Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Is It Just Me?


  1. Yeah. I think so. Think it’s just me.

    I first got this feeling listening to the Campound this year. Mind you, I didn’t have the opportunity to listen a lot, so perhaps a bigger sample size would have changed the gestalt I got coming out of the headset.

    But it seemed a little dispirited to me, a little going-through-the-motions. Now, of course, The Ticket has made its fortunes going through the motions, and they have been motions that its listeners, including yours truly, liked to hear. But there was just something about it . . . .

    Then Danny.

    Then Mike S.

    Like ‘em or not, they were huge contributors. I think we’d all agree about Danny, but I loved Mike Sirois and I think the station is going to miss him terribly. But whatever you think of them, their absence is going to – perhaps only barely perceptibly – change the chemistry of the station, including the chemistry on shows on which they rarely, if ever, appeared.

    We’ve probably all had similar workplace experiences. A popular or accomplished colleague leaves, perhaps not even one you worked with, and when they’re gone, there’s a disturbance in the structure that makes everyone uneasy. Who’s next? What about their experience caused them to beat feet? Did she know something? Something behind the scenes that we don’t know about? How do the dominoes get rearranged? Is it an industry-structural problem? What was certain one day feels uncertain the next, even if nothing visibly changes right away.

    I’m getting that feeling about The Ticket right now. My schedule means that most of my listening is The Hang Zone. I happen to be a fan of the change that moved Bob away from Dan and Jake into his spot. A much better show than BaD, I think, and the current version of The Hardline is much better than the version of Mike R’s later years (although would prefer Danny be involved, of course).

    But I do catch me some Musers, some Invasion (Donnie should stop calling it “the world’s most dangerous midday show,” as it is anything but), some Line.

    And lately – man, I can’t put my finger on it – I’m just finding the guys a little, I dunno, dispirited; bored.

    Then I try to put my finger on it.

    And I fail. If I’m being honest, I must report that the shows sound as good as they ever did; The Musers and their lively intellect; the Invasion makes those two hours go quickly; Dan bogs The Hang Zone something fierce, and the dead air in that show has me constantly looking at my phone to see if SportsDay has crapped out on me, but don’t get me wrong, I really like THZ; and I think Corby and Bob are excellent on The Line (I’m not a corbysux guy, never have been, while understanding his Howard Cosell irritant factor). Nope, the station sounds great, and I even look forward to hearing some of the younger guys getting more air time, like David Mino and Justin Montemayor, others. (I follow the Julie debate with interest – don’t hear enough of her to have a strong opinion.)

    Conclusion: It’s me. Too much stuff competing for my time, don’t get to listen for sustained periods over many consecutive days like I used to. But it ain’t the station; it ain’t the content; it ain’t one or another personality. It’s just my own life getting in the way of an activity that used to be much easier for me to consumer in large chunks.

    Now, of course, as many Confessors have noted, the good times can’t last forever. These guys are getting older. Their listener demo, too. Several have talents and interests that could very easily suck them away from a career where they’ve already accomplished everything possible in sports-talk radio. It will happen.

    But the evidence for “the old Ticket ain’t what she used to be” seems to me slight.

  2. Cracklin' Rose Yer A Store Bought WomanJune 7, 2022 at 3:56 PM

    As I've said ad nauseam, the ratings across the board are as strong if not stronger than ever. This is despite the fact that its founder (Rhyner) retired, a one of a kind beloved "man, he says the crap I think" host was fired (Greggo), and their one time flagship show (Line), the show that put The Ticket on the map and inspired a fierce loyalty among listeners, now has no original member. This and aftermath/shakeup of the midday and pm drive lineups being recast. By the way, BaD consisted of two guys from the North. A "boy band" if you will put together by Dan Bennett. For those not around in those days, that shakeup was a pretty big deal. So too was Skip Bayliss's exit and the reshuffling of the lineup. Do many of you know The Musers were originally an afternoon show, following the Line? The Line was in a late-mid afternoon slot.

    The short of it is, the station is fine. Danny's role from the late 90s until 2017-18 was large. Even more so from the late 90s until 2010-ish. Over the last handfdul of years, Sirois had taken over Danny's role. Both are gone now. And yet The Ticket will be just fine. It already feels as if Danny left long ago. Soon too it will as regards Sirois. That's what happens. What we older and especially older long time listeners are experiencing is the beginning of the beginning of the changing of the old guard. That's why you (Plainsman) have a sense of pervasive ennui. The truth of the matter is, neither Danny nor Mike were ever going to be a part of the next phase of The Ticket. Danny's a product of a bygone age; Sirois is a charismatic, reckless mess. Neither type play a part in the future of this particular business in the general sense, much less in the particular sense of The Ticket.

    The (obviously) Jakes, Minos, Montys, DJs, Julies, and Saads of the world are the inheritors of The Ticket. And so, the future looks bright.

  3. Only thing I’d add to that is that it was Bruce Gilbert that was responsible for Bob and Dan

  4. Sorry Surly, you are correct. I always blank on The Great Bruce Gilbert (of course, pronouncing the surname in poor French).

  5. Once Rhynes left, I think that OntoTheNextChapter seed was planted for Danny, of course unless a pay increase woulda happened. He knew his ceiling at the Station, had put in his wknd shift time - multiple Twilites & more focus on his music. Gonna def miss his contributions, but I get it. It'll be interesting who becomes the new HL producer. Even though its afternoon drive I just dont see it being Blake leaving HZ. I get the feeling him doing the Argyle calls show he'd rather look to that for a future main gig at a higher level. & i dunno why, but I also dont see Ty or Mino taking the seat....ok maybe Mino? There's also Monty/Sam Hale who both have exp filling in on those positions, not much knowledge on J.King or Saad....anyway, looking fwd to who is seen as the best fit.

    I have to disagree on the Sirois' take - if there was very high certainty that Norm was within a year-18mths from his Retirement, I truly believe Bewm in Da House would be the official 10-12. Mike wanted his ceiling to be weekday Host - I wanted him to be weekday Host! in that Twitch he said Cat essentially said to him - 'This feels like you've ran 23 out of the 26miles to finish the marathon'.

    I hated that he brought up pay scales - everyone at the station is an adult and is aware of what a Job Position doles out. Also aware of the Pros of being apart of The Little Ticket, and i have no doubt some of those tend to outweigh some Cons.

    on a side note - have the last 2 winners of the P1 Bracket Racket been Sirois & Julie? this our own version of the MaddenCurse???

