A home for those who love almost everything about The Ticket (1310 AM, 96.7 FM, Dallas-Fort Worth), and who would like to discuss -- respectfully and fondly -- their thoughts on how (and whether) to eliminate the "almost."
Sunday, June 23, 2013
BREAKING: Unless Gordon Has Made Off with Bob's Laptop . . .
BaD radio is staying with The Ticket, per Bob's tweet.
THREE MINUTES AGO: Bob: "We are staying home for years to come. In the end, just can't leave you or our brothers or the special thing we have all built. #1310"
Well, what a three day ride this has been. MTC (its proprietor and commenters) at its very best. This is what this site IMHO was built for and is about. Great detective work by many (extra special h/t to Shaggy), and with the exception of a scant few, a congenial and helpful conversation was held by all.
Three huzzahs for BaD staying at our beloved station!
Hey, Confessors, thanks for all the visits, speculation, information, historical perspective, and opinion. I'm sure many of you wrote to the principals personally to express your support and concern, but betcha some people who mattered checked in here from time to time to take the P1's temperature. Give yourselves a hashtag.
What a terrible / wonderful weekend. This little scare just reinforced to me what the guys and the station means to longtime listeners. It's our little treehouse where we go to hang out together every day, and losing one of its members affects all of us. This weekend just reminds us to appreciate what we have here.
I suspect BaD realizes this too, and the sense of family helped them make the ultimate decision to stay.
Thanks, Plainsman, for taking the time give us this place to gather and talk. I bet I checked in every 30 minutes since Friday afternoon.
I don't think RW, Barry Horn, et al showed themselves to be hacks. It was a real story, and was by all accounts very close to happening. RW's mistake was trying to tease this for a Monday story, not realizing that by tipping off the fan base and competitors he lost control of it.
I'm not so sure Barry Horn or Richie Whitt got punked. Most non-inside observers assumed BaD was gone, and they reported the gestalt of the radio community.
Who did get punked was CBS, who loses again.
Proving once again the wisdom of Mike Rhyner, who continues to point out that they can't do what we can do.
Punked is probably too strong a word, but it amuses me that within minutes of Barry Horn posting his breaking news Bob makes it look silly. No, he probably had what he thought was good information and probably was at that moment, but perhaps even as he was posting it BaD decided to stay.
Yes, I'll join the chorus and be glad I had the MTC resource this weekend.
I can see a deliberate attempt to make Barry Horn look foolish. Bob and Dan used to hate his coverage of Michael Irvin's show given they consistently beat him in the ratings.
WTDS may indeed be epic, but Bob and Dan will not likely be on it. They've been through the wringer. I'm predicting a few days to a week off.
But who knows? They may be energized by the new deal and we can all celebrate with them.
In any event, I'm doubtful there will be a gag order on the other shows, so not to worry. The station has something to celebrate that will keep it, if not stable, at least in the game, for many years to come. I reckon we'll get all the BaD talk we're hoping for tomorrow, just not by BaD.
I would be surprised if it was not written into their contract that they could jump to drive time should THL continue to put out crap. They might actually improve ratings in that time slot.
So now can we return to wondering if whether Greggo will respond to Richie Whitt's story?
You know this BaD story irks Whitt to no end....to wit's end....ROCK ME! But seriously, his ill-advised and juvenile attempt at unvarnished truth telling was the talk of the radio town until this happened. Now it's all but forgotten. Or as he would put it Dead and Gone...ROCK ME TWO TIMES!
Poor Richie. He might have been able to wring a weeks worth of hits off his Greggo story, but then BaD completely wipes that off the topic wheel. Then he bungles the scoop....
This is awesome news - keeping the band together, and my guess is BaD is leaving some money on the table by staying.
Just in case no one saw Doocy's Twitter feed tonight, I think Richie is on his Open Mike segments of Sports Sunday tonight... Might be worth a watch, for comedy's sake if nothing else!
Believe it or not, RW was very complementary of The Little Ticket, especially the continuity being what has made them so good, and criticized The Fan and ESPN doing the opposite. No sour grapes there, obviously...
bob and dan had already scheduled their dry dock summer vacation this coming week. don't let it harsh your buzz but they won't be on this week but that was already a scheduled vacation before any of this went down.
I don't comprehend the vitriol directed toward RW on this. He reported the story, apparently accurately, and his tease drove interest to his site and this one. Grassroots word-of-tweet, DMN, DO, interest that, who knows, might've helped to sway Bob and/or Dan into staying the course.
Seems like Corby and Rhyner are very relieved. I'm guessing they underestimated the threat of this happening the whole time so when it finally reached the boiling point, they were a little caught off guard. I wonder if they'll see this as a reality check and it will light a fire in them again?
Can we stop all of the Bob and Dan stayed b/c we are all family at the Ticket talk? They stayed b/c Cumulus ponied up and matched CBS's offer. If they hadn't, Bob and Dan would have been on the first train outta the mothership.
Would they have prefered to stay at the Ticket rather than go to the Fan? Yes. But money decided this decision, make no mistake about that.
I'm not saying I blame them by the way. Most of us would do the same exact thing. I just hate the P1s that act like they left money on the table b/c they care so deeply about us and what they have built at the Ticket. They just want to make sure that their families are taken care of.
Yes, I think the first time this news, or the hints of some news, escaped The Ticket was Gypo Nolan's advice here to hold on to our butts. I took his subsequent Cuban Missile Crisis reference the wrong direction, but it would have been pretty hard to translate that clue into "Bob and Dan might to to The Fan unless Cumulus Ponies up."
Bob and Dan did not leave any money on the table.
CBS's offer was probably good, but probably not crazy-money good.
And they sure as hell didn't leave any years on the table.
Do not underestimate the problem that the six-month noncompete caused CBS. CBS had no right to buy it out, and Cumulus almost certainly would have enforced it. So no BaD for almost the entire Cowboy season, and time for The Ticket to get the P1 accustomed to a new midday team. (BaD would almost certainly have been slotted middays at The Fan, not drive.)
Having said this, I do believe there was a non-pecuniary element to Bob's/Dan's decision. The Ticket is stable (if almost certain to undergo changes in the next 4-6 years) and these guys have their stardom and privileges that are in some measure attached to that. Not to mention friends who like them and admire their work, are not jealous of them. Other things being equal (or somewhat better than equal), staying is the comfortable move.
Musers don't like to touch controversial material (espcially Ticket-related suchness), and I bet there's probably a gag order on the station till it releases its official announcement.
At the end of the (otherwise not that funny) 8:40 bit this morning, Gordo's fake daredevil character took a shot at The Fan. That's probably as much as they'll mention it.
I am just a lurker but I am so damn happy to have BaDD staying on my beloved Ticket. I have been slowly finding that I enjoy their show as much as any other on the little ticket. Really happy to not have to decide between their replacement and a new BaD show on another station. I am not sure it would have been the same.
I was hanging on to my seat, checking this site all weekend. Great posts by the Confessors and of course, The Plainsman. Double shout out to whoever said things would be business as usual on Monday and also to Mike Freaking Modano.
My two cents: I can totally see them staying for less money than CBS (while still most likely getting a big raise) They want to be part of a family and a winning team and didn't want to break that up (like, um, the 2011 Mavs.)
And just like The Office or Mad Men, we could still see some kinda of merger in six months that negates our heroes plans. Maybe?
It was great having MTC this weekend, I know you don't want any credit PMan, but having this forum to share thoughts and ideas was pretty cool.
