Thursday, May 5, 2022

I was in Coachella; I didn't see Corby. I was at the LINQ in Las Vegas during the draft; I didn't see Jake. I'm writing this from Phoenix.


  1. That's a little misleading.

    It's actually a lot misleading.

    I was in Coachella. Mrs. P. and I were staying with some friends in LaQuinta, right next door, and staying in the house as well were a bunch of kids -- young adults -- who were bunking there for a few nights to attend the shows. I did drive through the camping area a couple of times, so technically, I was there.

    I was at the LINQ during the draft; but I was there to see Mat Franco's act. I wasn't actually at the draft.

    But I am writing today from Phoenix.

    So there's your MTC sportsy/Ticketty connection for the day.

    With travel I've been away from the channel, but trying to pick back up. Sorry I've been neglecting being in touch.

  2. Jake wasn't at the draft. Donovan and Mike S were though

  3. I'm a dummy, so any help here would be most appreciated.

    How does one go about listening to tonight's Campound action? I understand it's being aired on a digital frequency. Can I listen to it via stream?

    Thanks in advance for any assistance. As well, any ad hominems hurled my way are duly noted and taken in stride in the spirit of the thing. Because, yes, I am a dummy.

  4. Anon 4:50 -

    Find the Ticket site on YouTube or Facebook.

  5. Thanks, 7:05. 'Preciate ya, pal. Really 'preciate ya.

  6. This edict to go back to caller driven sports talk and away from guy talk has really thrown a damper on the Campound.

    Am I wrong guys?

  7. Not an edict. It's what's coming down the pike. Moreover, it pertains to day-to-day programming, not something like the campound. As I said, certain mainstay/heritage segments will continue (ditto events like Summer Bash and Campound). Look, ShaggyBevo, I know the progressive in you needs immediate fruition else you pounce and declare bulsh (everything's a crisis or it's not and is treated as such). But this isn't going to consist of some dramatic announcement or on-air pushback or the likes from the hosts. It'll be gradual, until it's not. But rest assured, by the end of July you will notice caller driven segments creeping in. Genuine ones, like THL used to do in their early days (anyone remember Rhnyer starting off calls with "let's mosh"?). So come back at the beginning of August, SurlyShaggy. If nothing's changed, I'll gladly eat crow. If it has, well, don't worry, BevoShurly, I won't expect you to admit you're wrong. I think it's evident why that's the case.

  8. By the way, it was the combo of caller driven segments and in person meet and greets that made The Ticket what it has become. The bond forged between host and listener was first created by caller-host interaction. It's how they/we got to know Side Show Bob, Greek Man, Paul the Damn Viking, Hippy in Euless, JD, and the rest. In turn the rest of us would meet those callers and the hosts up close and personal at remotes (including after remote drinks with some of those callers and even hosts). Make no mistake about it, when Craig or Coop or Greggo would engage a caller about The Rangers in the same way you would with your buddy, IT clicked for us listeners and we were hooked. Add onto that actually meeting these dudes and the listeners who called in the flesh solidified our allegiance to the hosts and to the station writ large.

  9. @4:01
    I remember those days. Never went to a remote or a live Greggo and Rhynes Diamond Talk or anything else, but I do remember those days and their impact on me. You're right about the callers and how so many of us were so quickly drawn to it all and have stayed there all these years.

    No idea about where things are heading. It seems you might have a hold on that. Maybe. Though I have to acknowledge that the cliche 'nothing ever stays the same, everything changes' is a safe bet. I'll also say that my job requires a lot travel, so I get a healthy dose of sports talk from all areas of the country. You're right that for many years you would hear a total Ticket ripoff in most markets. Those stations haven't totally reverted back to the Mike and the Mad Dog days, but neither are they still Ticket clones.

    Everything is cyclical so it makes sense that the pendulum would swing back the other way. The question is how far back will it swing? Once something takes hold it's difficult to completely shed it as if it never existed. Guess we'll see.

    A quick shout out.
    I love this site, Plainsman. Thank you for sticking with it all these years. Even though it's had its ups and downs and some ugliness between commenters takes place once in a while, the tone and level of conversation is pretty rare these days. Anyways, thanks man.

  10. My concern about caller-driven, as far as it affects the Ticket, is callers doing bits. Imagine all calls being like e-brake voting. Entertaining in short doses, but over the long haul could beat down everybody, including the hosts.

  11. That will no doubt happen. But in much smaller doses than you'd expect. It'll also taper off as time goes by. Again. It'll be gradual until it's not.

  12. I don't know if Blake v Killer is real or a bit but its a bad bit regardless. Actually Blake is a bad bit all together. Between he and Jake the passive aggressive meter is off the scale on the HangZone.

  13. Listened to Norm this morning. He said that he is going in for hip replacement in a few days. This isn't his first, if I recall. That dude has had more work done on him than a WWII battleship, yet he keeps coming in (or at least "coming on the air").

    Also heard the Jake and Dan intro, featuring that classic audio of Corby asking "Is May 9th, 1980 Friday the 13th?" Now that dude has the mental capacity of a gnat.

  14. Sadly, I think it's time to pull the plug on Dr. Carlton Maxwell. The Great Gordo has turned the character into an unintelligible, screaming lunatic.

  15. Sounds like the so anon bomb is about to be dropped

  16. Yes it did. I still don't think Jake leaving would have been butt holding worthy but Danny leaving is. I missed if he said where he was going or gave any real why to his decision. I only got in as they were coming back from the break following the announcement.


  17. Well, f a duck I missed it. Can anyone give a recap or a rundown (h/t Charles to Jim from The Office)?
