ought to get your S straight prior to popping off.

  112. Watch and decide for yourself:

    I don't know why Gordon's "Just Chatting" sessions are only live on Twitch, but someone (The Great Chala) records them on his tablet and posts them on YouTube.

    Stop obsessing over typewriters and such and get with the program Gordo!

  113. No idea what Surly is talking about

  114. Thanks for posting the link, 1023. There are more links on the reddit page. The entire interview lasted much longer than the 20 something minutes of the link you kindly provided. You get the full intervieew and full picture watching all 3 parts of the interview.

  115. Just Your Average P1June 5, 2022 at 3:22 PM

    @5:37 - if there isn't a 9 host cap then why hasn't someone like Sirois been promoted to a full-time host or it took Rhynes leaving to finally open up a spot for Jake? For years they've been limited to 9 spots and others leave because they know it's not changing since no T1 is going anywhere. If more staff leave in the future, it's definitely going to affect the station and morale, just like any workplace where you see high turnover rates. The station hasn't been affected by big changes like this before and we will see how it impacts their product. Replacing Danny/Sirois with any young producer is not a layup...we're talking about guys who have been unofficial host/T1 and had chemistry with the others. They had their own segments and did spots.

    I don't blame Cat or anyone local, it is what it is. Cumulus doesn't want to open up the checkbook so like a coach/GM of a team with ownership that doesn't want to spend, Cat just has to try to make the best of the situation.

  116. That's some odd logic there, 3:22. Where are you getting this "9 host cap" idea? There's no "cap." Please be more specific. Saying there's never been more than 9 hosts employed at one time doesn't suffice. If you watch the Sirois-Gordon Twitch stream, I think it's rather evident why he wasn't offered a position. At least it might be a good reason why. Besides, who's to say if he didn't stick around he eventually wouldn't? Mike ultimately left for a very specific reason: debt. Debt that needs to be cleared away ASAP. He gives other, tangential reasons; but at heart it was all about debt. To your comment specifically, why does Cumulus need more hosts? The shows are killing it in the ratings. All of the shows are. If you honestly think Sirois and Danny leaving are going to make a dent, I don't know what to say other than have at it, man. Greggo, fired = ratings still killed; Rhyner, retired = ratings still killed; BaD split up, THL 3.0 = ratings killed.

  117. A bit of a summary for those who didn't watch or couldn't watch the stream in full:

    1. Norm did not play a major role in Mike's exit. But theoretically it didn't not not play a role. Confusing, yes, but this is how he put it. Things get more confusing/contradictory as it goes on. Good evening, Mr. Alcohol.
    2. Mike got drunker as the interview rolled on.
    3. Tried to be diplomatic, especially at first. As it went on, that guard slipped a bit.
    4. Money is the deciding factor here. Evidently he's in financial hot water. His salary at The Ticket was less than 46k, is in debt because of his divorce, his house, credit cards.
    5. There's also a recognition of time served and not being paid commensurately issue, a la Danny. Then said it wasn't about recognition of talent. Later he states in detail how he was integral, had more ad-spots than any non host in the history of the station, and this should've been recognized. Confusing. Was offered Danny's job but turned it down because he wouldn't be able to work for Cash, which =s much more cash in his bank account.
    5. Does seem like another radio or stream show with Cash and others could be in the offing. No specifics given.
    6. Gordon (surprise) begins to push him on issues. That is, to take another road other than the high one.
    7. Commenters here who stated the reality of the radio business, producer roles, pay, etc., are pretty much dead on.
    8. No issues with Tier 1, but went on to say (a la Danny) how that system is unfair ("this tier system can go fuck itself"). He says he loves Jr yet this was directly aimed at Jr. More contradictions. Mike keeps becoming more inebriated.
    9. Mike's favorite person, period, is Jer. Begins to discuss others' salary numbers. Here's where my jaw slackened a bit. Specially because Gordo participated. Talking about another's salary in abstentia is sorta taboo. Later Mike names Jer's figure. Less than Danny's. He rseturn to money later, but drunker and more aggressive.
    10. Mike likes everyone at The Ticket. But, a la Danny, has contempt for Cumulus.
    11. Gordon says he'll be at The Ticket as long as they'll have him. However, was careful in wording it. No "I'll never leave" statement. Denied Twitch is an escape plan.
    12. Mike on the future of The Ticket: "As soon as The Musers go, it's over." A clue to what he thinks of the in-house talent in the pipeline?
    13. Back to money/recognition. Aggressively. Gordon pushes back: you're paid for your job description and why is it my (G's) business or issue? Mike flatters in order to deflect. Seems like Mike is in deep financially, laying blame on Cumulus for not giving him a living wage. Understand that Mike had been working this job for the industry rate for 15 years, is now in financial straits, and has made a move partly to help his brother and partly (mainly it seems) to get out from under heavy debt. Mike's oscillating narrative appears informed by his debt and his anger over it.
    13. Gordon admits everyone (hosts too) took paycuts due to Covid and gave their own money to help the JV.
    14. Sirois now flat out wasted and all over the place. Sounds like he's been reading a lot of soc. media chatter and agrees with it. Contradictions now abound. Gordon is making far too much sense, which *shockingly* frustrates Mike.
    15. Mike is using Jer as a proxy-projection for his own situation and appears to have a fundamental misunderstanding of how corporations work.
    16. At the end, he becomes uncomfortable with what he said and tries to walk it back with how lucky he's been to have worked their, how much he loves everyone, and all that. Just all over the road, as being drunk will make you do. On the whole an at times confusing, often contradictory exchange. Seems as if Gordon doesn't really care for or respect Mike too much. Always a bad sign when one party says "I love you" and the other, clearly hearing it, moves along, glaringly not returning the sentiment.
    There ya go.