A couple of things... 1) will BaD be given a pass on the whole "just can't leave our brothers" tweet? If you couldn't leave it, why would you have entertained an offer from one of your competitors? I think putting the blame on agents is just deflecting. Everyone has a price, and I'm sure CBS' offer was higher than Cumulus, but like PMan said, a 6 month dry dock, even getting paid, is hard for Bob to stomach for sure. And Dan? He'd have no excuse not to be home for a few hours a day if he's on dry dock. It's going to be hard for me to hear about BaD talk about player contracts again knowing about this. I'm sure they would rather have had this kept behind closed doors, or did this leaking help them? Pman?
2. BaD is still the #3 show at the Ticket, and probably still paid that way. It was interesting reading some posters talking about if the move happened, that they would listen only when THL was on break or whatever. It's hard to compare something such as radio talent to your favorite sports team and players moving. As much as I love the Ticket, I don't have any Ticket jerseys with guys names on them. Yes I have a Ticket tshirt, but something like this is apples and oranges. I was as much interested in this happening as it not happening(if that makes sense.) I don't get to listen to much of BaD's show but I enjoy it, and having it in drive time would have been a no brainer for me to listen to instead of THL. That could be heresy to a lot of you but we all have our favorites and BaD is ahead of THL for me.
One must remember when they talk about BaD being #3 on the Ticket there is actually a lower total potential audience during the noon to 3 slot than either drive times where they literally have a captive audience (I 35, 635, I 20, toll way, 75, 820, loop 12 etc)
Too funny. Greggo has a new post up. He will be addressing RW's screed today on his podcast. I made a comment and noticed it wasn't showing. So I clicked on the comment link and there it was. . . .awaiting moderation. So either he or his girlfriend are going to censor what gets through and what doesn't. Why do I have a feeling this is one more enabler enabling?
RW has posted up a BaD recap. He also is saying that he will reveal another popular afternoon show that is about to or currently is going through contractual negotiations, and that things are on very shaky grounds.
Me, I say it's GAC. I think RW is probably about done taking on The Ticket. Specially if he's been Tweeting Mike R. Can't imagine he'd try to buddy up to Mike, only to turn around and expose his personal business. Then again, we're talking about RW here.
what the hell is happening right now with the summer bash replay? They just mentioned it won't work over stream, so basically you have Mike/Snake/Danny snorting over static nonsense for 5 mins at a time
Mike took a segment to discuss the events of the weekend and concluded with some harsh words for those in the media who were claiming the move to the FAN was a done deal. Danny then made the above remark directed specifically at RW.
If you can fight through the constant hiccuping, GW addresses RW's piece on him. He basically finds RW's piece not so much untruthful as it is in poor taste, as a betrayal, and a breaking of some unwritten law in broadcasting. He actually claims at several points that RW's article for the most part was factual. It's very disjointed and rambling. He keeps repeating the same point over and over: that he is befuddled as to why RW is so mean-spirited.
The one thing they both have in common is that they refuse to consider even the possibility that the show wasn't good enough; that they weren't good enough.
Now that I've read RW's much too long, in toto, article and GW's response, I have to say that my final analysis is that both these guys and their collective posses deserve each other. The whole things smacks of two high school girls having a go at it via Facebook. They both come off as foolish.
Who there could they be after? Gallo is going to retire before the end of the year (or soon after)and could any of that bunch carry a show without him?
Unless it's Ticket related, and right now even if it is, I'm a burned out on comings and goings. First there's RaGE, then RW v.GW, then the BaD contract thing. I've had industry news overload.
I'm with 625. RW and GW are 2 peas in a pod. One (GW) out and out lies, the other (RW) plays with facts enough to make much of what he claims truthful in a very narrow and even specious way. Akin to playing with statistical data to make something seem more or less than it actually is (which he indeed often does). While GW, I would imagine, is toast around here, RW I would think still had a very good shot at getting another gig in some form or another. After his 5 parter, he's every bit as toast as GW. In some ways even more so. It's one thing to be a drug addled liar, it's another to show the world just how you keep score and are willing to air publicly things that never should be.
If Richie actually tried to contact Rhyner with what was pretty much tantamount to "hey dude! What say you and me grab some beers and throw ol Greggo under the bus together...what say?!"...he's a bigger sniffling little ass-clown than I thot! Hey Richtard, THL wouldn't let you tie their shoes!! Wait a minute!! Maybe they might...you're short enough that you could probably do a good job!
While I've always found Greggo entertaining, it's clear he needs help. Not sure why Whitt felt the need to air this out publicly, other than for web hits. His reputation wasn't at stake. He should have taken the high road and let the website simply be a showcase for his writing, which is his stronger suit anyway.
I think Bob and Dan wisely chose to take the long term view on the show. 1053 would have been the quick money grab, but a future as the Ticket mainstay when the drivetime shows gracefully bow out in a few years is the smarter play.
I think the stability of The Ticket was a big motivating factor for Bob and Dan staying. I don't think I am going out on a limb when I say that the Ticket will still be here in some form or fashion in 5 years. There is a real chance that The Fan will be playing country music or switch to an all Beatles format in 5 months. So while money is certainly part of the equation, do not underestimate the role stability played in their decision.
Musers addressed the BaD Radio signing at 7:40. Took to task a certain writer who has been rooting for ticket failure for the last 10 years (see name above).
Gordon: "He's on the sideline and he's got to comment on people in the game."
They also criticized those who post on the internet that some of the hosts are disengaged.
Junior: "Everybody works their ass off."
Gordon (paraphrasing): It takes hard work to make it look effortless.
Sounds like they are going to address it again at 8:40. That's an appointment.
Maybe after BAD have their say today, we can move on to a "What If" post, as in, who would they have brought in to replace BAD?
If what they put out yesterday was their long-term plan, (Black & Quack), I definitely would not listen as much as I do know. Both Donny and Rich are good where they are at now, but for some reason their show just didn't appeal to me. IF BAD was to leave, I think it would have been a natural solution to move Donny to Norm. They have good chemistry on the Cowboys post game and seem to work well together.
As far as the noon-3 slot, my choice would have been the Cirque du Sirois show. What I have heard from them on the weekends I like. Plus, they mix good with the Orphanage, which means they might bridge the gap to the Hardline well.
Just my Ticket-centric thoughts. As far as BAD goes, they have always been my favorite, and I would have followed them to whatever time slot.
The 8:40 bit wasn't that great, I caught on to it right away. Gordo's Dan impression was basically a fast talking Ribbie.
I missed the 7:40 segment, but I have noticed something. Noone on the station likes being talked about unless it's in a positive way. This goes for even blogs like this. I think it's comparable to an elite athlete that's always used to success, but when someone criticizes something they do, they become what we despise; arrogant and closed off. We're all here because we enjoy the Ticket. Do we give them a pass for acting the way the way we and more importantly they despise athletes in high profile situations? It just all seems pretty petty to me. You make a living off of talking sports and have entire segments on evaluating how Romo is playing, should he be golfing, vacationing, etc. If Dirk is slumping, you wonder what's wrong, is he hurt, is he too old, etc. I don't know, I just think the way they're acting and even drawing attention to a detractor, just goes a little far. In my opinion, we bash the Ticket on this blog more than any articles that have been written about them lately. It's not important for me to feel right or wrong about it, just my observation and wondering if anyone feels the same way. In the grand scheme of things, there are more important things to talk about, like 6 year old transgendered kids.