  6. What's left to say tonight?

  7. Cracklin' Rose Yer A Store Bought WomanJune 7, 2022 at 6:26 PM

    A few things: I don't think the door to Julie's shot at Ticket upward mobility has been shut just yet. Merely my opinion. Danny was explicit in that money didn't play a significant role in his leaving. There were many factors extrinsic to The Ticket in play. The chief intrinisc (Ticket) factor was the matter of recognition of fealty and time served in the form of a real chance of advancement. Yes that would entail a higher salary, but Danny said both in Rhyner's podcast and Gordo's Twitch stream that money qua money was not the driving force for his exit. I'm not sure what you mean about Sirois? In what way is he not a charismatic, reckless mess? I'm also not sure what that has to do with the widely held assumption that he was promised a hosting position the moment Norm retired or died. I will say that I find that assumption dubious, with reason. I was in corporate HR for 8 years, so I have experience in this area. Such a promise in the corporate world would be extremely rare; moreover, any such promise would be very much frowned upon and could be grounds for termination (the supervisor who made the promise). Any such promise unfulfilled or fulfilled in a way unsatisfactory to the receiving party could result in unwanted and even damaging litigation. My experience also tells me that after Saturday night's fiasco, Cat and Bennett most likely wiped their collective brow with a sigh of relief. Meaning they might have dodged a bullet. Know that from an HR mindset (which both Cat and Bennett absolutely bear in mind at all times), Mike's comportment on Gordon's stream is tantamount to an HR nightmare. While Mike is no longer an employee, there could still be serious ramifications from his words. That is the reason Gordon is wiping the stream's digital footprint off the web as fast as he can. I can guarantee you that not only was he told to act immediately, but also that Cumulus is actively involved in the expungement of the stream.

  8. ^^ wut. ??!!!!??

    so, your take on my belief that Mike had a very good shot to join Donnie as a permanent show post-Norm is.......well, i'll just quote - "he was promised a hosting position the moment Norm retired or died." & - "Such a promise in the corporate world would be extremely rare; moreover, any such promise would be very much frowned upon and could be grounds for termination (the supervisor who made the promise). Any such promise unfulfilled or fulfilled in a way unsatisfactory to the receiving party could result in unwanted and even damaging litigation"

    Nah man - ya kinda took that one for a ride. If Norm's slot had opened, Mike tosses in his app & tape along with the others...maybe some guy in De Moines wants the opportunity. Someone down in Houston looking to strike it big in a major market. No - I do not believe ANYONE is under the impression of secret hush hush deals/promises, man. My opinion is that - again - if Norm were to have hung it up in the near future..that Chael would have had a great chance to fill that Void. I, and i think more than several others, would have very much enjoyed that.

    Those that view him as a reckless mess...well its not a surprise that your opinion differs. No worries, Mike pulled the rip cord - and is hopefully onto better and brighter things!

  9. Cracklin' Rose Yer A Store Bought WomanJune 7, 2022 at 7:46 PM

    You, uh, oh well, never mind. I think you accidently typed in the wrong URL. This isn't reddit. But that's OK.

  10. So far, Mike's Twitch stream seems to be the one he wish he had with Gordon. Gordon is in the chat, by the way. One interesting thing is his response to a statement saying they thought Mike and Jake would be the future of The Ticket, they'd be listening to them 20 years from now. Interesting because I get the feeling a lot of the younger listeners don't know Mike is about a decade older than Jake. In twenty years he'll be pushing 70. Kinda weird. All in all, Mike's doing well this evening. Oh yes, he will be doing a pod with Mike R soon. That should be good. Have a feeling his Twitch presence is gonna much bigger now.

  11. Mike's 5/7 Twitch Stream Relevant Recap:

    First off, many Ticket, ex Ticket, and radio media types in the chat. Including Gordo, Donnie, Ham, Cray Trey, and Kevin Turner. Seems like not being included in The Campound was sort of a breaking point. Once this topic was broached, he never quite moved on from it. He felt it showed he wasn't a part of it all. Of course he brings in Danny's name to it. Guess he didn't learn much from Saturday, after all. This is strange. Mike was sent to at least two Superbowls I can remember, this year's NFL Draft, and other trips if memory serves. I dunno man. At the end he pretty much made the case for Cracking Rose's HR scenario. Heck he kinda admitted it. Seems like he listens to social media way too much and takes those Tweets and comments too much to heart. Might distort reality for him in an important way. There's a lot more that could be said but what's the point at this point. So that's where I'll leave things. He's gone and that's that. Goodluck to you, Chael. I hope you find success out there, man.

  12. Sirois explicitly stated that he NEVER had any kind of guarantee or even inference that he would be a slam dunk choice for next host

  13. And that's why I continue to scratch my head over the incessant if Norm would do the right thing Sirois would get his living wage crap. That or the many variations thereof. Its insane.

  14. P-Man,

    I too found the Campound to be lack luster. I think part of the issue was that the Stars were still in the playoffs so they lost a night of after hours stuff on the frequency. I didn't listen to them on streaming sites as I was in the car most of the evenings so I don't know if that would have made it more on par with normal.

    I don't know if moral is low. I know there are many work environments, my own included, for whom the last two years of Covid and supply chain issues have caused continuing issues and moral has suffered. I wonder if the pay cuts they took for Covid continue? Pay cuts and inflation are depressing combinations.

    I also find it odd that differences in opinion over a former host on a radio station brings out such aggressive post from some.

  15. The original Compound was interesting for both the listener and for the on air talent, the concept was new and you could eavesdrop on video. The original Campound was interesting because they were actually living in tents outside. Part of the fun was trying to figure out where they were. But now there is no novelty. We know they are at Joe Pool Lake. We know they are staying in comfortable quarters. Even though the title sponsor is Woodford Reserve they are being more careful about inebriation on the air. So the whole bit has become stale and somewhat predictable. I do still enjoy when they do the Campound equivalent of round tables, but they can do that in the studio.

  16. Wasn't the original campound in a very large luxurious house in an exclusive area on a local lake?

  17. Yes. They meant the Campout

  18. Yet another Major Announcement tomorrow at 5:15pm. Has to be THL produsa dis show related. Both Bob and Crobby seem pumped over it. My vote is either Julie or Saad. Probably Julie. Always found it puzzling that she asked for more air-time, more hours, and more money and obviously the included F/T benefits, was turned down, "stepped down," went on her own pod and Rhyners and aired grievances, was publicly mourned by the hosts, has been the subject of and brought back for countless segments devoted to her, and still works P/T (getting paid) for the station. If that ain't unconventional, I don't know what is. Gots to be a reason. This would make sense. It would also make HUGE DEI sense for Cumulus/The Ticket. The Ticket has some glaring DEI issues. This move would go a ways to alleviating them, at least for the present.

    So yeah, gimme Julie for the win.

    It's either that or Ty Walker Chicken is being taken to the slaughterhouse.

  19. Yet another Thursday announcement.

  20. Almost zero chance Julie would even want 3-7. She has small kids and a husband that is out of town all the time during the school year

  21. Well, it's going to be an all-hands on deck affair that does not involve anyone leaving. According to Corby, there'll be more than one announcement, at that. Surely they can't be about two open producer slots? What would they have to do with The Musers or THZ? I guess it could mean there will be a major JV reshuffling, hence more than one announcement is on offer. Again, how would that necessitate an all-hands on deck major announcement? Or. Or. Or. Are we in store for a reshuffling of the Varsity squad? Or hell, is it Fight Night and a GNO?

  22. What if she was being offered a host job. . . .

  23. Last time I can remember a PM Drive all shows present announcement was when the drawbridge was lowered across the moat and Jake strode across into Castle Tier One, with Bob taking Rhyner's spot. Just. Saying.

    Everything's in play.

