Friday, December 5, 2014

Grumpy Quick Hits for Friday, December 5, 2014

Going negative today in (1) - (3), but ending (4) on a hopeful note.

 (1)  The Musers' Cowboys Radio Theater 1310 during the 5:30-6 am segment, where they comment over the replay of the Cowboys post-game interviews, isn't working.  Their level is the same as the level of the interview so they just end up with two (or more) people talking at once at the same volume, and neither their bon mots nor what is being said by the interviewee (which no longer relates to the bon mot, which is addressing what was said just before, so the spoken-over content can neither be heard nor remarked on) can be understood, at least by me, standing at a sink with the Crosley two feet from my ear, water not running.  Also, because the interview responses are entirely generic, there's no material there to joke about, so when what our radio lads are saying can be understood, it turns out not to be innarestin.  Maybe they figure that half-hour is a ratings give-up anyway, so why not goof it.

(2)  It's rare that an ad infects both TV and radio with its colossal, tedious, insulting stupidity, but the Subway "big hot pastraME" campaign succeeds.  At least on TV you get some slapstick.

I ordered one once. It wasn't bad for a chain pastrami; actually pretty good.  I'll regret not being able to order it ever again as long as I live.

(3)  Confidential to Gordon Keith:   Retire the running gag of not knowing how to pronounce words and names.

(4)  Anyone out there detecting an uptick in Mike Rhyner's level of apparent interest in his own show, and in his performance in non-Hardline appearances, since the two recent ratings books?  I think I have -- could be imagining it but would be interested in your views. 

Here's an STD for you:   It makes The Hardline better.

Have a splendid holiday weekend, Confessors.



  1. The Musers had fun this morning with a P1 who wrote in to tell them that they could be heard talking over the interview.

    They made fun of the P1 for not knowing that it was on purpose, but this should tell them something -- it sounds like a mistake.

  2. I personally hate those pastrami commercials and will make a point to take the headphones off because it grates me that much. I did try one of those sandwiches and couldn't even finish it because it was filled with so much stringy fat that it was making me sick. Maybe I just don't know pastrami either.

  3. RE: (1) - You're AWAKE for the 5:30 segment?! Cheesy Peete! I didn't know they did this, and I never would have.

    RE: (4) - I noticed Mike's interest in a non-Hardline appearance. I can't recall what it was. Maybe it was just WED with Junior. Regardless, I don't think the ratings book affects Rhyner one iota. His interest/disinterest comes and goes like, um.... an old gray wolf or somesuch. He's known to be a fickle fellow.

    Happy Festivus!

  4. The 5:30-6 am segment is very, very underrated. They're pretty loose during that segment, which comes after the epic 5:30 Ticker made famous by Rich Phillips and continued by Sean Bass. Although they make fun of Gordon for not being there until the show is well underway, he is almost always present and the segment is really an extended "What's on ________'s Mind" where they take on a topic that has interested one of them lately. There is lots of solid content there and usually some yuks.

    On the morning after a game, they burn two segments on Jason/Tony/Jerry's post-game remarks. I have to admit, that is almost always a hopeless bore, so maybe I shouldn't be so hard on the lads for trying something different. If they could each have a dial that would let them quickly and temporarily turn down the playback feed so their witticisms could be heard, it might work.

  5. Agreed. I don't think The Wolf gives a rats a$$ about the ratings. He knows he's built an empire. His legacy is secure.

  6. My topic for the 5:30am "What's on My Mind" segment would be the same every day: I want to go back to bed.

    I'll have to check out this exxxtreme early morning musing some day.

  7. I have to disagree with the idea that Mike doesn't give a rip about the ratings. Until the past few months, he never failed to mention how The Ticket kicked its competitors' collective ass. Hell, when RaGE went on air, he basically said "bring it on, we'll slaughter you." Mike cares. He cares deeply. Like Plainsman, I do hear an reinvigorated Mike---across the board. He hasn't been a willing participant since the halcyon days. I'm digging it. And I hope he keeps it up. As Plainsman, myself, and many other have said: actual competition will only make The Ticket better. We might be seeing that flower beginning to bloom. I for one hope so.

  8. Mike's give a S. may have been bolstered a bit by the Texas Radio Hall of Fame induction and not the recent ratings. I'm sure that gave him a reason to reflect a bit on his legacy.