(1) I think most of The Ticket guys are at peace with this particular blog. This morning when Junior was talking about blogs, he (and maybe Gordon) made an exception for "P1 blogs." Of course, no one cares to be publicly criticized, but the very few times I've heard from a host he's been positive and appreciative of the tone and the effort to identify the good as well as the things we'd like to see different. Once in awhile I'll get an email disagreeing with something in particular, but the fact that they even do that is some sign that they take the thing seriously.
(2) I was going to make a special effort to hear Bob and Dan today, but it looks like that is not going to happen. Someone please report on any details they disclose. I don't expect many, partly for the expected reasons (none of our business), but partly also because they would not want to be seen as disclosing CBS's confidential information, either.
But I'm hopeful we get some well-written reports from those of you able to tune in today. Thanks a lot.
In Richie's latest blog entry (addressing the "fallout" between him and The Ticket guys) he linked an article about Rhyner and The Ticket from early 2006. I don't think I'd read it before but it's pretty good:
not at all. he was speaking of EVERY key player at the ticket at one time or another that helped them on their path. pretty obvious it wasn't freudian.
Not at all. GW was there since Bob and Dan's first days, he was definitely part of the team that helped BaD along as they earned their spot at The Ticket.
As for RW, eventually he is going to run out of Ticket-related stuff to write about on his blog. His "real" sports blog entry only got 4 comments. Nothing but crickets
It hasn't happened yet ( 2 minutes till the top of the first hour) but I would be interested in hearing Donny's point of view on all of this. He seemed to maybe have to most to lose, and/or the most to gain from them leaving.
1. Sounds like from their comments at the beginning of the show they got either 4 or 5 year deals (must be some option or something for the last year since Bob specifically said 4 to 5).
2. I'd have to assume they accepted MUCH less to stay based on the way that whole conversation went. They seemed to imply that it ended up not being worth dragging it out for so long. I guess Cumulus "won" the standoff.
3. Bob and Dan both seemed to get kind of choked up when talking about staying.
Perhaps a little off topic but I just ran across this:
@TCUWhiteTrash: I have never deleted any comments about me..I promise to ask all involved..i like ALL comments..I haven't shied away from criticism.and wont
So all who posted comments on his site which never showed up, must just be a glitch in the system.
I always stream online using Tune-In when at the office. I was listening on Saturday morning during the Orphanage and again yesterday. I had no problem hearing the Summer Bash audio.
I downloaded iheart on my Android phone and it is almost unlistenable. Every 2-3 seconds it buffers, or stops, for about half a second. So it creates a very choppy presentation. I have listened to a few other iheart stations and they stream with no problems.
Is this an iheart - Ticket issue or an Android phone issue?
I think after listening to the Ticket boys yesterday and today I am convinced they left money on the table. They stayed because they wanted to stay. That was the crux of the man in the mirror posting by Bob. I heard most of the Musers talk of it this morning and hung on every syllable Bob and Dan threw out there at lunch and was a bit late getting back, but it was worth it. I will listen again when the Unticket puts it up.
I think it is clear that without modern social networking like this place, twitter, Shaggy's place and even GIML this probably would have happened. We would have been left wondering what was happening at the Bash and why it was so weird until the bomb was dropped on Monday. I can't say we had a hand in their decision directly, but more than once, yesterday and today,I got the impression that we, the great unwashed, drunken, loud and obnoxious P1s had some input in the decision. We, the brainwashed stooges, continue to keep our ears listening, attending Jub Jams, road shows, interrupting at inopportune times and refuse to vote responsibly. But, I have no illusions about who the decision to stay really boiled down to, it was the fellows in the bunker with them. The faces that they took for granted were more important to them than more dollars. That says a lot to me.
That was no bit when they got choked up. That was genuine camaraderie that cannot be purchased with ducats.
While we are discussing Iheart and what not. I tried out a portable HD. It sits on my desk now as a 50 dollar paper weight. It turns on, I can see the signal is being received, but nada for sound and I have zero confidence that Best Buy is going to lift a finger to make it work properly. It might have worked properly for a month.
@cactus: good thoughts. I 'd like to think our little social media outlets made somewhat of a difference. I doubt GIML had much impact; however, as its existence met its demise last week when a large faction left and started a new forum. All are welcome. Love this site too. http://www.aninternetforum.com/
Huh? GIML had a parting of the ways? I drop by periodically to see what is up over there, but it seems to be a pretty closed circle. I included them because whether or not they had an impact on the decision they still represent a portion of the listeners. It might be baby arm everyday and all the time, but they are still part of the ears listening.
indeed, GIML is a very closed set of friends. www.aninternetforum.com is a bunch of TIcket listeners from way back (back when RemoveRowdy was still a forum) who just shot the shit.
Confessors, it looks like I may be having a spam problem here in the comments. Please don't comment on it -- I'm aware of the problem and will deal with it as soon as I can. Ignore it and keep confessing. Thanks for your patience.
I think RW might've learned a lesson from his handling of, and even the running with the tease of, the BaD story. RW made about, uh, zero friends by going with both the tease and the not-broken-by-him-story. He broke clubhouse rules and was let known by others in his industry that it won't be tolerated. But. In typical RW fashion, he won't address it; he'll ignore it.
It is strange that a guy with a bent like RW is completely ignoring all the calls he's getting for the story on another show that could be setting sail for new harbors that he teased over the weekend. Don't get it. I mean just say either the situation changed and there's no longer a story or that you decided not to run with it. No biggie. But it looks like RW is a pro at playing the media game. Sensationalism sells and when it bites you in the ass or things are starting to turn against you, pretend like it didn't and isn't happening. He's the Perez Hilton of Dallas media. HIs Q&A on the GW story is a nice little piece of revisionist history. Says if he had kept his job none of this would've been aired and he would've been a friend to GW and would've sought to get him help, and not ignore him like the unfeeling Ticket guys did. Funny thing is that commenters keep pointing out how he actually did pranks and bits on GW, knowing he was f'd up, making the fact that he was f'd up the focal point of the gag. So instead of getting the guy help and maybe preventing RaGE's firing, he saw GW's mess of a life as a means to a comedic end. Sorry RW, you can't have it both ways and expect others to feel sorry for you or side with you. You're just not a sympathetic figure. Opposite, actually.
@321 Whitt posted in the comment section of his latest entry that he was still working on the story; that he will have it ready on Friday. This one must be a real hush-hush scoop if he's going to wait for 2 more days to run with it. I like that this time he's gathering all the facts before he publishes. And it's smart of him not to tip off what station this is occurring at.
I see RW as you describe also, to the point where he thinks he's fooling readers and listeners of what he's actually done in the past and what he's describing now. Like we have gold fish memories or something.
Sorry, I need some explanatino on this GIML and http://www.aninternetforum.com/ thing. I don't really read GIML -- do they have, like factions? And is http://www.aninternetforum.com/ a Ticket site, or is it a collection of message boards? (I didn't join.)
And what's the deal with our good friend Shaggy? Is he the proprietor of ShaggyBevo, which seems to have a some strong Ticket threads?
I'm wondering if maybe I can retire and just clog up other people's threads instead of patrolling these.
I've had to be away for a few days and this will probably continue for a bit, so thanks to all for keeping things going after our exhausting weekend.
I've always been surprised that there haven't been other Ticket blogs popping up, and maybe this is what we have here. Someone needs to fill me (and the rest of us clueless people) in.
Nah, not the proprietor, but I do frequent "The Shag" quite a bit. It's a very large/popular "alternative" Longhorn forum. Lots of jokers over there. And yes, lots of P1s. The ticket thread is now going on 4 years old and 175 pages long. I enjoy having both outlets for ticket info. Grubes has made some appearances in that thread, too.