  24. Well this would be something


  25. If the above is true I can’t imagine how pissed Sirois was when he heard that was the plan

  26. Nah. The announcement is that it’s gonna be Normathon all the time. Get use to it my fellow saps.

  27. It has the ring of truth; it is sensible; and it's sponsored by The UnTicket.

    Personally -- I like it.

    Maybe if I'd kept this thing a little more lively Cat would have let MTC break this.

  28. Holy smokes! That would be f'n HUUUUUUUGE!

    Nice find, Surly!

    And no SHIT about Sirois. Maybe that's what Cat meant when he told Mike he'd run 23 outta 26 miles, was about to cross the finish line and decided to drop out of the race. Or maybe he KNEW this was coming down and it's the real reason he left. That the last 3 miles to go was waiting out Norm. D A A A A M M M M N N N ! ! !

    Gettin' all kinds of stupid up in the biatch! Shit's gettin' real!

    Gen X as a host! WTF! FTW! OH HELL YEAH!!!!

  29. Cracklin' Rose Yer A Store Bought WomanJune 8, 2022 at 8:24 PM

    Echoing Surly, if this is the case, and if it played a role or was the main factor in his decision to leave, I can see why Sirois would be fuming. If, on the other hand, he didn't know, well, I cannot imagine what's going on inside him right now. Not sure how you handle such a thing. Any way you cut it, if true this is about the bitterest of bitter pills swallow.

    Putting the reshuffling/reassinging of the JV aside, I do wonder how day/week/month/year in-day/week/month/year out Varsity host GxD will fare? I guess when you're paired with a long-winded Bob and a talking/bobble head Corby, you're job, de facto, entails less than, say, Donnie's or Jake's. I mean, there's only so much air time per show. Perhaps that'll cover up any glaring deficiencies.

    We soon shall see.

  30. Forget Sirois' feelings if true. What about Danny? Imagine that one. The decades long relationships, the show with Davey. Besties with Corby. On and on.

  31. lol you all clicked the wrong url. its ok. this isnt reddit.

    sorry - that comment is suppose to show up between at least a few new posts, my bad..

  32. ^^^^ you mad at something bro? seem to be. someone get into your kitchen? seems like it. no worries, mate. it's ok. all are welcome here.

  33. That Tweet sure looks legit, Surly, but it seems so far fetched that Cat would bring back Davy. And as a PM Drive co host at that. Yuck Monkey, sure. But that makes no sense for Davy unless his current job is the sort that would allow for it both money and time-wise. Because there's no way a Yuck Monkey's salary (and we know for certain the producer's) would be an enticement to switch careers in your early 50s (Davy's age-range). Boy howdy, just when you think the station had settled into a nice groove, the s*** hits the fan and away we go.

    I know I'll be by the channel tomorrow.

  34. A cpl tidbits: Me likez Julez.. Merely my op. Danny gone. I like big wordz and thesaurus.com. Yall check this site every 30min, too?? Ive had a completely unrelated job but my unbiased opinion is just WishIWasThatGuy. No disrespect. Wait, yall reddit. Reddit. Here's where I'll make this about---- the 2nd amendment? 19th? RvW? the LIV Tour? Actually - this whole ordeal lately is in direct connection to what our "News Media" calls Tornado Alley...dont you mean Tornado Ally...Sirois, being from Florida, a born 'Hurricane', now gaining forces with The Wind....makes sense.

    LOL. Brah. Totes Brah....How are we, Fellow Kidz?! hahah to me, you are seriously John in Plano...

  35. I've been listening since the program got on the air in what, 1994.
    This is the, only happened twice.
    And its been on your program.
    Twice. In like 6wks.
    And I purposely went on the air to see how long, I stayed on the air, to see how long, if ever, you guys would if ever, uhh get on, stay on, uhh, get back to answer, my phone call.
    Well - I stood on the air to see how long it would take before you would answer the phonecall, if ever.
    Yup call a doctor, or anyone else..Shame on You....for having to wait an hou, two hours, to have your Doctor or your uhhh or anybody else ever perrr, that has a professional position........uh, answer your phonecall.

  36. Hi BK. Yep, we all know. So does the proprieter.

  37. I don't know who we is but I have no clue what you or the previous commenters are talking about

  38. I was never a fan of the Rant so the pairing of Corby and Davey is not a draw for me. Not that it matters as my inability to tolerate Corby anymore means I don't listen to the Hardline anyway.

    The other changes seem like reasonable choices.

  39. Seems like the MTC troll is back and it has a fish on its hook. Some people never learn.

  40. That Tweet looks real, but I have a difficult time believing that Davey has been hired on as a full time host to be genuine. Honestly it makes little sense. The rest of it is more than plausible.

  41. GXD "auditioned" for the Hardline position after Mike departed, did he not? (Unclear how sincere these "auditions" were on The Ticket's part, but there you go.) And did a credible job. And, as I recall, got fair-to-good reviews by listeners.

    The only offhand thought I have on this is that I would like to have seen an enhanced role for Justin Montemayor somewhere along the line. I like his on-air gestalt, I think Work in Progress is a really good show, and I'd like to hear more of him. He was up for the producer position for The Hang Zone -- or was it still BaD at the time, I don't remember -- but was passed over then. I hope this is not a "passing over" for him and that he'll find a slot somewhere that will be worth his while.

  42. In the last 24 hours @JustinMonty tweeted:

    "Real jobs are fun"


    "I’ve toyed with streaming like 5 times before but this might be the time to actually get going"

    So, you could read into that that he's not very happy.

  43. Yeah, Monty was definitely passed over, again

  44. T-Minus 10 Minutes.

  45. Not to rub salt.... but what about that "9 Host Cap"?

  46. Welcome back Gen X Davey and congratulations Mino

  47. Cracklin' Rose Yer A Store Bought WomanJune 9, 2022 at 6:20 PM

    Well well well. If I'm Danny, I'm gutted, fuming, and conflicted 8 ways to Sunday. If I'm Sirois, I'm angry and confused (the abolishment of the Tier System alone probably sent him into a rage "Oh, NOW it's gone!"). While the return of GXD is surprising, the addition of a 3rd host to THL is not. Moreover, that the addition was neither Danny nor Sirois is not a surprise. Danny is not host material, period. He's too introspective. Sirois is host material, but only if the show is along the lines of The Rant (CdS was a tamer version, by the way). Sirois would not fare well as a Varsity host in this format. As I and others have said, KEGL would make a fine home for him. GXD is basically a Danny-Sirois combo platter. He instantiates the edginess and devil-may-care attitude of the latter and the world-weary, Ticket history soaked persona of the former. Difference being while edgy, the party days are long behind him; while weary and steeped in the station's history and mien, he's not audibly disillusioned. Davy stradles that fine line of having genuine sports acumen while being a comedic wild card. So in this way I can see the hire. Yes THL garners excellent ratings, but in truth it's lacked that intangible "it factor" any am/pm drive show needs. I think this is going to put THL over the top, resulting in must-hear radio. Well done, Catman.

  48. Did I miss something? Who is producing Musers? They mentioned DJ for Tickers -- does that automatically include producing? Brain may be tiny (mine).