    Either way, I'm enjoying it.

  9. Please come back from vacation soon Mike, Joe L is making some of the most generic sports points I've heard. It's driving me crazy.

  10. I'll echo the theme that Rhyner cares about his ratings, no question in my mind. I also agree he's stepped it up in the last month due partly to ratings as well as his HoF induction.

    Interesting to hear Junes talk about ratings this morn. Haven't heard anyone mention them in months. He acknowledged losing the top spot to the Mexican station but mentioned that they won every hour of the prime time day.

  11. careful man when u criticize Joe L this website and the people that visit don't like when u talk negatively about people on the sport ticket. u may be called troll or have your post deleted. u have been warned

  12. I figure if the root post can be grumpy and negative then so can I.

  13. Love me some early early early am Musers. They're loose as a goose, a bit wonky, and most definitely off their guard. All of which makes for some great radio. They're bound to say anything.

    What holiday weekend is this?

    Subway is gross.

    OGW is more interested in his job and his work environs of late. Whatever the genesis, I welcome it. You're right, it does make THL better.

    It's tempting, but I hope that where confronting trolls is concerned, we all take Bartleby the Scrivener's position and "prefer not to."

  14. @116
    On the whole I agree with your Bartleby point. I've been guilty on far too many occasions of feeding these people by virtue of engaging them. I am going to take your advice; it's good advice. I guess the thing I can't come to grips with is that why these people feel the need to impose their will on a site that is basically called over and again by these same people, insignificant, moronic, too self important and serious, whose proprietor knows nothing about the subject of the blog and is a blowhard, and on and on and on. If it's all these negative things and more to them, why bother, why waste their time?

    Yes I know I just fed the pig, but I had to get it off my chest. From here on out, I'm full on scrivener.

  15. I think that Subway is gross, real gross. They put yoga mat ingredients in their bread. Their meat is icky. I also know a guy that gets really grossed out and mad by their insistence on putting tomatoes on his sammich even after he tells them he doesn't want tomatoes on his sammich b/c he doesn't like tomatoes or how they make his bread soggy. I love tomatoes. One time I saw Jared from Subway IRL at the Subway at Forest and Inwood. Do y'all have any Subway stories? Has the ticket ever done a remote from one?

    I like Mike R. and the Musers. I like them both.

    I find that my Nike Dri-Fit tees have a slimming effect on me. I look 20 lbs lighter w/my Nike d-fit T on.

    Who did the fake Bob Wilonsky character I heard on those wacky Musers the other day? Was it Jake? It was very funny.

    Relationship question: how would you confessors feel if you liked a girl while watching TNF (go Cowboys +1)and you find that her ex (yes, I hate him) is being a total butthole by trying to be a father to their son (yes, I love that boy even though he's not mine) and he's making life uncomfortable for the sweetest chick in the history of the world who's only faults are she's a Bears fan cause she's from Illinois and has a thyroid problem. Here's a fun betcha didn't know my lil' butterball made me hip to: "Illinois" is pronounced "Illa-noy", not "Illa-noise"

  16. @1:30

    You'll be back to arguing (I can't say 'feeding the trolls' because the people you'r engaging with aren't trolls, they just have a different opinion). You can't help yourself. You have some kind of odd need to be right and have the last word.

  17. TC screwed up Dirk's name. A guy that has been here for almost 20 years. Amazing. He sounds like he has serious yak tongue.


  18. More Sean Bass
    Less TC
    Less Jake
    Less Ty

  19. Woweee! Gnimelf CT is TC fleminG spelled backwards! Genius! Nice job, Fat Pat, Dec. 5, 2014 at 3:04 PM, "Justin Montemayor" and all the rest.

    Keep it up man. You're on the right track. One of these days you'll quench that thirst. Cuz make no mistake about it, you're one thirsty bro.

  20. Anybody else think 3:17 is completely ragonk?

  21. Sadly - no doubt its him and he doesnt have the balls to admit it.

  22. 2:01 PM I don't have any Subway stories, but one time a few years ago I saw Cynthia Izaguirre at the Potbelly at 75 and Knox. It was thrilling.

    But now I can't ever see her anymore, even on TV, because I'm gay. I mean blind.