Reading the MTC comments regarding the BaD Radio situation over the last 4 - 5 days , I feel compelled to summarize and share some conclusions . I do not personally know the players in the negotiation process , my summation of these events are based on being a Day P1 and fairly astute observer of human nature. 1- I sensed there were some MTC posters criticizing BaD IN overplaying the " Family " , " Brotherhood " and " we are a vested successful team " perspective . Most of us should conclude that BaD did receive an aggressive offer from CBS and that Cumulus was very late in responding with counter offers . ( Please note , I have not read or listened to other journalistic summaries on this matter ) . Bob / Dan clarified their positions of " What is enough Money to do something we love " and shockingly Dan , who I didn't think had a heart was just as emotionally charged in sharing his feelings . No doubt Money was a major player in their decision , No Doubt Lew Dickey disappointedly dragged his feet with a counter offer . But , BaD made their decision based on the SUM of the parts . I assume that in 4-5 years , the entire " KTCK team " will be heading out on their own to start new endeavors . There was a post attempting to support RW in getting the Scoop " He got the Story right , it just didn't happen " That is an absurd statement . To get a story right , it needs to unfold as presented , the story did not , therefore RW struck out . As a matter of fact , it confirms how shallow RW is , he can not process the thought that some people consider a multitude of issues not just who pays the most before taking a job .
"I don't comprehend the vitriol directed toward RW on this" ?
RW has not earned my respect and continues to show he has no class .
This was too big a decision to think Barry Horn would influence BaD making a life altering decision to show up BH ? GW officially " irrelevant " Now ! I am just as stunned at the magnitude of GWs ineptness in telling the truth and disappointed with him not dealing with his addictions . Corby irritated me to end today , he has No street smarts and adds very little to the HL . I appreciate MTC keeping the overused " F Bomb " off his Blog . The FAN still has a Big Problem in that they have no Home run Hitters in their lineup . IHeart is a " flawed "system .
MTC did have an impact in some manner in BaD radios decision !
(1) Who was it -- The Musers, Craig, maybe? George? -- who was talking about the events of the weekend, and how incredibly hard EVERYONE worked at The Ticket. This is not a Corby/Mike bash, but I think the near universal view is that other than 3-7, The Hardline doesn't, um, work very hard. Now, four hours on the air is hard work, and I still love the show. But all the other presentations do give some evidence of their proprietors thinking about show matters when the mics are not on, while The Hardline does not, much. I forget who said "if it looks like it's not work, then it's work," but that doesn't seem to be the feeling about The Hardline hereabouts.
(2) I continue to be of the belief that if we were to see the whole package, we would see that BaD didn't leave a whole lot on the table, if they can be said to have left anything. I do believe both Bob and Dan when they report some sentimental reasons for staying, but I'm guessing that even if maybe the annual salaries for the next few years didn't quite match up, the term, options, and general security of the Ticket offer made the whole pecuniary package more appealing than the shorter-term, no guarantees, no options, shakier-station package from CBS. Could be way wrong -- but if you put the packages side by side, I think you'd see that the dollars/cents differences were slight if not favoring The Ticket in the longer run, and that issues of friendship and loyalty (and that in not too many years they may be the premier show on a legendary station, as this site suggested over the weekend) could indeed overwhelm any short-term financial considerations.
(3) I still want to know about www.aninternetforum.com
PS: I don't have any issues wtih Corby's tennis, golf, or college football talk. I don't know much about those sports and those segments always sound fresh to me. Not sure why they're such tuneouts for some Confessors -- it's a sports show, these are sports. Like Rich's NASCAR reports on Tickers (not to mention the increasingly legendary Race Week, now almost as famous as The Train Station Fitness Show), they add some flavor to the presentation.
THREE MINUTES AGO: Bob: "We are staying home for years to come. In the end, just can't leave you or our brothers or the special thing we have all built. #1310"
ReplyDeleteWell, what a three day ride this has been. MTC (its proprietor and commenters) at its very best. This is what this site IMHO was built for and is about. Great detective work by many (extra special h/t to Shaggy), and with the exception of a scant few, a congenial and helpful conversation was held by all.
ReplyDeleteThree huzzahs for BaD staying at our beloved station!
Three huzzahs for MTC and all that it entails!
Damn, I just spent half the afternoon writing to Lew Dickey.
Hey, Confessors, thanks for all the visits, speculation, information, historical perspective, and opinion. I'm sure many of you wrote to the principals personally to express your support and concern, but betcha some people who mattered checked in here from time to time to take the P1's temperature. Give yourselves a hashtag.
Thanks, birdie. I can take credit for the forum and a little insight on processes, but that's about it.
ReplyDeleteAnd, of course, priceless advice to Lew Dickey.
guess we can add barry horn to the list of hacks
ReplyDeleteRichie Whitt @richiewhitt 1m
ReplyDeleteRT @bhorn55: Ticket-types not optimistic Bob and Dan will stay at 1310. Looks like mid-day at The Fan. << Notsamuch.
What a terrible / wonderful weekend. This little scare just reinforced to me what the guys and the station means to longtime listeners. It's our little treehouse where we go to hang out together every day, and losing one of its members affects all of us. This weekend just reminds us to appreciate what we have here.
ReplyDeleteI suspect BaD realizes this too, and the sense of family helped them make the ultimate decision to stay.
Thanks, Plainsman, for taking the time give us this place to gather and talk. I bet I checked in every 30 minutes since Friday afternoon.
The pleasure was entirely mine, at great peril to my actual job.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder my hits were so high. It was you, TFool.
Seriously, I think retweets got me some new readers. I can usually tell, because my page views explode with people checking out the archives.
Prioritizing Family , time vested and lifestyle vs, Selling your Soul to da Man , is not seen very often these days .
ReplyDeleteKudos to BaD Radio .
Nothing but Good will flourish from this decision however it came to pass .
Lets get back to bashing Corby and enjoying the fact that RW just threw up on himself .
Let's don't forget that KTCK
will continue change .
I don't think RW, Barry Horn, et al showed themselves to be hacks. It was a real story, and was by all accounts very close to happening. RW's mistake was trying to tease this for a Monday story, not realizing that by tipping off the fan base and competitors he lost control of it.
ReplyDeleteDoes this mean Cumulus actually ponied up and matched CBS's offer?
ReplyDeleteWasn't that the only way this could have happened? Thought I read that somewhere.
I'm not so sure Barry Horn or Richie Whitt got punked. Most non-inside observers assumed BaD was gone, and they reported the gestalt of the radio community.
ReplyDeleteWho did get punked was CBS, who loses again.
Proving once again the wisdom of Mike Rhyner, who continues to point out that they can't do what we can do.
Maybe CBS ought to try developing talent, instead of just buying it. What a novel approach.
ReplyDeleteI hear Elf and Slater are breathing a sigh of relief. Seriously.
ReplyDeletePunked is probably too strong a word, but it amuses me that within minutes of Barry Horn posting his breaking news Bob makes it look silly. No, he probably had what he thought was good information and probably was at that moment, but perhaps even as he was posting it BaD decided to stay.
ReplyDeleteYes, I'll join the chorus and be glad I had the MTC resource this weekend.
Reading the tea leaves, my guess would be Cumulus didn't
ReplyDeletematch, but increased their offer enough to make them happy to stay.
I can see a deliberate attempt to make Barry Horn look foolish. Bob and Dan used to hate his coverage of Michael Irvin's show given they consistently beat him in the ratings.
ReplyDeleteVery, very good point about Barry Horn, sir.