  49. Fernando produces for the Musers.

  50. Mino producing THL. DJ Musers and NaD Tickers. Sean Bass producing NaD. Ty on Tickers for THZ and THL. Ham board op for THZ and THL. Not sure about THZ producer. I guess it's still Mino (?).

  51. All in all it's rather labyrinthine. Corby's order of operations so to speak didn't help matters.

  52. Ah, yes, A Potamus. Don't know how I missed that. I've just recently found some morning time to get back to Musers, I'd been away for awhile. But no excuses. Sorry, Fernando.

    And, 650, as you note, as frequently happens, and as always happens when Gordon is on the air, clarity suffers something fierce.

  53. Blake producing THZ?

  54. I wonder how Dan and Jake will handle Sean Bass. I don't see the fit there, was that because he is part management and wanted off early mornings. I have been out on THL as I have reached my Corby limit many years back. Davey can be good but not with Corby or Gordon as they bring him into holes that kill segments and create tune-out.

  55. Anon 9:30

    Dan and Jake dont have to handle SeaBass. SeaBass producing Norm and Donnie not the Hang Zone. Blake still producing the Hang Zone. Non issue

  56. Sean is not involved with The Hang Zone

  57. i don't know who the neil diamond fan is but what this actually shows is corby and bob need help

  58. Mino leaving 12-3 suxx. Him and Davey 3-7 will be so much fun, though. Good for him, but gddmn, Mino in 1 mth has now lost his co-pilot Danny...and now Jake. Damnn - gonna miss him on HangZone.

  59. Man, I would have NEVER thought in a million years way back when Davey was The Hardline's Ticker man for a cup of coffee (until he got the axe from Cat *actually Rhyner, though*) that one day he'd be one of its hosts. I'm stunned. I'm happy.

    Can't wait to see how this goes. I bet it's going to be pure f***ing magic. Bet also that Davey and Bob make a real good pairing.

  60. I'm thinking that The 'Line added a third host to free up Bob to allow for more absences for his growing stable of independent activities without them having to fill that slot anew each time he's out.

    1. SKA (formerly known as DA)June 11, 2022 at 7:44 PM

      Troy works one less game per week now. He also has the full ESPN Facts and Information department at his disposal. That's much better and deeper than whatever Bob can do.

  61. Not sure where you're getting that idea. Nothing Bob does outside of The Ticket requires travel or him missing the show. I don't think his outside activities are growing, either. He works for Troy and he writes for The Athletic. What else?

  62. I think they added a third host because, regardless of how well Corby and Bob seem to like each other, they are very different people with very different life experiences outside of The Ticket, grew up in very different circumstances. All of which has equated a less than compelling pairing. Corby needs a Davey and Bob needs a clear delineation between he and Corby. That clear line drawn means Bob can go back to playing Mr. Sports and Corby has a playmate who can walk the tightrope between the two personalities. This should result in a more than solid show.

    You might say, "well, what about the disparate nature of NaD?" I'd reply, "and yeah, it's about as compelling as watching paint dry." Also, NaD is two hours, not four. Nor is it an all important drive time show. Whatever you might think of "Chael," he and Donnie together made NaD a palatable presentation. Especially so due to Norm's often and extended absences. Not sure how that's going to work out with Donnie and Sean. Sean's a good guy and hard worker, but he's not funny, holds (now) generic "expert" analytics opinions, and little of his life is interesting (if even in a I can't turn away from this car crash way). Like I said, not sure how that's going to work out.

    I do think it's going to work out well for THL.

    Is Monty the next to move on? Bet if The FAN or any other station offered him something he'd take it. Wouldn't blame him a bit. He's hit his ceiling here, which is unfortunate because Monty really has something to offer. Monty is genuine host material. He has a great sense of humor, is self-deprecating but nobody's pushover or fool, has deep sports knowledge, and is an honest broker. Most of all, he's a great listen.

  63. Correct, SKA, Bob's no going anywhere. But if he does, it's not going to be working full time for Troy Aikman. I'm no insider, I don't know any host or JV or friends of a friend of a host or JV, and I don't work in HR or anything else related to The Ticket in any way. But I've been a listener from week one way back in '94 and I think a decent handle on the what's good and what's not.

    I agree 100% with comments saying neither Sirois nor Danny were ever going to be hosts. One comment put it best saying Sirois is too much a mess and Danny lives in The Ticket past. Well said. Danny's Ticket is for the most part my Ticket. He wants it to forever be 1994-2007. I get that because in many ways so do I. But I also know like most things, they either change with the times or ossify and die. Mike R knew this and bowed out. I think the only reason Danny didn't follow suit soon after Mike and for the same reason as Mike was because he thought he had a legit shot at taking Mike's spot at some point. Like Cat supposedly told Sirois "23 out of 26 miles." Danny realized or was told he was never actually in the race to begin with and left. Sirois' antics since leaving a week ago have only confirmed what a mess he is. I saw all three Twitchcasts beginning last Friday. Gordo's was a drunken s show, the one with Cash was less so but he couldn't stop talking about it, and his fireside chat stream was a mix of I love everyone, braggadocio, deflecting, and more I love everyone. Sirois's a funny guy with crazy stories who's probably great to party with, but that's about it. I agree too with the idea that Cat knew all of this in both Sirois' and Danny's cases and that's why they chose to leave.

    While I also agree that The Hardline 3.0 needed an upgrade, I don't agree that Davey is the right call. I think that move has Corby's hands all over it. It's a move that's been in the works for a while now. Davey makes Corby comfortable. He's essentially Danny (identifies and acts in accordance with The Ticket past) with a surrealist sense of humor. Even the surrealism is part of the past. It's The Rant, which Corby was a part of. I also disagree with the idea that this is good for Bob. Bob will now be even more the odd man out. Here's the thing. How is bloody grapeshow hemorrhoids talk during pm drive going to go over with Bob? What does he do with that? What does avg. (majority demo) middle-late-middle-aged P1 who wasn't a Rant P1 think? OK, what if Davey tones it down? Well, then you don't have "Gen X Davey" and now you have "Old Waver" who gives out generic local sports thoughts and can discuss 80s-90s Brit alt-rock on a doctorate level. Um, well alrighy then.

    Who should've Cat selected? Don't have an answer. I don't think anyone on the JV fits, so I'd say he should've looked elsewhere than the bullpen (and obviously Davey). We all love Bob and Dan. That's how they got here. Management looked elsewhere. Sorry, I don't think this going to end well.

  64. @8:26

    Good points I can't disagree with, but given the direction the station has taken in the last couple of years, a little old time Ticket sounds like a good deal to me - as unrealistic as it may be.

