Monday, December 24, 2018

A Merry Non-Denominational Context-Dependent Christmas to All Confessors

My Ticket monitoring has returned to near-normal after a couple of months of difficulty in finding the time to get my ears listening.   Hope to have something fun to chew on soon.

In the meantime, have a safe and happy Christmas, all Confessors around the world.


  1. Right back atcha, Ptits

  2. A good ol simple Merry Christmas will suffice! Same to ya Plains!

  3. Here's to you and the MTC and all Confessors: Merry Christmas you bunch O hooligans! I love this site and its patrons. Yeah, it isn't the hotspot it once was, but then neither is Ticket rumblings, ramblings, and hold onto your butts potentialities. Still, no place more gentleperson-like on the interwebs than MTC. Thank you, Plainsman, for what you do to your body,

  4. Merry Christmas Plains man and everyrone else!

  5. Interesting voice doing fill-in traffic for Becca. Scott someone, didn't catch his last name. Low-key. Thinking maybe he's a non-air guy just filling in, but in any event, a change of pace. Would like to hear more of him.

  6. Sup Ticket Homies. did yall listen to normathon? bai

  7. How long did Norm last this year before he made his way?

    I heard some of it -- interesting interview with author of a Babe Ruth biography, some fun Sirois-Dunham banter. Caught the tail end of a magic act, I guess it was -- not great radio.

  8. Uh, he's on till midnight.

  9. The segments with Clayton Kershaw were good. But Norm avoided the elephant in the room with Cuban.

  10. Great humanitarian effort by Norm and team however having said that I believe it is the worst day of the year from a listening perspective. Not good, not fun.

  11. Looks like you missed some good stuff with Rhynes stopping in and talking about the origins of the Little One with Norm last night. I wanna hear more about those Susquehanna parties...

  12. Am I correct in recalling that Norm departed fairly early last year? If he made it through the whole 'Thon this year -- he must be doing OK.

  13. It was 3 years ago for bottom issues

  14. 3 years ago, he had the flu. Good thing you run a site dedicated to the station!

  15. Dry dock! My god the crew filling in from noon to 3 yesterday was painfully unprepared. Bruce was ok but the other young guy whom I forget who it was didnt have even the slightest bit of prep regarding playoff scenarios and the fact that Dallas is LOCKED into the 4 spot seed wise with absolutely no chance to move from that spot whether they win lose or draw and regardless what anyone else does. The host commenced to explain why the Cowboys need to try to win this week because if Vikings win..... Dallas may have to go on road in first playoff game!! Bruce finally jumped in and said NO Dallas cant go on road in first game because they are division champs. The kids said "oh ya"

    My god I was banging my head of dashboard. Thank god Bruce salvaged the gross misinformation that was being spewed from a "sports" radio station.

    The other dry dock shows have been entertaining. My beef is throwing someone on that doesnt have even a shred of knowledge on NFL playoff structure.

  16. @7:29

    Well, they did say they were the Last Resort.

  17. The Hardline replacement show today (friday) spent waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time discussing the Stars president calling out his two best players. Worth one segment? Yes. But they gave it at least 3 segments. I say "at least" because I tuned out and did not return.

    I'm not saying his comments aren't worth reporting, or that they aren't remarkable. But they don't deserve the amount of airtime they received.

  18. @942, to be fair, the rest of the shows kept yapping about how the cowboys will approach this game knowing they had nothing to play for. I felt they talked about the same thing for three days straight on all the listenable shows. I guess at this time of year they just try to burn segments.

  19. Sorry, James,but you're wrong. It wasn't that it was the Stars, but rather that this just doesn't happen in professional sports organizations, period. Until now. To a much lesser degree, yes; to this degree, unprecedented. So, yeah, James, it's big news for a local all sports station. Specially, when it's a home town team.

  20. I didn't say it wasn't big news. I said it didn't warrant 3 segments

  21. Totally warranted it.

  22. Danny knew he was out of his element discussing breaking Stars news, but to his good fortune he had immediate access to LeVine and Newkirk and took advantage of it.