ReplyDeleteA major scare, but everything stays the same. Tomorrow won't suck after all
ReplyDeleteI flippin' can't wait for tomorrow's WTDS! It's gonna be epic!
ReplyDeleteMoney did the talking, but maybe Bob and Dan had a little brand loyalty . . .
ReplyDeleteWTDS may indeed be epic, but Bob and Dan will not likely be on it. They've been through the wringer. I'm predicting a few days to a week off.
ReplyDeleteBut who knows? They may be energized by the new deal and we can all celebrate with them.
In any event, I'm doubtful there will be a gag order on the other shows, so not to worry. The station has something to celebrate that will keep it, if not stable, at least in the game, for many years to come. I reckon we'll get all the BaD talk we're hoping for tomorrow, just not by BaD.
ReplyDelete*90s faux rocker drop* "The Tickeeeeeuhhhehhhittt"
this is my favorite tweet of the night so far concerning this matter.
ReplyDeleteMike Modano @9modano 31s
@SportsSturm aren't negotiations fun!!? Glad your staying cause the rest of them don't know a thing about hockey..
I would be surprised if it was not written into their contract that they could jump to drive time should THL continue to put out crap. They might actually improve ratings in that time slot.
ReplyDelete@ cactusflinthead
ReplyDeleteVery nice tweet by Mikey Mo.
Seems like BaD has some scheduled vacation coming. Shake Joint is filling in 12-3 on Friday and the following Mon-Wed.
ReplyDeleteI approve this message!
ReplyDeleteSo now can we return to wondering if whether Greggo will respond to Richie Whitt's story?
ReplyDeleteYou know this BaD story irks Whitt to no end....to wit's end....ROCK ME! But seriously, his ill-advised and juvenile attempt at unvarnished truth telling was the talk of the radio town until this happened. Now it's all but forgotten. Or as he would put it Dead and Gone...ROCK ME TWO TIMES!
Sweet dreams, sweet Confessors.
ReplyDeleteI may take a few days off myself.
Poor Richie. He might have been able to wring a weeks worth of hits off his Greggo story, but then BaD completely wipes that off the topic wheel. Then he bungles the scoop....
ReplyDeleteDon't know if any body cares RW is going to be on with Mike Doocy Tonight.
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome news - keeping the band together, and my guess is BaD is leaving some money on the table by staying.
ReplyDeleteJust in case no one saw Doocy's Twitter feed tonight, I think Richie is on his Open Mike segments of Sports Sunday tonight... Might be worth a watch, for comedy's sake if nothing else!
I'm pretty impressed by the poster who said everything would be normal on Monday.
ReplyDeleteBelieve it or not, RW was very complementary of The Little Ticket, especially the continuity being what has made them so good, and criticized The Fan and ESPN doing the opposite. No sour grapes there, obviously...
ReplyDeleteRW got his ass handed to him this weekend. A little humility will do him some good.
ReplyDeleteSo you're impressed with yourself, 1005, for making a 50-50 claim and coming out on the right end of it? Great. You're the best, bro. The best.
ReplyDeleteKinda sticks in your craw, don't it, bro?
ReplyDeleteAlthough now that they are staying a small part of me is sad we don't get to see what the change would have brought about...
ReplyDeletebob and dan had already scheduled their dry dock summer vacation this coming week. don't let it harsh your buzz but they won't be on this week but that was already a scheduled vacation before any of this went down.
ReplyDeleteI don't comprehend the vitriol directed toward RW on this. He reported the story, apparently accurately, and his tease drove interest to his site and this one. Grassroots word-of-tweet, DMN, DO, interest that, who knows, might've helped to sway Bob and/or Dan into staying the course.
ReplyDeleteDiagnosis: RW's revenge on The Fan.
Is it possible that Tepesch has a no-hitter as a result of the good news? No hitting thru 3.
ReplyDeleteI agree with P1 Rick. RW was on top of this. I know Shaggy was, too. But, good lord: why bag on RW so much?
ReplyDeleteLet's all remember it was Gypo Nolan on THIS SITE that had the real scoop and set all of this into motion.
ReplyDeleteI have it on fairly decent authority that Gypo Nolan is not Jake Z. FWIW.
ReplyDeleteSeems like Corby and Rhyner are very relieved. I'm guessing they underestimated the threat of this happening the whole time so when it finally reached the boiling point, they were a little caught off guard. I wonder if they'll see this as a reality check and it will light a fire in them again?
ReplyDeleteNo mention by the Musers in the first hour or observation deck.
ReplyDeleteCan we stop all of the Bob and Dan stayed b/c we are all family at the Ticket talk? They stayed b/c Cumulus ponied up and matched CBS's offer. If they hadn't, Bob and Dan would have been on the first train outta the mothership.
ReplyDeleteWould they have prefered to stay at the Ticket rather than go to the Fan? Yes. But money decided this decision, make no mistake about that.
I'm not saying I blame them by the way. Most of us would do the same exact thing. I just hate the P1s that act like they left money on the table b/c they care so deeply about us and what they have built at the Ticket. They just want to make sure that their families are taken care of.
Quick hits:
ReplyDeleteYes, I think the first time this news, or the hints of some news, escaped The Ticket was Gypo Nolan's advice here to hold on to our butts. I took his subsequent Cuban Missile Crisis reference the wrong direction, but it would have been pretty hard to translate that clue into "Bob and Dan might to to The Fan unless Cumulus Ponies up."
Bob and Dan did not leave any money on the table.
CBS's offer was probably good, but probably not crazy-money good.
And they sure as hell didn't leave any years on the table.
Do not underestimate the problem that the six-month noncompete caused CBS. CBS had no right to buy it out, and Cumulus almost certainly would have enforced it. So no BaD for almost the entire Cowboy season, and time for The Ticket to get the P1 accustomed to a new midday team. (BaD would almost certainly have been slotted middays at The Fan, not drive.)
Having said this, I do believe there was a non-pecuniary element to Bob's/Dan's decision. The Ticket is stable (if almost certain to undergo changes in the next 4-6 years) and these guys have their stardom and privileges that are in some measure attached to that. Not to mention friends who like them and admire their work, are not jealous of them. Other things being equal (or somewhat better than equal), staying is the comfortable move.
So I believe Bob's tweet.
ReplyDeleteThat's true, but it seems possible, especially based upon how the news cycle ran and Bob's tweet, that a home-team discount was involved
Musers don't like to touch controversial material (espcially Ticket-related suchness), and I bet there's probably a gag order on the station till it releases its official announcement.
ReplyDeleteAt the end of the (otherwise not that funny) 8:40 bit this morning, Gordo's fake daredevil character took a shot at The Fan. That's probably as much as they'll mention it.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Sturm's Twitter feed, it wasn't a match deal. Said they would address it Tuesday.
ReplyDeleteI am just a lurker but I am so damn happy to have BaDD staying on my beloved Ticket. I have been slowly finding that I enjoy their show as much as any other on the little ticket. Really happy to not have to decide between their replacement and a new BaD show on another station. I am not sure it would have been the same.
ReplyDeleteI was hanging on to my seat, checking this site all weekend. Great posts by the Confessors and of course, The Plainsman. Double shout out to whoever said things would be business as usual on Monday and also to Mike Freaking Modano.
ReplyDeleteMy two cents: I can totally see them staying for less money than CBS (while still most likely getting a big raise) They want to be part of a family and a winning team and didn't want to break that up (like, um, the 2011 Mavs.)
And just like The Office or Mad Men, we could still see some kinda of merger in six months that negates our heroes plans. Maybe?
I love you all!
