Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Your Destination for White Elephant Commentary

Please check in.  Shaping up to be an entertaining day.  The prewritten gags are always jewels.

I find it of interest that the two most senior hosts -- Norm and Mike -- got to keep their regular slots.

Fix:  in.


  1. Bob reading the books of the Bible and then getting sponsored by Jamison Irish Whiskey was great!

  2. The bit about their secret thoughts at the show-prep meeting cracked me up.

  3. Yeah, the 8:40 bit was pretty funny.

  4. Buckle up ladies and germs, The Joonz is rolling.

  5. Good lord! Does Gordon not know that Julie had a double mastectomy?


    Agree, Cody Patterson.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Norm's questions about what's going to happen in 10 years was intriguing. I love how Jr. turned it around on Norm and asked him what he would be doing.

  8. How true is the story about the Musers getting suspended?

  9. Just heard the segment with Jonathan Tyler. Look - here's the deal. Purchased a couple of tickets to his latest show at the Kessler. Was really looking forward to it, got there early, had some drinks and laughs. The opening band comes on, plays for about an hour and twenty minutes - kinda long, I thought, for an opener. JT comes on, plays 4 songs that were great. Then the tequila shots started. Then more talking than playing. More shots, brings out Nikki Lane (who I love, don't get me wrong), which takes a while to get situated. Couple more songs, then he says Nikki's going to play some tunes, then all of a sudden, he said they were told the show had to end in a certain amount of time. Too much opening band, too much tequila and yapping, too much time setting up to accommodate Nikki, not enough JT. Was glad to hear he got the Northern Lights name back.

  10. OGW: "I want nothing to do with Greggo, but if he wants to participate in the 25th annivsersary at Ticketstock he should."

  11. what's the beef between corby and orangebloods that i'm hearing about...?

  12. I thought I was going to hear a lot more of the day, but I got two calls that meant I couldn't hear the stream for a couple hours. Hope we can get some reports on the rest of the day. I hate like hell to say it, but I was disappointed in midday.

  13. @9:00

    According to Corby, he made a remark on his Twitter after the UT-OU championship game that some Longhorn fan didn't like and overreacted to it. Then he thought Corby was being dismissive so he threatened that he was going to post what Corby said at Orangebloods.com and get him fired and silly stuff like that. Just being a complete jerk. If there's more to the story than that I didn't hear it.

  14. What's this? Corby might get fired? Could Christmas come early this year?

  15. @1:51

    Not at all. The butthurt Longhorn was just being a huge jerk and Corby was playing along with him.

  16. Rhyner invited Greggo to Ticketstock? Why isn't this front page news? It definitely warrants a MTC post, or at least a few comments here. If Greggo accepts the invite, that'll be huge. But even if he doesn't, I'd say that Rhyner, who apparently still holds a grudge against Greggo, surprised everyone by saying Greggo is welcome to be there.

  17. This happened a few weeks ago and I believe was posted about in comments here. It just had to do with Ticketstock and some project they're working on and they put out a call to ANYONE who has drawn a check at the Little One. Someone asked if that included Greggo and he said anyone means everyone.

  18. thanks for the clarification. I would love to see Greggo show up.

  19. Unfortunately, I missed the BaD/Gordo exchange from the early 00s. Anyone care to give the basics of it?

    Caught nearly all of WED (sans the above and a few other segments). On the whole, very good. My biggest takeaway was Norm saying that he'd love to hit 50 years on air in the DFW market and then retire. I believe he said that'll be 5 years from now. Notice, he said "he'd love to," not that "he will" or "will at least" hit that mark. The notion that Norm will die at the mic (which, most people, including his coworkers, hold, isn't the case). Along those lines, I thought Mike's "the idea of not being on The Ticket is a bleak one" was one of those multileveled, melancholic truths. Both for him and listener alike (specially for us D1P1 loop listeners). Gordon seemed to be right there with Mike. Neither George nor Craig, on the other hand, appeared to quite share that opinion. Craig flat out said he won't be doing this 10 years from now, while George said he often ponders his Ticketless future. Funny thing, is that the entire Dan Crew said Norm would die at the mic--the very thing Norm shot down an hour earlier.

    As to the lowlights: Excepting Norm's "where will the local teams, The Ticket, and the hosts be in 10 years" segment, I thought the highly anticipated Team Joonz was somewhat of a letdown. The Jonathan Tyler segment was rather uninteresting. I love George Dunham, but I don't share his fanboy love affair with Red Dirt and local musicians and therefore find his frequent special musical guests rather tiresome.

    The morning crew was far and away the star of WED. Oh, and it never gets old hearing Mike talk about the nascent days of The Littlest of Ones.

  20. Mike also said Skip was welcome if he wanted to show up. From their stories of his actions at various Super Bowls to them, I wouldn't count on that happening.
    I hope Kurt makes an appearance in some fashion as well as Chris Arnold and Rocco.
    Chuck and the rest of the voiceover guys would be cool too, Especially Doc Morgan.

  21. was corby suspended today bc of the orangebloods thing?

  22. Greggo doesn't need to show up. I'd love to see it, but it would be too awkward.

  23. Anonymous 10:01
    He was out sick yesterday. He stuck around for WDDS but you could tell he was struggling. Don't know if he will be back today.

  24. Per Cordless's Twitter account, he's got the flu.

  25. Carlos Leal RIP



  26. That's so sad. Well done Samuel Hale. How did Carlos die? He was a young man.

  27. Carlos Leal RIP. That is very sad news. We think about the mortality of people like Norm and Mike, and look what happens.

    I remember when he took over for Rich Phillips on Race Week, and how he seemed to get better, more assured, every week.

    And a very, very nice remembrance from Samuel Hale. Check the link two doors up.

  28. Microphone Johnson's revival was the highlight of the day for me.

    I would not get my hopes up for Corby to be fired for those interactions between himself and a foe of the dirt burglars. She got bent out of shape and whined. End of story. As a Longhorn I have come to accept the bias of both Corby and Joonz. I think Donovan at one point mentioned that there are three subjects on the ticket that are most likely to elicit strong negative responses; religion, politics, and CFB. I can only imagine what sort of emails the TT doll bit got.

    Seeing the news about Carlos earlier today and that entry from Sam Hale are more reminders of the fleeting nature of life. Ain't no guarantees ladies and gentlemen. Make the most of the days you get.

    It's remarkable that the station has remained largely intact and mostly unchanged in format for 25 years. I do miss the overcusser though.

  29. The Musers said this morning that Carlos had been struggling with heart problems and diabetes.