  118. Sorry for all the typos, syntax-grammar errors. Did it with my sausage fingers on my phone.

  119. To be clear, I say "seems" as if Gordo doesn't care for or respect Mike too much. Obviously that's what I took from the stream. Streams are interesting because you can see body language and how each side is reacting as the other speaks. Even though that's how things appeared to me, it in no way makes it the way it is. Gordo might highly esteem Mike for all I know. Subjectivity is funny that way.

  120. The main point of this is - This Sucks. We're all fans of this amazing radio station, and some very talented people had previously left ( Grubes, Machine, Gribble, Davey, Julie & yea..TC. How 'bout Trey, too.) you can say they're the 'Minor League' and we still are lucky to occasionally hear from some. But in 2+ years, a 6a-7p major market has lost some Legends to walking on (but do any one of them "feel" like they're done in the medium?!) Rhynes - Dingu - Mikey. a station that had prided itself in keeping a core dynamic lost its Godfather...and 2 producers that provided so much more than booking/hitting breaks etc that they had multiple weekly segments. 1 was in afternoon drive time big money segments - - the other being the 'go-to' fill in due to his popularity (prev - see Jake). Change sucks. I feel with Rhynes he knew his departure would mean someone could move up - and he'd still be able to do what he wants on his terms. With these recent ones though....i dunno man, just appears from a a fan that their work load increased, but that pay scale on the other side didnt match up accordingly. "You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone".

  121. Isn't that pretty much the case with us all? More work, more hours, same or less pay? Dan McDowell: "It's just the way it is." I agree that it sucks but what are you going to do? Switch to The FAN? Anyone who says they're now done and will listen to satellite or pods from now on never really got The Ticket to begin with and were going to bail sooner or later anyhow. It's a sports station. That component is a big one. It's the jump off and return points for everything that transpires. Bringing it back to sports and all. If all your there is for bits and Crow Lines and some such, then yes losing Mike might be and ender. Most aren't. Most are there for the whole shebang. So while it blows that Danny and Mike are gone, it's the nature of the business. We're so spoiled. Anyone who's ever lived in another market and identified with a station knows this. The only constant, stable thing is change. This is no more true than of the support staff. Don't kid yourself that other stations's producers and support staff don't contribute on air too. They do. What do you think the whole Ba Ba Booey phenomenon is? Like Dan says, "It's just the way it is."