It was great having MTC this weekend, I know you don't want any credit PMan, but having this forum to share thoughts and ideas was pretty cool.
ReplyDeleteA couple of things...
1) will BaD be given a pass on the whole "just can't leave our brothers" tweet? If you couldn't leave it, why would you have entertained an offer from one of your competitors? I think putting the blame on agents is just deflecting. Everyone has a price, and I'm sure CBS' offer was higher than Cumulus, but like PMan said, a 6 month dry dock, even getting paid, is hard for Bob to stomach for sure. And Dan? He'd have no excuse not to be home for a few hours a day if he's on dry dock. It's going to be hard for me to hear about BaD talk about player contracts again knowing about this. I'm sure they would rather have had this kept behind closed doors, or did this leaking help them? Pman?
2. BaD is still the #3 show at the Ticket, and probably still paid that way. It was interesting reading some posters talking about if the move happened, that they would listen only when THL was on break or whatever. It's hard to compare something such as radio talent to your favorite sports team and players moving. As much as I love the Ticket, I don't have any Ticket jerseys with guys names on them. Yes I have a Ticket tshirt, but something like this is apples and oranges. I was as much interested in this happening as it not happening(if that makes sense.) I don't get to listen to much of BaD's show but I enjoy it, and having it in drive time would have been a no brainer for me to listen to instead of THL. That could be heresy to a lot of you but we all have our favorites and BaD is ahead of THL for me.
One must remember when they talk about BaD being #3 on the Ticket there is actually a lower total potential audience during the noon to 3 slot than either drive times where they literally have a captive audience (I 35, 635, I 20, toll way, 75, 820, loop 12 etc)
ReplyDeleteBlack and Quack today.
ReplyDeleteBlack and Quack today but BaD tomorrow. One day off is understandable.
ReplyDeletethank god we don't have to listen to this much longer. black and quack is terrible
ReplyDeleteToo funny. Greggo has a new post up. He will be addressing RW's screed today on his podcast. I made a comment and noticed it wasn't showing. So I clicked on the comment link and there it was. . . .awaiting moderation. So either he or his girlfriend are going to censor what gets through and what doesn't. Why do I have a feeling this is one more enabler enabling?
ReplyDeleteRW has posted up a BaD recap. He also is saying that he will reveal another popular afternoon show that is about to or currently is going through contractual negotiations, and that things are on very shaky grounds.
ReplyDeleteMe, I say it's GAC. I think RW is probably about done taking on The Ticket. Specially if he's been Tweeting Mike R. Can't imagine he'd try to buddy up to Mike, only to turn around and expose his personal business. Then again, we're talking about RW here.
Hardline to talk about BaD situation next!!
ReplyDeleteDanny just gave the finger up the butt to RW
ReplyDeleteHooo Boy! Deep Dish Danny just gave RW a big fat middle finger! Love that man, love that station, love BaDD Radio!
ReplyDeletewhat the hell is happening right now with the summer bash replay? They just mentioned it won't work over stream, so basically you have Mike/Snake/Danny snorting over static nonsense for 5 mins at a time
ReplyDeletei missed what Danny said about Richie can anyone re-cap? Hoping they post to the unticket
ReplyDeleteMike took a segment to discuss the events of the weekend and concluded with some harsh words for those in the media who were claiming the move to the FAN was a done deal. Danny then made the above remark directed specifically at RW.
ReplyDeleteIf you can fight through the constant hiccuping, GW addresses RW's piece on him. He basically finds RW's piece not so much untruthful as it is in poor taste, as a betrayal, and a breaking of some unwritten law in broadcasting. He actually claims at several points that RW's article for the most part was factual. It's very disjointed and rambling. He keeps repeating the same point over and over: that he is befuddled as to why RW is so mean-spirited.
ReplyDeleteThe one thing they both have in common is that they refuse to consider even the possibility that the show wasn't good enough; that they weren't good enough.
Now that I've read RW's much too long, in toto, article and GW's response, I have to say that my final analysis is that both these guys and their collective posses deserve each other. The whole things smacks of two high school girls having a go at it via Facebook. They both come off as foolish.
could someone put up the direct link to the HL talking about the BaD radio situation today?
ReplyDeleteAnon 2:35 said:Me, I say it's GAC.
ReplyDeleteWho there could they be after? Gallo is going to retire before the end of the year (or soon after)and could any of that bunch carry a show without him?
ReplyDeleteIt isn't up yet, but here is where ya go to for audio pertaining to the Ticket. The UnTicket.
Unless it's Ticket related, and right now even if it is, I'm a burned out on comings and goings. First there's RaGE, then RW v.GW, then the BaD contract thing. I've had industry news overload.
ReplyDeleteI'm with 625. RW and GW are 2 peas in a pod. One (GW) out and out lies, the other (RW) plays with facts enough to make much of what he claims truthful in a very narrow and even specious way. Akin to playing with statistical data to make something seem more or less than it actually is (which he indeed often does). While GW, I would imagine, is toast around here, RW I would think still had a very good shot at getting another gig in some form or another. After his 5 parter, he's every bit as toast as GW. In some ways even more so. It's one thing to be a drug addled liar, it's another to show the world just how you keep score and are willing to air publicly things that never should be.
Banner weekend, Plainsman?
ReplyDeleteIf Richie actually tried to contact Rhyner with what was pretty much tantamount to "hey dude! What say you and me grab some beers and throw ol Greggo under the bus together...what say?!"...he's a bigger sniffling little ass-clown than I thot! Hey Richtard, THL wouldn't let you tie their shoes!! Wait a minute!! Maybe they might...you're short enough that you could probably do a good job!
ReplyDeleteWhile I've always found Greggo entertaining, it's clear he needs help. Not sure why Whitt felt the need to air this out publicly, other than for web hits. His reputation wasn't at stake. He should have taken the high road and let the website simply be a showcase for his writing, which is his stronger suit anyway.
ReplyDeleteI think Bob and Dan wisely chose to take the long term view on the show. 1053 would have been the quick money grab, but a future as the Ticket mainstay when the drivetime shows gracefully bow out in a few years is the smarter play.
I think the stability of The Ticket was a big motivating factor for Bob and Dan staying. I don't think I am going out on a limb when I say that the Ticket will still be here in some form or fashion in 5 years. There is a real chance that The Fan will be playing country music or switch to an all Beatles format in 5 months. So while money is certainly part of the equation, do not underestimate the role stability played in their decision.
ReplyDeleteHardline is up. The segment about BaD begins at roughly the 1:00:00 mark.
ReplyDeleteAt the Unticket.com, I guess I should've added.
ReplyDeleteJr just said "bitchy twit". Pow pow!!
ReplyDeleteMusers addressed the BaD Radio signing at 7:40. Took to task a certain writer who has been rooting for ticket failure for the last 10 years (see name above).
ReplyDeleteGordon: "He's on the sideline and he's got to comment on people in the game."
They also criticized those who post on the internet that some of the hosts are disengaged.
Junior: "Everybody works their ass off."
Gordon (paraphrasing): It takes hard work to make it look effortless.
Sounds like they are going to address it again at 8:40. That's an appointment.
8:40 bit - recreation of the Lee Corso interview substituting Dan Bennett for Lee Corso.
ReplyDeleteMust have been verbatim, because it was pretty obscure, no gags. One for the Ticket historian. I finally got it about 25% of the way in.
ReplyDeleteMaybe after BAD have their say today, we can move on to a "What If" post, as in, who would they have brought in to replace BAD?