  65. @11:58
    Thanks. Rereading my comment I see some horrific syntax errors. That's what I get for thinking, typing, and editing at once. "[G]rapeshow hemorrhoids" is pretty special. Obviously I meant grapeshot, referring to the infamous, intimate self-professed detail of Davey's posterior epidermal scene. As I said, I too miss those days. They were "my" days and that was "my" Ticket. But I also know that this is due in part to me being younger then and having a more open vista ahead. The classic Good Old Days Syndrome. As Barbara Streisand so poignantly sang:

    Memories light the corners of my mind
    Misty water-colored memories of the way we were
    Scattered pictures of the smiles we left behind
    Smiles we gave to one another for the way we were

    I'd love to claim those Ticket days of yore are objectively better than now, but I also know for a 20-30 something these days are the best of all days and to their ears "my" Ticket sounds out of step. And they're right in a sense. "My" Ticket is in so many ways dated. That was a different world and "that" Ticket except for a few morning show segments per week is long gone. But if DFW (and radio in general) is lucky enough for The Ticket still to be around in 7-10 years, today's younger listener will be us tomorrow, the cycle will repeat, and Streisand will sing on evermore. This isn't a bad thing. Quite the opposite. As I previously said, if you don't change with the times, you die. I had "my" Ticket and now it's time to pass the mantle. To quibble with another's comment, I don't think this is the beginning of the beginning of the full changing of the guard. What's happening is a last ditch effort to keep "my" Ticket alive. Cat's making a mistake. He was right to allow Danny and Sirois go ("allowing" by not making them offers/promises they couldn't refuse, he could've ensured they stayed or at least made it difficult to leave). He was right in making Jake a host. Hiring Davey, however, is akin to Doc not being able to get the DeLorean to start. And this is pm drive, a show that defines ratings/"drives" ad revenue, which is everything. While that might work in the short term because the largest demo is middle-to-late-middle-aged males, that demo is quickly aging out. You have to think in big picture terms. Sometimes you can't go home. I fear it'll soon be more of the same first with The Invasion and then, most importantly, with The Musers. To the latter, that day is nearer than we'd like. I'd wager a hefty sum on it. And when the back to the future stratagem fails, and it will, you will see a quick dismantling of the station by Cumulus (assuming that doesn't happen before it ever gets to this). Take us to the river, Babs:

    Smiles we gave to one another
    For the way we were

  66. Bravo 3:24.


  67. Check out the so long Sirois and Danny shindig photo on reddit. It's from a bar in Old East Dallas. It's basically all parties involved in the latest moves, including the ones who left. Dan, Jake, Corby, Donnie, a never gets out but especially never to a bar Gordo are reppin' Tier 1. Even Seabass and Ty who like Jake live way the eff away from East Dallas are there. Ditto wives and girlfriends. Gotta say it's more than a bit weird if you ask me. Gordo? Dan? At a bar in Old East Dallas? I know the bar and it's an actual dive dive DIVE bar that some hipsters and those in the know go to when they don't want to be seen if ya know what I mean. Man something tells me we got more shiiiiiit coming down in the next few weeks. This deal smells funny.

  68. Forgot to add GXD is in the pic too reppin' Tier 1. Makes it even weirder.

  69. https://www.dallasobserver.com/restaurants/one-nostalgia-place-is-the-shitty-bar-of-my-dreams-7034983

  70. You sure? He's lost a lot of weight and sure looks like him on the left side towards the back.

  71. OK, then. Now. Were YOU there??????

  72. Sam Hale is the latest non-Tier 1 to exit. Seems like he realized he had hit the ceiling and made the wise move to get out before he looks up and is pushing 50. Good on ya, Sam. I know it must've been a difficult and painful decision, but you made the correct choice.

    More like him to follow, I'm sure.

  73. Makes one wonder how many other folks in the Dallas Cumulus cluster are baling that don't have a website dedicated to their every move? I don't believe with Cumulus's money issues they are all at KTCK. KPLX, KSCS, and WBAP should be OK but how would you like to work for KLIF these days?

  74. That was Mino looking like a skinny Ty in the far upper left hand corner. Geez. Surly is correct - Ty is absolutely NOT in the picture. Not only that, he actually said today on the HZ that he was invited but went to Eli Jordan's wedding instead.

  75. Someone attempted to identify all of the suspects.

  76. As a non golfer can someone tell me if the LIV stuff is really worthy of as many segments as its getting?

    The changes implemented so far seem to be pretty smooth but I don't think they were ever going to cause a big shift. Gen X will be the one that is noticeable I suspect. I am torn on if I'll give it a chance. I'm not a fan of Davey or Corby so I don't see it being for me.

  77. After hearing the first Hardline show featuring Mino and Ham, I think it was a big mistake bringing Davey in.

  78. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  79. Cracklin' Rose Yer a Store Bought WomanJune 15, 2022 at 1:09 PM

    Hello, 10:24 5/15. Next time I'll do my best to meet your standards. Thank you for the most helpful criticism. Very much appreciated. I can tell by your modus expressionem you have fine discernment.

    Again, thank you for taking the time out of what I'm sure is a busy schedule to offer e well earned corrective.

    Your humble servant,
    Cracklin' Rose Yer a Store Bought Woman

  80. Kinda surprised Pman is letting 1024's unprovoked personal attack stand. Shit, I've had comments deleted that were way more benign.

    A few days in and I'm not sure why Davey's on THL. Early early days for sure but right now I'm giving it a meh minus with a high chance of failure.

  81. Lolol Davey haven’t even started yet so what exactly are you talking about

  82. Sense of humor, man. Sense of humor. C'mon now.

  83. Hi, Bee Kay Harm Oh Knee. Just cain't quit trollin', eh bud.

  84. I don't swing by every day, so sometimes some uncivilized remarks get past me for a bit.

  85. So Chael "Hey evil Cumulus and clueless Cat, can we just give this man either a living wage or Norm's salary so he can get out of debt and stay on air and provide top shelf content, dammit!" Sirois is spending the week attending the US Open and Red Sox games. Ever just stayed at a mid-rent motel in the greater Boston area? Well, you know the "Bugdet" in Budget Inn is a lie. Much less when the inflation rate and gas/energy prices are through the roof. Hey, good on him. Seriously. I'd kill to do be able to swing that and all the other, many, big ticket (pun intended) vacays and bucket list excursions he's been on. So this isn't "hating" on Sirois. But I hope this serves to at the very least--somewhat--mute the silly discourse over his leaving and the reasons given. Every picture tells a story, or some such.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  86. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  87. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  88. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  89. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  90. Did y’all know that women are now, shockingly, able to purchase vacations for themselves and loved ones?

  91. WHAT? Surely, Surly, you don't mean Shirley can pay for a Sirois vacay???? NO! WAY!

    Next thing you're gonna tell me is that women folk can vote, too! OK OK OK. That's crazy talk and things and stuff.

    And some actually say these here United States are backasswards. Well. This'll show 'em!

    Thanks for enlightening us (most especially me), Surly. Where would this big blue marble be without our Surly? I'll tells ya. In the shitta, that's where. Progess. Forward, never straight. Onwards. Upwards. Boldly. Jaeger like.

  92. So, uh, some really weird back and forths going on here. I disagree with the original comment, entirely, but it was an opinion based on public information. While I think it's in error, it's also neither controversial nor a personal attack. The reply to the comment was obviously by the same person who's been trolling the site lately. The same person who recently and for no reason attacked another commenter's style of prose. From there the ad hominems and general creepiness escalated. Surly's comment is the correct rebuttal to the original comment. What follows Surly's borders on the surreal.