  23. Oh man it just never gets old. I sure love me some Cynthia...,28804,1924905_1924904_1924864,00.html

  24. For all of my bitching about Mike not being as into it (or into it at all), Corby being the eternal frat daddy douche, Gordon the NPR wannabe, Dan the village skeptic, and everything else, it hit me today: I love this station. I love these guys. I identify with them in so many ways. Maybe not as much or like I did back in the old days, but I still feel as if I'm in some way a part of the gang. That's pretty f'n special. At least to me it is. And nothing against the Jakes and Sea Basses and the other up-and-comers that will one day begin to replace a few of the original Muskateers, but for me they'll never hold a candle to Mike, Craig, George, Gordon, Bob, Dan, Danny, and Corby (yes, Corby). I "get" them in a way I'll never "get" the younger guys because I'm a middle-aged fart, too.

    Anyway, that's all I had to say. I hate when 7:00 p.m., Friday rolls around. Sure it means the weekend is here. But it also means saying goodbye to your buds for a few days.

  25. Gerry Todd Show - you don't have to say bye to all your buds over the weekends. The Orphanage is greatness on Saturday mornings, at least when SMU football doesn't mess things up.

  26. Solid commenting there Gerry Todd Show. Right there with you brutha. I hear you debased, but every time I try to listen to The Orphanage it feels like I'm listening to The Rant Lite. Brutha I got past all that a long time ago. Don't get me wrong. Back in the day I loved it. But these days I'm what Gerry Todd Show calls a middle-aged fart. Though I do remember hearing some early on Orphanage shows that went deep on the adult real life stuff that made for real good radio. Maybe it's time I gave those boys another shot.

  27. I thought the Cowboy Theater 1310 treatment of the press conferences was pretty good the first couple of times they did it, but Friday morning was a swing and a miss.

    Which begs the question, is there going to be a Cowboy Theater 1310 game this year? They are running out of weeks.

  28. I'm guessing Cowboys Theater comes too close to running afoul of the big bad NFL and their broadcast rights.

    Not sure how myteamcalls is skirting it, but I've loved listening to TC & Jake call the games this season. Lots of fun listening to them and playing along on Twitter with the rest of the listeners.

  29. No Orphanage today!

    Hold onto my butt!

  30. The Orphanage pissed off too many sponsors, so they yanked the show for a while, until Danny and Davy can "grow up" a bit. No sponsor = no show. My sources tell me Davy is sick of broadcasting in such an insignificant role anyway. Looks like The Orphanage days are numbered.

  31. Danny and Davy and The Tee Box have said on numerous occasions that The Orphanage as well as CdS have been affected by SMU football. They have no reason to cover up a suspension or anything else.

    I'm all for speculation. Speculation is fun. It's fun when it's reasoned and done in good faith, as an open question. It's not fun when its sole purpose is to start a dumpster fire. Some might not think of these guys (hosts, JV) as real human beings with reputations, and all that that entails. They are. Knowingly spreading false information as factual is wrong on so many levels.

  32. TC and Justin M are at the helm of Sports Saturday today. So far, so good.

  33. Anom 2:21

    You Sir are correct. Anyone that actually listens to them or has listened to the station any this week would know this. Danny has been quite vocal about it for the last two weeks anyway.

    No need to let facts get in the way of some good rumormongering.

  34. The difference between you and I, 2:21, is I have inside sources. Blather on all you like about "dumpster fires," whatever that means.

  35. When Gordon isn't behind the mask of a character, he's become a tedious, unfunny bore. WTF was with not playing the old Rant bit on White Elephant Day?

  36. Gordon is prparing to jump ship for 103.3. He's simply not into it, because he's ready to start his new career at ESPN, where they'll give him the latitude necessary to "be Gordon."

    I have inside sources.

  37. Anybody can say that. Without substance, it's just a cyber-fart.

  38. Anyone can also say that being anonymous. If some of you want us to take you serious then stop hiding behind anonymity.

  39. Musers are great when they talk anything but Cowboys. The college football segment today was fantastic. The call from the Baylor fan trying to convince us that Buffalo is a good team was hillarious. Craig went easy on him.

    Trip around the NFL was also great.

    Best part, no Cowboy talk.

    Gordo has mailed it in. He's an intellectual. Think he'd rather be working on his screenplay than working for a sport station in DFW.

  40. @6:26 and @6:33

    You guys are so deadpan serious. It's a bit. Lighten up, Francis.