ReplyDeleteIf what they put out yesterday was their long-term plan, (Black & Quack), I definitely would not listen as much as I do know. Both Donny and Rich are good where they are at now, but for some reason their show just didn't appeal to me. IF BAD was to leave, I think it would have been a natural solution to move Donny to Norm. They have good chemistry on the Cowboys post game and seem to work well together.
As far as the noon-3 slot, my choice would have been the Cirque du Sirois show. What I have heard from them on the weekends I like. Plus, they mix good with the Orphanage, which means they might bridge the gap to the Hardline well.
Just my Ticket-centric thoughts. As far as BAD goes, they have always been my favorite, and I would have followed them to whatever time slot.
The 8:40 bit wasn't that great, I caught on to it right away. Gordo's Dan impression was basically a fast talking Ribbie.
ReplyDeleteI missed the 7:40 segment, but I have noticed something. Noone on the station likes being talked about unless it's in a positive way. This goes for even blogs like this. I think it's comparable to an elite athlete that's always used to success, but when someone criticizes something they do, they become what we despise; arrogant and closed off.
We're all here because we enjoy the Ticket. Do we give them a pass for acting the way the way we and more importantly they despise athletes in high profile situations?
It just all seems pretty petty to me. You make a living off of talking sports and have entire segments on evaluating how Romo is playing, should he be golfing, vacationing, etc. If Dirk is slumping, you wonder what's wrong, is he hurt, is he too old, etc.
I don't know, I just think the way they're acting and even drawing attention to a detractor, just goes a little far.
In my opinion, we bash the Ticket on this blog more than any articles that have been written about them lately.
It's not important for me to feel right or wrong about it, just my observation and wondering if anyone feels the same way. In the grand scheme of things, there are more important things to talk about, like 6 year old transgendered kids.
(1) I think most of The Ticket guys are at peace with this particular blog. This morning when Junior was talking about blogs, he (and maybe Gordon) made an exception for "P1 blogs." Of course, no one cares to be publicly criticized, but the very few times I've heard from a host he's been positive and appreciative of the tone and the effort to identify the good as well as the things we'd like to see different. Once in awhile I'll get an email disagreeing with something in particular, but the fact that they even do that is some sign that they take the thing seriously.
ReplyDelete(2) I was going to make a special effort to hear Bob and Dan today, but it looks like that is not going to happen. Someone please report on any details they disclose. I don't expect many, partly for the expected reasons (none of our business), but partly also because they would not want to be seen as disclosing CBS's confidential information, either.
But I'm hopeful we get some well-written reports from those of you able to tune in today. Thanks a lot.
In Richie's latest blog entry (addressing the "fallout" between him and The Ticket guys) he linked an article about Rhyner and The Ticket from early 2006. I don't think I'd read it before but it's pretty good:
RW discusses his crumbling relationship with The Ticket over on his blog.
ReplyDeleteHoly cow! Bob was mentioning the shows he loves and appreciates and he mentioned Mike and Greggo. Fruedian slip?!?
ReplyDeletenot at all. he was speaking of EVERY key player at the ticket at one time or another that helped them on their path. pretty obvious it wasn't freudian.
ReplyDeleteNot at all. GW was there since Bob and Dan's first days, he was definitely part of the team that helped BaD along as they earned their spot at The Ticket.
ReplyDeleteAs for RW, eventually he is going to run out of Ticket-related stuff to write about on his blog. His "real" sports blog entry only got 4 comments. Nothing but crickets
It hasn't happened yet ( 2 minutes till the top of the first hour) but I would be interested in hearing Donny's point of view on all of this. He seemed to maybe have to most to lose, and/or the most to gain from them leaving.
ReplyDeleteDan said he was out the door. He really believed at the end of WTDS on Friday that he/they were gone.
ReplyDelete1. Sounds like from their comments at the beginning of the show they got either 4 or 5 year deals (must be some option or something for the last year since Bob specifically said 4 to 5).
ReplyDelete2. I'd have to assume they accepted MUCH less to stay based on the way that whole conversation went. They seemed to imply that it ended up not being worth dragging it out for so long. I guess Cumulus "won" the standoff.
3. Bob and Dan both seemed to get kind of choked up when talking about staying.
ReplyDeleteThe play by play of negotiations, according to Eric Celeste
Eric's about a day late writing that. By not quoting anyone he hasn't given us anything we didn't know already.
ReplyDeletePerhaps a little off topic but I just ran across this:
ReplyDelete@TCUWhiteTrash: I have never deleted any comments about me..I promise to ask all involved..i like ALL comments..I haven't shied away from criticism.and wont
So all who posted comments on his site which never showed up, must just be a glitch in the system.
Tune-In Radio vs. iheart issues
I always stream online using Tune-In when at the office. I was listening on Saturday morning during the Orphanage and again yesterday. I had no problem hearing the Summer Bash audio.
I downloaded iheart on my Android phone and it is almost unlistenable. Every 2-3 seconds it buffers, or stops, for about half a second. So it creates a very choppy presentation. I have listened to a few other iheart stations and they stream with no problems.
Is this an iheart - Ticket issue or an Android phone issue?
I think after listening to the Ticket boys yesterday and today I am convinced they left money on the table. They stayed because they wanted to stay. That was the crux of the man in the mirror posting by Bob. I heard most of the Musers talk of it this morning and hung on every syllable Bob and Dan threw out there at lunch and was a bit late getting back, but it was worth it. I will listen again when the Unticket puts it up.
ReplyDeleteI think it is clear that without modern social networking like this place, twitter, Shaggy's place and even GIML this probably would have happened. We would have been left wondering what was happening at the Bash and why it was so weird until the bomb was dropped on Monday. I can't say we had a hand in their decision directly, but more than once, yesterday and today,I got the impression that we, the great unwashed, drunken, loud and obnoxious P1s had some input in the decision. We, the brainwashed stooges, continue to keep our ears listening, attending Jub Jams, road shows, interrupting at inopportune times and refuse to vote responsibly. But, I have no illusions about who the decision to stay really boiled down to, it was the fellows in the bunker with them. The faces that they took for granted were more important to them than more dollars. That says a lot to me.
That was no bit when they got choked up. That was genuine camaraderie that cannot be purchased with ducats.
While we are discussing Iheart and what not. I tried out a portable HD. It sits on my desk now as a 50 dollar paper weight. It turns on, I can see the signal is being received, but nada for sound and I have zero confidence that Best Buy is going to lift a finger to make it work properly. It might have worked properly for a month.
@cactus: good thoughts. I 'd like to think our little social media outlets made somewhat of a difference. I doubt GIML had much impact; however, as its existence met its demise last week when a large faction left and started a new forum. All are welcome. Love this site too.
ReplyDeleteHuh? GIML had a parting of the ways? I drop by periodically to see what is up over there, but it seems to be a pretty closed circle. I included them because whether or not they had an impact on the decision they still represent a portion of the listeners. It might be baby arm everyday and all the time, but they are still part of the ears listening.
indeed, GIML is a very closed set of friends.
ReplyDeletewww.aninternetforum.com is a bunch of TIcket listeners from way back (back when RemoveRowdy was still a forum) who just shot the shit.
Confessors, it looks like I may be having a spam problem here in the comments. Please don't comment on it -- I'm aware of the problem and will deal with it as soon as I can. Ignore it and keep confessing. Thanks for your patience.
ReplyDeleteOn Monday Richie wrote:
ReplyDelete"To wit, tomorrow I'll have details on the next popular local afternoon-drive show that is suddenly on shaky contractual ground ."