    Whatever's going on, I wish Plainsman would delete the whole exchange sans the original comment and Surly's (in my opinion, proper) reply to it.

    F'n a, people. Grow up already.

  93. Guhgree with 4:13 PM as well.

    P-Man is super busy and it's hard for him to patrol the comments. Understood. If we can't behave, then he may shut it down. Let's not lose this space because a couple of posters are being jerks.

  94. Hostile posting is strange. I’m never sure what people get out of it.

    I made it 45 minutes into Hardline 6.0 before Corby and Gen X annoyed me to the point I turned it off. I just have no
    Tolerance for either of them. It’s not a comment on their talent, their personas just don’t appeal to me.


  95. Today marks the beginning of The Hardline 4.0. Who'd a thunk back in the Halcyon Days that eventually there'd be 4 versions of what was at the time (still is?) THE flagship show of The Ticket. Will this be the final incarnation or do more changes await?

    My how the show has changed since its inaugural airing. Anyone recall who the first and second yuck monkeys were? 1. Gordo, 2. Big Dick Hunter (under the name "Little Teddy Champion"). BDH would do mostly prerecorded, though some live, man on the street type of bits. Whatever you think of Greggo and the quality of the content during his run, the show was never the same after his firing. Greggo, for better or worse, was a unique voice. The sort that cannot be replaced. Whether you liked him or not, he allowed Mike to shine. Much more so than the post Greggo years, in which Mike at first slowly then fairly rapidly became disinterested, the butt of at times rather disrespectful jokes (which would've NEVER happened before, as Greggo worshipped Mike), and when he did offer something up it pertained to whatever niche interest he was into at the time.

    I'm an old fart D1P1, so I'm admittedly biased towards the Halcyon Days. But I do think early Hardline (Hardline 1.0, Hardline Proper) was peak Hardline. However, it'd be disingenuous to say the show didn't begin to slide once Greggo went into his final, prolonged downward spiral. When Mike left the scene in '20, I must also admit that I wasn't broken up by it. There was a time when his retirement would've been crushing. By '20, though, "peak apathy" Mike had set in and it was obvious "Rhyner" indeed was dead and gone, never to return. Hardline 2.0 (Mike and Corby), was a mixed bag. It had its moments for the first 4-5 years post Hardline Proper, but somewhere in the middle-years, instead of settling into a nice groove, it became more disjointed. Mike's disinterest was palpable, while Corby and Danny carried the show -- sometimes ably, often times not so much. Regardless, through it all the ratings in the main were as high as they've always been. Still, we all knew it wasn't all it could or should be.

    Mike's perhaps 3-4 years too late departure ushered in The Hardline 3.0 (Corby and Bob). It wasn't too bad. But it always had more of a really good midday show feel to it. Definitely not your PM Drive anchor show. Despite this, the ratings were still as good if not better than ever. This, of course, speaks more to the lack of any real competition than the quality of the show. That's the thing, not since the heyday of The Russ Martin Show has The Hardline had a serious challenger. Peak Russ Martin (late 90s-mid 00s) went toe-to-toe with them, often earning better ratings. Once Martin publicly fell from grace and his personal life began to take precedence over his show, that competition faded from view. The Hardline (The Ticket) has been very lucky in this regard. It's analogous to the Patriots' division during their decade plus of dominance. When you're playing (until recently) the Bills, Jets, and Dolphins, your path to the promised land isn't quite the gauntlet others must traverse.

    A change was need, regardless of the great ratings. We all know when we're doing our best and have the required tools. When we don't, even if everyone's telling us we're nailing it, WE know we're not and it bothers us. From what Corby said, he, Bob, and Cat knew this and acted accordingly. Good on them all.

  96. Continued from above....

    Unsure if Davey's the right choice, but I get it. He's comfortable for Corby and Cat. Like someone else mentioned, he's also a comfortable choice for the P1 because he's edgy (a nod to the younger listener) and represents continuity with the station's past (a nod to old farts like me). I hope it works out. But I do have my concerns. It's one thing to cohost a 2 hour show one day per week (Rant/Orphanage), do Tickers, fill in once in a while. It's another to generate interesting content daily. In his favor is a loquacious Bob and a mic loving, opinionated Corby. Fingers crossed, hoping for the best.

  97. We know Davey will fit in easily with Corby but let's see how the chemistry works with Bob. I like Davey and am excited for him but let's keep expectations realistic. Some people think this will now turn into The Rant but these guys are in their 50s now...those shock jock days are long gone

  98. @4:08/4:13
    Good shit brutha.

  99. Gen-X Davey's press conference was just a little weird, it seemed to be mocking posts/speculation you see here and on reddit.

    My shorthand is no good, but my transcription of Corby's question was "Can you explain how Mike Sirios is broke yet, yet, takes elab-, uh, uh, vacations in Italy for three weeks and then up to Boston one week later?"

  100. His opening statement.


  101. https://mobile.twitter.com/oldwaver/status/1538983158099722249

  102. Also there was Corby's aside that Rhyner fired GXD.

  103. Definitely appeared to have a mocking tone, but I'd also wager it was aimed mostly at the Twittersphere. But yes, it also applies to reddit and MTC.

    Having said that, and not to stir up the earlier bizarro world back and forth, whatever the source of income that funds Chael's Excellent Adventures, Davey's manifesto did put the spotlight on the poor optics of Chael's publicly aired situation. I mean, it doesn't take a PR genius to know that if you're going to announce to 50-100+k listeners and later to a few k stream watchers how you're heavily in debt, aren't being paid enough, and have to take a better paying job... well, come on. The reality of it all aside, it's a bad look any way you slice it.

    I'm kinda torn on whether Davey's spiel was a smart or foolish move. Guess it doesn't matter, because like everything it'll be as if it never happened in a day or two. Must say that I found his ENews a major upgrade and overall I liked what I heard. So far, so good. Though it's only been a day. Day 2's on deck.

  104. Wasn't OGW's axiom "your way in this world is through the Hardline"?

    My other quibble with GXD's opening statement, he is joining Corby and Bob not the Hardline. Just like Rhyner's dead, so is the Hardline.

  105. I like Dave, always enjoy him on The Ticket (or have to date), but I found that statement strange.

    First, strange that he felt compelled to issue it at all.

    Second, strange that it was not very informative or amusing; it didn't parody anything, it was gag-free, just kinda -- there.

    Third, strange that he took some fairly unvarnished and gratuitous shots at his co-hosts.

    I wish him the best on The Hardline and his debut will get my ears listening to see how it all comes together, but he's kinda gotten it off on a weird note here.

  106. I just reread it and had another impression of why it read oddly:

    Fourth, it has about it a kind of apologetic cast. "I know I'm Ticket Schnook but incredibly, I ended up here and I'll give it my best shot." And the "if you think you don't like me, hey, gimme a shot" was positively Bart Reagorish.

  107. He did a little background segment yesterday afternoon that explained what he had been doing since leaving the Ticket the first time. He had worked for a production company for 12 years that folded, wrote new copy for channel 8 for a while, did voice-overs and such and had been doing freelance work for the last four years. Sounded like he jumped at the chance for some stability for a bit.