  41. 10:34 - well said

    way too many of these knuckleheads on here take things way too serious

    need to get laid

  42. 18 out of 44 comments have been made by the same person.

  43. Oh I wanna play too, let's see TC is getting afternoon drive by himself bc Mike and Corby have HIV, then Jake is moving to morning drive with Bass bc the Musers have incurable diarrhea.

    I have sources!!!

  44. steve in haltom cityDecember 8, 2014 at 11:52 AM

    Awful post, Chris K. Just awful. This is getting out of control, Plainsman.

  45. I heard it was Ty Walker getting mornings, dammit!
    I spun the topic wheel and it came up commercials:
    I mixed my fortified with molecules Jeenostim q46 iridium explosive space modulator technology with red bull. My girlfriend is on her 77th orgasm and all I did was sext.
    If the SAW Inc dude used his Mr. Microphone through the whole spot, I might drive out to check it out.

  46. "Gordo has mailed it in. He's an intellectual."

    Sounds like someone didn't listen to the wireless segment on White Elephant Day.

    PS, this "dance, monkey, dance" attitude towards Gordon is getting tiresome.

  47. steve in haltom cityDecember 8, 2014 at 12:14 PM

    Get control of your scene, Pman. You've got one idiot who is hijacking every thread using all sorts of names and going it anonymous. I'm not sure how you do it, but there has to be a way.

  48. No Jake today makes bad radio so much easier to listen to. now if thomas charles would just go away.

  49. "PS, this "dance, monkey, dance" attitude towards Gordon is getting tiresome. "

    I guhgree. Gordo is Gordo. Enjoy and appreciate what he brings.

    " steve in haltom city said...

    Get control of your scene, Pman. You've got one idiot who is hijacking every thread using all sorts of names and going it anonymous. I'm not sure how you do it, but there has to be a way."

    Dude, chill out. People are doing bits and having fun. That's what we're here for. The only person who takes this stuff seriously is you.

  50. Bits are for reddit and GIML, not MTC

  51. Top 5 Segments on The Ticket:

    1. Scattershooting
    2. Homer Call
    3. E-News
    4. Muse In The News
    5. O-Deck
    (Honorable Mention - Mike's Mind)

    Bottom 5 Segments on The Ticket:

    1. Fake Jerry 8:40 on Mon after
    Cowboy game.
    2. Why Today Doesn't Suck
    3. 1:30 News
    4. Norm's Twitter Segment
    5. Corby interviewing Tones Romes

  52. Can't disagree with either list. Even the fake Jerry leading the bottom five. Used to be must hear radio, sadly, on most Mondays it's rather stale, forced.

  53. Top 5 Segments:

    1. WTDS
    2. BaDD Radio Intro
    3. BaDD Radio first segment
    4. eNews
    5. Scatter Shooting

    Bottom (bottom) 5 Segments:
    1. College Football Blowhard
    2. Anything else about college football
    3. Gordo's Corner
    4. Weekly Jub (but it's improving)
    5. Jason Witten Show

  54. Bottom 5 should include any cowboy segment on the ticket.

  55. Ok, I'll play.

    Top 5
    1. Scatter shooting and Junes' other 7:40 bits
    2. Observation Deck
    3. Muse in the News
    4. Community Quick Hits
    5. E-Brake

    Bottom 5
    1. Garrett pressers
    2. Jason Witten Show
    3. All 2 hours of Norm
    4. E News
    5. Concert Calendar

  56. bottom should always include any segment tc & jake are involved in

  57. Of course noted Cowboy homers the Hardline are completing overstating both the Cowboy victory over Seattle & the Seattle victory over Philly. Seattle is a completely different team than they were when Dallas beat them. They were in a bit of chaos.

    And of course the reason Dal got their asses kicked by Philly was the quick turn around.

    Listening to these pom pom waving guys talk Cowboys really makes me want to vomit.

  58. It's officially GIML around here. Congrats, troll douche. You win, big dog. I notice how the old regulars only chime in every now and again. Can't say I blame them. This place will never regain its greatness until registration becomes mandatory and then it becomes an invite only place with a changing password for members in good standing.

    Awesome job, troll f. You win buddy. The way this is going it won't be long before it's abandoned or shut down. Pretty soon you won't have a place to troll all things Ticket.

  59. The World Cup Landmine Kickaround has won a permanent spot on Saturdays from 2-4pm. P1s for soccer talk have a voice lads! Thoughts?