He has gotten multiple comments asking about it without an answer. He's answered many other posts in the meantime.
I think RW might've learned a lesson from his handling of, and even the running with the tease of, the BaD story. RW made about, uh, zero friends by going with both the tease and the not-broken-by-him-story. He broke clubhouse rules and was let known by others in his industry that it won't be tolerated. But. In typical RW fashion, he won't address it; he'll ignore it.
ReplyDeleteIt is strange that a guy with a bent like RW is completely ignoring all the calls he's getting for the story on another show that could be setting sail for new harbors that he teased over the weekend. Don't get it. I mean just say either the situation changed and there's no longer a story or that you decided not to run with it. No biggie. But it looks like RW is a pro at playing the media game. Sensationalism sells and when it bites you in the ass or things are starting to turn against you, pretend like it didn't and isn't happening. He's the Perez Hilton of Dallas media. HIs Q&A on the GW story is a nice little piece of revisionist history. Says if he had kept his job none of this would've been aired and he would've been a friend to GW and would've sought to get him help, and not ignore him like the unfeeling Ticket guys did. Funny thing is that commenters keep pointing out how he actually did pranks and bits on GW, knowing he was f'd up, making the fact that he was f'd up the focal point of the gag. So instead of getting the guy help and maybe preventing RaGE's firing, he saw GW's mess of a life as a means to a comedic end. Sorry RW, you can't have it both ways and expect others to feel sorry for you or side with you. You're just not a sympathetic figure. Opposite, actually.
ReplyDelete@321 Whitt posted in the comment section of his latest entry that he was still working on the story; that he will have it ready on Friday. This one must be a real hush-hush scoop if he's going to wait for 2 more days to run with it. I like that this time he's gathering all the facts before he publishes. And it's smart of him not to tip off what station this is occurring at.
ReplyDelete@ 3:21
ReplyDeleteI see RW as you describe also, to the point where he thinks he's fooling readers and listeners of what he's actually done in the past and what he's describing now. Like we have gold fish memories or something.
@ Plainsman
ReplyDeleteWhat spam are you referring to? I haven't seen any, unless you've gotten rid of it.
Took one down on two different threads. Hope it's a one-off.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I need some explanatino on this GIML and http://www.aninternetforum.com/ thing. I don't really read GIML -- do they have, like factions? And is http://www.aninternetforum.com/ a Ticket site, or is it a collection of message boards? (I didn't join.)
ReplyDeleteAnd what's the deal with our good friend Shaggy? Is he the proprietor of ShaggyBevo, which seems to have a some strong Ticket threads?
I'm wondering if maybe I can retire and just clog up other people's threads instead of patrolling these.
I've had to be away for a few days and this will probably continue for a bit, so thanks to all for keeping things going after our exhausting weekend.
I've always been surprised that there haven't been other Ticket blogs popping up, and maybe this is what we have here. Someone needs to fill me (and the rest of us clueless people) in.
Nah, not the proprietor, but I do frequent "The Shag" quite a bit. It's a very large/popular "alternative" Longhorn forum. Lots of jokers over there. And yes, lots of P1s. The ticket thread is now going on 4 years old and 175 pages long. I enjoy having both outlets for ticket info. Grubes has made some appearances in that thread, too.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I would guess pretty much every big sports message board in Texas has a Ticket thread on it somewhere.
ReplyDeleteI don't know of any other blogs like this one though.
Pman, don't you go quittin' on us, you hear me??????
ReplyDeleteDON'T YA DARE!!!!!!!
Reading the MTC comments regarding the BaD Radio situation over the last 4 - 5 days , I feel compelled to summarize and share some conclusions .
ReplyDeleteI do not personally know the players in the negotiation process , my summation of these events are based on being a Day P1 and fairly astute observer of human nature.
1- I sensed there were some MTC posters criticizing BaD IN overplaying the " Family " , " Brotherhood " and " we are a vested successful team " perspective .
Most of us should conclude that BaD did receive an aggressive offer from CBS and that Cumulus was very late in responding with counter offers . ( Please note , I have not read or listened to other journalistic summaries on this matter ) .
Bob / Dan clarified their positions of " What is enough Money to do something we love " and shockingly Dan , who I didn't think had a heart was just as emotionally charged in sharing his feelings .
No doubt Money was a major player in their decision , No Doubt Lew Dickey disappointedly dragged his feet with a counter offer . But , BaD made their decision based on the SUM of the parts .
I assume that in 4-5 years , the entire " KTCK team " will be heading out on their own to start new endeavors .
There was a post attempting to support RW in getting the Scoop " He got the Story right , it just didn't happen " That is an absurd statement . To get a story right , it needs to unfold as presented , the story did not , therefore RW struck out . As a matter of fact , it confirms how shallow RW is , he can not process the thought that some people consider a multitude of issues not just who pays the most before taking a job .
"I don't comprehend the vitriol directed toward RW on this" ?
RW has not earned my respect and continues to show he has no class .
This was too big a decision to think Barry Horn would influence BaD making a life altering decision to show up BH ?
GW officially " irrelevant " Now !
I am just as stunned at the magnitude of GWs ineptness in telling the truth and disappointed with him not dealing with his addictions .
Corby irritated me to end today , he has No street smarts and adds very little to the HL .
I appreciate MTC keeping the overused " F Bomb " off his Blog .
The FAN still has a Big Problem in that they have no Home run Hitters in their lineup .
IHeart is a " flawed "system .
MTC did have an impact in some manner in BaD radios decision !
Yes, we can go back to Corby bashing.
ReplyDeleteHe was incredibly ill informed on his discussion of the circumstances around the execution Wednesday. What site was he reading from?
ReplyDelete(1) Who was it -- The Musers, Craig, maybe? George? -- who was talking about the events of the weekend, and how incredibly hard EVERYONE worked at The Ticket. This is not a Corby/Mike bash, but I think the near universal view is that other than 3-7, The Hardline doesn't, um, work very hard. Now, four hours on the air is hard work, and I still love the show. But all the other presentations do give some evidence of their proprietors thinking about show matters when the mics are not on, while The Hardline does not, much. I forget who said "if it looks like it's not work, then it's work," but that doesn't seem to be the feeling about The Hardline hereabouts.
(2) I continue to be of the belief that if we were to see the whole package, we would see that BaD didn't leave a whole lot on the table, if they can be said to have left anything. I do believe both Bob and Dan when they report some sentimental reasons for staying, but I'm guessing that even if maybe the annual salaries for the next few years didn't quite match up, the term, options, and general security of the Ticket offer made the whole pecuniary package more appealing than the shorter-term, no guarantees, no options, shakier-station package from CBS. Could be way wrong -- but if you put the packages side by side, I think you'd see that the dollars/cents differences were slight if not favoring The Ticket in the longer run, and that issues of friendship and loyalty (and that in not too many years they may be the premier show on a legendary station, as this site suggested over the weekend) could indeed overwhelm any short-term financial considerations.
(3) I still want to know about www.aninternetforum.com
PS: I don't have any issues wtih Corby's tennis, golf, or college football talk. I don't know much about those sports and those segments always sound fresh to me. Not sure why they're such tuneouts for some Confessors -- it's a sports show, these are sports. Like Rich's NASCAR reports on Tickers (not to mention the increasingly legendary Race Week, now almost as famous as The Train Station Fitness Show), they add some flavor to the presentation.
ReplyDeleteCan someone point to a date/time we can go back and listen to this corby/execution thing he flubbed so we can find it on theunticket.com?
ReplyDelete@ 12:26
The Hardline 6/26/2013
Go to 3:32:45