  108. About 2 months ago, Musers were talking about everything kids should know before leaving the nest. Anyone have that or can point to where to find it? Didn’t see it on Reddit, or UnTicket

  109. Sorry, Anon 952, if it's not on The UnTicket I've no idea. I know what you're talking about. Had to do with basic math, balancing a checkbook, folding clothes, making a bed, cooking basic meals like spaghetti, how to read a map, change oil in a car, work a fusebox, etc.

  110. Interesting analysis, Pman. I agree that it didn't come off as schtick or playful in any sense. It also pulled back the curtain a bit, showing the employees (regardless of "tier") are quite aware of what's bandied about on social media; which, while unsurprising, is something you might not want to give such an overt nod to on-air. Not sure of the point of the declaration, other than to what?, come off as "edgy"? Still, two days in and the new 3 man booth seems to be on its way. No real rough patches encountered as of yet. Obviously, only time will tell. In its favor is the under the radar, rather sportsy side of Dave. I think this will serve the show well once football season rolls around. Related, Dave grew up playing hockey and knows more about the ins and outs of the sport than anyone not named Bob at the station (yes, this includes Julie) -- hey, my wife's a pediatrician, therefore so am I; apply this silly analogy to Julie. (Jake briefly played, but admits he doesn't know much about the game per se.) This too will be a boon to the show with the one hockey semi-expert on the flagship station of the local team. If this facet of Dave comes into play the show ought to be set up for a good long run. He'll connect both with Bob (sports) and Corby (schtick/music/et al), while providing some shock value for the bit/guy talk loving P1 and scratching the sports itch for the more Xs and Os listener.

    I hope this works out. If not, I'm not sure what the next move is, other than blow it up and find someone who partners well with Bob. He and Corby might be a year or so apart in age (51-54), but Bob's the commodity of value, not Corby. If you're going to retool the thing, it's done so around Bob and the Cowboys/NFL. Corby and Dave (and Danny) represent the glory days of Guy Talk. Bob's just about sports. Ultimately, it's a sports station.

  111. So it's Wednesday, day three of THL 5.0. Am I missing something? Why is it 4:30 and I've yet to hear Davey's voice today? Already out? Vacay? Or is he suddenly timid, afraid of the mic?

  112. ^^^^^^^^^He's piping in from time to time, but more like Danny WOULD, definitely not like a third host SHOULD. Thing is, GXD's not a producer, he's a Varsity host.

    Plus, isn't only day 2. Whatevs. Day 1 or 100 his lack of input has struck me as odd too.

  113. Corby is on vacation next week. It will be just him and Bob for the week. It will be his time to shine or flame out.

  114. I noticed Dave's relative quiet the first few days. I thought he was pitching his intro just right, not forcing it. I don't like the phrase "letting the game come to him," but there, I just used it.

    His segments (E-News, Community Quick Hits) are an improvement over Corby's.

    We'll hear more of him as time goes by -- I'm sure he's reading Bob/Corby's body language every time he pipes in, and eventually a nice balance will emerge.

  115. Roughly 2 or so hours into it today and I'm hearing a lot more Davey and, more importantly, liking what I'm hearing.

    I really do think this is going to work out and turn THL back into must-hear, oh man I can't get outta the car until this segment's over, radio. Only today I found myself clearing my deck so I could hear the first segment. That's something I haven't done since the first week or so after Greggo was canned. And that was only to see what, if anything, would be addressed and in what manner. Today I was eager to hear the content.

    Sustained boffo ratings be damned, I'm saaawwwreeeee (h/t Norm), but THL has been suboptimal since Greggo's departure way back in '08. Let that sink in. That's 14 years of absolute mediocrity. We're talking Cowboys level of here, folks. At least the last two years--post Mike--proper shits were given. Yet despite Bob's sportsyness and The Corby and Danny Show's best attempt at flying The Halcyon Day Flag, it rarely ranged beyond meh. As others have pointed out, the ratings numbers speak to the lack of competition rather than to the quality of programming.

    All I know is that for the first time since '08, I'm looking forward to 3-7. Will it ever give me the goosebumps I'd get when THL theme would kick on and Rhynes would go through the orders of the day? Dunno. But if they even get 1/2 way back to that vibe, man would I be a happy P1. Let's Mosh.

  116. Let me be clear, I'm not saying the reason THL was great before Greggo was fired was because of Greggo. It was great because of Mike. Greggo, for whatever reason, was the perfect partner for Mike and brought out the best in him. Now, I've heard some decent theories as to why Mike became disinterested: Petty Theft took priority; once The Ticket hit #1 and became the 100 ib gorilla and was no longer The Little Ticket he got bored; or a combo platter of the two. However it happened, it's difficult to deny once Greggo left, whatever if (any changes) going on inside of Mike either accelerated or manifested (depending on your POV) and neither he nor THL was ever the same. Once that happened, mediocrity quickly set in and there it remained.

  117. Greggo is the guest/subject of the latest Mom's pod (Julie and Emily Jones). While Sirois is Mike's latest pod interview. Will listen tomorrow and report back.

  118. This comment has been removed by the author.

  119. Greggo pod hasn't yet been posted. As far as the Sirois/OGW pod goes. . . .

    There's really nothing interesting about it other than it serves to buttress whatever view one might have of Sirois. If Sirois is your leader and everything he's a part of turns to gold, then this latest pod (as with the Twitch streams) will only heighten your sense of the injustice of his situation, how Cumulus and/or Cat and/or Norm have single-handedly ruined the station's future with their blinkered greediness and selfishness. On the other hand, if you're either agnostic or think "he's not that great (drop)," the interfacing left you thinking you've been right all along. Whatever you make of Sirois, you'd be hard pressed not to walk away from this pod (in conjunction with the Twitch appearances) with this conclusion: I would be very surprised if he ever graces The Ticket airwaves again. Honestly, I'd be surprised if anyone in the market would hire him at this point. Regardless of one's feelings about the situation, at this point it'd be rather difficult to maintain the position that he's disciplined. At least desciplined, displying decorum in a way someone in the industry is expected to with respect to certain areas of the industry. He hasn't. And while the fanboy or even casual "I like what he does" listener might give him an atta boy for speaking his mind and "being real," when you start to throw (explicitly or implicitly) former employers and coworkers under the bus, you've probably crossed a line from which there is no return. Especially when you have zero skin in the game. Which, despite what some will say, and despite his claims of being the JV member with the most ad-spots in the history of the station (which I believe), he absolutely does not.

    Personally I fall into the agnostic category. Never found him particularly compelling. But nor did I think he had a bag of nothing. I enjoyed his golf analysis, thought he and Cash ably interviewed guests on CdS, and I liked his devil-may-care attitude, in spots. Yet overall I could take or leave him. In retrospect, and in light of his time at The Ticket, the way in which he exited and its brief and soon to be forgotten aftermath makes perfect sense.

    Stay hard, Sirois. Have a feeling you're going to be more than OK.