  122. Douglass in RowlettJune 5, 2022 at 9:57 PM

    I do scratch my head about the bitching over Mike's salary. Even if he comes in two hours prior and stays two hours later (doing what, who knows) that still leaves a whopping 6 hour work day and a soul crushing 30 hour work week. That's assuming the arrives and leaves two extra hours on both sides. I kinda doubt he's there for those four other hours. At least not on the regular. Putting aside all the perks, the insurance, the hot young thang GF that he'd never would've met or had a shot at, the local celeb status, anyone actually watching his Twitch and being able to monetize it, the awesome Superbowl, draft, and other events paid for by the station while getting paid to party trips, and everything else including all sorts of awesome concert trips, vacations, world travel, and bucket list stuff. I mean, sheeeesh. Give me 43k per year to work at most 30 hours per week and to have all that stuff and I'll take it then supplement the rest with another full time job and benefits with part timer hours! I'll miss Mikey for sure. He made my listening experience far far far better. But can we keep the reality of it all in perspective? Sail on brother Mikey I wish you godspeed and may you continue to kick ass.

  123. @957 Chael said last night he worked 20-25 hrs a week. At 46k and I'm assuming health insurance that's pretty damn good and you're right that it puts things a bit more into perspective.

  124. From the sound of that twitch stream, Mike did sound like he might be going through a rough financial patch that might have been what was driving the narrative over pay and causing him to jump offsides. We've all been there - it can take you to a bad mental place.

    It just kind of sucks because he really did seem like he was well positioned to take over for Norm and it would have been a P1-led coronation of the highest order. He's the horse I think anyone would have bet on last week. If I had been Mike and not stacked up with debt, $46K is totally livable (esp with the option to side hustle) if I knew I might be in the host pay scale within 3-4 years. That's like a 10X return on a three year investment.

  125. Let me pre-say a disclaimer: Nothing below justifies the compensation that Mikey was receiving at the Ticket. Should have been more. That being said...

    I watched the last half plus of the Twitch stream live, and rewatched it all yesterday via some other generous P1 that had recorded it and put it up on YouTube.

    Mikey stated 2 things:
    1) His BASE salary was less than his age and that he just turned 46 (the number we've all been kicking around)
    2) Besides using the word BASE in his statement in #1 he also talked about appearance fees and commercials/testimonials he did. All that is extra $$.

    So we still don't know (nor should we) what his total annual compensation from the Ticket was.

  126. Why should it have been more? He admitted to working 20-25 hours per week and being compensated for spots, appearances, as well as his (again, admitted and surprising) profitable Twitch stream. And to reiterate 937's comment, don't forget all the paid for/getting paid to party Ticket road trips. You realize 20-25 hours per week is a p/t job, yes? To earn 40-45k plus insurance and everything else mentioned is rather amazing. Not to mention all the on-air time which can also be seen as one long play audition tape. All this living wage crap is just that, crap. The idea of a living wage is important has is a serious issue. There are far too many humans (more so than not) who do not earn a living wage. This sort of inequity needs, nay, must be addressed. Sorry, Sirois earns far more than a living wage. This is even more outrageous when you factor in he works part time hours and all the above perks and additional sources of revenue. I wonder if many of you understand what a living wage entails? People posting selfies on a ski lift with their lady friend are in no need of a living wage. People partying in their 40s partying their asses off in Coachella or name your musicfest are in no need of a living wage. Sadly, Sirois, like many of us, outspent his coverage for far too long and it came back to bite. It's what happens. Trust me, I know from personal experience. He used to say on CdS how folks should just say fuck it and get on a plane and travel to exotic locales (like he would) and experience life in the moment, damn the future and who cares who pays as long as the good time is had. Cool 'tude in a kick ass endless summer/endless adolescence film. Problem is, the bartender eventually, always, at some point turns the lights on and the tab's gotta be paid. Sirois is a fun dude and has a lot of charisma and even a healthy dose of talent. I wish him nothing but the best of success and truly hope he sorts everything out. But he's scapegoating and deflecting blame for his own actions here. And being enabled by the emotionally stunted all along the way.

  127. Gordon has asked that the replays of the conversation be taken down.
    View that as you may.

  128. My guess he's done so because of Mike's turning his own issues into Jer's. Basically using Jer as a force field and a main premise for his argument. Though I'd also lay good money on the real reason is that Mike spitted out a very specific and very high number for Gordo's salary. Gordon immmediately retorted that was a made up number and that now everyone will think it's factual. He exhibited extremely uncomfortable body language for the next 15 minutes. That is, while chat went nuts over it. Is it Gordon's actual salary? Dunno but it was very specific and Mike was hammered, burning bridges, and dousing gas on everything. I wasn't able to listen today. Was his named mentioned on any show, much less The Musers or The Invasion?