  60. Are you serious, Fake Norm???? If true, this is awesome news!!!! I like how it's on from 2-4, after the Saturday games have been played (at least the EPL games). Again, if true, this is so cool. I wonder what this does to Race Week? If anyone can confirm this and has knowledge of the new Saturday schedule (and Sunday for that matter, as maybe some shows are getting moved), please post it up.

    Fantastic news!

  61. It's true, GTS. Thanks for the heads up, FNH

    The Kickaround @TheKickAround · 53m 53 minutes ago
    We won Promotion!
    Saturdays 2-4
    The Ticket
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  62. Congrats to The Kick Around boys. It's nice to see some fresh voices get a real shot. So....... George DiGianni 7-8; Tee Box 8-10; Orphanage 10-12; CdS 12-2; Kick Around 2-4......then what? Race Week 4-6 or Ticket Sports Saturday 4-6? Or is one of the other shows getting the boot?

  63. Top 5:
    1. WTDS
    2. BAD first segment
    3. picking games with kid and computer
    4. muse in the news
    5. fun with country music

    Bottom 5:
    1. any time they have a guest on (david moore, razor, peter king, goose, etc)
    2. garrett press conferences
    3. let me tell you a story
    4. anti-fracking talk
    5. homer call (sorry, never done it for me)

    I'm a fan of TC and Jake. The only personality that's a punch-out for me is norm. Nothing personal, just don't really enjoy that style of sports talk. Dan's the best. I loved white elephant. Congrats to soccer P1s. Welcome back orphanage and CDS. I'm in the car a lot on the weekends and SMU football was killing me.

  64. if you are driving around in this fog w/out your lights on then you're an idiot.

    Ed Carter = not funny

    Great news the soccer show is on Sat. Am Sport Ticket needs more soccer talk & less Cowboy talk.

    happy taco tuesday

  65. who cares about contaminated water & our kids breathing poison gas? keep up the fight jub jub.

  66. Jesse The Usher = funny

  67. LMAO @ possible all-time greatness Jessie the Usher this morning. Apparently he got in a violent altercation with someone at the Usher concert and had some choice words for the guy as he broke his femur, etc. Yes, I know some people hate the Gordo, but I'll take him over anything else on radio at the moment.

  68. biggest show coming to town could be a great segment if gordo didnt hijack it every week.

  69. Can't wait until Plainsman comes here and blasts Jer for playing drops making fun of Andrea Bocelli's blindness like he did with Dan.

    Oh wait, that probably won' happen.

  70. Greggo is tweeting right now how much he loves Rhyner like a brother. Awwwwww....

  71. Great news about The Kickaround. I can honestly see myself listening from 10-4 (basically all day) on Saturdays now. Great weekend programming!

  72. "Can't wait until Plainsman comes here and blasts Jer for playing drops making fun of Andrea Bocelli's blindness like he did with Dan."

    Truf. Like I said last week, everyone thinks Dan is an inconsiderate jerk, but Dan is just playing radio. He knows the boundaries, and he wouldn't make such comments to Big Strong if he didn't know it was OK.

    Like Bob said yesterday, Radio Dan and Real Life Dan have different opinions. We're having fun here, no?

  73. way too much ragonk in bad radio segment about the CFP yesterday. cant those boys make sure he just does crappy tickers?

  74. I get the feeling l8r g8r @ 7:17 doesn't quite "get" The Ticket. This is a sports talk station that has enjoyed lasting success because they have been able to differentiate themselves from their competition through "bits," for lack of a better term. Cheesey Pete, they used to put out an annual CD compendium of the year's best. Such is their dedication to the bit. Yet this fella (I don't think "l8r g8r" is his birth name) gets really, really upset with bits on a Ticket blog.

    What exactly do you want dude? What did you expect? The P1 likes bits. The P1 demands bits! Bits are fun!

  75. Great news on the Kick Around, may actually listen on purpose on Saturday's now.

    Saw this on Twitter today and immediately thought about those who speculate on here about Mike -

  76. Top 5:

    BAD Radio open
    Country Music

    Bot 5

    New Music Tuesday
    Norm's Show Segments (love the guy, but feel nothing when I miss his show)

  77. Just go away, 1114. You're an add.

  78. It's quite refreshing to see so many disinterested by Cowboys talk on here. I wish word would get back to the "they" that said "more Cowboys talk was needed."