  120. People said all the same things about TC when he left for Jacksonville but Cat hired him back.

  121. As a Ticker person. He went from running a station and having his own show and the money/benefits that come along with it... back to his original position. Sirois, as he's said of late on many occasions, publicly, he's host material and needs to be paid accordingly. I guess I should've been more specific. You are correct, strictly speaking. Have you listened to the Rhyner pod? If so, what did you think? As I said, regardless of where you fall on Sirois, you'd be hard pressed not to come away thinking, "yup, no going back now." But you might have a different read. I'd be interested in what you and others think after giving it a listen.

  122. Surly I remember that TC ama. He basically threw only Cumulus under the bus. There might've been a sideways shot at some of the other JV. But that means squat. Any local hire that's not a host I wouldn't think would require Cumulus' sign off. Tickerman is a no big deal local hire. Mikey brought up salaries and questioned others' motives and did some fairly big curtain yanking along the way. Totally different from TC. I agree with 6/25/2:39pm. Would be super surprised if he ever makes it back into the fold. Same with popping on for a segment. Also agree that I'm sure he'll be more than OK.

  123. Cracklin' Rose Yer A Store Bought WomanJune 30, 2022 at 2:51 AM

    Listened to the Greggo/Julie/Emily pod. Meh. Very little about The FAN days and the fallout with Whitt. Barely anything about Rhyner other than the deterioration of their friendship was all on Greggo's part. No new ground trod upon. Emily did say a few times that his Tweets can be pretty polarizing, but he's entitled to his opinions, and that she knows he's more bark than bite.

    On the whole he's the same guy he's always been, but with a bit more humility. Though there were a couple moments where you kinda got the feeling "bit more" might be better put as "somewhat perceptibly more." It is obvious by this appearance and others over the past few years, and the Tweets, and all the rest. . . . . that Greggo is now and will always to some extent live in (and relive) the past. He's a relic of distant days that are never coming back. Evident too was that whatever intangible, utterly compelling "it factor" he once had has long since died. Even so, somewhere in the first 10 minutes of the pod he was going on about the early days and the urgency therein. Man, for one brief moment there I was transported back to that place and time. I could taste it. Us vs the world. We all had the Bunker Mentality. We were all in it together. Me, Rhynes, Greggo, Junior, George, Gordo, and my buddies. We WERE The Ticket. And that was what made it so damn special, singular.

    Stay hard, Greggo. Keep jammin' we'll see ya.

  124. I have to agree with Rose there. No new ground covered really. He did say he was coming up on his fifth year clean and sober and talked about his addictions in the past. He also gave a bit of background on how they found Corby and his hiring at the station. He is a volume shooter when it comes to Twitter. Emily carried the ball for the most part in the interview. It will be of some interest to those who discovered the Ticket after he left.


  125. I've listened to a good deal of Hardline 5.0 Davey and Bob edition and I have to admit that I'm surprised how much I've enjoyed them. I've never been a big fan of Davey but I've found him to be good listen this week. He and Bob seem to have much better chemistry than Bob and Corby do. I don't think its a pairing that will over come my dislike of Corby and get me to listen to the HL again but I'll at least give it more of a try than I original planned. I think DJ is also doing well in the morning Ticker slot.


  126. DwightYoakamWithNoHatJuly 2, 2022 at 3:32 PM

    I very much enjoyed this past week of Bob and Davey sans Corby. I honestly looked forward to every show. And I agree with KDF that DJ is doing a great job. Really liking the vibe the station is taking on. Sorry if this offends, but THL and NaD are better for the changes. Danny will always be a leader of mine. I wish I had a 1/4 oz of the talent in his pinky finger alone. But THL is better balanced now. And as fiercely vocal and protective of Sirois as so many are (though if you look at reddit recently, the tide on that has turned by no small means-between the Gordo stream, his own stream, and Mike R's pod, seems like many have been left with a bad taste in their mouth), NaD is better without him. Why? Because as long as Norm's on-air, his show needs to be sports-centric. Sean is just that. So is Donnie when needs be. Actually, Donnie is more sportsy than bit/"let's go" focused. If you're going to have a show with Norm, "let's go" doesn't work. All it's good for is creating awkward and even terrible moments and segments and serves to belittle Norm (much of it done on his own accord, by the way).

    Short of it is I'm digging what I'm hearing across the board. Well done, Mr. Catman of the Americas. Now if we can only find Corby a national show to move onto, or another career.....

  127. I was listening to a few of the recent podcasts, Rhyner's and Mom Game. Also watched some of Gordo on Twitch. Obviously, something on Vokal has more production value, at least for those mentioned, but what can you make off those platforms? What intrigues me is Gordo on Twitch. Is he experimenting with an exit strategy? I have NOTHING to go on. I could easily see George doing a TX country stream. Is that where things eventually go? Again, just curious, the revenue may be pennies.

  128. While I enjoyed Bob and Davey, Corby's return once again drove me away from the Hardline 5.0. I'm not sure when Corby became an irritant. I enjoyed him back when he first started on the HL as the yuck monkey. I didn't mind him when he first became a co-host. Somewhere in Mike's halfhearted days he began to wear on me. Familiarity breeds contempt I guess. Hopefully the change works for those who still enjoy the show and its a success for a long time.

  129. Unless Gordon hires someone to basically run, keep updated, promoted, and take care of monies earned -- basically where he logs on and goes-- it'll never materialize. He could absolutely hire someone to do all these things. But again, that takes effort. To make streaming one's primary source of income (or even a healthly secondary source) means to make it a full time job. If treated like a hobby or a part time job, it will yield negative returns. Even if everything is done the right way there's no assurance that real money (especially compared to the salary Gordon earns) will even be approximated, much leass generated. My guess, is Gordon's Twitch experiment is just that: an experiment, a phase like all the others he's gone through over the years. From bicycles to vintage RVs/campers to typewriters to firearms to acoustic then electric guitars to home DIY to ad infinitum. It's just the way of the Gordon and streaming is its latest manifestation.

    While I don't shun THL, I'm right there with you, KDF. Loved the week off from Corby and really loved the Bob and Davey Show. I so very much wish they would've ditched THL moniker when Mike left. With the new addition of Davey the opportunity arose again. Alas, nope. In some ways The Ticket is like the Dallas Stars: They just can't let go of the past and stop trying to put the band back together. As a wise station GM once said, "It's time buddy, it's TIME" (Mike "The Laddie" Thompson).

  130. I like Elf on the weekends but man he makes Norm seem young and hip.

  131. No he doesn't. Elf's a good mfer. Been listening to him from the beginning of the station's existence. I like the current drydock sportsiness that's going on. In fact I'd say it seems kind of like the station is getting back to a mix of equal parts sports and guy talk. That's a good thing. The thing has swung too far for too long to the guy talk side. It's a sports station after all. I kind of thought the person who kept saying a few threads ago that we'll soon be hearing a much more sportsier Ticket was a bit full of it. Specially about listener call in segments. I'm starting to think maybe they know something. Because I've definitely noticed it getting more sportsy. It's not yet Cowboy season either. We're pretty much in the sports deadzone. Says something I'd think.

  132. gagree. elfs a good dude, and i actually enjoyed him and DJ this past wk.