  129. It was clearly a joke ($875,000)

    Dan said at the end of their opening segment:

    “Well I guess we don’t have time to break down audio of Sirois on Gordon’s Twitch stream…”

  130. I think the Plainsman was spot on a few months back when he said that Sirois would never get a host spot at The Ticket.

  131. It was clearly a joke, gagreeed, per examper. Gordo did get super uncomfortable over it and his chat wents nuts.

  132. When In Rome (The Promise)June 6, 2022 at 9:43 PM

    Where the hell is Pman? About time you chime in. Let's hear from ya. New article. Something. Anything. We finally have big doin's and you go AWOL. Shit, man.

  133. Watched the video. Gordon should have closed that stuff down, just to protect Mike's hammered opinions.

    As for salary, I remember the RW article with Greggo, and $500k/yr was mentioned. Not sure if that is base or appearances also. Regardless, I am sure the Muser's are doing well, though I doubt $875k is accurate.

    I do wonder this, for you more savvy radio types. Would there be an incentive in the Muser's contracts for winning the Marconi? And how might bonuses work with a station Marconi?

  134. Poor Plainsman insn't getting email notifications that there are 100 responses here.

    Meanwhile here I am just visiting the site every few hours every day for the last 10 years

  135. June 6, 2022 at 5:26 PM said:
    "Why should it have been more? He admitted to working 20-25 hours per week and being compensated for spots, appearances, as well as his (again, admitted and surprising) profitable Twitch stream...." and following.

    Why should it be more? To regurgitate what others here have said already, it should be more due to his on-air contributions. If he was the mouth-shut producer guy that booked guests and watched the clock (think Roz in the sitcom Fraiser) then sure, he's probably appropriately compensated. He is a station personality, though not at the level of a ful time host. He is a reason people listen. He is talent for the station, like it or not. He should be compensated more. Cumulus can't, and shouldn't, consider any income he gets from other sources (Twitch, working part time for his brother, etc.) as part of his income when they decide what to pay him. Should they consider appearance fees and income from spots? Probably, at a discount. Saying they should include his outside money is like saying Jerry Jones should pay Dak less because he gets endorsement money from that mattress company. Negative.

    As far as his lifestyle stuff - just because he is posting those pictures of his vacations doesn't mean he is footing the bill. His brother or girlfriend may be footing the bill. We don't know how that stuff is getting paid for, but it doesn't change the fact that Cumulus should pay him for what he delivers for them, not what he needs to "get by".

    Business trips with fun things going on along with the work? Anyone that travels on business knows every business trip isn't all business. Does Cumulus reap a benefit from the extra hijinks? Yes - stories told on air generate listeners which generate ratings which generate ad revenue. There is a benefit on both sides.

    I'm getting a whiff of jealousy in that post. To wear out an old phrase, "Don't hate the playa, hate the game."

    June 6, 2022 at 1:57 PM

  136. The phrase "Don't hate the playa, hate the game" cuts both ways.

    Danny understood the game and left without taking shots at any of his co-workers. Sirois spent the better part of an hour trying to demonize Gordon (and by proxy, anyone "above" Sirois) for not going to bat against Cumulus management for Jer (by proxy, Sirois).

    I felt for the guy before watching him Saturday night, it was just sad.

  137. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  138. Danny took a shot at Junior and his tier system

  139. That was mentioned here already, Surly.

  140. "Whiff of jealousy." I'm not seeing that in any comment on this blog. The specific one you're replying to (whether you agree with it or not) lays out a laundry list of mostly but not entirely indisputable facts. I agree with the gist of that comment and others like it stating Mike earned a rather nice paycheck with benefits (insurance and external perks) while working part time hours. I'm not going to get into the reality of business, personal responsibility, choices freely made, and whatnot with you vis-a-vis Mike or those subjects in general, as it appears from the tone and substance of your comment such a discussion would be fruitless. Read into that what you may.

  141. and yet someone today said that Danny didn't take a shot at co-workers