  79. The Cowboys drive the sports bus in Dallas. Regardless of their record. There's just as much mileage in "what's wrong with the Cowboys?" as there is in "how about them Cowboys!"

    But you have to give the Ticket one thing. They may talk Cowboys to death, but they spare us phone calls (emphasis on spare).

  80. Agreed. There is no bigger punch-out for me than Cowboys phone calls (TC included).

  81. It's never been this bad. They over praise them when they win and make too many excuses when they lose.

    Cowboys are average at best and the next 2 weeks will prove that.

  82. I got into the ticket because of Gordon.......I still for the most part really enjoy him but.....he is starting to grate a bit. I usually get more of a kick out of George "straight man" reaction to Gordon's characters than the characters themselves.

  83. Someone is either unemployed, bored at work with nothing to do, or is the world's worst employee. Comment after comment after comment.....positive, negative, fake names, hosts names, anonymous....'you go girl' replies to his own comments....the whole shebang. Totally insane. Totally obsessive compulsive. Totally scary.

  84. Hot off the presses from one freshly minted CTO, Killer:

    Jason Kellison ‏@killer1310 4h4 hours ago
    right now it's 8-10 Tee Box, 10-12 Orphanage, 12-2 Cirque, 2-4 Kickaround, 4-6 TSS

  85. I am glad to see some more soccer on the little Ticket. Sorry Carlos, the racing show was not the same after Dick Hicks took his Nascar CD with him.

    Trolls? Meh. I can scroll right past them. Unlike the radio where it is either punch out or endure the idiocy I can go right past your BS. It does clutter up a thread though.

    T4, that pastrami commercial has become my radio anthrax too. I'll take the feed the pig guys over those two.

  86. You keep saying its the same person, but where is the proof? That's a weird conclusion to jump to.

  87. ......oh man, the Old 97 segments on the Hardline are whipping my butt.....I swear they have them on every other week.

  88. @6:30 That guy's either a paranoid moron, or doing what he thinks is some weird sort of reverse troll. He's accused me several times of posting multiple times in a day, under different names, responding to my own posts, etc... when I know I've made one, maybe two posts that day.

    Of course I can't offer proof, but then again I have nothing to prove. I know the truth. He can go on and rage all he wants.

  89. Yeah, pre say no offense to Carlos, but Race Week lost its steam (if it ever had any) when Rich left. Plus, is NASCAR still as popular as it once was? I'd think that diehards would be dialed into The FAN, anyway. It is the radio home of NASCAR around here and they do have official extra race programming.

  90. Sean Bass is always standing close by to jump in with an excuse for why the Mavs lose to a top team in the West. Enjoyed Junes slapping him down.

  91. Get ready for greatness....Chris McKinley is next. Brilliant

  92. @8:37 gagreed. Chris McKinley is greatness.

  93. I'm robot Santa
    I'm robot Santa
    I'm robot Santa
    That's who by am....

  94. "That's whob I am..." I thought it was. Junes likes to giggle at whob...

  95. Just a warning don't you dare question anything that Corby says about the Cowboys or Romo. He will block you on twitter. He's a cheerleader you will hurt his feelings. He's such a little b.

  96. Junior, during the 5:30 segment:

    “I thought we would start the show by revisiting an old old hypothetical that for whatever reason I was thinking about the other day, and I really got to giggling about. And I figured that we could burn it here before our ratings really kick in at six o’clock, not that that matters.”

    Laughter from George.

    Junes: “But here in the early skatearound [laughing] I figure we could kick this around, one because the ratings…king of people out of the ratings at 5:35 in the morning, and two, because I don’t want Jer on the board during this segment.”

  97. But it was a great segment, if you like this sort of thing. Here it was: George would be given $10 million. Condition: At seven times in his life thereafter, he would emit a colossal, wall-weakening fart, without warning to him or anyone else, at any time -- such time not being of his choosing, but likely to be visited on him during his children's weddings, funerals, quiet parts of theatrical presentations, giving a speech, those sorts of things. Conditions: You could not take actions to avoid it; you could not explain it or lie about having a medical condition; you could not alert those around you that it might happen. You could say nothing at all about it -- just shrug and smile. George thought he could do it for $10 mill.

  98. very mature. you try to pass yourself as some high brow guy and then you post about a segment about farting. well done.

  99. Haha, hadn't heard that hypothetical before. It's a giggle. I think I'd take the $10 mil.

  100. Corby wants to protect his future tee times with Tones Romes.

  101. No doubt. Corby is besties with Tones Romes now so he has no objectivity. He's a tool.

  102. from the last segment it sounds like corbily is trying to make chandler parsons his new buddy.

  103. 143, I am but a simple Man of the Plains. And what if I were, or were trying to pass myself off as, a "high brow guy," as you put it? I assume you hang around a lot of "high brow guys," so it is surprising that you display unawareness of their keen appreciation of fart humor.

  104. Give me Lily from the AT&T Store. She fine. She appears to have some very nice up tops.

  105. Dick cavett on the corner this morning. Even at his advanced age he still sounds with it and was very engaging. One of my earliest television memories was seeing him on cheers. Very random, I know, but always stuck out to me.

  106. P.s. I completely agree about the at&t girl. Extremely sexy.

  107. 8:41 anon, the FAIL had Lily on the Ben and Skin show on Tuesday and I just have to say something about it: it was a HORRIBLE interview! There was so much talking over her, mispronouncing of her name, and a lot of awkward pauses where good questions should be...

    KT, I know you read this or have from time-to-time so please hear me out: it's cool that you guys landed someone relevant and cool to interview, but man, it sounded like B&S were SO unprepared for it. It felt like an interview that you were just so glad to land and boast about and promote but when it came to the actual interview, it totally bombed!

    And BTW, Gordon's "The Real Troy Aikman" segment (not sure if that's the name) is pure gold and something NO OTHER STATION could do. Brilliant!

  108. Not sure what people expect listening to the Ben and the Skin. They are terrible. There is a reason why they have been fired from every sport radio station in town. AT&T Girl was probably glad when the interview was over. Bless her heart and lovely sweater meat.

  109. @P1 Dan, I heard BenSkin's interview with the AT&T dork and it was exactly as you say; HORRIBLE. It started out with BenSkin pronouncing her name wrong. She corrected it and it replied with something like, "Why do you pronounce your name wrong." She replied with," Well this interview is getting off to a bad start." Frankly, BenSkin looked bad and she came off like a socially awkward, boring bitch. She seemed like one of those American girls that's into Japanese Manga but thinks girls dressing up for Comic con is demeaning.

  110. Episode 11 of Serial is outstanding.
    Can't believe there is only 1 episode left.

    1. I've given it a listen also and have to say it's worth checking out. I can see them making a weekly TV show out of it.

  111. "Gettin' Real with Troy" is definitely a good.

  112. Anyone know about what time "Getting Real withTroy" was on this morning? I missed it, dammit.

  113. Leave it to Jake & TC to screw up a great segment like Homer Call.

  114. I think Aikman is on around 7:55-8 on Thursdays.

  115. Anon 12:31, Gordon does it right at the end of the Troy Aikman segment, right around 8:10ish.

  116. OK, only marginally related to the ticket, but hold on to your postereor, because a major shakeup is about to happen at the fan. it may even effect the ticket from what Im hearing.

  117. ok hold on to your butts because there is big news coming from The Fail and nobody gives a shit.

  118. They play down Lily's boobage in the AT&T ads. She was on an episode of Silicon Valley (HBO) as a party girl and she had it going on.

    I like Jan, too, but Lily is the leader in the clubhouse.

    The Musers were thumbs down on the Wendy's girl, but I give her high marks as well.

  119. The f'n moron who keeps impersonating Justin M is a total POS. Delete that shit, Plainsman. It's vile on about 20 different levels.

    What a POS scumbag. Sad little clown hiding behind his computer. POS.

  120. Well, FAN Fan, since no one knows who you are, why don't you give a little hint? That is, if you actually have the goods.

  121. This morning's Troy Aikman segment made the Dallas Morning News.

    What do you suppose the person who gave him the pecans thinks?

  122. CrayTrey trying to make conversation with one word-answer Danny is the hardest I've laughed at The Hardline in a long time.

  123. Agreed about the Cray Trey / Danny bit today. That might be the hardest I've laughed in 10 years.
    That was some classic Ticket gold.

  124. Chances 5:35 and 6:01 are the same person? 91%

  125. Along with probably 60% of the other posts on this thread.
